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1、書法英語簡介calligraphy: penmanshipcalligraphy: penmanship 1. the origin of this tradition chinese art “聲不能傳于異地,留于異時,于是乎文字生。文字者,所以為意與聲之跡?!睍衷彖b sound is temporary valid in certain location and time. it is unable to transcend the limits of time and place. characters, at this moment, serve its functions and

2、record the meaning and its sound. 2. an extraordinary artistic expression 漢字書法為漢族獨(dú)創(chuàng)的表現(xiàn)藝術(shù),被譽(yù) 為:無言的詩( a silent poem),無行的舞(a motionless dance);無圖的畫(a traceless picture),無聲的樂(a soundless music)。 書法英語簡介 evolutions of chinese calligraphyevolutions of chinese calligraphy 甲骨文 (oracle bone script) 金文 (bronze

3、ware script) 篆書 (seal script) 隸書 (clerical script) 楷書 (regular script) 草書 (cursive script) 行書 (half-cursive script) penmanship - 書法藝術(shù)包括 筆法(power manipulation)、字法(design of strokes)、章法(distribution balance)、墨法(manipulation of ink)、筆勢(brush manipulation)等內(nèi)容。 筆法也稱“用筆”,指運(yùn)筆用鋒的方法。 字法,也稱“結(jié)字”、“結(jié)構(gòu)”,指字內(nèi)點(diǎn)畫的搭配(

4、collocation)、穿插(alternation)、呼應(yīng)(echo)、避就(omission and addition)等等關(guān)系。 章法,也稱“布白”,指一幅字的整體布局,包括字間(character space)關(guān)系、行間(line space)關(guān)系的處理。 墨法,是用墨之法,指墨的濃(heavy)、淡(light)、干(dry)、枯(withering)、濕(wet)的處理。 書法英語簡介 on on 筆鋒筆鋒(tip of brush handwriting)(tip of brush handwriting) 一個筆畫(stroke),都有入筆(start)、行筆(act)、收筆

5、(end)三個過程。入筆有“露鋒”法,順筆而入,使筆畫開端呈尖形或方形;有“藏鋒法”,逆鋒入筆,橫畫欲右先左,豎畫欲下先上,使筆鋒藏在筆畫中,筆畫開端基本呈圓形。行筆要學(xué)會“中鋒用筆”,使鋒尖常在點(diǎn)劃中間運(yùn)行。為使筆畫有力度,還要學(xué)會澀勢用筆,行中留,留中行,避免浮華。收筆有“露鋒”(把筆逐漸提出紙面,畫呈尖形,如懸針豎、撇、捺、鉤),有“藏鋒”(將筆尖收回畫中,如垂露豎,筆畫尾端呈圓形)。 書法英語簡介書法英語簡介草書若不入晉人格,輒徒成下品。張顛俗子,變亂古法,驚諸凡夫,自有識者。懷素少加平淡,稍到天成,而時代壓之,不能高古。高閑而下,但可懸之酒肆。光尤可憎惡也! a work by so

6、ng dynasty (a.d. 1051-1108) poet a work by song dynasty (a.d. 1051-1108) poet mi mi fu (fu (米芾米芾). ). the style caoshu (cursive script) displayed the style caoshu (cursive script) displayed there is specific by its there is specific by its fast speedfast speed and and low pressurelow pressure of of

7、the ink-brush on the paper. the calligrapher may the ink-brush on the paper. the calligrapher may play with play with speedspeed, , pressurepressure, , stroke orderstroke order to create to create visual effects which may be in accordance with the visual effects which may be in accordance with the e

8、motionsemotions within the text, such is in the most revered within the text, such is in the most revered preface to the orchid pavilion(preface to the orchid pavilion(蘭亭序蘭亭序) ) by wang by wang xizhi. xizhi. 書法英語簡介永和九年,歲在癸(永和九年,歲在癸(gugu)丑,暮春之初,會于會稽()丑,暮春之初,會于會稽(kui jkui j)山陰之蘭亭,修禊(山陰之蘭亭,修禊(xx)事也。群賢畢

9、至,少長咸集。此地有崇)事也。群賢畢至,少長咸集。此地有崇山峻嶺,茂林修竹,山峻嶺,茂林修竹, 又有清流激湍(又有清流激湍(tuntun),映帶左右。引以為),映帶左右。引以為流觴(流觴(shngshng)曲()曲( qq)水,列坐其次,雖無絲竹管弦之盛,一)水,列坐其次,雖無絲竹管弦之盛,一觴(觴(shang)shang)一詠,亦足以暢敘幽情。一詠,亦足以暢敘幽情。 是日也,天朗氣清,惠風(fēng)和暢。仰觀宇宙之大,俯察品類之是日也,天朗氣清,惠風(fēng)和暢。仰觀宇宙之大,俯察品類之盛,所以游目騁(盛,所以游目騁(chngchng)懷,足以極視聽之娛,信可樂也。)懷,足以極視聽之娛,信可樂也。 書法英語簡

10、介chinese calligraphy is a form of calligraphy widely chinese calligraphy is a form of calligraphy widely practiced and revered in practiced and revered in the men of lettersthe men of letters. there is a . there is a general standardization of the various styles of general standardization of the var

