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1、Chinese traditional festivalvsforeign festivalCultureGhost FestivalvsHalloweenThe Spring Festival vsChristmas The Double Seventh FestivalvsValentines dayCONTENTSThe differences1. origin2. customGhost Festival vs Halloween There is a saying in a scripture of Taoism. That is “天官賜福,地官赦罪,水官解厄”. We call

2、them the three great emperors,”三官大帝 or 三元大帝” in Chinese.The immortal of sky is “紫微大帝” .The immortal of land is “清虛大帝” . The immortal of river is “洞陰大帝” .We always say “一元復始,萬象更新”. “中元” is the birthday of “清虛大帝”“元” means the beginning.Here “元” relatively means birth.“中元” is the birthday of “清虛大帝”。Eve

3、ry July 15, QingXu come to earth, forgive the crime and release spirits who have atoned for their sins.The Origin of Ghost FestivalAccording to the “Tripitaka” (大藏經(jīng)),MuLian went through untold hardships in the underworld, and saw his mothers soul suffering from hungry ghosts. He gave a jar with full

4、 of food to his mother, but the food was burning by the fire in his mothers mouth. MuLian asked the Buddha for help. The Buddha was moved by his filial piety(孝), and gave the Bon(盂蘭盆經(jīng)) to MuLian. Then Mulian,on the 15th of July, used a jar filled with fruit to worship Buddha and eliminate her mother

5、 sins finnally.The story about Bon(目連救母)The Origin of Halloween Halloweens origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (薩溫節(jié)). The Celtic peoples(凱爾特人) lived over 2,000 years ago. In the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Northern France. For the Celtic peoples, the New

6、 Year was celebrated on November 1st of every year. This date marked the end of Summer and the beginning of Winter.This time of year was often associated with human death. The Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blur

7、red(模糊) as the dead searched for the afterlife(來世).Thus, on the night of October 31st, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth to cause mischief(惡作劇) and trouble. To commemorate(紀念) the event, people built huge sacred bonfires(篝火) where animals and

8、 crops were sacrificed to the God for protection and to help scare ghosts away. The Celts also wore costumes to disguise themselves, in an attempt to confuse the spirits roaming the Earth.The Custom of Ghost Festivalon July 15, people float River Lanterns to Pay homage (致敬)to the dead . People used

9、to make lanterns which made of wood colored paper. Then put a candle in the lanterns. Let the candle light guide dead souls.People also pray for a good harvest andspread the supplies into the fields. People, after burning paper, cut colored paper into pieces ,and then wrapped in the crops.The Custom

10、 of Halloween dressing as monster Pumpkin lanterns Trick or treat Bobbing for applesSimilarities People can miss the one who go to heaven. Two festival connect with the ghost. The light appears in two fesitival. The light always means hope and courage.The Spring Festival vs ChristmasThe different1.

11、origin2. customThe Origin of the Spring Festival It is said that Shun, an emperor, lead his people to pray to the god for good weather for the crops, and they would held a memorial ceremony for good harvest. From then on, people take this day as the beginning of the year. It is said that this is the

12、 origin of the Chinese New Year, later called the Spring Festival. Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated generally on December 25,as a religious and cultural holiday by billions of people around the world.Its a feast(盛宴) to the Christian liturgical (禮拜儀式) . It

13、s the reason of the twelve days of Christmastide. Christmas is celebrated by an increasing number of non-Christians.The Origin of the ChristmasThe Custom of The Spring Festival1. Staying up late to see the new year. (熬年守歲)2. Having a family reunion dinner.3. Giving lucky money to children.4.Putting

14、up spring festival scrolls and shootting off firecrackers.The Custom of The Christmas1. Dressing up as Santa Clause to send a gift to their child.2.Sending cards to express blessings.3.Making christmas trees and singing christmas song.4.Linking socks in the bed and waiting for gifts. Similarities 1.

15、 Using red . 2. Indicating the beginning of the new year. 3. Gathering and celebrating. 4. Expressing good wishs.The differences1. origin2. customThe Double Seventh Festival vsValentines day ZhiNv, the youngest daughter of the Queen of Heaven,loved a poor orphan cowherd called NiuLang.They spend bea

16、tiful times with each other. But Queen of Heaven knew that and ordered them break up. She taked ZhiNv back to Heaven. Fearing that the young man would catch up, she took out her hair spin and drew a big river across the sky, known to the Chinese as the Silvery River. She wanted to separate the famil

17、y forever. However, all the magpies in the world, deeply touched by the story, came to their rescue. Each year, on the seventh day of the seventh month, they would flock together to form a bridge so that the family may enjoy a brief reunion. The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to

18、meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar month. Hence their meeting date has been called Qi Xi (Double Seventh). Double Seventh Festival The Origin of The Valentines day According to a lengend, In the 3th centuary , the Roman emperor thought that married man didnt like to leave home and stay in Ar

19、my.So he gave the order that men were prohibited from getting married.But pope Valentine kept presiding wedding ceremonies secretly for many young couples against emperors order.For this,he was hornored as a patron saint of lovers on that day.1 1月月1414日日 日記情人節(jié)(日記情人節(jié)(diary daydiary day) 情侶們互相贈送戀愛日記情侶

20、們互相贈送戀愛日記 2 2月月1414日日 情人節(jié)(情人節(jié)(st valentines dayst valentines day) 傳統(tǒng)情人節(jié)傳統(tǒng)情人節(jié) 3 3月月1414日日 白色情人節(jié)(白色情人節(jié)(white daywhite day) 男孩回贈禮物的日子男孩回贈禮物的日子 4 4月月1414日日 黑色情人節(jié)(黑色情人節(jié)(black dayblack day) 屬于單身貴族們的情人節(jié)屬于單身貴族們的情人節(jié) 5 5月月1414日日 黃色與玫瑰情人節(jié)(黃色與玫瑰情人節(jié)(yellow and rose dayyellow and rose day) 在這一天穿上黃色衣服,吃黃色咖喱飯是告訴大家你

21、還在單身的意思。在這一天穿上黃色衣服,吃黃色咖喱飯是告訴大家你還在單身的意思。另外,在這一天送紅玫瑰是傾訴愛意,送白玫瑰是表示猶豫未決,若送上黃玫瑰,另外,在這一天送紅玫瑰是傾訴愛意,送白玫瑰是表示猶豫未決,若送上黃玫瑰,就表示再見了就表示再見了 6 6月月1414日日 親吻情人節(jié)(親吻情人節(jié)(kiss daykiss day) 情侶們用親吻表達對對方的愛意情侶們用親吻表達對對方的愛意 7 7月月1414日日 銀色情人節(jié)(銀色情人節(jié)(silver daysilver day) 把你的意中人帶回家讓父母認識的好機會把你的意中人帶回家讓父母認識的好機會 8 8月月1414日日 綠色情人節(jié)(綠色情人節(jié)(green daygreen day) 酷熱的夏天,不妨和另一半做一趟涼爽的森林酷熱的夏天,不妨和另一半做一趟涼爽的森林之旅之旅 9 9月月1414日日 音樂情人節(jié)與相片情人節(jié)(音樂情人節(jié)與相片情人節(jié)(music day&photo daymusic day&photo day) 是舉辦大型社交活動是舉辦大型社交活動的好日子,另外還有許多情侶在這天就蔚藍晴朗的天空合影,所以有稱為的好日子,另外還有許多情侶在這天就蔚藍晴朗的天空合影,所以有稱為“相片情相片情人節(jié)人節(jié)” ” 1010月月1414日日 葡萄酒情人節(jié)(葡萄酒情人節(jié)(wine daywine da


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