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L1被逼得走投無路 be cornered出奇地 extraordinarily甲地 one place乙地 another place逍遙流竄 at largeL2各種各樣的事 one cause or another始終未能 have never managed to do不分晝夜 day and night驚醒 wake up with a start借著電筒光 in the torchlight讓某人大吃一驚 give sb a surprise對此我無能為力 theres nothing I can do about itL3設(shè)有 be equipped with身首異處的腦袋 missing head墻壁裝飾華麗 beautifully decorated walls祈禱祭祀的場所 a place of worship盡管她上了年紀 despite her great ageL4此乃人之常情 Such is human nature殊榮 privilege難為情 embarrassedL5不遺余力,不顧一起地 go to extremes to do付印 go to press毫無反應(yīng) receive no reply勉強 reluctantlyL6高檔商店 expensive shop剛剛開始營業(yè) be just opening打破寧靜 the silence was suddenly broken呼嘯著 blaring顧不上 not notice凝神欣賞 gaze at顧不上疼痛了 to notice any pain逃之夭夭 get away L7生意興隆 run a successful business一天生意很好 have a very good day無意之中 without realizing it化為灰燼 turn to ashL8險要山口 the dangerous Pass人寥寥無幾 very few people接待 be visited一批批 parties of 耳根清凈 have more privacy常客 regular visitor受到熱烈歡迎 receive a warm welcomeL9有很多道理 there is a good deal of truth in 跌落后大難不死 survive falls不乏 there is no shortage of 為期5個月 over a period of 5 months訓練有素 well-trainedL10有史以來 ever沉沒慘劇 the tragic sinking急轉(zhuǎn)彎 turn sharply查看究竟 to see what had happened大批人員死亡 heavy loss of life處女航 on her firs voyage冰冷刺骨 icy棄船 abandon the ship1,500人喪生 1,500 lives were lostL11老實人 really honest people處之泰然 be never troubled by such feelings好管閑事 officious亂成一團 in a dreadful mess露出得意的神色 ones face lights up臉帶微笑地補充說 I added with a smile果不出所料 As I expected,我催促說 I said encouragingly一陣怪味襲來 be greeted by an unpleasant smellL12了解各究竟 to find out不成問題 not to prove to be a problem有點道理 there is an element of truth in吃飯不愁 they have plenty to eatL13直接進門 come straight in響起重重的腳步 heard heavy footsteps來不及了 its too late效果逼真 effectiveL14使破產(chǎn) put sb out of business生意蕭條時 when business was bad保護費 protection money畢生心血 life work為舉行國葬 give sb a state funeralL15算不上什么be a small price for沒幾個存到儲蓄罐里very few of the coins have found their way there卡得死死的 be firmly stuck反而 insteadL16不錯 it is true thatL17絕對算不上是 be by no means considered to be 流芳百世/永垂不朽 immortal鮮為人知 little is known about龐然大物 an enormous objectL18不至于 cannot fail to do對司空見慣 we have got quite used toL19看上了,盯上了 take considerable interest in安然無恙 in safe hand履行諾言 keep ones word交代清楚 make that clear確實如此 sure enough溜達一會兒 take a short walkL20有人嘗試 the attempt is madeL21崇拜備至 be adored拳壇名將 eminent boxer享有盛譽 enjoy tremendous popularity一學就會 be quick to learn反目成仇 turn against sb一次出場費高達100英鎊 be paid as much as 100 pounds for a single appearance揮霍無度 extravagant債臺高筑 be always in debt無力還債 fail to pay ones debt喪命 be killed傳奇色彩的 colorful一舉成名,聲名鵲起 rise to fame爭執(zhí)不休 quarrel bitterlyL22倒霉 this is unfortunate for sb上場 come on to the stage拉開的帷幕 the curtain comes up on 背得爛熟 learn by heart看熱鬧 look on eagerlyL23一說到,一說起 when it comes to從小到大,生來 have been brought up to do溜達 take a stroll不計其數(shù)的 countless心愛的 prize一輩子 all their lives反胃 ones stomach turns一時沖動 act on a sudden impulse美味佳肴 