1、北京市西城區(qū)20172018學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期期末試卷九年級英語2018.1知識運用(共14分)一?單項填空(共6分,每小題0.5分)從下面各題所給的A?B?C?D四個選項中,選擇可以填入空白處的最佳選項?1. Amy,would you PleaSe PaSS the salt?Sure,here you are.A. I B. me C. my D. mine2. When do you leave home for school?I usually leave 7 o'clock in the morning.A. at B. on C. in D. duri ng3. The in
2、ven ti On Of airpla nes makes traveli ng much tha n before.A. easy B. easily C. easier D. the easiest4. I will call you as Soon as I the tickets for the Con cert.A. get B. got C. have got D. will get5. The rain is heavy now. You n eed to PUt On your rain coat, you will get wet.A. or B. and C. but D.
3、 so6. What did you do last Weeke nd?We a PiCniC in the park. It WaS a nice day.A. have B. had C. has had D. will have7. The Water is so clear here,is n't it?Yes. I See the colorful fishes SWimming in it.A. should n,tB. must n,t C. n eed D. Can8. I great PrOgreSS in English SinCe I Started to rea
4、d an English story every day.A. made B. make C. have made D. will make9. I basketball When my mum called me.A. am playi ng B. WaS playi ng C. PIayed D. have PIayed10. The book you are talking about is Written in everyday English.A. who B. that C. Whe n D. What11. My teacher's glasses by her baby
5、 yesterday.A. broke B. break C. Were broke n D. are broke n12. Could you tell me tomorrow?By bus.A. how did you go to the museumB. how you Went to the museumC. how Will you go to the museum D. how you Will go to the museum二?完形填空(共8分,每小題1分)閱讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從短文后各題所給的 A?B?C?D四個選項中,選擇最 佳選項?When I Started
6、 work in g,I could n't Un dersta nd Why some people Seemed to SUCCeed in anything they tried. HOWeVer,others just could n,t man age to achieve anything. After a while,I found the biggest 13 lies in Setting and reviewing goals regularly. A StUdy shows those who have Written goals and review them
7、regularly are among the highest achievers.What do you do With your desires ( 渴望)and wants in life?You could Pay no attention to them and leave them to 14 in your mind,or Start taking action to get What you want. You need to Set goals. A goal StartS With a SimPIe desire.Do you USe any 15 for not Sett
8、 ing goals?WhateVer it is,I am SUre your excuse is Iimiti ng you. If you,re 16 about What you Wan t,you might end UP at a Certa in age With things that you did n,t want.Setting goals and reviewing them regularly Can inCreaSe your Chances of SUCCeeding. It Can give you the right directi On and 17 you
9、 movi ng closer to What you want. You will achieve more in mon ths tha n many people do in years.If you have a Strong desire for SOmething,you have two 18 :WiShfUl thinking,or taking action. You Can WiSh for a miracle( 奇跡),but do nothing. Or,you Can get clear On the StePS and take them, 19 ,one by O
10、neUntil you reach success.Sett ing goals is the most importa nt and n ecessary SteP to achieve SUCCeSS in any area. It beg ins With a desire,and then a Written goal, 20 by the right attitude and action. KeeP reviewing your goals and WatCh how your WiSh miraculously turns into your reality.13. A. dif
11、fere nce B. SUrPriSe C. hope D. sale14. A. SingB.danceC. lightD. disappear15. A. toolsB. excusesC. StOrieSD. examples16. A. excitedB. Un clearC. SUreD.Unhappy17. A. imagi neB. feelC. stopD. keep18. A. StePSB. decisi OnSC. ChOiCeSD. WiSheS19. A. slowlyB. SUdde nlyC. luckilyD. sadly20. A. decidedB. CO
12、rreCtedC. followedD. built閱讀理解(共36分)三?閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后各題所給的 A?B?C?D四個選項中,選擇最佳選項?(共26分海小題2分)California禺!伸1 jdYDVl CirL TlI the tptinu f Jhnny D-epp 1 Grauman QlTnee Th-sa and ba m*et his jai mdel (鰭像),With HU或 Jici(IrLar, LaHOe AJirEtr(M昭,and Bhd and. AngeIirLAj all at MAdaine Tussauds.E訕丘CmZGO the
