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1、a new contact less fault diagnosis approach for pantograph-catenary systemrailway transport is one of the most important mass transportation media in the worldwide.with the development of trains speed, safety and comfort levels of railways is getting more importance day by day. besides high level of

2、 security requirement, detection of anomaly for rail and road shall be early identified for decreasing operation and maintenance expenditures. the pantograph-catenary system has an important role for collecting the current in electrical railways. the problem occurred in this system will affect the c

3、urrent collection performance of electrified trains. in this paper, a new image processing based technique is proposed to detect the arcing faults occurred between catenary and pantograph contact. the proposed method takes one frame from the digital camera and then the edge detection algorithm extra

4、cts the edges of pantograph. the arcing between contact wire and pantograph is detected by examining the position of contact wire of pantographs edge. introductionwith the development of the high-speed electrified trains, the demands for safety of railway transport come into more important. a pantog

5、raph is the most utilized component for transmission electric power from overhead wire to locomotive. to ensure the power without any problem, pantographs should maintain good contact under different train speeds. in recent times, the speeds of electrified trains have reached rather high levels. und

6、er these speeds, maintain good contact is challenging problem. via railroad maintenance planning based on early rail and road anomaly detection technologies, derailment accidents are prevented. pantograph and overhead line are two fundamental components for the collection of current signals in elect

7、rified trains. the wear between pantograph and overhead wire will result with catastrophic faults. the pantograph arcing faults occurs because of below reasons.in railway systems, the pantograph is manually inspected to detect damages. in this inspection, locomotive should be taken to a service. thi

8、s method is undesirable because of loss of service time and cost . pantograph arcing is one of the most seen fault in electrified railway systems. this arcing generally occurs at higher speed, increasing load, and in cold weather condition. in most case, there is a sliding contact between pantograph

9、 and catenary system. a pantograph laterally draws a zigzag on overhead line. however, overhead line applies more contact to some location of pantograph because of a faulty condition. in normal condition, there is a moisture layer between the contact surface and pantograph. in winter season, this mo

10、isture layer is frozen and it is more difficult the sliding between two components. mechanical sensor based contact type rail and road measurement and inspection techniques has been used in the railway industry. the contact force between pantograph and catenary system was monitored by using a fiber

11、strain sensors . static and dynamic strains were detected by developed system. with the latest technological developments, contact less measurement techniques are now being used in railway measurement systems. pantograph and overhead wire system was analyzed by using infrared camera. this analysis w

12、as used to detect overheating pantograph strip, bursts of arcing, and irregular positioning of contact line. for an efficient wear measurement of contact wire, a new multi-camera based optical inspection system was proposed. different cameras were mounted at different positions of the roof of the ve

13、hicle and overhead contact was visually inspected from different angles. abrasion on pantograph slide was detected by using edge detection algorithm. discrete wavelet and hough transform based method was applied to image of pantograph slide and abrasion related features were extracted. the five kind

14、s of edge detection algorithms were evaluated for the examination of the pantograph slipper images. the results show that canny edge detection algorithm gives better results than other algorithms. the contact performance between pantograph and overhead line affects the current collecting performance

15、. an image processing based method was proposed to monitor the contact performance. in recent years, there is more relevance about using contact less condition monitoring of railway systems. however, the developed system is suitable for laboratory applications. in this paper, a new method is propose

16、d to monitor the contact between pantograph and catenary system. the proposed method takes one frame from a video in each step and then the canny edge detection algorithm extracts edges from image frame. the position of overhead wire is determined in the edge image. this position is used to detect t

17、he contact force between pantograph and overhead wire. the obtained signal from position of contact wire is analyzed by two statistical parameters and anomaly in the position is detected. sliding contact between pantograph and overhead wire the contact between pantograph and overhead wire, which is

18、found on the roof of an electrified train, allows the collecting current from overhead feeding conductor. contact wire takes the electric from feeder station that connected at regular space.the contact wire is connected to the messenger wire using dropper wires. the continuity of contact wire is imp

19、ortant to ensure better electrical performance. one way to maintain contact is to increase the up-lifting force. however, it increases the resonance of overhead wire and this causes the loss of the contact and wear of contact wire. when the contact has been lost or a gap has been occurred, the power

20、 of train will be interrupted. the loss of the contact also causes the arcing between contact wire and pantograph. for high speed train, current collection is based on good contact performance. on a straight way, the contact wire moves slightly to the left and right corner of pantograph.the contact

21、wire applies an impression to different points of the pantograph. such a system extends the life time of a pantograph. the sliding contact between pantograph and overhead wire consists of three layers. these layers are copper wire, layer of oxide and carbon, and thin film of water. the conduction me

22、chanism is realized by using thin film of water. the gap between two electrodes should be maintained. however, the thin film of water can get frozen in winter and the sliding contact may extend.the sliding contact is affected from weather condition. the harsh winter condition affects lifting force o

23、f pantograph and this leads to appearance of arcing. thereafter, the contact wire and pantograph can cause damage.contactless fault diagnosis approach for pantograph -catenary systemto measure automatically the contact strip, the images taken from a camera are used. the main task is to monitor the s

