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1、專題講座 閱讀理解不少同學反映:“老師,做閱讀理解題時,我對文章的語句完全能看懂,可是選答案時卻總出錯,您講一講閱讀技巧吧!”有些老師在讀過一篇文章后發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的判斷與答案有出入時,也深感技巧方面出了故障,經(jīng)過歸納,大體有如下說法:要學會抓主旨大意;能夠略去不必要的信息;會掠讀、跳讀、不必回讀;能夠根據(jù)題干及作者的意圖在文章中快速搜尋有關信息上述表述,應當說沒有錯誤,但學生們實踐后往往收效甚微。為什么?因為這些方法沒有抓住中學生英語學習的現(xiàn)實和實質(zhì)。目前中學生的詞匯學習量不足2000詞(初中1200、高中750),學生真正掌握并能運用的詞匯量則更少。教學大綱規(guī)定閱讀量至多20萬詞,然而目前高考英

2、語試卷的詞匯要求為30003500詞左右(含派生、轉(zhuǎn)化及合成)。以不足2000詞的詞匯量去讀3500詞為底線的文章,肯定讀不深吃不透,在此基礎上用什么技巧和思路也只能是一個字-“猜”。自然無準確性可言了。作為一名英語學習者,要想突破閱讀關,在高考中拿高分,要解決“三量”,即詞匯量-3500詞;閱讀量-35萬詞,也即1000篇300余詞的短文;閱讀質(zhì)量-能本著信達雅的原則用中文說出文意。1詞匯量詞匯量的3500詞包括常見詞及詞組和日常會話中的單詞、詞組,最常見的涉及文化、科普、政治、經(jīng)濟,甚至軍事的詞。同時還要會認、會用派生,包括前綴和后綴。比如近年高考中就出現(xiàn)過的inexpensive, un

3、thinkable, computerize。要真正做到會認、會用,就必須多讀文章,細讀文章,在大量認讀中逐步加深前后綴的印象,逐步積累生詞。平日學習新詞時,要善于運用不同方法加強記憶,擴大詞匯量。比如可以采用摘葡萄法、歸納法、聯(lián)想法等。摘葡萄法就是把相互聯(lián)系的詞串到一起,比如當我們學習shoulder時,應聯(lián)想到arm, elbow, wrist, fist, hand, palm, finger, thumb, index,finger,middle,finger, ring,finger, little,finger,甚至foe。歸納法則可把那些形相近意相遠的詞聯(lián)系到一起,如medal,

4、 model, metal, mental; violet紫羅蘭, violent, violate兇暴。聯(lián)想法是指在學習過程中發(fā)現(xiàn)一個詞聯(lián)想到與它相關的詞,比如當我們見到physical labor時,可聯(lián)想到“腦力勞動”,從而查找到mental labor。具體可參見以前發(fā)過的詞匯擴展2閱讀量閱讀量是指300余詞的短文,至少要讀1000篇??紤]到高三現(xiàn)狀,讀小說有一定困難,讀短文是個好辦法。一方面可選取閱讀理解書目上的文章,另一方面可讀21世紀報及21世紀報中學生版上的文章。因為這些文章篇幅不長,緊密聯(lián)系生活實際,涵蓋社會現(xiàn)實和天下大事,可讀性很強。到高三的第二學期才動手,也不算晚,那必須


6、章的第七段中有even when a man is said to be a best friend, the two share little about their innermost feelings where as a womans closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage根據(jù)句意我們知道,where as=however,或but,這種關聯(lián)詞在文章中常常起到承上啟下的作用。高中畢業(yè)生在高考的短文寫作中常出現(xiàn)這樣一種情況,單看每個句子不存在問題,但就是上下連貫不到一

7、起。這其中的重要毛病是不會使用像where as這樣的詞及相關短語。而這些技能的養(yǎng)成不是靠教師課堂上講的,也不是靠日??陬^說才會的,主要依靠平日閱讀中細心理解,出聲朗讀,寫作中使用。第五步在前面已談到,讀過一篇文章后若能用中文講明白,說明你懂了,若講不明白,則說明質(zhì)量沒過關。以2000年e篇的第一段為例, excused from recycling (回收利用) because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute(垃圾道)? you wont be for long!兩句中注出兩處中文,有一處課本中學過。由于考生不知句意,結果在這兩句基礎