13、 Santa CyLJ2 5urn MUSe口Irl. WhiCh is in A IiblhaUSe f nd See sur>ar Ldung me CateTL hy a SJlarlc. Pfert StaPJ the anta GrUZ BfraGh Barjalk lr a Eiiift n d Giant Di衛(wèi)Fer r*II*rcAt*r.V 血世 EeaehTbi i自Wh席住l訊說皿還咚 曲世T&dj觀 y-u訶也1 Ihi fms a½PJirlC Ii曲It an. tLe JaEach- AISeh vatd Iile IHMiyIauiUr
14、s at WliJaClfc 3eacL GyInJ Whlifth is Where Aiilnld -wAr2n½gge stand his a¾er.LOS AngelesKaVe you ever WAnted to record yeJP? IVD you Cdn Ntther fantastic GraInlrly IVIIJS¢11Jn. YDUl Can alo IearTL haw Ia dance IiLe MlichaeI Jc1coiij And find <hjl iI-6ul Lhe Cimettin ammig differen
15、t music styles.TOiI rtwter21. If you Want to Sta nd in the footpri nts of Joh nny Depp,where Will you go?A. Los An geles.B. Hollywoo D. C. VeniCe Beach.D. San ta CrU z.22. People must ViSit the Skate Park On VeniCe BeaCh because .A. SkatebOard ing Started there B. many famous people go thereC. they
16、Can Iear n how to dance there D. there are rollercosters to ride On23. The PaSSage is PrObabIy a(n).A. bedtime story B. Ietter from an Old friendC. school no ticeD. in troduct ion for touristsBTonyaAn drews is a math teacher in Texas. For 16 years,she loved her dear Pet Cat Blon die Very much and Wa
17、nted to SPend as much time With her as possible. It is totally Understandable that She had a SPeCiaI feeli ng for Blon die because she,d SaVed her from a build ing in Forth Worth. BUt rece ntly,shortly after She and her husba nd had realized that BIon die Seemed to be gett ing sick,the elderly Cat d
18、ied in her arms on her Way to the Pet hospital. NatUraIIy,Mrs. Andrews WaS heart broke n.After Blo ndie,s death,Mrs.A ndrews Went to work every day,feeli ng upset. She could n,t help but Share the Sad n ews of her Sad loss With some of her StUde nts at JOShUa High School in JoShUa, TX,and shortly af
19、ter,a few of the girls in her class Came UP With a few SUrPriSeS to Cheer her up.AS One StUde nt filmed the mome nt,the girls first gave her some White roses,followed by CUPCakeS and ballo OnS to express their care. Mrs.A ndrews Seemed touched,but it WaS their next SUrPriSe that deeply moved her and
20、 that every One WaS talk ing about.All that the ShOCked teacher could Seem to Say was, Are they for me? "as She held the baby CatS named MiSSy and Girlie.f knew SOmethi ng WaS going on Whe n Only half of my class WaS in my room,sec Ond PeriOd the next day When the bell rang, "Andrews told
21、the HUffington Post,feeling thankful.Then She heldthem out to me and Said they Were mi ne. My heart Can now experie nce happ in ess aga in."What the high school StUde nts did is really meanin gful,especially for people Who have gone through loss,like TonyaAndrews. The good news is that it Certa
22、inly looks like it WaS worth all the effort. TonyaAn drews fin ally WaS happy Whe n her StUde nts did kind things for her.24. Why did Mrs.A ndrews have a SPeCiaI feeli ng for Blon die?A. BeCaUSe Blon die got sick.B. BeCaUSe She WaS always Ion ely.C. BeCaUSe Blon die WaS her first pet.D. BeCaUSe She
23、SaVed Blon die from a buildi ng.25. What did Mrs.Andrews do after Blondie died?A. She Shared the Sad n ews With her StUde nts.B. She bought two baby cats,Missy and Girlie.C. She got into an argume nt With her husba n D.D. She gave UP her job at JOShUa High School.26. ACCOrd ing to the PaSSage,what a