24、equential video frames and detect the anomaly conditions. the obtained images will be analyzed by using canny edge detection algorithm. edges of pantograph system are extracted for all frames. contact wire position of each frame is determined from the extracted edge images. the y-axis of this wire c

25、ontinuously changes. this change is saved for each frame. all positions of the contact wire in the video are saved as a signal and then the anomaly of this signal is detected by using statistical parameters. therefore, the monitoring process will be automated.the first step is to extract the edge of

26、 each frame from video. afterwards, the y-position of the contact wire is detected and added to the ys array. when all of frame is read, the algorithm will produce the position array of y-axis. the features extracted from contact wire signal (ys) are skewness and kurtosis. they can be computed as re

27、present the mean and standard deviation of each window. the edges in an images are the pixels that their brightnesss change suddenly. edges characterize the boundaries and therefore they have an important topic in image processing . an edge detection algorithm generally consists of three steps: filt

28、ering, derivation, and edge detection. in the filtering stage, the image is filtered in order to remove the noise. in the derivation stage, edge areas in the image are brightening up via density change in the edge area. in the last stage, edges of the image are determined.canny algorithm is known as

29、 an optimal edge detection algorithm . canny algorithm uses gaussian filter to smooth the image and eliminate the noise in the first step. in the next step, these regions are tracked and the algorithm suppresses any pixel that is not at the maximum. in the hysteresis step, the remaining pixels that

30、have not been suppressed are tracked. in this step, two thresholds are used. if the magnitude is smaller than first threshold, it is taken as non-edge. if the second threshold is smaller than magnitude, this magnitude is taken as an edge. x and y shows the coordinates of the images and is the standa

31、rd deviation. gn and n show the first derivative of g and direction, respectively. the image is depicted as g. the first step of the algorithm is to apply the canny algorithm to each frame of pantographs video. after the edge image is obtained, the position of contact wire will be detected. for each

32、 frame, the obtained positions are added to an array. this array will be used to detect the disorder between contact wire and pantograph.the algorithm takes the edge image of the current frame and finds the y-axis position of contact wire. the algorithm starts the searching of contact wire from the

33、first pixel of the current frame. if the algorithm detects a candidate pixel, contact wire method inspect whether the detected pixel is contact wire or not. when the position of contact wire is found, the algorithm will be terminated. for each frame in video, the positions of contact wire is detecte

34、d and saved to an array. experimental results the proposed algorithm is applied to a real pantographs video. all images of the pantograph are taken from the roof of the locomotive. the video of pantograph system is saved for a determined time. while the camera takes a frame, the algorithm will scan

35、the current frame in order to find the position of contact wire. for our experiment, the size of the video is selected as 240x320 for healthy condition. the pantograph video, which has not any arcing and is taken as a healthy condition, is saved for duration of 23 seconds. the original frames of the

36、ir edges are given in fig. for a healthy condition. the pixel view of the edge images are given for three frames of the pantograph video. the contact wire zigzags over the pantograph system with an order for a healthy condition. the obtained signal is normalized with z-score normalization. this tech

37、nique centers the original signal at zero mean and scales it to unit standard deviation. as shown in fig, the contact wire zigzags a balanced motion over the pantograph. the cameras point of view, the image resolution or the contact wire position in frame are not affect the performance of the algori

38、thm. this feature is provided by used the normalization technique. the video size of faulty condition is selected as 270x480. the original frames and their edges are given in fig for a faulty condition. in faulty condition, contact wire draws more zigzags in some parts of pantograph than others. the

39、 more contact occurred on some part of pantograph causes the arcing between contact wire and pantograph. the y-axis position of contact wire is given in fig for a faulty condition. as shown in fig, the motion of contact wire has a disorder. the contact wire draws more zigzags on the bottom of image

40、than other pixels. this disorder is analyzed by using two statistical parameters. these parameters are given in table for each motor condition. conclusions this paper presents a new approach for monitoring catenary-pantograph system. a simple image acquisition system is used and an image processing

41、based technique is proposed to detect arcing faults. the canny edge detection is selected for image edge detection to deal with image edge of pantograph slipper. the experimental results of the proposed method showed that the position detection of the contact wire was efficient method to detect arci

42、ng faults and disorder in contact between pantograph and contact wire. in literature, image processing based condition monitoring of pantograph systems was only performed in laboratory environment. however, the proposed method can be applied in real-time. the realization of the proposed method is no

43、t only low cost but also it can be setup to a real system.the monitoring of contact wire and active pantograph control system brings following contributions: development of a railway measurement and inspection train for both conventional and high speed railway lines, real time fault diagnosis that h

44、as high accuracy and has immunity to environment condition, low cost measurement system, increasing safety and comfort levels of railways. 9接觸網(wǎng)受電弓系統(tǒng)的一個新的非接觸式故障診斷方法在全世界,鐵路運輸是最重要的公共交通運輸工具之一。隨著火車速度的提高,鐵路的安全與舒適水平也變得越來越重要。除了安全水平要求高之外,應盡早檢測鐵路和公路的異常以便減少運營維護支出。接觸網(wǎng)受電弓系統(tǒng)在收集電氣化鐵路的電流方面具有重要的作用。這個系統(tǒng)出現(xiàn)問題,將影響電氣列車收集







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