1、aleksander! 亞歷山大! you're here. 你在這里 i was worried. i was fine. 我很擔心我沒事 i'm not as fragile as i once was. 我不像從前那么脆弱了 not fragile. 那不叫脆弱 just mortal. 你只是會生老病死 it's not safe out here. 這里不安全 i could live a long life. 我可以很長壽 with training, with an amplifier. 只要得到加乘器配合適當?shù)挠柧?i could see another
2、 100 years, maybe more. 我還能再活一百年或許更多 that seems a long time to you, i'm sure. 是啊那在你看來已經(jīng)很長久了 soldiers. 是軍人 likely at sikursk. 應該是瑟科斯克的駐軍 they raided our village yesterday, calling for all known grisha. 他們昨天突襲了我們的村莊要帶走所有已知的格里莎 a few of us got out. and baghra? 只有少數(shù)人逃脫了 巴格拉呢? she led the others to t
3、he sanctuary. 她帶其他人去避難所了 darkling! 暗主! i know you're in there! 我知道你在里面! remember ryevost? 還記得萊沃斯特嗎? the same plan? 同樣的計劃? it is you. darkling.你終于現(xiàn)身了暗主i approach peacefully.我無意使用武力the king wants you back alive.國王要我們把你活著帶回去but maybe you resisted. so.可或許你反抗了呢?所以please.拜托i don't want to hurt you
4、.我不想傷害你i have a message for the king.替我給國王帶句話if he, or any of his men, slaughter one more of my-如果他或者他的手下再多殺一個我的stand down, grisha. luda.投降吧格里莎露妲here's the little witch whors been stitching him back together.就是這個小女巫在給他療傷i'm sorry. luda.對不起露妲hands at your back!手背到身后!or the next arrow will do
5、its job.否則下一箭會讓你好看you have two prizes for the king.你可以給國王帶回兩份大禮you want a promotion to lieutenant, take us to the palace!你想晉升中尉那就帶我倆一起去王宮!i only need you. not your healer.我只需要你不需要你的治療師what?怎么?you thought the two of you could just quietly train witches among us? 你以為你們兩個能在我們眼皮子底下悄悄訓練女巫嗎?you want my co
6、operation, you bring us both in.想要我配合就把我倆都帶過去is that understood?懂嗎?i told you, those were not our orders.跟你說了我們收到的命令并非如此no. no, no, please.不不要求你no, i'm begging you, please!不要求你了 !no! no!不要!no!不!i'm sorry.對不起now.現(xiàn)在you still have a message for him?你還有話要帶給國王嗎?yes.有this!就是這個!healer! is there a h
7、ealer here?治療師!這里有治療師嗎?do you have a healer? the best we have is a tailor.這兒有治療師嗎? .只有剪裁者we were waiting on luda.我們在等露妲it's luda.是露妲just mortal.只是會生老病死where is baghra?巴格拉在哪里?my son. vm here.我的兒子母親i'm here.我來了but we do need to leave. soldiers are sweeping west. 但我們得趕快離開軍隊正向西掃蕩they're puni
8、shing us for being grisha.他們要處罰所有格里莎punishing you.是處罰你you made him afraid.你令他害怕了now he wants you to fear him.現(xiàn)在他想讓你畏懼他i won a war for him.我為他打贏了一場仗and in doing so, started a war on us.也正因如此給格里莎帶來了戰(zhàn)火oh, aleksander.亞歷山大where's the girl, your healer?那女孩兒呢你的治療師在哪?dead.死了she died because of me.因我而死sh
9、e died because they always do.凡人都會死they're not as strong as you and me.他們不像你我這般強大you're the one who taught me how to kill, mother. 是你教會了我如何殺戮媽媽their blood is on your hands as much as mine.你手上沾染的血腥不比我少i taught you so you could protect yourself.我教你殺人是為了讓你自保not them.不是保護他們i told you as much, bu
10、t you are so stubborn.我跟你說過多少次了但你總是這么固執(zhí)you wouldn't listen.聽不進去maybe you will now.也許你現(xiàn)在能聽進去了go. flee. go west. go to kerch.走吧往西邊逃去科奇wait for the king to die.等待國王的死訊then return with a new name.那之后用一個新的名字回來a nobleman's name.一個貴族的名字bide your time until there's a problem only grisha can solv
11、e.靜候時機等待一個只有格里莎才能解決的問題出現(xiàn)then the king must embrace us.到時國王就只能接納我們and what about those in danger now?那正身處險境的格里莎怎么辦?we need to safeguard all grisha. we need to teach them how to fight. 我們得保護所有格里莎教他們?nèi)绾螒?zhàn)斗most grisha aren't fighters.大多數(shù)格里莎都不是戰(zhàn)士they fix things. they make things.他們只會修補和制♥造&a