11、ious styles of calligraphy in this tradition. chinese calligraphy and calligraphy in this tradition. chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting are closely related, since they ink and wash painting are closely related, since they are accomplished using similar tools and techniques. are accomplish

12、ed using similar tools and techniques. chinese painting and calligraphy distinguish chinese painting and calligraphy distinguish themselves from other cultural arts because they themselves from other cultural arts because they emphasize emphasize motionmotion and are charged with and are charged wit

13、h dynamic lifedynamic life. . calligraphy is sheer life experienced through calligraphy is sheer life experienced through energy energy in motionin motion that is registered as that is registered as tracestraces on silk or paper, on silk or paper, with with timetime and and rhythmrhythm in in shifti

14、ng spaceshifting space its main its main ingredients.ingredients. 書法英語簡介styles of chinese calligraphy 1. oracle bone script (甲骨文甲骨文 ; ji g wn; literally shell bone writing) appears pictographic in flavor in the late shang dynasty. oracle bone script graphs turned 90 degrees: from left, 馬馬/ /馬馬 m hor

15、se, 虎虎 h tiger, 豕豕 sh swine, 犬犬 qun dog, 鼠鼠 sh rat and mouse, 象象 xing elephant, 豸豸 zh beasts of prey, 龜龜/ /龜龜 gu turtle, 爿爿qing low table (now 床床 chung), 為為/ /為為 wi to lead (now do or for), and 疾疾 j illness.書法英語簡介 2. bronze script or bronzeware script ( 金文金文 ) writing in a variety of chinese scripts

16、 on chinese ritual bronzes such as zhng 鐘鐘 bells and dng 鼎鼎tripodal cauldrons from the shang dynasty to the zhou dynasty and even later. examples of bronze inscription graphs rotated 270: from left, m 馬馬 horse; h 虎虎 tiger, sh 豕豕 swine, qun 犬犬 dog, xing 象象 elephant, gu 龜龜 turtle, wi 為為 to lead (now d

17、o), j 疾疾 illness. 書法英語簡介 3. seal scripts include the large or great seal script (大篆大篆 d zhun), and the lesser or small seal script (小篆小篆 xio zhun); the latter is also called simply seal script. as its name indicates, this style of scripts is mostly used in seals of wood, jade, and stone. chinese cha

18、racters for the words seal script in regular script (left) and seal script (right). 書法英語簡介 4. clerical script (隸書隸書:l sh), also formerly chancery script, is an archaic style of chinese calligraphy. the etymology of the chinese name for the script is uncertain. l meant a slave or prisoner serving the

19、 state, and thus, some infer that the script was used in recording the affairs related to such slaves, while others infer that it was used by prisoners conscripted as scribes. in structure and rectilinearity, it is generally similar to the modern script; however, in contrast with the tall to square

20、modern script, it tends to be square to wide, and often has a pronounced, wavelike flaring of isolated major strokes, especially a dominant rightward or downward diagonal stroke. some structures are also archaic. 書法英語簡介 chinese characters for clerical script, in regular script (left) and clerical sc

21、ript (right). 書法英語簡介 5. cursive script (草書草書: co sh), is sometimes translated as grass script. the character 草草 (co) means quick, rough or sloppy. thus, the name of this script is literally “rough script” or “sloppy script”. the same character 草草 (co) appears in this sense in the noun “rough draft”

22、(草稿草稿, co go), and the verb “to draft a document or plan” (草擬草擬, co n). an early form of cursive developed as a cursory way to write the popular and not yet mature clerical script,cursive scripts are faster ways to write characters developed through four mechanisms: omitting part of a graph, merging

23、 strokes together, replacing portions with abbreviated forms (such as one stroke to replace four dots), or modifying stroke styles). 書法英語簡介 6. semi-cursive script( 行書行書 ) is a cursive style of chinese characters. because it is not as abbreviated as cursive, most people who can read regular script ca

24、n read semi-cursive. 7. regular script (楷書楷書 ki sh ) use consistently the pause technique (dn 頓頓, used to reinforce the beginning or ending of a stroke) when ending horizontal strokes, a practice which already appears in early period semi-cursive script, and further were to make use of right-falling

25、 strokes with thick feet. 書法英語簡介 seal clerical semi- cursive cursive regular書法英語簡介highlight on calligraphy: an art of lines or strokes 1. calligraphy:, the art of rhythm, of internal energy and tension one stroke character(一筆書一筆書) is an internal line of energy(氣脈氣脈) and is written with strokes at on

26、e go, rather than implying only one single stroke. these strokes may not look connected on the exterior but are closely related in the interior. without interior linkage, a character lacks vigor and vitality.書法英語簡介 2. calligraphy: an art that can be performed lin huaimin (林懷民林懷民), an taiwanese danci

27、ng director was inspired by the rhythms of this art form and choreographed “running-cursive script”. (page 130) the spirit of the art of writing was enlivened. master calligrapher zhang xu (張旭張旭) was enlightened by the enchanting sword dance of lady gongsun (公孫大娘公孫大娘) and integrated the genuine beauty of her dance into his profession of calligraphy. (page 130) 書法英語簡介3. calligraphy: an art of vigor wang xizhis handwriting in his calligraphic works were compared


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