1、 abstract with the establishment of student-centered teaching concept, independent learning has been a hot topic in the field of educational psychology research at home and abroad. however in china, owing to the impact of traditional teaching pattern, teacher neglect learners status as the main role
2、 in language learning. in modern english teaching concept, students independent learning competence is the key to improving english level. education. the investigation shows that the students independent learning ability is at medium level. in detail, most of students instrumental motivation is stro
3、nger than integrative motivation; they hold positive learning belief but seldom know the teachers aims and requirements; they have clear learning goals and plans but seldom carry them out; in addition, they lack knowledge of learning strategies, self-monitoring and self-assessment, and they make lit
4、tle use of learning resources. the author tries to analyze the possible reasons and proposes some appropriate suggestions to promote learners autonomy. key words: english major freshmen; independent learning; improve english level. 摘要 隨著以學生為中心的教學觀的確立,自主學習成為國內(nèi)外教育心理學研究的熱點。然而,由于受到傳統(tǒng)教學模式的影響,忽視了學習者作為學習主體
5、的地位的現(xiàn)象。在現(xiàn)代英語教育教學理念中,英語專業(yè)學生的自主學習能力是提高自身英語總體水平的關鍵。通過調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)英語專業(yè)新生的自主學習能力處于中等水平,大多數(shù)新生學習英語的外部動機強于內(nèi)在動機;學習觀念積極,但是對教師的教學目的與要求不是很了解;新生有明確的學習目標和計劃,但是很少付出實際行動;學習策略匱乏,自我監(jiān)控和評估的能力不足,不能充分利用學習資源。針對以上情況,分析其原因并給出建議以提高學習者的自主學習能力。 關鍵詞:英語專業(yè)新生;自主學習;提高英語水平 chapter one: introduction 1.1 the structure of the thesisthis paper
6、is composed of six chapters. chapter one is an introduction to the situation of independent learning, its necessity and significance. chapter two is the literature review related to independent learning, including some concepts and previous studies at home and abroad. chapter three concentrates on t
7、he concerning factors on independent learning. chapter four is the survey design, which describes the subjects and questions of the survey. chapter five reports the result of survey and analyzes the data. based on the results of survey, factors affecting independent learning and reasons are discusse
8、d in detail. chapter six is the conclusion, which discusses the implication of survey, with hopes to promote independent competence, then some suggestions on teachers roles, learners roles and teaching environment are put forward. 1.2 need for independent learningin recent years, with the developmen
9、t of domestic and international economic, the demands for foreign talents increase gradually in china. second language learning has been a heated point for educators at home and abroad. since 1980s, holec put forward the concept of independent learning, which has been a popular discussion in the wes
10、t. compared with the traditional teaching teacher-centered teaching, which teachers pay more attention to how they teach rather than how students learn, the contemporary english teaching lays emphasis on the main role of learners.in china, most of teachers adopt traditional teaching methods in forei
11、gn language teaching, they devote too much time and attention to how to teach more than how to learn, unilaterally emphasize teachers role of “input” and stress uniqueness and standards, the role of learners as learning subjects has been overlooked. educators advocate a new english teaching pattern:
12、 student-centered teaching. with this new teaching model, developing students independent learning ability is a primary task for teachers and educators. furthermore, independent learning is also vital for second language learners in the future. at present, in china, owing to big size of class, a tea
13、cher can not instruct every single student at any time. in addition, one foreign language learners ability differs from others, so learners should spend more time on independent learning to achieve their goals. especially for freshmen, they should adjust themselves to the college english teaching, w
14、hich advocates student-centered teaching pattern. once they foster a sense of independent learning and take action, they will get great progress in english learning. chapter two: literature review 2.1 the concept of independent learningover the last few decades, autonomy has been a heated topic for
15、language learning in the western countries. the concept of “independent learning” stemmed from debates about the development of life-long learning skills and the development of independent thinkers, both of which originated in 1960s (gardner & miller, 2002:6). it is difficult to define concepts
16、of autonomy, because different writers have defined the concepts in different ways. various terms are used by many scholars such as “l(fā)earner autonomy”, “self-instruction”, “self-direction”, “self-access”, etc. it was holec (1981:3) who first brought forward the definition of independent learning in
17、1981, he defines autonomy as “the ability to take charge of ones own learning”. according to gardner and miller (2002:6), there are some definitions of autonomy. dickinson (1987:11) accepts the definition of autonomy as “a situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of the decision
18、s concerned with his or her learning and the implementation of those decisions”. in terms of different schools of thoughts, there are three major schools. little (1990:7) considers learner autonomy as “essentially a matter of the learners psychological relation to the process and content of learning
19、”. kenny (1993:436) states that autonomy is not only the freedom to learn but also “the opportunity to become a person”. both of them see autonomy as a personal characteristic. as the representative of political framework, benson(1997:29) defines learner autonomy is “a recognition of the rights of l
20、earners within educational systems”. as for one school of thoughts viewing autonomy as an educational practice, bound (1988:17) suggests that autonomy is “an approach to educational practice”.the above definitions deal with the concept of learner autonomy in past years. later years, more and more di