a delicacy薄禮 little giftL24毛骨悚然 ones hair stands on end聲譽掃地 a reputation is ruined做無可厚非 it is all very well for sb to do儼然 as if別扭 uncomfortable無動于衷 unsympatheticL25新紀元 a new era接待 be visited與一比高低 to match連遭厄運 have a lot of bad luck分秒必爭 at tremendous speed奪冠 win the race克服重重困難 with great difficultyL26對施加潛移默化的影響 to exert a subtle influence on對反響強烈 the response tois tremendous形狀各異,大小不一 of all shapes and sizes就在比賽截止時間將來之際 just before the competition closed不勞而獲 get sth for free屢試不爽 rarely go wrong巨大無比 truly colossalL27我們所擁有的一切 everything we possess無憂無慮 freedom from care下頓飯有無著落 where the next meal is coming from輕松自如地 with ease免于世間的紛擾 be free from the thousands of anxieties 可憐某人 feel sorry for sbL28心動 be tempted打定主意 decide to do根本不想 have no intention of doing竭力 go to great lengthL29笑出眼淚 laugh to tears同樣的道理 in the same way低級庸俗 distasteful纏住 keep on pestering 振作精神 take heart灰心,泄氣 lose heart盡情娛樂 enjoy oneself thoroughlyL30某地鬧鬼 some place is haunted一覺醒來 wake up to徹夜未眠 stay up all night盡心盡責 conscientious從未露面 have never been seen驚悉 be astonished to learn that深藏不露 remain in hiding軍旅生活L31精明能干 shrewd某人生前 Up to the time of ones death以步代車 prefer to go on foot大雨傾盆 it was raining heavily瓢潑大雨 a particularly heavy shower招待某人 serve sb一言不發(fā)/二話沒說 without a word還有一次 on another occasion置之不理 pay no attention to精心設(shè)計的鬧劇 elaborate jokeL32徹底失敗 a complete failure日后還會在作嘗試 another attempt would be made later甲板上的人們激動不起 there was a tremendous excitement on board證明他們弄錯了 prove them wrong私人物品 personal belongings沒發(fā)現(xiàn)什么值錢的東西 nothing of value was found引起大家極大地興趣 prove to be of great interestL33事事不順心 everything goes wrong許多事情偏偏趕在同一時間出問題 a great number of things choose to go wrong at precisely the same moment連鎖反應(yīng) a chain of reactions預示著 mark the prelude to飯燒糊了 the meal gets burnt讓你掉眼淚 reduce you to tears事先沒打招呼 unexpectedly亂子鬧得很大 things can go wrong on a big scale一驚 get into a panic急剎車 brake hard/ pull up all of a sudden某人往前一沖 sb is thrown forward從天而降 fly through the air刀槍舌劍的爭吵 angry argument從得到好處 benefit fromL34魅力 fascination/ appeal防塵 keepfree from dust令人望而卻步 forbidding裝腔作勢的 pretentious壯著膽子 must up courage雜亂無章 disordered 稀世珍寶 rarity懂行 knowledgeable無法掩飾興奮地心情 cannot conceal ones excitement漫不經(jīng)心地看一眼 glance at sth briefly嫌做麻煩/沒有心思做 cannot be bothered to do迷宮般的labyrinth of 一下子 by chance取得豐碩的成果 be amply rewardedL35伸張正義 justice was done證據(jù)確鑿地被證明 be proved beyond doubt走的是一條崎嶇的路 undertake an arduous journey個別情況下 there are rare instances廢置不用的 disused罪有應(yīng)得 it serves him right不受人的意志所支配 be independent of human interference忍不住做 find it impossible to resist the temptation to doL36輕信 credulous 在小說結(jié)尾處 bring his story to a conclusion by牽強附會 wildly improbable失散多年的 long-lost策劃暗算某人 plot to bring sbs downfall徒步旅行 on a walking tour對不屑一顧 pour scorn on在戰(zhàn)爭中陣亡 be killed in action during the war有百萬分之一的可能性 there is a chance in a million that不出所料 sure enough/ needless to say/ as sb expected團聚 be reunited返回故里 return to ones family home原住戶的下落 what had