1、范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)航海英語聽力與會話大證評估Chapter 1口述1. Please say something about your hometown.a) The geographical position, population, and features of your hometown.b) The environment and customs of your hometown.c) The specialties of your hometown.Nanjingis my hometown. It is the capital of Jiangsu Province. The Ya
2、ngtze River runsthrough it. It has a long history of 2400 years. It is known as one of the six ancientcapital cities in China. Since the 3rd century, about ten dynasties have made it theircapital. In Nanjing, spring and autumn are short. In summer, it is very hot. There aremany famous places in Nanj
3、ing, such as Xuanwu Lake, Confucius Temple, Dr. SunYat-sen Mausoleum,etc.PeopleinNanjingareindustriousandhospitable.Welcome to Nanjing!2. Please say something about yourself.a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.b) Your daily work.word 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)c) Your spare time activities.Myname
4、isI myears old. I m from . Now I m studying in Jiangsu MaritimInstitute. I major in navigation. I willgraduate next year. I have a wide range ofinterests. I like collecting stamps, and I can learn much knowledge from it .I likeplaying basketball and listening to music, too. But I don t like playing
5、footballwatching TV . I have many friends.3. Please say something about your family. a) Members of your family.b) Their occupations.c) Their hobbies and characteristics.My name is . I myears old. I m from . There arepeople in my family.My grandmother is overyears old, isbutveryshehealthy. My father
6、is a, he isyears old. My mother is a, she is . (years old). They work very hard. Iin Jiangsu Maritime Institute now. We love each other. We live a happy life.4. Your favorite port you have called at. a) A simple introduction of the port.b) Reasons why you like it.c) Anything special about it.I have
7、called at Shanghai harbor and I like it very much. Shanghai is a large seaport.It lies at the mouth of the Yangtze River on the east coast of China.I was impressedword 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)by its prosperousness and its size. Everyday a number of ships with imported andexported goods come in and out of Shangha
8、i harbor.Large vessels of 50 thousandtonnages can enter it freely and the annual shipping volume of Shanghai Harbor hasreached about 440 million tons. There are a lot of stevedoring areas and the port hasbeen equipped with all kinds of advanced loading and unloading facilities. ShanghaiHarbor is pla
9、ying an important part in our nation s shipping industry.5. Please say something about your responsibilities on board. a) Your position on board.b) Your daily work on board. c) Your duties on board.I work as a third officer on M.V.I do plenty of work on board. During navigation,I stand watches on th
10、e bridge and maneuverthe ship. In port, I keep the deckwatches. Besides, I take charge of the fire-fighting and life-saving appliances andkeep them in normal condition. I am also responsible for signaling equipment, theInternational Code Signal flags and other flags and for maintaining and accountin
11、gfor all training publications and training aids.問答1.What s your date of birth?word 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)May 1 st , 1988 was my birthday.2.What s your seaman s book number?XXXX.3.Where are you from?I m from Jiangsu, China.4.What s your captain s nationality?Chinese, I think.5. What do you think is the most im
12、portant thing on board? Safety.6. Which ports do you often call at?New York.7. What is your favorite TV program? CCTV 5 Sports. /CCTV News.8. What is your favorite Web site? Shoo / yahoo/ Sian/ Baidu/ Google.9. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?Saturday. I can have a good sleep.10. What is
13、your favorite kind of movie?Action film/ Horror film/ Comedy film/ Tragedy film.11. What is your favorite kind of music? Classical / Folk/pop/ Rock and roll music.12. What is your favorite magazine?word 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)Readers/Times/ Forum.13. What is the population of your hometown? There are over 5mill
14、ion people in my hometown.14. What is your population of your country? 1,300,000,000 (one point three billion people.)15. What is the best thing about your hometown?Dishes/Food.16. What is the worst thing about your hometown? Traffic density/ Dirty environment.17. What s your hometown like?It looks
15、like a beautiful garden.18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather? Yes, there are. Earthquake/ Seaquake/ Typhoon/Flooding.19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?Basketball/ Soccer/ Swimming.20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world? Basketball/
16、 Soccer/ Swimming.Chapter Two口述word 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)1. Say something about how to apply for radio pratique.a) Your ship s particulars and voyage briefs.b)Crewmembershealthcondition,cargoinformationandshipsanitaryconditionat present.c) Some certificates relating to quarantine inspection.First , you must r
17、eport your ship s particulars, such as vessel s name, call sitonnage,kindofvessel,thetimetoarriveatthequarantineanchorage,thedeparture port, the ports you have called at, destination port and so on.Then you must report the number of the crew members to the quarantine officer,and whether there are si
