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1、機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)基礎(chǔ)常用單詞中英文對照-common words in basis of mechanical desig ning一畫1.v 帶 vbelt2力 force3力矩 moment4.工作載荷 serving load5干摩擦 dry friction6飛輪 flier, flywheel7.內(nèi)圈 inner ring8 切向鍵 tangential key9. 切應(yīng)力 tangential stress10. 切削 cutting11 雙頭螺柱stud12. 尺寸 dimension13. 尺寸公差 dimensional toleranee14計(jì)算載荷 calculating loa

2、d15主動(dòng)軸 drive shaft16. 凸輪cam17. 加工 working18半圓鍵 half round key19外圈 outer ring.20失效 failure21 .尼龍 nylon22.平鍵 flat key23打滑 slippage24.正火 normalizing treatment25正應(yīng)力 normal stress26優(yōu)化設(shè)計(jì) optimum design27.沖壓 punching28動(dòng)平衡 dynamic balance29 動(dòng)載荷 moving load30壓力 pressure31 壓應(yīng)力 compressive stress32 壓強(qiáng) pressure

3、 intensity33. 壓縮 compress34. 壓縮應(yīng)力 compressive stress35. 合金鋼 alloy steel36向心軸承 centripetal stress37向心推力軸承 centripetal thrust bearing38導(dǎo)向鍵 guide key39導(dǎo)軌 guide track40 當(dāng)量動(dòng)載荷 equivalent dynamic load41 曲柄 crank42. 曲軸 crank axle43. 曲率半徑 curvature radius44. 有色金屬 non ferrous metal45. 機(jī)構(gòu) mechanism46. 機(jī)架 fram

4、ework47. 機(jī)座 machine base48. 機(jī)械 machine49. 機(jī)械加工 mechanical working50. 機(jī)械零件 machine element51 .機(jī)器 machine52.灰鑄鐵 gray cast iron53自鎖 self locking54. 行星輪系 planetary gear train55. 許用應(yīng)力 allowable stress56. 防松locking57. 刨削 planning58壽命 life59應(yīng)力 stress60應(yīng)力集中 stress concentration61 應(yīng)變 strain62.扭轉(zhuǎn) torsion63 扭轉(zhuǎn)

5、角 angle of torsion64.抗壓強(qiáng)度 compression strength65 抗拉強(qiáng)度 tensile strength66抗彎強(qiáng)度 bending strength67. 材料 material68. 極限應(yīng)力 limit stress69. 極慣性矩 polar moment of inertial70花鍵 spline71 .連桿 cormecting rod72. 周轉(zhuǎn)輪系 epicyclic gear train73. 屈服強(qiáng)度 yield strength74. 底板 base plate75底座 underframe76徑向力 radial force77.

6、徑向當(dāng)量動(dòng)載荷 radial equivalent dynamic load78. 徑向軸承 journal bearing79. 徑向基木額定動(dòng)載荷 radial elementary rated life80性能 performance81 承載量 load carrying capacity82拉力 pulling force83. 拉伸 tension84. 拉伸應(yīng)力 tensile stress85油膜 oil film86. 泊松比 poisson's ratio87. 直徑 diameter88. 空心軸 hollow axle89. 空氣軸承 air bearing90

7、 表面處理 surface treatment91 表面淬火 surface quenching92 轉(zhuǎn)矩 torque93. 金屬材料 metallic material94. 青銅合金 bronze alloy95. 非金屬材料 non metallic material96. 齒輪 gear97. 齒輪模數(shù) module of gear teeth98. 齒數(shù) tooth number99. 保持架 holding frame100. 變應(yīng)力 dynamic stress101 變形 deflection, deformation102. 變載荷 dynamic load103. 輪系g

8、ear train104. 墊片 shim105. 墊圈 washer106. 復(fù)合材料 composite material107. 帶傳動(dòng) belt driving108. 彎曲 bend109. 彎曲應(yīng)力 bending stress110彎曲強(qiáng)度 bending strength111 彎矩 bending moment112. 擋圈 retaining ring113. 殘余應(yīng)力 residual stress114. 殘余變形 residual deformation115. 點(diǎn)蝕 pitting116相對運(yùn)動(dòng) relative motion1*17相對滑動(dòng) relative sl