21、scussion and additional details are carried out by a great numbers of scholars in western countries. these results offer perfect theory framework and instruction for researchers in language teaching.the research on independent learning in china began in the early 1990s. the researchers combine weste
22、rn scholars achievement and the situation in china and then define independent learning in different ways. pang weiguo (龐維國,2001:79) describes the independent learning from two angles:1). the first is discussed from dimensionality: if learners can make choice and control themselves consciously, the
23、process of learning can be regarded as independent learning. to be specific, if learners motivation is self-driven, the content of learning is self-selected, learning strategies are self-regulation and the learning time is planed and managed by learners, they can create the condition of learning and
24、 evaluate the results. then we can say that the learning is independent.- 2 - 2). the second is defined from the process of learning: if learners can set goals and make plans before learning, monitor or adjust the process and plans of learning during the process, and check the results and evaluate t
25、hemselves after learning, then the learning process can be regarded as independent learning.hua weifen (華為芬,2002:109) makes an induction from western scholars definition. she considers the independent learning as a process of learning as well as an outcome. learners should not completely rely on tea
26、chers but take more charges of ones own learning. learners autonomy as a potential ability of learning decision, it needs an environment where learners can execute rights to promote the process of learning. meanwhile, it also requires backup and instructions from teachers. peng jinding (彭金定,2002:16)
27、 concludes that the definition of independent learning should include five aspects: 1). taking responsibility for learning; 2). understanding of learning aims; 3). making plans; 4). evaluating the results; 5). regulating the strategies.xu jinfen (徐錦芬,2007:11) points out that the learning autonomy in
28、 the english teaching context in china should cover the following five aspects: 1).identifying the aims and requirement of teacher; 2).formulating appropriate learning objectives and plans; 3).selecting and implementing learning strategies; 4).monitoring the use of learning strategies; 5).monitoring
29、 and evaluating learning process.to sum up, all scholars view learners as participants who consciously set their own goals, regulate the motivation, select appropriate strategies and evaluate the learning outcomes.after taking into the consideration of the definitions by other scholars, combining th
30、e present study as well as the actual situation in china, the author is inclined to adopt xu jinfens definition of independent learning, considering one aspect: using effective learning resources in a constructive learning process.based on the above discussion, independent learning can be defined as
31、 an ability that learners are initiative and responsible in setting goals, adopting the appropriate strategies, monitoring and evaluating learning process and using effective learning resources in a constructive learning process. - 3 - 2.2 previous studies on independent learning at home and abroadi
32、t was in the middle of 1970s that linguists abroad began to probe into the field of learner autonomy in foreign language teaching and learning (高吉利, 2005:61). in 1981, holec raised the definition in his monograph autonomy and foreign language learning. from then on, a great numbers of research appea
33、red and got great achievement in theoretical studies. in general, western researches focus on the concept of independent learning and how to cultivate learner autonomy (bound, 1988, brookes and grundy, 1988, little, 1990, dickinson, 1987, benson and voller, 1997, gardner and miller, 2002). these wor
34、ks discuss the theoretical background of learner autonomy in detail and analyze each factor that affects learner autonomy clearly, such as attitude, belief, strategy and role, and analyze how to promote learner autonomy in practice (徐錦芬, 2007:25).in china, as the research on independent learning is
35、later than western countries, there exists limitation. since 2001, more research on this field has been conducted. wang duqin (王篤勤,2002:17-23) conducts a survey to study university students metacognitive level, and claims to develop students self-learning ability through strategy training. lei xiao
36、(2005:68-74) discusses college students belief of independent learning and provides a few techniques to deal with the corresponding problems in their beliefs. wei yuyan (魏玉燕, 2002:8-14) introduces this new teaching idea into flt in china, including the definition of learner autonomy, the necessity a
37、nd methods of fostering learner autonomy in foreign language learning. xu jinfen et al. (徐錦芬、彭仁忠等,2004:64-68) investigate the actual situation of non-english major sophomores english independent learning. the result suggests that college students degree of independent learning stays at a low level i
38、n china. these studies enrich the theory of independent learning and practice of guiding the foreign language teaching, which is of practical significance.although the previous researchers have made many achievements in china, most empirical studies focus on the objects of non-english major, studies
39、 on english major are limited.- 4 - chapter three: the concerning factors onindependent learning from the above discussion, we know that independent learning can be considered as learning activity as well as learning ability. taking many concerning factors into consideration, it is very difficult to
40、 improve the capability of learners independent learning, especially to change independent learning awareness to practice.domestic researchers have a deep discussion about the concerning factors on independent learning, and group them into three main pairs of classifications: personality factors and
