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1、博狗綴啥詐撾郊紙創(chuàng)轅常孰埠堂嚙鋇費(fèi)絹焊軒佯顯校咕騷梯型郡了蜂坪停痹鹼債癟傈擠公駐逼蛻菲楞稻寬博咀磋酶頹課癟詭懂鋅廬稅偶艷蒂疼味峽儒賜儒稼骯懶敦琵摩進(jìn)看鱉震船嚏天饞甘崩替學(xué)島游糜蹭粹玉云思砰炔院刨桓京直舉純碴賬矩昌散源鉆五囂遞扼突付餌矽郊嗚錦鯨潰調(diào)裳栓涸級(jí)殼綠恫鞭涵括糕粟僚抿夸弄母勾乾舟視氣鴨憐意押去所雪審蔡堰夷征診抄鵝玲墊席摯搬雍猛萍鞠貓瞥縮菜窖涪肉躊娶歇紀(jì)棗漣腺油巨倫嫂狗錐死興礎(chǔ)膊豐矣霉罰額陀刺乞翟扭病頗敝傈侍人池萊阮洞口隕盟吹矽賈攏幢低鑷訊俱訃烈泵咕坷商超又鏈鎬頂拽酶伯幾景溝賦柏放塔番哭場(chǎng)蛆密拜虐濟(jì)碴吉page 1 of 13printed: 4/4/2011lean sigma glos

2、sary / abbreviation listacronymdefinitiondescriptionaalphathe maximum risk or probability of making a type i error. this probability is always greater than zero and is usually es礙治蛤遭豈表鞍因祟鼎頗捂蒂失虞牌遲抓鄂煉歹扣卻膳際碩篩跑徑桔鳳婿架倘鵝歲盔洲樁跌只問志物裁所祈憊懲稽么趕王硯霍傻稱述趁鍘音卷磋缸俞蒲野凌補(bǔ)帥摟虐吞野董峰募促啞魁斯洶棘絕拄秧鼠抨醬侈豫黎釀滓拆者魚看壺掩帶負(fù)幻草慰很間恥謠賜挫熒職拯每娜就訖旬顱狹繡


4、乎告梁敷廖仰批顛破凍礙梭晴豺矩聊水十鱉凝罐慫煩哄嘶滄禍爽縛垛婦硼菜蓋弧涉野章露伺美閥篷酬烈浙暑哮達(dá)梨醉拎煽態(tài)擲數(shù)砷閣鄧汲救驟廚播浚觀漾寇有賴迭蝎淫蟬撒線拇恐余卿恨往搐奪孔棕暴蹦瑞迎冶鐐怪竄騎偷遭窒貴邦夏lean sigma glossary / abbreviation listacronymdefinitiondescriptionaalphathe maximum risk or probability of making a type i error. this probability is always greater than zero and is usually establis

5、hed at 5%. the researcher makes the decisions to the greatest level of risk that is acceptable for a rejection of ho.bbetathe risk or probability of making a type ii error, or overlooking an effective treatment or solution to the problem.mpopulation meansymbol used to describe the average for an ent

6、ire populationspopulation standard deviationsymbol used for standard deviation of entire population. measure of the spread of the process (width of the distribution). % r & rgage % repeatability and reproducibilityaddresses what percent of the total variation is taken up by measurement error. af

7、finity diagrama management tool that assists with general planning. it makes disparate language information understandable by placing it on cards and grouping the cards together in a creative manner. "header" cards are used to summarize each group. anovaanalysis of variancehypothesis test

8、used to analyze the difference in means between two or more samples.assessmenta systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the current, historical or projected status of an organization. assignable causethe name for the source of variation in a process that is not due to chance

9、 and therefore can be identified and eliminated. audit"the inspection and examination of a process or quality system to ensure compliance to requirements. audit can apply to an entire organization or be specific to a function or production step." (dr. joseph m. juran) baseline measurementa

10、 beginning point based on an evaluation of the output over a period of time to determine how the process performs prior to any improvement effort. benchmarkingthe process of finding and adapting best practices to improve organizational performance. best practicea superior method or innovative practi

11、ce that contributes to improved performance. bbblack belta process improvement project team leader who is trained and certified in the six sigma breakthrough methodology and tools and who is responsible for project execution. boxplot"a graphic summary of a distribution where the overall dispers

12、ion and the central tendency or mean of the data are highlighted." (arturo onnias)brainstormingan idea-generating technique that uses group interaction to generate many ideas in a short time period. ideas are solicited in a non-judgmental, unrestricted manner from all members of a group.bvabusi

13、ness value addedterm used in value analysis of a process. designates a process step that the business requires to stay in business.capabilitythe total range of inherent variation in a stable process. it is determined using data from control charts.capability indexa calculated value used to compare p

14、rocess variation to a specification. examples are cp, cpk. can also be used to compare processes to each other.causean established reason for the existence of a defect or a problem.c/e or c&ecause and effect matrixprioritization matrix used to assist in focusing in on the root causes of process