18、ck persons on board. Get rid of rats.Finally you must report some certificates relating to quarantine inspection, such asVaccination Certificate, De-ratting Certificate, Ship s Sanitary Certificate and so on.2. Describe the requirements on ship s seaworthiness in terms of certificates andpapers whic
19、h need to be carried on board.a) List major certificates on board and describe their particulars.b) Categorize those certificates (class certificates, statutory certificates).c) The management of those certificatesMajorcertificates on board are Certificate of Vessel s Registration which containsvess
20、elname,sportofregistry,signalletterandso on;InternationalTonnageword 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)Certificatewhichcoversmaindimensionsandtonnage;CargoShipSafetyConstruction Certificate which shows the condition of the structure, machinery andequipment; Minimum Safety Manning Certificate which shows whether the ship i
21、ssafely manned; International Load-line Certificatewhich shows it has been markedin accordance with the convention of the International Load-line Certificate and soon.Class certificatesareissuedbytheVesselClassificationAssociation,suchasInternational Tonnage Certificate; but the statutory certificat
22、es are issued by thecompetentgovernment,such as CertificateofVesselNationality,sCertificateofVessel s Registration and so on.The captain must maintain these certificates well.3. Describe the shipboard customs formalities. a) The main duties of the customs officers.b) Preparations before customs offi
23、cers come on board.d) Your experiences you have ever had with customs officers.The customs officers are responsible for supervision and control of all cargoes inand out. Seal and unseal the bonded store on board. Check if there any smugglinggoods on board.Before customs officers come on board, we mu
24、st prepare some documents, such asthe Captain s Declaration, the Import Cargo Manifest, two copies of Crew List, threecopies of the Stores and Provisions List, the Last Port Clearance and two copies ofword 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)the Crew Personal Effects List.When customs officers come on board, we must greet t
25、hem warmly and give thema good cooperation.4. Describe the shipboard immigration formalities. a) The main duties of the immigration officers.b) Preparations before immigration officers come on board.d) Your experiences you have ever had with immigration officers.Immigrationofficers perform the follo
26、wing duties: determine admission of personsby examining their documents, issue shore-passes, check up the crew members andtheir seamen s books.Before immigration officers come on board, we must prepare some documents, suchas Crew List, Seamen s Books,-passesShoreand so on.When immigration officers c
27、ome on board, we must greet them warmly and doeverything to the satisfaction of the immigration officer.5. Describe the shipboard quarantine formalities. a) The main duties of the quarantine officers.b) Preparations before quarantine officers come on board.d) Your experiences you have ever had with
28、quarantine officers.The duties of the quarantine officers are in charge of the jobs relating to sanitationandhealth,suchas checkingwhetherthesanitaryconditionis satisfactoryandword 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)whether there are any sick persons or infectious disease on board, especially thecholera, yellow fever and s
29、mallpox.Before the quarantine officers come on board, we must prepare some documents,such as Crew List, Crews Inoculationficate,CertiMaritime Declaration of Health forDeparture of Ship, De-ratting Certificate and so on.When the quarantine officers come on board, we must greet them warmly and doevery
30、thingto the satisfaction of the quarantine officers.問答1. What s the validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate?5 years.2. What flag should be hoist when a vessel requires quarantine inspection? Flag Q.3. Can a ship enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection?No, it can t.4. Why mu
31、st the customs officer seal the Bonded Store?In order to prevent smuggling.5.Please list 5 ship s certificates.InternationalTonnageCertificate,InternationalLoad- lineCertificate,Vessel sRegistrationCertificate,VesselNationalitysCertificate,CargoShipSafetyword 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)Equipment Certificate and so
32、on.6. Are cigarettes and liquor exempted from customs duties?No, only 10 packets of cigarettes and 1 bottle of spirits for each crew.7. How can the captain do with the shore passes before leaving a port? Collect the shore passes and hand them to the quarantine officers.8. Which certificate prescribe
33、s general requirementsfor the functions ofradiotelegraphy installation for lifeboat on board?Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.9. Which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship? International Load-line Certificate.10. Which document demonstrates a ship being in a fit and efficient
34、condition and classed?Document of Compliance (DOC).11. If your ship needs provisions and/or replenishments, how do you get them? Communicate with the agent or ask ship-chandler to supply .12. Which documents should you show when you go through the customs formalities?The Captain s Declaration, the I