become of the inhabitantsL37對產(chǎn)生一種不可動搖的信念不假思索,理直氣壯地 It is all too easy to do事實上 the truth is that并不覺得奇怪 this doesnt strike me as odd利用之便 take advantage of sth我突然感到 it suddenly dawned on me that他說根本沒有這趟列車 he denied the trains existence我?guī)е环N勝利者的口吻說 There was a note of triumph in my voice when I told him白紙黑字 in black and white暫停運營 be suspendedL38做出有趣的解釋 shed interesting light on出現(xiàn) come into being晝夜更替 the passage of days月亮圓缺 the phases of the moon面臨的實際需要 be faced with a real need to doL39塵土飛揚 dusty顛簸 bump這使我們長長舒了一口氣 what a relief it was嘎吱一下停住了 come to a grinding haltL40誰也弄不清 It has never been explained惡作劇 practical jokes低級騙局 a crude form of hoax事先通報情況 this piece of advance information粗魯?shù)鼗亓藥拙?receive a rude reply發(fā)了火 loose ones temper大可不必 this would hardly be necessaryL41生在城市,長在城市 City born, city bred.交口稱贊的種種優(yōu)點 extol the virtues of欣喜若狂 go into raptures/ run wild滔滔不絕 sb is forever talking about悠閑地生活節(jié)奏 the gentle pace living冉冉升起的朝陽 the rising sun無與倫比 nothing can be compared with漫長寂寞的冬夜 the long and friendless winter evenings貨物品種單調(diào) the poor selection of goods跋涉好幾英里 travel miles對他們來說這是件大事,需要精心的策劃For them this is a major operation which involves considerable planning.良辰美景 moments of beauty空曠的街市籠罩著一種寧靜的氣氛 The peace descends on deserted city streets.對只字不提 sb says nothing about讓某人大為不解 be beyond sb湊合著 do with/make do with生命最美好的東西 the best that life can offer進城 come up to town接近尾聲 draw to its end滿載而歸 stagger home loaded withL42對只能有一種模模糊糊的認識 can only be dimly understoodSth不是sb所能勝任 sth is not a task for sb軍事行動般周密的部署 the precise planning of military operations很難被人發(fā)現(xiàn) be barely noticeable有待勘探 remain to be explored像彩虹一樣閃閃發(fā)光glistened in all the colors of the rainbow.L43這是常有的事 it is not uncommon to hear that倒是件新鮮事 must surely be unique沒費多大勁 have little difficulty in doing有的危險 there is a danger thatL44出遠門的人 people traveling long distances擺脫的困擾 take ones mind off 把送入夢想 lull sb to sleep忽睡忽醒 sleep comes in snatches疲憊不堪 exhausted更不舒服 less pleasant無與倫比 nothing can match心曠神怡的 exhilarating騰云駕霧 far above the clouds有事可做 there is plenty to keep you occupied高山幽谷 high mountains and deep valleys飽覽大地的風貌 see the shape of the world一望數(shù)英里,連綿不絕的云海 unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles 精神煥發(fā),毫無倦意 fresh and uncrumpledL45理所當然地受到譴責 be rightly condemned常人軼事 stories about people就很難說了 its extremely doubtful私生活 private living具有巨大的威力 exert tremendous influence 帶來重大的變化 bring about major changes推翻政府 overthrow a government一夜之間名利雙收 acquire fame and fortune overnight常年在貧困中掙扎 life was a perpetual struggle against poverty第六個孩子即將問世 they were expecting their 6th child這件事就不會引起任何人的注意 the fact would have passed unnoticed經(jīng)濟上的拮據(jù) economic odds默默無聞地活下去 live in obscurity獨家報道權(quán) exclusive rights to publish stories紛紛要求 keep pressing forL46為提供了一個絕妙的用武之地 provide an excellent outlet for無比聰明能干 infinitely resourceful 連一根釘子都釘不直 can hardly drive a nail in straight搞定 put things right出故障 fail to operate接連失敗 have been repeatedly proved wrong原因就是要面子 it is a question of pride as much as anything else.