24、re Mrs.A ndrews, StUde nts like?A. Con fide nt and hon est.B. Un dersta nding and Cari ng.C. Humorous and active.D. BraVe and stro ng willeD.CZoos are hugely popular attract ions for adults and ChiIdre n alike. BUt are they actually a good thin g?WHtThose people who are against zoos would argue that
25、 animals Often SUffer(遭受痛苦 )physically and men tally by being en close'd. EVen the best man made en Vir OnmentSCan't come close to match ing the space,diversity (多樣性),and freedom that animals have in their natural homes. ThiS CaUSeS many zoo animals to become sick. CatChing animals in the wi
26、ld also CaUSeS much SUffering by SeParating families. Some zoos make ani mals behave Unn aturally. For example,ocea n ParkS ofte n force dolphi ns and WhaIeS to perform. TheSe Sea animals dolphin may die years earlier than their wild relatives.3"k>CirtOn the other hand,by bringing people and
27、 animals together,zoos Can educate the PUbIiC about animal PrOteCti On and en COUrage people to SaVe ani mals and their homes. Some zoos PrOVide a Safe environment for animals WhiCh have been mistreated in CirCUSes,or PetS WhiCh have been given UP and no Ionger WanteD. Zoos also Carry out important
28、research into SUbjeCtS like animal behavior and how to treat illness. CirCUSOne of the most importa nt moder n fun Cti OnS of zoos is SUPPOrt ing intern ati Onal breedi ng ( 繁 衍)programs,especially for endangered SPeCieS (物種).In the wild,some of the SPeCieS have difficulty in finding mates and breed
29、 in g,a nd they might also be hurt or even killed by people. A good zoo will en ablethese SPeCieS to IiVe and breed in a Safe environmen t. I n additi On ,as nu mbers Of Some Wild SPeCieS drop,there is an in CreaSed dan ger of populati OnS beco ming too gen etically( 基因上)similar. Breed ing PrOgramS
30、PrOVide a SafegUard:zoobred ani mals Can be PUt into the wild to in CreaSe gen etic diversity.HOWeVer,those people who are aga inst zoos Say that many zoo bred ani mals are not PUt back into the wild. A lot of ani mals are sold not only to other zoos but also to CirCUSeS in the US or wild ParkS in S
31、outh AfriCa,where some people are willi ng to Pay a lot of money for the Cha nce to kill a helpless ani mal. Often ,these an imals are familiar With huma ns and have Very little Cha nce of escap ing.So,are zoos good for ani mals or no t?PerhaPS it all depe nds On how well zoos are man aged, and the
32、ben efits of zoos Can SUreIy OUtWeigh their harmful effects. HOWeVer,it is Un dersta ndable that many people believe en clos ing ani mals for any reas On is SimPIy wrong.27. ACCOrd ing to ParagraPh 2,some Sea ani mals may die earlier tha n their wild relatives becauseA. they Were born in the ocea n
33、Park B. they don't have eno Ugh livi ng SPaCeC. they are forced to behave Unn aturallyD. they SUffer from family SeParati On28. What is the main PUrPOSe of intern ati Onal breedi ng program?A. To in CreaSe gen etic diversity.B. To PrOteCt mistreated an imals.C. To free en closed ani mals.D. To d
34、o research Onani mal behavior.29. What,s the author,s OPinion Of zoos?A. He doubts the value of zoos.B. He is a true SUPPOrter of all kinds of zoos.C. He is aga inst the idea of hav ing zoos aroundD. He SeeS the importa nce of the zoo man ageme nt.DThe RiSe of ArtifiCiaI In tellige nce (AI;人工智能 )dis
35、cusses AI tech no Iogy and how it mightaffect huma ns in the future,but the future is already here .In 2011,America's FaVOrite QUiZ Show held a COmPetiti On betwee n two men and an IBM COmPUter n amedWatS On ".IBM describes WatS Onas a tech no Iogy that Un dersta nds all forms of data and a