35、mport Cargo Manifest, two copi es of Crew List,three copies of the Stores and Provisions List, the Last Port Clearance and twocopies of the Crew Personal Effects List.13. Who issues the shore passes to the crewmembers wishing to go ashore? The immigration officer.word 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)14. What documents s
36、hould generally be shown to the quarantine officer?Crew List, Crew Inoculations Certificates, Maritime Declaration of Health for Departure of Ship, De-ratting Certificates and so on.15. What documents should generally be shown to the customs officer?The Last Port Clearance, the Import Cargo Manifest
37、, the Crew List, the Stores and Provisions List, the Crew Personal Effects List and so on.16. What documents should generally be shown to the immigration officer?The Crew List, the Seamen,thes shoreBooks-passes and so on.Chapter Three口述1. Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the sh
38、ip is at anchor. a) Regular operations for anchor watch.b) Emergency handling in case of dragging.c) Conclusion.Beforeanchoring, take a hammer, an oil can and some goggles to the forecastle; askthe engine room for power and water on deck and stand by anchor. When anchoring,take offthehawse pipecover
39、sand clearthe spurlingpipes.Whenthe anchorreaches the bottom, hoist the anchor ball or turn on anchor lights. Finally inform theword 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)engine room that power and water are finished with. Return all gears.When anchor is dragging, let go another anchor at once. We can also start engineor let
40、go more cables to increase the grabbing power, or heave away the anchor andthen let go anchor again.2. Describe the proper way of using VHF.a) How to operate VHF set proper.b) General rules of using VHF.c) Rules of using VHF Channel 16.Beforeusing VHF, make sure your call is really necessary and swi
41、tch VHF to thecorrect channel. Don t interrupt another station s transmissions.Before speaking, check whether the transmit switch is on. Push the button to speakand release it to listen. Speak slowly and clearly.Channel 16 is only used for distress, safety and urgency. Distress calls have absolutepr
42、iority over all other communications.3. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port. a) The preparations from the bridge.b) The preparations from the engine room.c) The preparations from the deck.Beforearrivingat a port,theship has to communicatestationby VHF, informsherETA andgetthe necessaryw
43、iththeportand pilotinformationaboutdraftword 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)restrictions, fairway speed, pilotage, weather report, depths of water, tides, etc.Call master onto the bridge to give instructions and monitor the operation of theship. The engine room prepares to change oil and supply power.Thedeckcrewmembers
44、areattheirdifferentstations,testingthemooringmachinery,mooring linesandcheckingthe pressureon fire main,etc. Standbyanchor and mooring lines.4. Describe the procedures before leaving a port. a) The preparations from the bridge.b) The preparations from the engine room. c) The preparations from the de
45、ck.Beforeleaving a port, first decide whether the ship needs tug assistance and makenecessary arrangement. Get information on the weather, tides and the movementsof the nearbyvessels. Switchon andsynchronizegyro andrepeatersandcheckheadings of magnetic compass and repeaters. Test and turn on the nav
46、igational aids.Synchronize ship s clock. Ensure deck power, telescope and binoculars available andmake arrangements for pilot s embarkation or disembarkation; Ensure charts andnavigational publications corrected up-to-date and courses laid off(標(biāo)出航線 ) .The engine room prepares to change oil and suppl
47、y power.The deck crew members are at their different stations preparing for leaving harbor.Test telegraph and ensure main engines ready. Stand by for letting go all lines andheaving away anchor, etc.word 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)5. Describe the procedures of pilotage.a) The general procedures for pilot request.b)
48、 The preparations for receiving the pilot.c) The general rules for pilotage.Pilotageat most of the ports in the world is compulsory. Before the ship s arrival, thecaptain communicates the pilot station by VHF. When you need a pilot, hoist flagAn order for a pilot should be made beforehand.The job to
49、 take the pilot on and off the ship is done by the third officer or the dutysailor. They are responsible for the safety of the pilot. A pilot ladder, a heaving lineand a lifebuoy, safety net, manropes, and lights should be prepared beforehand. Thepilot ladder should be rigged on leeside.The vessel s
50、hould report the ship s n,ame,nationcalllity,sigtypes of ship, totalnumber of persons on board, present position, ETA at pilot station, intended route,etc. to the pilot station. The pilot station should confirm the pilot sand position, the berthing time, etcWhen the pilot has boarded, lower flag“ G” and hoist flag“ H” .問答1. Can you list at least three mooring lines?word 整理版范文范例學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)Yes. Headline, breast line, spring, stern line, back spring, etc.2. What should be prepared be
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