一直沒抽出時間 never get round to sth嶄新如初 be as good as new紋絲不動 firmly refuse to mow找到毛病所在 trace the cause of the trouble我無可奈克,只好作罷 I give up in despair喋喋不休地讓我想點辦法 nag me to do sth about itL47眼看著就覆蓋我們 threaten to overwhelm us日益增長的 ever-increasing罪魁禍首 the worst offenderL48多得讓我們難以忍受 this was more than we could bear突然終止 end abruptly面目可憎 ugly-looking 我認為 I conclude活躍起來 come to life衣衫襤褸 in rags熟睡 be fast asleep加快步伐 quicken ones paceL49這倒是件好事 it is a good thing對在感情上難舍難分 be sentimentally attached to執(zhí)意長年住在那里 persist in living there long大擺筵席,招待賓客 entertain lavishly地板光潔如明鏡 floors shine like mirrors流動人口 the shifting population來去匆匆 come and go with such frequency that開明 pursue an enlightened policy難以讓某人稱心如意 sb is difficult to please朝三暮四 fickleness of human nature持之以恒地尋找 carry on an unrelenting search for贏得某人的賞識 win sbs confidence對贊美之詞難以言表 could not find words to praise低于平時的水準 below the usual standard最后的亂子 the final catastrophe努力克制才沒笑出聲來 have a difficult time to conceal their amusement當場被解雇 be instantly dismissed走起路來東倒西歪 walk unsteadily神不知鬼不覺地來到那里 mysteriously find their way there L50在心里 mentally做大量的家務(wù) do a thousand and one jobs about the house有些事是辦不到 certain accomplishments are beyond attainment老煙民 inveterate smokers根本性的錯誤 fundamental error對我自己的計劃嚴加保密 keep my resolutions to myself給自己定下兩項適中的任務(wù) limit myself to two modest ambitions使我理直氣壯地做 provide me a good reason for doing免去 not carrying out 全力以赴地做 apply myself assiduously to sth把自己從床上拽起來 drag oneself out of bed這真叫人不好意思 that was really unsettling頂住 fend off心平氣和地 good-humouredly熱情減退 enthusiasm waned這下我可完了 this prove to be my undoing恢復了以前的壞習慣 get back to my old habitL51靠運行 run on指明了今后發(fā)展的方向 it point the way to the future根本不接受 dismiss the ideaL52荒唐地提出 make outrageous requests脫銷 out of stock煞有介事地許諾 faithfully promise to 裝出一本正經(jīng)的樣子 keep a straight face露出詫異的神色 look puzzled慢慢地、一字一頓地說了一遍這個詞 repeat the word, slowly stressing each syllable裝出不高興的樣子 put on his act of being mildly annoyed不知所措 in blank astonishment眼睛一亮 ones eyes immediately lit up認輸 admit defeat靠脫身 get away with溜之大吉 beat a hasty retreatL53開明的社會政策 enlightened social policies受到全世界的推崇 be much admired all over the world行之有效 work well 把事情做過頭 act over-zealously保護公民的利益 safeguard the interest of the individual稱職合格的 suitably qualified民怨 private grievance against the State意見均需用書面形式提出 complaints must be made in writing沒有秘密可言 there is nothing secretive about伸張正義,主持公道 act on his behalf善意地批評 gently reprimand修改某項法律 alter a law矢口否認 strongly deny the accusation核對事實 check the facts當事的警察 the policeman in question不了了之 have gone unnoticedL54害多益少 do more harm than good無緣無故 without provocation不能消除 without dispelling很快找到相應(yīng)的對策 find an quick answer toL55無法勝任 would not be suitableL56大禍臨頭 misfortune might overtake us溯流而上 go upstream迎接 welcome the seasons仲夏之夜 Midsummer Night地勢欠佳 be less favourably sited初來乍到


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