12、mp;hearts;then we make an army.那我們就打造一支軍隊morozova did it.摩若佐瓦就這么做過forge new life to amplify our power.創(chuàng)造新生命加強我們的力量we are his bloodline. he made us, too.我們是他的血脈我們也是他造出來的you mean to use merzost?你想使用禁術?we practice the small science. not magic!我們修習的是小科學不是魔法!his journals are here. they're here in the
13、 archives.他的日志就在這里在檔案室no, no, no, no, no. you cannot control it.不行你駕馭不了那術法的i could create, just like he did.我也有創(chuàng)造能力就像他一樣then you will die. like he did.但那之后你會死的就像他一樣it's unpredictable.禁術的威力難以預料unstable.很不穩(wěn)定the small science feeds us. merzost feeds on us.小科學滋養(yǎng)我們壯大而禁術會反噬我們i forbid it.我不準你這么做now, do
14、 you hear me?你聽見了嗎?the soldiers are here.軍隊來了how many? too many.多少人?-人多勢眾darkling.暗主you're surrounded.你被包圍了ifyou cut me down, my men have orders to spare no one inside. 如果你殺了我我手下的將士會殺光里面所有人you'll kill everyone.你會害死他們所有人including your mother.包括你母親the king wants you in custody.國王想把你拘留看管we know
15、 you lost your healer.我們知道你失去了你的治療師hold your arms wide.雙臂張開i know how your small science works.我知道你的小科學需要如何施展your hands must touch first.你的雙手必須先互相接觸if he moves his arms, shoot him.只要他移♥動♥雙臂就放箭i have no army to fight yours,我沒有軍隊來與你作戰(zhàn)so i shall remake yours as my own.那我就把你的軍隊改造成我
16、的submit to me!向我臣服!what did you do?你做了什么?i made something.我造了一樣東西sir, she is close by.長官她就在附近is this all we have left?我們就只剩這些了嗎?jesper, my bag.杰斯帕我的包mother of saints.我的天啊it's not healing on its own. i need to stitch it.傷口沒法自己愈合我需要手動縫合how long before you can travel? not long.-多久以后可以出行? 不用很久where?
17、 ketterdam.去哪兒? 凱特丹between our dwindling funds,我們?nèi)缃褓Y♥金 ♥短♥缺 ♥lack of time and conflicting interests,時間緊迫、人心不齊it's time we cut our losses.必須及時止損i guess the bastard misses the barrel.我看是巴羅的野小子想家了吧but a needle's too much?you can watch a bullet tear th
18、rough a man, 你可以看著子彈穿過人的身體卻不敢看我縫針?it.這yeah, well, you see, bullets are bam, in and out. that's.是啊子彈是“砰”地一下?lián)舸┠繕烁蓛衾鋞hat's just.而這個就where'd you learn to do that? when i was at the menagerie.-你在哪兒學的縫合傷口 ? 在獸園時yeah, but why would you.是哦可你為什么會oh, that's dark.那太可怕了which is why i can't
19、go back.所以我絕對不能回去if you told kaz that story, i think he'd murder heleen himself.若你把這事告訴卡茲他大概會親手把赫林給宰了jesper, you're not hearing me.杰斯帕你沒聽明白我的意思i can't go back.我不能回去what?怎么了?well, i was.我i was going to tell you to trust kaz 我原本想告訴你你可以相信卡茲 and that he'd never let you go back, but. 他絕j(
20、寸不會把你送回獸園但是i don't have the right to tell you 這是你得到自♥由♥的機會 what you should do with your shot at freedom. 我無權告訴你應該怎么做you make this a lot harder, you know.你害我很難抉擇知道嗎?i know.我知道i'd miss me, too.你當然會舍不得我啦i'm fantastic.我多酷炫呀mai, when we find the stag, i need to be the on
21、e to kill it. 瑪爾等我們找到了牡鹿必須由我親手殺死它you're a terrible shot.你的槍法奇差無比they made you a cartographer for a reason.他們可不是無緣無故讓你去做制圖師的of course. til line it up for you, you take the shot.當然我會幫你瞄準你來開槍it's just.只是do you really wear its bones? 你真的要戴著它的骨頭嗎?yeah.是的at least, that's how it's been done
22、.至少以前的人是這么做的that way.那邊hang on. what are you doing?.等一下.你要做什么?i need to get closer to it.我得再靠近一點if we keep it alive, how do we-如果不殺它那要怎么i don't know.我不知道kirigan didn't want me to have an amplifier. 奇利甘不希望我得到加乘器so he didn't teach me about this.所以他沒教過我這方面的事maybe there's another way to
