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這算是一版答案不是太亂的了P8:A:flew four threeB:1,3,5,7,8P9:A: (1): i havent finished (2)i havent canceled (3)i have picked up (4)i havent taken (5)have you washed (6)i havent cleaned (7)i watered (8)i have given (9)have you packedB:1:no ,he didnt 2:she confirmed all their flights 3.they wanted him to come in and watered the plants for them 4:because the dog always look scared 5:they want to use it again on their next vacationP10A:1:pre-trip planning 2:tagging luggage 3:saving space 4:your carry-on bag 5:other ideasB:1:bad idea 2:good idea 3:bad idea 4:good idea 5:good idea 6:bad idea 7:good idea 8:good idea 9:bad idea 10:good ideaP11A:1B:3,4,6C:1:vacation college/research team volunteer 2:golf/mountain climbing/scuba diving/ride a horse 3;tours for: women only/people over 60/singles/cooking for romance/fine diningP13A:1:a,b,d 2:b,d 3:a,b,c,dB:2:false 3:false 4:false 5:false 6:trueP14B:1:c 2:b 3:a 4:b 5;cP161:Oh my gosh 2:Are you sure 3:So strange 4:Got it 5:get travelers checks 6:Whew 7:pay the electricity and phone bills 8:change my voice mail message 9:I dont remember 10:How true 11:dont forget to unplug your TV and electrical stuff 12:DoneP17A:2:boarding pass 3:check-in counter 4:overhead compartment 5:flight attendant 6:oxygen mask 7;carry-on luggage 8:baggage claimB:b: carry-on luggage c:boarding pass d:overhead compartment flight attendant e:oxygen mask f:tray table g:baggage claim P181 vacation 2;have some trouble preparing 3:totally relaxed 4:finished getting ready 5:confirm her flight 6:message 7:pay the bills 8:are ready to go 9:check to be sure 10:comes running back inP19A:d g c a i j e f k b hP24A;city zooB:1:car 2:easy 3:Church 4:park 5:three 6:twoP25A:1B:1:transportation,too much traffic on the streets;not enough places for safe cycling and walking;dirty parks;no nightlife2:improve transportation;build lanes for cyclists and walkers;clean the parks;build a theaterP26A:1:to make it safe for pedestrians to cross the streets 2:kids played there and neighbors stopped there to talk 3:to get away from the noise and dangerous traffic 4:they put old couches,tables and planters in the street 5:the speaker means that streets belong to everybody in the neighborhood. They should become theiroutdoor living roomand safe places for their children againB:1:bad idea 2:good idea 3:bad idea 4:good idea 5:good ideaP27aP28B:FFTTTTC:2:beautiful beautification 3:designed 4:industrialize 5:natural 6:oppositionP30A2:false 3:false 4:false 5:trueP31C:2:customers 3:use cell phones,eat at their desks 4:take off their shoes 5:make noise 6:alcohol and loud musicP32B:BCBCAP33A:c,b,e,a,dP341:i cant believe 2:hello 3:quit complaining 4:sure,Mike 5:who could ask for anything more? 6:here we go 7:dude 8:i an hanginten 9:im getting the hang of 10:thing 11:very funnyP361:to stay cool 2:barbecue 3:grill 4:sprays 5:gets angry6;pretends to use 7:try using 8:Watch out 9:throws water all over 10 :pretty funnyP38A:1:b 2:aB:FFTTFTP43A:1:countries 2:war 3:17millionB:1,3,4,5,8A:23:return and get a job 30:become a father 50:retireP44B1:on Friday at 2 P.M 2:by taxi 3:have dinner at a restaurant 4:go to the beach and swim 5:sunny and beautifulP45BcountryMexicoTheusJapanGermanyEvent nameComing of-Age Daywhen15th birthdayfirst day of schoolFor who15-year-old girls20-year-old new adultsWhat they doWear beautiful dress,go to churchWear beautiful kimonos,go to towns City Hall, hear a speechWhat they getPresents such as albums of photos,videos etc.P46Tina vega: family moved to another town/last year/lonely/smile at everyoneFrederrick cho: lost his job/three weeks/upset/exercise every dayHazel greene: death of a loved one/five years ago/depressed/stay active and positiveP48A:1: true 2:false 3:false 4;falseB:2:a 3:d 4:cP49B:no no yes yes noP50A:1,3,5,6P511:figure it out 2:its not a big deal 3:plan on working my whole life 4:get out of5:what are you planning to do 6:im definitely going to 7:what are you plans8;pretty much 9:you know that for a fact 10:you must to succeed11:clear-cut,well-defined goals and aspirations P531:excited 2:program 3:promoted 4:transferred 5:big deal 6:quit her job 7:right up to retirement 8:well-defined goals 9;keep his options open 10:follow his planP60A:cB:1,2,4,6,7,8P61B:1:drinking coffee 2:sleep at night 3:break that habit 4:wake up 5:advice 6:sudddenly 7:get a headache 8:the amount of coffee 9:herbal tea 10:in the morning 11:do exercises 12:feel tiredA:d,e,f,a,c,bP62B:1: 2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:P63A:1:CHAOS 2:information fatigue syndrome 3:hurry sickness 4: underload syndrome 6:phone neckBsyndromedescriptionPossible treatmentinformation fatigue syndromeThis is so much information,people become paralyzed and cant think clearlyNMhurry sicknessAlways rushing get headaches a lotTake aspirin underload syndromeCaused by having little or nothing to do at the officeNMphone neckPain in the neck,caused by holding the phone between your neck and your ear for a long timemassageP66B:yes ,no,no ,yes,yes,noP67A:2;a 3:a 4:b 5:b 6:a 7:bP681:thank godness 2:fainted 3:very tired 4:very lightheaded 5:nothing out of the ordinary 6:the worst thing is 7:how are you feeling 8:feel dizzy 9:my stomach is killing me10:have a fever 11:you will feel better 12:are you