36、lso reasons and Iear ns. "Both men thought they could beat WatS on. In stead,the COmPUter and its ArtifiCiaI In tellige nce SoUn dly bested both of the huma n bein gs.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MADE SIMPLEArtifiCiaI In tellige nce gen erally refers to mach ines With huma n Iike in tellige nce,such
37、 as problem solvi ng and Iear ning. In Order to be Con Sidered AI,the COmPUter must PaSS the TUring test, n amed after Ala n TUrin g,a BritiSh mathematicia n who WOrked With the first computers.In the 1950s,Turi ng PUbIiShed a PaPer questio ning Whether a COmPUter could be USed to trick huma ns into
38、 believi ng they Were in teract ing( 互動)with an actual huma n being. He found that if 30% of huma ns who in teracted With a mach in e" believed they Were actually in teract ing With a huma n bein g,the n the COmPUter could be Con Sidered as AI.A SimPIe example of AI is Apple,s Siri. ASk Siri to
39、 do an ythi ng,from calli ng a friend to book ing a dinner table,a nd Siri Can do it. Siri SeemS almost huma n. When you ask, Are you a real PerSon?"Siri answers, That is a really PerSOnal question. ” But,just because a SyStem Can behave like huma ns does not mean it Canthink like huma ns. Or,d
40、oes it?JOINING OF HUMAN & MACHlNEIt SeemS that our devices(設(shè)備)will turn into humans. OUr PhoneS already tell US to take an UmbreIIa before We walk out the door. They VolUn teer traffic Con diti OnS so We know how Iong it will take to drive to work.OUr devices Can in teract With US in a Way that
41、looks like a real Con VerSati On With ano ther huma n being,like With Siri. It does not Seem CraZy at all to think that Al may be PrOgrammed to actually thin k. If it has not already happe ned,it likely will happe n in the n ear future.HaVe We come to the time Whe n COmPUterS and AI have CaUght UP t
42、o huma n bein gs?Although COmPUterS have the ability to make our life better,is it POSSibIe that they may Con trol and destroy huma n beings in the end?WHAT THE FUTURE HoLDSIt SeemS Pretty clear that in the future,we're going to See a humanmachine hybrid. HUmanswill be stronger,live Ionger and b
43、e smarter. Ray KUrZWeil,a COmPUter SCientist,believes that Within 50 years,the humans on Earth will be about 50 to 80% robotic. There is no question that AI will be a Part of every tech no Iogy that huma ns create. Will it tur n OUt to be more of a ben efit to huma nkind or will it be a risk and thr
44、eaten( 威脅至U )humanity as We know it?If AI is PrOgrammed according to ISaaC Asimov's 3 LaWS of Robotics,huma ns Won ,t have a problem With mach in es;but for some,evil AI still Sta nds in the Way of a PeaCefUI and Safe life On earth.30. The story of COmPUter WatS On is men ti Oned here to tell US
45、 that . A. the age of machi nes has come B. huma ns make their OWnen emiesC. AI has actually come into our life D. huma ns are playi ng a dan gerous game31. From the PaSSage We Can Iear n that .A. TUring test WaS desig ned to exam ine the first COmPUterSB. mach ines in teract ing With huma ns Can be
46、 called AIC. Siri CanVolUn teer to book a dinner tableD. AI will help huma ns to be stro nger and Smarter32. What does the Underlined expressiOn a human machine hybrid "probably mean?A. a mach ine With a huma n lookB. a huma n Created by mach inesC. a body Part robotic Part huma nD. a robot tha
47、t Can behave like huma ns33. The PaSSage is mainly about.A. the history and future of AI B. the adva ntages and disadva ntages of AIC. the examples of AID. the COmPetiti On betwee n huma ns and AI四?閱讀短文 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題?(共10分,每小題2分)Albi no PowerI WaS born an albino(白化病患者)in Scranton,Pennsylvania,in 1945.