8、上的第68題的正答率出奇得低,高分段同學的錯誤率比低分段的同學還高。這說明了認識的詞并不意味著懂句意,更說明了“掠讀”、“跳讀”、“猜”的偏頗。如能按第三步的方式劃一劃,查一查,平日有積累,還愁不能正確理解該句:“難道因為你住高層建筑,又有垃圾道就可以不進行分揀和回收了嗎?不用多久就應這樣做”。再比如高三課本(上)的第128頁中有這樣一段: on hearing this,marlin got angry and shouted,“you want me to take the place of a monkey? take its place yourself ! you look more

9、 like a monkey than i do”原意是:“馬林剛一聽到這里,就氣憤地吼道,你想讓我扮猴子嗎?你去扮好了,你長得才像猴呢!”然而不少學生,甚至一部分教師都錯解為“你長得比我更像猴!”這樣一來就鬧出定位錯誤的笑話了。從這個例子中我們也能看出這樣一個現(xiàn)實,讀懂了句子,未必理解準確到位,換言之,表層意思與深層含義是不一樣的。要想達到翻譯上的信達雅,不加大量閱讀,不按照上述五步的方法加強訓練,解閱讀理解題的水平很難提高。綜上所述,提高解閱讀理解題的水平?jīng)Q非一蹴而就,而應經(jīng)過長時間的大量閱讀。由于不少英語單詞和詞組是一詞多意,因此要在閱讀中逐步加深印象,拓寬詞匯量,這樣才能突破閱讀關。同

10、學們可能會問讀什么樣的文章好,應該是兩類文章并進。一種是21世紀報和21世紀報中學生版,同學們可依上述五步每周閱讀一份報紙,一定能開闊視野,擴大詞匯量,增加知識;另一種是有閱讀理解題的文章,他們能檢測你理解的程度,提高你高考時做閱讀理解題的分值。簡而言之,要瘋狂,要持久。瘋狂閱讀指量,持久閱讀指質(zhì)。那么突破閱讀關的時間離你就越來越近了。第一章主旨概括第一課一、試卷分析與展望 閱讀理解中非常重要的一個技巧就是在閱讀中迅速地抓住文章或段落的主旨大意,也就是中心思想。文章或段落的中心思想猶如一支蠟燭的芯。這根芯看似無關緊要,但是如果沒有它,那么這支蠟燭就不能再稱為蠟燭,而是一堆蠟。所以,一篇文章通常

11、是圍繞一個中心思想展開的。要領悟文章的主旨大意,這就需要考生具備歸納和概括等方面的能力。而這種歸納和概括能力又常常是考試中被考查的重點。 下面,我們一起來回顧一下1996-2002年十年的全真試題,就可知道此項技能的重要性了。1what does the second paragraph mainly discuss? nmet96 (61) 9 the main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about_nmet96 (66) 10this news story is mainly about _

12、nmet97 (51) 11the text is mainly about _ nmet97 (55) 12 the text is mainly about _nmet98 (51) 13 what is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph? nmet98 (54) 14 the text is mainly about _nmet98 (57) 15 what would be the best title for the text? nmet98 (70) 16 this article m

13、ainly tells about the story of _ nmet99 (51) 17 the writers purpose in writing this story is _ nmet2000(54)18 according to the writer of the text , imagining the future will _nmet2000(66)19 the purpose in writing this text is _nmet2000(67)從上述全真試題中,我們可以總結出,對于文章或段落的主旨大意設問的形式一般是: 1 the main idea of the

14、 passage (text) is _ 2 the text (passage) is mainly about _ 3 what does the passage mainly discuss (deal with)? 4 which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea?5 the main point of the passage is _6 the best headline for this newspaper article would be _ 7 which of the following is th

15、e best title to be given to the article?8 what is the topic of the text? 9 the main purpose of the story is to tell us _ 10 the conclusion we can get from the story is _ 大家只要記住,看到問題中使用mainly, main,title,headline,topic,conclusion等詞時,就得仔細領會文章的主旨大意了。當然,除了上述通用的句型,還可用其它的形式設問,這就要求我們認真理會題干的意思了。例如92年的75題“th

16、e writer tells this story to _”以及93年的66題“the writer wrote the story in order to _ ”也是考查考生對主旨大意的理解 二、基本訓練mike is a freshman(新生) in college he is also trying to earn the money he needs to live on as a result, he works forty hours a week at a gasoline station but this work must be done at night because

17、 mike is a full-time college student mike also tries to make time for things he enjoys doing that are not related to college and work he likes to ski in winter and play in summer however, he is finding less and less time for these pleasures question: which sentence best expresses the main idea? a mi

18、ke is very busy b a freshman has to work many hours all week c mike has pleasures in his spare time d mike has a lot of homework telephone, television, radio, and the telegraph all help people communicate with each other because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the