23、do this.也許有其他辦法that animal's not meant for you.那只動物不是給你的mai!瑪爾!okay.好了no!不要!you can't save them, alina.你救不了他們阿麗娜you may have the power of light,你有召喚陽光的能力but not the power to heal.但你不是治療師i know the tracker is important to you.我知道這個追蹤手對你很重要give me the stag, and i'll have my healer save him
24、.把牡鹿交給我我會讓我的治療師救他no.不stay still. you've lost too much blood.別動你失血太多了you have to kill it.你必須殺死它you have to.你必須動手no! no! no! no!不!no.不要no! you said you wouldn't hurt him!住手!你說過不會傷害他的!bring me its antlers.把它的角拿給我yes, sir.是長官you murderer!你這個劊子手!you stupid fool!愚不可及!and the otkazat'sya, sir?這
25、個棄卒呢長官?i am a man of my word.我是守信用的人heal him.治好他he was only protecting miss starkov. 他只是在保護斯達科夫小姐而已are you hungry?你餓了嗎?or just saying goodbye?還是來道別的?jesper fixed your cane.杰斯帕修好了你的拐杖so, you are leaving.所以你真的要走了that's it?就這樣?after everything,經(jīng)歷了那么多事there's nothing else you want to say to me?
26、你就沒別的話想對我說了嗎?what else is there?還有什么好說的?you were right!你說得沒錯!about what?什么沒錯?the sun summoner.太陽召喚者you were right.你說得對she's real.她是真的i played it over and over in my head.我在腦海中回想了無數(shù)次none of it's a trick.她沒有?;ㄕ衪he light was hers.光芒確實來自于她so, what?所以呢?kaz brekker finally believes in saints?卡茲布瑞克
27、終于相信有圣者存在了 ?hardly. but you just said that那倒未必可你剛剛才說i said alina starkov is a grisha with the power to manipulate light. 我只說了阿麗娜斯達科夫是一個可以操縱光芒的格里莎she's a girl with a gift, not some savior of lore.她是個天賦異稟的姑娘但不是傳說中的救世主fine.好吧kaz, if not saints, what do you believe in?卡茲如果你不信圣者那你到底有什么信仰?myself.我相信自己
28、why'd i even ask? and you.我真不該多此一問.還有你and jesper.和杰斯帕my crows.我的烏鴉們because we flock to your bidding?因為我們唯你馬首是瞻嗎?like the animals of vengeance you named us after?所以你用那種復仇鳥的名字給我們當綽號♥ ?crows don't just remember the faces of people who wronged them. 烏鴉并非只會記住仇人的嘴臉they also remember tho
29、se who were kind.也會記住善待它們的人they tell each other who to look after and who to watch out for.它們會告知彼此應該照應誰、提防誰no saint ever watched over me.從來沒有什么圣者照應過我not like you have.不像你i can't go back to the menagerie.我不能回獸園去you won't.你不會回去的what are you doing?你要做什么?i'm going to place this around your n
30、eck.把這個戴在你的脖子上i meant why?我是問為什么i didn't kill the stag. it's not my amplifier.我沒有殺死牡鹿它不是我的加乘器he killed it. he gets its power.是他殺的他會得到它的力量you asked for this yourself, when we met.這是我們初見時你自己提出的要求to transfer your gift to someone who could use it. 將你的天賦轉移到能夠駕馭它的人身上i can use it now.我現(xiàn)在可以駕馭它了you k
31、now so little.你知道的太少了you'll learn.你需要學習i know things.我知道很多事情general kirigan, is it?奇利甘將軍對吧?or is aleksander a fake name, too?還是說亞歷山大也是假名?careful with your words, alina.當心你的用詞阿麗娜consider whose life is in your hands.想想看你手里握著誰的命you said you'd let him go.你答應過會放他走的i said i would heal him.我答應過會救治他
32、what happens next is up to you.之后如何就要看你的了none of this has been up to me!這一切從來就由不得我做主!do you know the only thing more powerful than you or me? 你知道這世上唯一比你或我都要強大的是什么嗎?the two of us. together.是我們倆聯(lián)手together, we can end all wars.你我聯(lián)手可以終結所有戰(zhàn)爭we can protect our own.我們可以保護自己人is that not what you want?這不是你想要
33、的嗎?are we destroying the fold?我們會摧毀黑幕嗎?we can do anything.我們無所不能together.只要你我攜手what. whafs happening?什么情況?wait. i don't understand. what.等一下我不明白怎么that should, uh.這樣應該bridge the gap?足以搭建起橋梁了吧?yes.是的you should now have full access to all of her light.您現(xiàn)在應該能調(diào)用她全部的力量了in theory.理論上是的this is my power.
