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1、Percy Bysshe Shelley(4 August 1792 8 July 1822)Mad ShelleyEnglish Romantic poetsthe finest lyric poetsu Belief: atheism, pantheismu Political thought: utopian socialismu Tablet inscription: COR CORDIUM(眾心之心)Lief1792: born1804: entered Eton College1810: matriculated at University College, Oxford. Zas

2、trozzi(Gothic novel)1811: St. Irvyne , The Necessity of Atheism.1812: Address to the Irish People1813: Queen Mab1822: died(drowned in a sudden storm on the Gulf of Spezia)NonviolenceThoreau : civil disobedienceMohandas Karamchand Gandhi : passive resistance quote Masque of AnarchyVegetarianismu A Vi

3、ndication of Natural Diet u On the Vegetable System of Dietu Advocate for social justice for the lower classes. u A fighter for the rights of all living creaturesMajor works1813: Queen Mab1817: The Revolt of Islam1819: Ode to the West Wind1820: To a skylark1820: Prometheus Unbound1820: The cloud Ode

4、complicated formal structure, a highfalutin tone, and a grand philosophical subjectSerious: some of the Big Issues in life, art, and philosophy tend to have two major shifts in tone: it works pretty well for Ode to the West Wind, which shifts from second-person to first-person at the beginning of Ca

5、nto IV and then moves on to consider the West Wind and speaker together in Canto V.Form and Meteruterza rima, or “third rhyme”(三行詩節(jié)押韻法)uCantouanother form: the sonnetThemeu Man and Natural Wordu Transformationu Mortalityu Language and CommunicationSymbol analysisWest wind: a plea in this poem, the p

6、owerful force that could deliver him from his inability to make himself heard or to communicate his ideas to others. Blowing from the west suggests an association with the revolutionary, liberating aspects of the young United States, or perhaps simply a favorable wind for ships returning home to por

7、ts in Europe. Associated with autumn, the West Wind brings with it decay and the certainty of a wintry death, but it also makes a spring rebirth possible by clearing away the old dead leaves and planting seeds.1.O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumns being, 2.Thou, from whose unseen presence the l

8、eaves dead 3.Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,4.Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, 5.Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O Thou,6.Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed7.The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, 8.Each like a corpse within its grave, until 9.Thine azure

9、sister of the Spring shall blow10. Her clarion oer the dreaming earth, and fill 11. (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) 12. With living hues and odours plain and hill:13. Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; 14. Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!Canto I1.Thou on whose stream, mi

10、d the steep skys commotion,2.Loose clouds like earths decaying leaves are shed,3.Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean,4.angels of rain and lightning: there are spread5.On the blue surface of thine airy surge,6.Like the bright hair uplifted from the head7.Of some fierce Maenad, even from

11、 the dim verge8.Of the horizon to the Zeniths height,9.The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge10. Of the dying year, to which this closing night11. Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre,12. Vaulted with all thy congregated might13. Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere14. Black rain, and fir

12、e , and hail will burst :oh, hear!Canto II1.Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams2.The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,3.Lulled by the coil of his crystalline streams4.Beside a pumice isle in Baiaes bay,5.And saw in sleep old palaces and towers6.Quivering within the eaves intenser day,7.All o

13、vergrown with azure moss and flowers8.So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou9.For whose path the Atlantics level powers10. Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below11. The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear12. The sapless foliage of the ocean, know13. Thy voice, and suddenly grow

14、 gray with fear,14. And tremble and despoil themselves: oh, hear!Canto IIIPart Canto -IfIwereadeadleafthoumightestbear;IfIwereaswiftcloudtoflywiththee;Awavetopantbeneaththypower,andshare如果我能是一片落葉隨你飄騰,如果我能是一朵流云伴你飛行,或是一個浪頭在你的威力下翻滾,如果我能有你的銳勢和沖勁,即使比不上你那不羈的奔放,但只要能拾回我當年的童心,我就能陪著你遨游天上,那時候追上你未必是夢囈,又何至淪落到這等頹


16、erinmysoreneed.Oh,liftmeasawave,aleaf,acloud!Ifalluponthethornsoflife!Ibleed!AheavyweightofhourshaschaindandbowdOnetoolikethee:tameless,andswift,andproud.Dramatic Makemethylyre,evenastheforestis:Whatifmyleavesarefallinglikeitsown!ThetumultofthymightyharmoniesWilltakefrombothadeep,autumnaltone,Sweett

17、houghinsadness.Bethou,Spiritfierce,Myspirit!Bethoume,impetuousone!DrivemydeadthoughtsovertheuniverseLikewitherdleavestoquickenanewbirth!And,bytheincantationofthisverse,Scatter,asfromanunextinguishdhearth Ashesandsparks,mywordsamongmankind!BethroughmylipstounawakendearthThetrumpetofaprophecy!OWind,If

18、Wintercomes,canSpringbefarbehind?讓我做你的豎琴吧,就同森林一般,縱然我們都落葉紛紛,又有何妨!我們身上的秋色斑爛,好給你那狂飚曲添上深沉的回響,甜美而帶蒼涼。給我你迅猛的勁頭!豪邁的精靈,化成我吧,借你的鋒芒,把我的腐朽思想掃出宇宙,掃走了枯葉好把新生來激發(fā);憑著我這詩韻做符咒,猶如從未滅的爐頭吹出火花,把我的話散布在人群之中!對那沉睡的大地,拿我的嘴當喇叭,吹響一個預言!呵,西風,如果冬天已到,難道春天還用久等?reasonspreadhopeconversationThe west windThe poet himselfTameless, swift and proudConfession, prayerthe winds effects upon earth, air, and oceansublimationBig Fight workersCapitalistsreform and revolutionNo words ofAnalysisCompliment the greatness and wonder of the “west w


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