kidding13:whats the matter 14:i take it 15:im feel pretty goodP701:come over 2:feeling 3:tired 4:dizzy 5:have a fever 6:anxious about 7:president of her university 8:has been cancelded 9:miracle or something 10:really nervous about第五單元 Lesson Avocabulary linkBHe researched collegesHe applied to four collegesHe was accepted to collegeHe received a scholarshipHe attended college in the fall semesterHe got good gradeslisten 2Aresearched: California State University,Harvard University, City Collegeapplied to: Harvard University, City College;was accepted: City CollegeB1. c2. a3. b4. hell probably attend City College.speaking 3DA: 1. c 2.a 3.d 4.bB: 1. d 2.b 3.c 4.aoptional listen 1AWhat are you going to doBMizuki: art, chill out / relaxRobert: law, take a long tripoptional listen 2AEduardo: live at home, study business, work part-time;Jill: join a sorority, do volunteer work;Max and Sara: study together, work part-timeB1. to keep learning all their lives2. further her education3. she needs to save money for her studies abroad4. interests and personalities5. to witness her childrens growthoptional listening 3BJameela:Job: day care centerDreams: become a doctorplans: start medical school, travel and do volunteer work in West AfricaJennie:College Life: major: businessHobby: cookingDreams: start her own business related to foodshane:College Life: major: computer scienceHobby: play musicPlans: interview with three software companies, get a job with a software company.optional listen 4C1. Europe2. reporter, website3. digital camera, salary4. energy第五單元 lesson Bwhile you watch A2. Washington, D.C.3. travel and see the world4. art5. find a good job6. import-export7. open a businessB2. False; doesnt know, not knows3. False; lawyer, not professor4. True5. TruePreviewB1. true2. False3. True4. False5. True6. False7. Falsewhile you watchA2. rejected3. travel4. wants5. Columbia6. will7. film director8. acceptedC1. accepted2. rejected3. applied4. its too bad5. got really good grades6. researched7. all those scholarships8. gets in9. grad school10. hit the road11. dont understand12. what do you mean13. just14. what are you waiting for15. here goesoptional listening1. wait for2. applied to3. programs4. rejected5. hit the road6. get accepted7. travel for a while8. become a film director9. good news10. go to grad school第六單元vocabulary linkAShown in the pictureB1. b2. b3. a4. b5. alisteningA1. Trey2. JerryBconversation 1:1. a pay phne2. power3. sendconversation 2:1. look in the phone directory2. directory assistance3. isCommunicationA1. b2. a3. c4. boptional listening1A1. no2. yesB1. Conversation 1: 2 , 1 , 4 , 32. conversation2: 4, 2 ,1 , 3optional listen2B1. T2. F3. T4. T5. F6. Foptional listen3B1. company2. budget3. voice dialing4. risky5. privateoptional listen4C1. F2. T3. T4. F5. T6. T第六單元 lessonBwhile you watchA2. True3. False; uses, not never4. false, sometimes unnecessary,5. true6. false; less, not more7. false; dislikes cell phones more than she likes them8. false; minds, not doesnt mind9. TrueB2. music3. camera4. business5. anytime you want6. lost7. useful8. reach9. ring in theatersPreview B 1. b2. c3. b4. b5. cwhile you watchA1. c2. a3. b4. h5. d6. g7. fC1. cant stand2. see what I mean3. Hello4. Hi, Mike5. Hi, Dad6. Listen7. Can you hold on a minute8. sweetheart9. its your mom10. Im on the other line11. Im here12. Do you mindOptional listen1. restaurant 2. on a cell phone3. stand4. avoids5. on the other line6. take a meeage7. stand taking messages8. at that point 9. turns to10. in public places第七單元 lessonAlistening2Aspencer: Olympic torchGreta toy truckB1. s2. g3. s4. s5. g6. gspeakingsuggested answer:its played with a bat and ball.there are 11 players on each team.optional listening 1Aa, c, d B1. F2. T3. F4. T5. Foptional listening 21. nature photography2. several national parks3. Mexico and Brazil4. birds and animals5. I havent put them in albums yetoptional listen 3A1. T2. F3. F4. F5. T6. T7. F8. FB1. T2. F; There were more than two hundred teams in the Hawaii Adventure Race.3. F; Adventure racing started a few years ago.4. F; in it, People race non-stop, 24 hours a day.5. T:6. T;7. F: it is held every year in a different country and environment8. F: In the race, all team members must finish together.optional listening 4B1. Rhode island, California, Phuket, Rio de janeiro2. Asia, Canada, Europe, South America, the United States.3. biking, skateboarding4. skiing5. vertC2. Most “X Gamers” are male, but there are a few women.3. shes not afraid of the guys.4. She has a boyfriend.5. Fabiola has become famous in the skating world.6. She comes from Brazil.7. She has been skating for years.第七單元 lesson Bwhile you watchB2. False; fifteen, not ten3. False; studying, not teaching (or teaching one year) 4. False; kung fu, not karatepreviewBsentences 1, 2, and 5 are true.3. False; practice is very important4. False; its not easy5. False; they do find something they can playwhile you watch2. hated 3. months4. enjoying it5. a place6. practice7. difficult8. she9. simpleBSentences 3,5,7 and 8 are true2. false Claudia took flute lessons when she was a kid/child4. false sometimes, not never6. false difficult, not easyD1. I hope I get that good someday2. if you stick with it3. Iv


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