34、這是我的能力but now i control it.但現(xiàn)在由我掌控how many are there? two.有幾個人?-兩個at some point, one of them他們其中一人will have to go tell a superior what they found. 肯定會去向上級匯報他們的發(fā)現(xiàn)we'll go in then.我們就趁機溜進去not to be that person, kaz,我不是想潑你冷水卡茲but are you sure you can drive that thing?但你確定你能駕駛那玩意嗎?yes.確定on the way t
35、o kribirsk while you were busy hugging bait. 去往克里比斯克的途中你忙著抱那只誘餌milo. the goat's name was milo.米洛那只羊名叫米洛1 was memorizing arken's timings.而我則在記阿肯設定的時間點not to gang up on you,我不想跟他合伙擠兌你but jes has a point.但小杰說的有道理arken's system was complicated and the ride was chaotic. 阿肯的操作系統(tǒng)很復雜而且之前一路上太混亂了n
36、o one would blame you for missing a count.你就算數(shù)漏了一次也是人之常情”jes”?“小杰 ?it's sult for friendship.是蘇利語是對朋友的昵稱no, it's not.才不是呢trust me. arken and i think alike.相信我我跟阿肯的思維方式相似too soon to appreciate the irony, am i right?我若現(xiàn)在指出這有多諷刺是不是太快了點?yeah, too soon.對太快了mai! mai!瑪爾!alina! no! mai!阿麗娜!-不!瑪爾!mai!
37、 no, mai! 瑪爾!不瑪爾!you look awful.你看起來真糟糕the little palace hasn't been the same without you.你走了之后小王宮就和從前不一樣了oh, genya.珍雅i need to get word to the king about kirigan. 我有話要對國王說是關于奇利甘的the king's been taken ill. his affliction is quite serious. 國王突患疾病深受病痛折磨the apparat's been ruling in his stea
38、d.目前一直由大教長暫代國王掌權and the queen? confined to her quarters.王后呢? 被軟禁在她的房♥間no one wants her exposed to the king's contagion.誰也不想她被國王傳染right.對you were made corporalnik?你加入生命軍團了 ?hmm.嗯i never did like this color red.我從來就不喜歡紅色it clashes with my hair.跟我頭發(fā)的顏色相沖you said kirigan gifted you to the
39、 queen when you were 11.你說在你11歲時奇利甘把你當禮物獻給了王后does that mean.那是不是意味著you were a spy for him.你是他的眼線i tried to warn you.我試過警告你的"be careful of powerful men"?“小心強大的男人”?you should have included devious women.你也該提醒我當心會騙人的女人the king's illness,國王的病we can assume you had both the inclination and t
40、he proximity to make that happen? 大概是你的手筆吧?你有這個意向也有機會接近他my letters to mai, you never sent them.我寫給瑪爾的信你一封都沒寄出去i had no choice.我別無選擇except that you did.你已經(jīng)做出了選擇and you chose to betray our friendship.你選擇背叛我們的友情i was a whipping girl for the queen我是王后的出氣筒and a grisha without a color. i.一個沒有制♥
41、服♥的格里莎我choosing friendship over survival was not a luxury i could afford.我自身難保友情對我來說太過奢侈i know what it means to be an outsider struggling to survive.我知道被人排擠、掙扎求存是怎樣的感受and it's no excuse.但這不是借口i used to struggle.我也掙扎過i used to try.我也曾試過to fight him off.反抗他that never worked in my favor.