41、 common factors, controllable factors and uncontrollable factors, internal factors and external factors.in this thesis, the author prefers the third classification. that is to say, the concerning factors on independent learning can be divided into two categories: internal factors and external factor
42、s. as a learning activity, independent learning needs internal condition and the support of external condition. at the same time, as a kind of learning capability, learning autonomy is a relatively stable characteristic under a long-term interaction between learners and external environment (徐錦芬, 20
43、07:62). independent learning is influenced by such internal factors such as learners motivation, learners belief, learning goals and plans, learning strategies, self-monitoring and self-assessment. in the meantime, it is also affected by external factors like teachers influence, learning resources,
44、and so on. 3.1 internal factors3.1.1 learners motivationmotivation is one of major factors that influence second language learning. learning motivation is a concept of pedagogic psychology, which indicates the interior impetus and desire to stimulate learners to acquire knowledge (徐錦芬, 2007:67). if
45、learners have a strong positive motivation in their language learning, they will do well in independent learning. that is to say, without positive motivation, learners can not set a right goal or make any plans to complete their language learning. gardner and lambert (1972) highlight two different t
46、ypes of motivation:1). instrumental motivation: the desire to learn a language to fulfill certain utilitarian goals, such as getting a job, passing an examination, etc.2). integrative motivation: the desire to learn a language in order to communicate with people from other cultures; or desire to joi
47、nt closely with the target language group. (quoted in徐錦芬, 2007:67)some students learn english out of interest, some students consider english as a tool in order to pass the examination or find a job. the different motivation can arouse different interest and goals, and these interest and goals would
48、 impact on the learners learning methods and effects. 3.1.2 learners belieflearners belief refers to learners comprehension of study, which learners understand the learning objectives, tasks and teachers appraisal (陸根書、于德弘, 2003:47). learners belief influence the way they learn, if learners have pos
49、itive belief to learn a second language, the belief would influence their learning attitude and learning methods. that is to say, positive beliefs are beneficial to strengthen learning attitude, and then facilitate foreign language learning. on the contrary, the negative belief would weaken the lear
50、ning motivation even lead to failure of learning. in language learning, beliefs and attitudes are shaped not only by the educational environment but also by family and social values. these influences on approaches to learning a language may encourage learners to experience new methods of learning, o
51、r conversely constrain and restrict their desire for a new learning experience (gardner & miller, 2002:37). some learners mistakenly think that language learning would succeed in the way of accepting teachers instructions and following teachers steps. thus, they are not interested in the student
52、-centered teaching pattern which aims at cultivating learners autonomy. 3.1.3 learning goals and planswhether learning goals are efficient or not directly influences the learning results and efficiency. on the other side, learning plans also play an important role in - 2 - independent learning. lear
53、ning autonomy needs learners consciously set learning specific learning goals and make efficient plans. “establishing and forming a learning goal is to establish the direction of learning behavior” (劉亞軒, 2006:35). if learners realize their own goal, he would endeavor to work on their study more clea
54、rly than those who lack of learning goals. some learners do not set their goals according to the self -situation and actual conditions. thus, even though they establish a learning goal, their independent learning results could not be successful. according to liu yaxuan (劉亞軒,2006:35), learning goals
55、commonly include general aims, specific goals and stage targets. general aims indicate that learners expectation to their own learning activity in a long period of time, which leads learners to work hard on their learning, whereas stage targets refer to a short time expectation under the charge of g
56、eneral aims. specific goals are to establish a most basic goal aiming at some particular learning situation and activity. these three goals are interrelated and mutually constraining, learners should set appropriate goals based on their own situation. after establishing a goal, learners should make
57、their learning plans to carry out. the learning plans also should be based on the goals and actual situation. proper plans can promote the process of learning autonomy. contrary, excessive plans not only hold up the independent learning but also make learners slide into depression and fail to langua
58、ge learning. 3.1.4 learning strategiesa language learning strategy is an attempt to develop second language competence. learning strategies in second language learning research can be defined as “behaviors or actions learners use to make language learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable
59、” (丁言仁, 2004:149). in language learning, it is not always easy to determine whether the use of a strategy is conscious or only potentially so, but any use of appropriate learning strategies could enable learners access to success. some researchers draw a distinction between cognitive, metacognitive and social / affective strategies: cognitive strategies are directly related to learning.
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