9、iding118.相對滾動(dòng) relative rolling motion119矩形花鍵 square key120.結(jié)構(gòu) structure121 .結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì) structural design12*1 結(jié)構(gòu)鋼 structural steel122. 耐磨性 wearing quality123. 脈動(dòng)循環(huán)應(yīng)力repeated stress124 軸 shaft125軸瓦 bushing126. 軸向力 axial force127. 軸向當(dāng)量動(dòng)載荷 axial equivalent dynamic load128. 軸向基本額定動(dòng)載荷 axial elementary rated lif

10、e129. 軸承 bearing130. 軸承合金 bearing metal131. $由承油溝 grooves in bearing132軸承襯 bearing bush133. 軸承座 bearing block134. 軸承蓋 bearing cap135. 軸環(huán) axle ring136. 軸肩 shaft neck137. 軸套 shaft sleeve138. 退刀槽 tool escape139. 鋼材 steel140. 鉤頭楔鍵 gib head key150.鉤頭螺栓 gib head bolt151 挺桿152 圓柱銷153 圓錐銷154.tappet, tapper

11、cylindrical pin cone pin circular nut155流體動(dòng)力潤滑 hydrodynamic lubrication156流體靜力潤滑 hydrostatic lubrication157潤滑 lubrication158潤滑油膜 lubricant film 159.熱處理 heat treatment 160熱平衡 heat balance161 疲勞 fatigue162疲勞失效 fatigue failure163疲勞壽命 fatigue life164.疲勞強(qiáng)度 fatigue strength165疲勞裂紋 fatigue cracking166離合器 c

12、lutch167緊定螺釘 tightening screw168膠合 seizing of teeth169能量 energy170.脆性材料 brittle material171 調(diào)質(zhì)鋼 quenched and tempered steel172載荷 load173載荷譜 load spectrum174. 通用零件 universal element175. 速度 velocity176. 部件 parts177. w接 riveting178. 陶瓷 ceramics179. 預(yù)緊 pretighten180. 高速傳動(dòng)軸 high speed drive shaft181. 偏心載

13、荷 eccentric load182. 偏轉(zhuǎn)角 deflection angle183減速器 reductor184剪切應(yīng)力 shearing stress185. 剪切應(yīng)力 shear stress186. 基本額定動(dòng)載荷 elementary rated dynamic load187. 基本額定壽命 elementary rated life188. 密封 seal189密度 density190. 彈性變形 elastic deformation191. 彈性流體動(dòng)力潤滑 elastohydrodynamic lubrication192. 彈性嚙合 elastic engageme

14、nt193. 彈性滑動(dòng) elastic slippage194. 彈性模量 modulus of elasticity195彈簧 spring196. 彈簧址圈 spring washer197. 慣性力 inertial force198. 慣性矩 moment of inertia199. 接觸應(yīng)力 contact stress200. 接觸角 contact angle201. 推力軸承 thrust bearing202. 斷裂 break203. 液壓 hydraulic pressure204混合潤滑 mixed lubrication205. 漸開線花鍵 involute spl

15、ine206. 焊接 welding207. 球形閥 globe valve208. 球墨鑄鐵 nodular cast iron209. 粗糙度 roughness210. 銅合金 copper alloy211. 鋁合金 aluminum alloy212. 餃鏈hinge213. 黃銅 brass214. 剩余預(yù)緊力 residual initial tightening load215. 噴丸 sand blast216. 強(qiáng)度 strength217. 強(qiáng)度極限 ultimate strength218. 最小油膜厚度 minimum film thickness219. 棘輪傳動(dòng)

16、ratchet wheel220滑動(dòng)軸承 sliding bearing221 滑塊 slide block222滑鍵 slide key223 硬度 hardness224聯(lián)軸器 coupling225. 裝配 assembly226. 鑄件 casting227. 鑄鋼 cast steel228. 鑄造 cast229. 鑄鐵 cast iron230. 鑄鋁 cast aluminum231. 鏈 chain232. 鏈輪 chain wheel233銷 pin234. 銷釘聯(lián)接 pin connection235. 塑性材料 ductile material236. 塑性變形 pla