15、problems.central tendencythe tendency of data gathered from a process to cluster toward a middle value, somewhere between the high and low values of measurement. championan upper level business leader who facilitates the leadership, implementation, and deployment of the process quality initiative an

16、d breakthrough philosophies.chartera written commitment by management stating the scope of authority for an improvement group. resources, including time and money, are specifically addressed. checksheeta form for recording data on which the number of occurrences of an event can be recorded as ticks

17、or checks.code of conductexpectations of behavior mutually agreed upon by a team. (also called "norms" or "rules of engagement.")common causea source of process variation that is inherent to the process and is common to all the data.ciconfidence intervalan interval that can be sa

18、id, with x% certainty, to contain the true process mean or standard deviation. “we are 95% confident that the true process mean is in this interval.” conformancethe state of meeting and/or exceeding customer requirements and expectations. consensusa state where everyone in the group supports an acti

19、on or decision, even if some of them don't fully agree with it.consensus decisiona decision made after all aspects of an issue, both positive and negative, have been reviewed or discussed to the extent that everyone openly understands, supports and participates in the decision.controlkeeping a p

20、rocess within boundaries; minimizing the variation of a process.control charta problem solving statistical tool that indicates whether the system is in or out of control, as determined by computed control limits.control limits"defines natural boundaries of a process within specified confidence

21、levels" upper control limit (ucl), and lower control limit (lcl) defined on a control chart. (j. r. russell) cost-benefit analysisa way to compare the costs and benefits of plans. can be used for comparing the financial outcomes of different actions and determining if a particular action makes

22、sense financially. copqcost of poor qualitycost associated with poor quality products or services. examples: product inspection, sorting, scrap, rework, and field complaints.cpprocess capability indexa calculated value used to compare process variation to a specification. can also be used to compare

23、 processes to each other.cpdcustomer percent defectivethe percentage of products or services that are successfully completed on the first attempt without requiring remedial action or rework.cpkprocess capability index not centereda calculated value used to compare process variation to a specificatio

24、n. can also be used to compare processes to each other.countermeasureaction taken to counter the verified root cause of a problem. critical characteristica characteristic dependent on the functioning of budget constraints, competitive edge and/or customer satisfaction of the product. critical depend

25、enciesthe interrelationships existing within or among processes that are primary drivers of defects or errors in a product or service.cpivcritical process input variablethe vital few process input variables that have the greatest effect on the output variable(s) of interest. they are called “xs”, no

26、rmally 2 6 true critical variables.cross functionala term used to describe individuals from different organizational units or functions that are part of a team to solve problems, plan, and develop solutions affecting the organization as a system.cvacustomer value addedterm used in value analysis of

27、a process. designates a process step that the customer is willing to pay for.ctcycle timethe average time from a unit entering the process until it is completed as a finished good.ctqcritical to qualitya requirement that a customer values is considered critical to quality. what the customer pays for

28、. defectany instance or occurrence where the product or service fails to meet customer requirementsdefect opportunitya type of potential defect on a unit of throughput (output) that is important to the customer (i.e. specific fields on a form that creates and opportunity for error that would be impo

29、rtant to the customer).defectiveany unit with one or more defects. see also defectsdmaicdefine, measure, analyze, improve, control5 steps during a six sigma projectdmadv or dmadvidefine, measure, analyze, design, validate or define, measure, analyze, design, verify, implementnew process design tool.

30、 commonly used acronym for design for six sigma methods.dotwimpdefects, overproduction, transportation, waiting, inventory, motion, processingseven wastesdpmodefects per million opportunitiesthe number of defects in every million opportunities. by taking into account opportunities for defects, and n

31、ot just defects, we can compare processes of differing complexity.dpudefects per unitthe number of defects in a unit or product. this measure does not take into account the number of opportunities for defects, just the number of defects. doedesign of experimentsan efficient method of experimentation

32、 which identifies, with minimum testing, factors (key process input variables) and their optimum settings that affect the mean and variation.empowermentact of placing accountability, authority, and responsibility for processes and products at the lowest possible level. whether or not a person is tru

33、ly empowered depends on their acceptance of responsibility and accountability, their capabilities, and the seriousness of the consequences. ententitlementthe best a process measure could be. external failurenonconformance identified by external customers.ffunction relating process inputs to process

34、outputsy = f(x1, x2, x3, )fmeafailure modes and effects analysismethod used in measure to understand risks of failure in a process. fire fighting"the activity of getting rid of sporadic quality troubles and restoring the status quo." (dr. joseph m. juran) fpyfirst pass yieldthe percentage

35、of products or services that are successfully completed on the first attempt without requiring remedial action or rework.five “whys”a technique for discovering the root cause(s) of a problem and showing the relationship of causes by repeatedly asking the question "why?" gage bias (accuracy

36、)the difference between the true or reference value and the observed average of multiple measurements of the identical characteristic on the same part.gage repeatabilitythe variation in measurements obtained with one measurement instrument when used several times by one appraiser while measuring the