19、world for example, within seconds, people can know the results of an election in japan or argentina(阿根廷) an international soccer match comes into the home of everyone with a television set news of disaster such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant countries within hours, help is o

20、n the way because of modern technology like the four thousand satellites that travel around the world, information travels fast question: the main idea of the passage is that _ a news of a disaster travels quickly and help can come quickly from distant countries b election results can be known almos

21、t immediately c communication is good d information travels very fast because of technology 三、高考實戰(zhàn)(90年高考閱讀題)a well-known old man was being interviewed (采訪) and was asked if it was correct that he had just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday thats right, said the old man ninety-nine years old, and i

22、 havent an enemy in the world theyre all dead well, sir, said the interviewer, i hope very much to have the honour of interviewing you on your hundredth birthday the old man looked at the young man closely, and said, i cant see why you shouldnt you look fit and healthy to me! 1 the old man said he h

23、ad not an enemy in the world, which shows that he was a very _ a friendly manhe never made any enemies b healthy manhe lived longer than all his enemies c lucky manhis enemies had all died d terrible manhe had got rid of all his enemies2 when the interviewer said that he hoped very much to have the

24、honour of interviewing the old man again the following year, _ a he was trying to make the old man happy b he wished he himself would live another year c he did not believe the old man would live to be one hundred d he did not believe he would interview the old man again3 when the old man said i can

25、t see why you shouldnt, what he meant was _ a you must try to live another year to interview me again next year b of course you can see me again since youre so fit and healthy c if i live to a hundred years, you should interview me again d unless you live another year, you wouldnt be able to intervi

26、ew me again4 what kind of man would you say the old man was? a he was silly b he was unpleasant c he was very proud and sure of his health d he was very impolite to young peopleannealing annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly if metal is heated a

27、nd then cooled very quickly, for example by dipping (浸) it in water, it will be very hard but also very brittle(脆)that is, it will break easily metal that has been annealed is soft but does not break as easily it is possible to make metal as hard or as soft as is wished, by annealing it the metal is

28、 heated, and allowed to cool slowly, for a certain length of time the longer the heated metal takes to cool slowly, the softer it becomes annealing can also be used on other materials, such as glass 5 annealing can make metal _ a hard and tough(韌) b hard but brittle c soft but tough d soft and britt

29、le6 why do people put hot metal in water? a to make it hard b to make it soft c to make it cool d to make it brittle7 in annealing, the required hardness of a metal depends on _ a the quantity of water used b the temperature of the metal c the softness of the metal d the timing of the operation8 as

30、suggested by the text, how can glass be made less brittle? a it can be heated and then cooled quickly b it can be cooled and then heated slowly c it can be heated and then cooled slowly d it can be cooled and then heated quicklyi would almost rather see you dead, robert s cassatt, a leading banker (

31、銀行家) of philadelphia, shouted when his twenty-year-old eldest daughter announced that she wanted to become an artist in the 19th century, playing at drawing or painting on dishes was all right for a young lady, but serious work in art was not and when the young ladys family ranked among (躋身于) the be

32、st of philadelphias social(社交界的)families, such an idea could not even be considered that was how mary cassatt, born 1844, began her struggle as an artist she did not tremble before her fathers anger instead, she opposed (抗拒)him with courage and at last made him change his mind mary cassatt gave up h

33、er social position(社會地位)and all thought of a husband and a family, which in those times was unthinkable for a young lady in the end, after long years of hard work and perseverance(堅持), she became americas most important woman artist and the internationally recognized leading woman painter of the tim

34、e 9 how did mr cassatt react(反應)when his daughter made her announcement? a he feared for her life b he was very angry c he nearly killed her d he warned her10 what in fact was mr cassatts main reason in opposing his daughters wish? a drawing and painting was simply unthinkable among ladies in those

35、days b he did not believe his daughter wanted to work seriously in art c he believed an artists life would be too hard for his daughter d ladies of good families simply did not become artists in those times11 what made mary cassatts struggle to become a recognized artist especially hard? a she was a

36、 woman b her father opposed her c she had no social position d she did not come from an artists family12 what do we know about mary cassatts marriage (婚姻)? a her marriage failed because she never gave a thought to her husband and family b she never married because she did not want to be just a wife

37、and mother c after marriage she decided to give up her husband rather than her career (事業(yè)) d she did not marry because for a lady of her social position to marry below her was unthinkable13 what do we know about robert cassatts character from the text? a he was a cruel man b he was a stubborn (固執(zhí)的)