17、stic deformation237. 塑料 plastics238 搖桿 rocker239. 楔鍵 wedge key240. 滾動(dòng)體 rolling body241 滾動(dòng)軸承 rolling bearing242滾壓 rolling243滾珠絲桿 ball leading screw244. 錫青銅 tin bronze245. 錐形閥 cone valve246. 鍵 key247. 鍵槽 keyways248. 碳化 carbonization249. 碳素鋼 carbon steel250. 穩(wěn)定性 stability251. 腐蝕 corrosion252. 鍛件 forged

18、 piece253鍛鋼 forged steel254. 鍛造 forging255. 靜壓軸承 hydrostatic bearing256. 靜應(yīng)力 steady stress257. 靜載荷 / 應(yīng)力 static load / stress258 摩擦 friction259摩擦力 friction force260摩擦功 friction work261 .摩擦系數(shù) friction coefficient262.摩擦角 friction angle263摩擦學(xué) tribology264. 槽輪 sheave wheel265. 橡膠 rubber26&箱體box267. 磨

19、削 grinding268. 磨損 wear269磨損過程 wear process270. 螺母 nut271. 螺紋 screw272螺紋 threads273. 螺紋聯(lián)接 threaded and coupled274. 螺釘 pitch275螺栓 bolt276. 螺栓聯(lián)接bolting277. 螺旋傳動(dòng) screw-driven機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)名詞術(shù)語中英對照機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)名詞術(shù)語中英文對照表chinese english 阿基米徳蝸桿archimedes worm 安全系數(shù) safety factor; factor of safety 安全載荷safe load 凹面、凹度concavity

20、扳手wrench 板簧 flat leaf spring 半圓鍵 woodruff key 變形 deformation 擺桿 oscillating bar 擺動(dòng)從動(dòng)件 oscillating follower 擺動(dòng)從動(dòng)件凸輪機(jī)構(gòu)cam with oscillating follower 擺動(dòng)導(dǎo)桿機(jī)構(gòu) oscillating guide-bar mechanism 擺線齒輪 cycloidal gear 擺線齒形 cycloidal tooth profile 擺線運(yùn)動(dòng)規(guī)律cycloidal motion 擺線針輪 cycloidal-pin wheel 包角 angle of con ta

21、ct保持架cage背對背安裝 back-to-back arrangement背錐 back cone ; normal cone 背錐角back angle 背錐距 back cone distance比例尺scale比熬'容 specific heat capacity 閉式鏈 closed kinematic chain 閉鏈機(jī)構(gòu) closed chain mechanism 臂部arm 變頻器 frequencyconverters 變頻調(diào)速 frequency control of motor speed 變速 speed change 變速齒輪 change gear; c

22、hange wheel 變位齒輪modified gear 變位系數(shù) modification coefficient 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)齒輪standard gear 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)直齒輪 standard spur gear 表面質(zhì)量系數(shù) superficial mass factor 表面?zhèn)鳠嵯禂?shù) surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度 surface roughness 并聯(lián)式組合 combination in parallel 并聯(lián)機(jī)構(gòu) parallel mechanism并聯(lián)組合機(jī)構(gòu) parallel combined mechanism 并行工程 con c

23、urrent e ngin eeri ng 并行設(shè)計(jì) concurred design, cd 不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance 不平衡 imbalanee (or unbalance) 不平衡量 amount o fun bala nee 不完全齒輪機(jī)構(gòu)intermittent gearing 波發(fā)生器 wave generator 波數(shù) number of waves 補(bǔ)償 compensation 參數(shù)化設(shè)計(jì) parameterization design, pd 殘余應(yīng)力 residual stress 操縱及控制裝置 operation control d

24、evice 槽輪 geneva wheel 槽輪機(jī)構(gòu) geneva mechanism ; maltese cross 槽數(shù) geneva numerate 槽凸輪groove cam 側(cè)隙 backlash差動(dòng)輪系 differential geartrain差動(dòng)螺旋機(jī)構(gòu) differential screw mechanism差速器 differential常用機(jī)構(gòu) conven tional mecha nism; mechanism in comm on use車床lathe承載量系數(shù) bearing capacity factor承載能力 bearing capacity成對安裝 paired mounting尺寸系列 dimension series齒槽 tooth space齒槽寬 spacewidth齒側(cè)間隙backlash齒頂高addendum齒頂圓 addendum circle齒根高dedendum機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)基礎(chǔ)常用單詞中英文對照壽命


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