48、No Onein my family had ever known What an alb ino was,what it meant to be an alb ino ,what had to be done differe ntly because I WaS an alb ino.My Pare nts and friends treated me just like they treated everybody else. That WaS just about the best thing they could have don e. It gave me a leg UP On t
49、rust ing myself,so Whe n troubles Came alon g,I could deal With them.True,my schoolbook photo always looked like a Sno wball With two PieCeS of coal for eyes. Like most alb ino s,I had terrible eyesight,but the fact that I could hardly See did n,t worry me all that much.KidS IaUghed at me,calli ng m
50、e Whitey “.People Stared at me Whe n I held readi ng material right at the tip of my nose so I could See it well enoUgh to rea D. EVen When I WaS eight or nine, movie theater WOrkerS Started ask ing me to Pay adult PriCeS because I “Ooked older".The worst Part for me WaS that because my eyesigh
51、t WaS so bad,I could n,t play SPOrtS Very well.I didn,t give UP trying,though. I PraCtiCed PIaying basketball every day. And I StUdied harder.Finally,I got better at school and loved it. By the time I got to college,I WaS double majoring(專業(yè)),going to SUmmer school and taking Part in every kind of af
52、ter class activity I could find. I had learned to be proud of being an albino. I did my best to makealbino” POSitiVe word.And I decided to make my livi ng With my eyes -and in sports.I could n't See well eno Ugh to play SPOrtS,but With a good and Iong last ing educati On and the drive to do it,I
53、 could make a IiVing involved in the area I loved. I,ve done it now for more than thirty years in Printand in video,and now in CyberSpace. People make jokes about how I,m the Only blind editor(編輯)they know,but the jokes are friendly SmiIeS now,and some of them are Signs of respect. And I make jokes
54、about being an alb ino. I have even developed an all White routi ne,if you could call it that.I WaS just a proud alb ino kid from the coal CoUntry of Penn sylva nia. I now realize that being born an alb ino helped me to get over difficulties,become Con fide nt,a nd be proud of my PerS Onal achieveme
55、 nt.34. How did the writer's Pare nts and friends treat him?35. Why could n,t the Writer play SPOrtS Very well?36. What WaS the Writer doing by the time he got to college?37. What does the Writer think of theblind editor "jokes now?38. What does Albino Power "mean to the writer?書面表達(dá)五?文
56、段表達(dá)(10分)39. 從下面兩個題目中獉任獉選獉一獉題,根據(jù)中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50詞的文段寫作?文中已給出內(nèi)容不計入總詞數(shù)?所給提示詞語僅供選用?請不要寫出你的校名和姓名?題目(1)假如你是李華,正在美國參加一個交換生項目?你想申請所在學(xué)校的某一社團(tuán),請你寫一份申請,說明你想?yún)⒓邮裁瓷鐖F(tuán),為什么想?yún)⒓舆@個社團(tuán)以及你自身的優(yōu)勢?提示詞語:Singing,chess,interested,cOnfident,friends 提示問題:1. What club do you Want to join?2. Why do you Want to join this club?3. Wha
57、t makes you the right PerS On for this club?Dear Sir/ Madam,Thank you for conSidering my application and I,m looking forward to your early reply. Yours,Li HUa題目 題目(2)現(xiàn)在,某英文報紙正在開展以我要成為一個的人”為主題的征文活動?假如你是李華,請用英語寫一篇短文投稿?談?wù)勀阋蔀橐粋€什么樣的人,為什么以及你怎么做才能成為那樣的人?提示詞語:brave,hOnest,positive,help,love,believe提示問題:1.
58、What kind of PerSOn do you Want to be?2. Why do you Want to be like that?3. HoW Can you make it?北京市西城區(qū)20172018學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期期末試卷九年級奚語奏者蓉棗及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)2018J知識運月、單頃填空I.1.】)2. A乩C3. C9L K4. A1(】.HS AI. C&. Il12. 1>二*完形埴空13. 14. IJ15 K17. DI乩(119. A2(1 i:閱讀理解三、閱讀下列短丈,跟據(jù)短艾閃容*從短丈后各題所給的)四個選項中選項.2L H22, A23. 24. n25 Z26, B27. C2K. A如匸3i. 33k A四?閱讀短文根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題?34.
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