38、man c he knew nothing about art d he knew little about his daughter14 what do we know about mary cassatts character? a she was brave in going against old ideas b she got tired of always obeying her father c she hated playing at drawing and painting d she did not mind being poor at all15 as we can le

39、arn from the text, which of the following was generally considered the most important in the life of a woman in the us in mary cassatts times? a money b career c marriage d courage benin benin is one of the smallest african states it lies in west africa on the gulf(海灣)of guinea, to the south of burk

40、ina faso and niger, between togo on the west and nigeria on the east benin used to be called dahomey and was controlled and ruled by france from 1893 to 1960, when it became independent(獨立) in 1963 the army general soglo overthrew(推翻)the first president maga soglo set up an army government and calle

41、d himself head of state in 1965, but was overthrown and replaced (取代) by a civilian(非軍人)government in 1967 in december 1969 benin had another change of power with the army again taking over(接管) in may 1970, maga and two other men set up a newgovernment, with each of them acting as president in turn

42、for two years however, half a year after maga turned over power to the second man ahomadegbe, the three-man government was overthrown by the army once more and general kerekou became president in november 1975 kerekou changed the name of the nation from dahomey to benin, benin being the name of a 17

43、th century kingdom covering the same place kerekou also announced that benin would be a peoples republic based on marxism-leninism 16 which of the following maps shows rightly the positions of benin and its neighbouring countries? (bn = benin ; tg = togo ; nr = niger ; bf = burkina faso ; na = niger

44、ia ; gg = gulf of guinea)17 for how long was benin under france? a for over a century b for roughly a century c for over half a century d under half a century18 for how long was benin an independent state before it became a peoples republic? a15 years b25 years c20 years d30 years19 choose the right

45、 order in which the following people ruled in benin (ah = ahomadegbe; ke = kerekou; ma = maga; so = soglo) a so, ma, ah, ma, ke b ma, so, ma, ke, ah c so, ma, ke, ma, ah d ma, so, ma, ah, ke20 when and how did benin get its two namesbenin and dahomey? a dahomey was its oldest name, but it has been r

46、eplaced by benin b benin was its oldest name the name dahomey was used later, but has been replaced by benin again c dahomey was its oldest name the name benin was used later, but has been replaced by dahomey again d benin was its oldest name, but it has been replaced by dahomey 四、能力測試 it doesnt mat

47、ter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive thats what all doctors thought, until they heard about al herpin al herpin, it was said, never slept could this be true? the doctors decided to see this strange man themselves al herpin was 90 years old when the doctors

48、 came to his home in new jersey they thought forsure that he got some sleep of some kind so they stayed with him and watched every movement he made but they were surprised though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw herpin sleeping in fact, he did not even own a bed he

49、never needed one the only rest that herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers the doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness they asked him many questions, hoping to find an answer they found only one answer that might explain his condition her

50、pin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born but that was all was this the real reason? no one could be sure herpin died at the age of 94 1 the main idea of this passage is that _ a large numbers of people do not need sleep b a person who actually did

51、nt need any sleep was found c everyone needs some sleep to stay alive d people can live longer by trying not to sleep2 the doctors came to visit herpin, expecting _ a to cure him of his sleeplessness b to find that his sleeplessness was not really true c to find out why some old people didnt need an

52、y sleep d to find a way to free people from the need of sleeping3 after watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that al herpin _ a needed some kind of sleep b was too old to need any sleep c needed no sleep at all d often slept in a chair4 one reason that might explain herpins sleeplessnes

53、s was _ a his mothers injury before he was born b that he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habit c his magnificent physical condition d that he hadnt got a bed5 al herpins condition could be regarded as _ a a common one b one that could be cured c very healthy d a rare one 第二課一、技巧解疑文章(或段落)的構成有其

54、內(nèi)在的規(guī)律性,其中心思想往往是通過主題句來體現(xiàn)的。因此考生對以下四種結構應首先有所了解,然后通過一系列有意識的訓練進而掌握它們。 1 主題句在篇(段)首的結構 這種結構通常用演繹法撰寫,遵循從一般到個別(特殊)的步驟,即先概述,然后用細節(jié)加以說明。請看91年的passage c: jane clark, fair-haired, blue-eyed and tough as steel, has just won the most difficult race in the world in seventeen days she drove a dog team and sledge (雪橇) across 1,050 miles of the arctic circle and through some of the most difficult land in the world in bitter (刺骨的) winds and snow-storms she drove her dogs along the arctic track, in temperatures that reached-38 when jane was asked how shefelt about being the first woman e


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