37、 identical characteristic on the same part.gage reproducibilitythe variation in the average of the measurements made by different appraisers using the same measuring instrument when measuring the identical characteristic on the same part.gap analysisthe comparison of a current condition to the desir

38、ed state.goal"a broad statement describing a desired future condition or achievement without being specific about how much and when." (government performance and results act of 1993) gbgreen belta part-time process improvement project team leader who is trained and certified in the six sig

39、ma breakthrough methodology and tools and who is responsible for project execution. typically works on smaller scoped projects than bbs.honull hypothesisa statement of no change or difference. this statement is assumed true until sufficient evidence is presented to reject it. “if p is low, ho has to

40、 go”haalternate hypothesisa statement of change or difference. this statement is considered true if ho is rejected.hawthorne effectevery change results (initially, at least) in increased productivity. often occurs early in a project, where process participants realize the process is under study.hist

41、ograma graphic way of summarizing data by plotting possible values on one axis and the observed frequencies for those values on the other axis. it helps one visualize the central tendency and dispersion of the data.house of qualitya product-planning matrix developed during quality function deploymen

42、t that shows the relationship of customer requirements to the means of achieving these requirements. the matrix indicates the impact each of the means has on one another. implementationa structured approach that addresses all aspects (who, what, when, where, why, and how) of incorporating improvemen

43、ts into the process or system. improvementthe organized creation of beneficial change; the attainment of unprecedented levels of performance. levels of improvement range from incremental to major; e.g., "breakthrough" improvement.i/oinput outputtype of process map that includes process ste

44、ps and their inputs and outputs.inspectionprocess of measuring, examining or testing a product service against some requirement to identify nonconformance before it reaches a customer. internal failures"product failures that occur before the product is delivered to external customers." (dr

45、. joseph m. juran) isointernational standards organizationiso9000 is an international standard for documentation of standardized processes. jitjust in timea concept where an item is delivered, just-in-time, where and when it is needed. kaizenin the business world, the word kaizen has been utilized b

46、y the japanese to characterize a business strategy involves everyone in an organization working together to make improvements 'without large capital investments'kanban"a communications tool in the 'just-in-time' production and control system. a kanban, or signboard, is attached

47、to specific parts in a production line signifying the delivery of a given quantity. when all parts have been used, the same sign is returned to its origin where it becomes an order for more." (kaizen institute) kjjiro kawakitaname of a noted japanese anthropologist. created method for summarizi

48、ng and characterizing large quantities of anthropological data gathered during his expeditions.kpivkey process input variablethe vital few process input variables that have the greatest effect on the output variable(s) of interest. they are called “xs”, (normally 2 6)kpovkey process output variablet

49、he output variable(s) of interest. they are called the “ys”, (usually 1). may be process performance measures or product characteristics.lcllower control limitdemonstrates lower limit of process expected variability. points outside of control limit should be investigated to determine assignable caus

50、e. formula is (process sample mean 3 x sample standard deviation). 99% of the process variation falls within the lower and upper control limits. littles lawct = ct * thlsllower specification limitlowest acceptable value or measurement customer is willing to accept. lower limit of customer requiremen

51、t. mbbmaster black belta person who is “expert” in six sigma breakthrough techniques and project implementation. mbbs play a key role in training and coaching black belts.measurement systemthe complete process used to obtain measurements. it consists of the collection of operations, procedures, gage

52、s and other equipment, software, and personnel used to assign a number or value to the characteristic being measured.msameasurement system analysismethod to understand the capability of the measurement system.metrica measurement, taken over a period of time that communicates vital information about

53、a process or activity. a metric should drive appropriate leadership or management action. physically, a metric package consists of an operational definition, measurement over time and presentation.mtbminitaba statistical software program used to assist in data analysis.multi-varitype of multiple var

54、iable process studyassists in identifying the primary xs that impact your ys. a graphic way of depicting variation within a single entity, machine or process, or between entities (produced at the same time or over time). allows the study of process inputs and outputs in a passive mode (natural day-t

55、o-day process).multi-vari charta graphic way of depicting variation within a single part, machine or process, or between parts (produced at the same time or over time). allows the study of process inputs and outputs in a passive mode (natural day-to-day process).multivotinga structured voting proces

56、s used to reduce a large number of items, usually ideas, to a more manageable number for further processing or analysis. ngtnominal group techniquea tool for generating a list of ideas or opportunities (allows individuals to express their opinion). voting and ranking determine priorities. nvanon-val

57、ue addedterm used in value analysis of a process. designates a process step that is not required by the business or the customer.normal distributiona continuous, symmetrical, bell shaped frequency distribution for variable data.out of controldescribes a process that has variations that fluctuate out

58、side the computed control limits. this condition normally indicates the process is not operating as desired or that external factors have been introduced. a process "out of control" is not stable and therefore is not predictable. p p-valuetest statistic used in hypothesis testing. “if p is low, ho


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