42、從來就沒有什么好下場i waited for years for my chance of revenge.多年來我一直在等待復仇的機會to finally bring him a fight that he cannot.等著最終給予他無從抵抗的that he cannot fend off.他無從抵抗的一擊i never expected it to come to this. here.我從未想過事情會發(fā)展到這個地步wouldn't you have done the same if you were me?換做是你難道不會做出跟我相同的選擇嗎?the king deserves
43、 every bit of your vengeance.你的復仇是國王活該承受的but kirigan does not deserve your loyalty.但奇利甘不值得你效忠he is just as responsible for your position.對于你的遭遇他同樣有責任i am his soldier.我是他的士兵we all are.我們都是we are his pawns. nothing more.我們都是他的棋子僅此而已the skiff is still here.飛船還沒出發(fā)travelers downstairs are complaining. th
44、ey were due to cross this morning. 樓下的旅客都在抱怨他們原本今早就該穿越黑幕orders from the black general. he plans to cross on it tomorrow.是黑暗將軍的命令他計劃明日乘船穿過黑幕the general?將軍?is that the same general who tried to.oh, yeah, kill us all.是那個企圖鏟除我們的將軍嗎?that one?那個將軍?he has the sun summoner.他抓到了太陽召喚者was this your plan all al
45、ong?這全都是你計劃好的嗎?to have the general get her back so you can take her again?讓黑喑將軍把她抓回去好讓你再劫走她?my plan is to get us across the fold.我的計劃是讓我們穿過黑幕we aren't prepared for another fight.我們目前的狀況不宜作戰(zhàn)so you're not going to take another run at alina?所以你沒打算再對阿麗娜出手?and you're really willing to let a m
46、illion kruge go?你真的甘心放棄一百萬克魯格?jesper and i can't do it without you.你不出手我和杰斯帕無法成事been saying that since day one.你從一開始就老強調(diào)這點and you've made your position perfectly clear.而你已經(jīng)把立場表明得很清楚了so all you want is to cross the fold?所以你現(xiàn)在只想穿越黑幕?once we land in novokribirsk, it's your choice what you d
47、o next.抵達諾沃克里比斯克之后何去何從你自己決定okay.好吧hang on.慢著are we talking about boarding a skiff with people who will recognize us? 我們要跟認識我們的人坐上同一艘船?people who don't like us much.那些人對我們可沒什么好印象well have to blend in. who else was on that skiff?我們必須混跡其中飛船上還有什么人?some people from the winter fete.一些參加了冬日慶典的人dignitar
48、ies from kerch and novyi zem on their way back home.要乘船回家的科奇和諾維贊姆貴族now they're audience to one more light show.那他們將會見證另一場燈光秀jesper, how did you enjoy playing a zemeni guard?杰斯帕你喜歡扮演贊姆尼護衛(wèi)嗎?you?你?you come here to kill me off?你是來殺我的嗎?no.不是how many times do i have to tell you people?要我告訴你們多少次?i'
49、m a man of my word.我是守信用的人and when does your word mean anything?一個滿口謊言的人談何信用?black heretic.黑色異端that's right, i know who you are.沒措我知道你是誰and whatever you have planned for alina, she won't forgive you.無論你計劃利用阿麗娜做什么她絕對不會原諒你and if you keep me alive,如果你讓我活著i will hunt you down我也絕不會放過你and i will c
50、laim the bounty the old king put on your head. 我會殺了你然后笑納老國王開出的賞金alina has strong feelings for you.阿麗娜對你有很深的感情and you for her.你對她也是i read your letters.我讀過你的信all these years, you never truly appreciated who she is. 這么多年以來你從未真正認識到她是誰but it's all right, because i do.不過沒關系因為我知道oh, you have no chance,
51、 shadow man.你沒機會的暗影男because i'm the one she chose. 因為她選擇了我you are a child.你只是個毛頭小子and she is grisha.而她是格里莎take away my shadows即使沒有操控暗影之能and i still have something that you don't.我仍有一樣你所不具備的東西patience.耐心alina may well take years to forgive me, 也許要過許多年阿麗娜才能原諒我but i can wait.但我可以等meanwhile,而與此同
52、時you will grow old.你會老去your hair will gray.頭發(fā)漸漸灰白and she will remain ageless.而她身上不會留下歲月的痕跡like me.正如我一樣and one day,總有一天maybe a year from now,也許是一年后maybe 50,抑或50年后shell realize that she has only one equal.她終將意識到世間唯有一人可與她相配that there are no others like us.我和她是舉世無雙的and that there never will be.現(xiàn)在是將來也是i
53、'm not going to kill you, mai.我不會殺你的瑪爾i don't need to.我不用殺你time will do it for me.時間會替我解決你you'll wish you killed me here!你一定會后悔沒在這里殺了我!are you all right? what's going on?.你沒事吧? .發(fā)生什么事了 ?what are這是怎么are you gonna help?你要來幫忙嗎?oh.奧well, isn't that convenient for you?行動不便這借口還真好使啊you
54、look fine.你瞧著不錯oh, i look more than fine.何止是不錯i made some edits to their papers.我在他們的文書上做了些手腳should be enough to get us through the checkpoint and onto the skiff.應該足以讓我們在驗票點蒙混過關登上飛船huh?嗯no one is ever going to believe i'm that old.鬼才會相信我有這么大年紀呢you tell yourself that.你自我感覺太良好了come on.過來come on. c
55、ome on.來吧yes. yes.好的oh, you're beautiful, aren't you? yes, you're a good boy. 你真漂亮對真是個好孩子you're a good boy.好孩子oh, thank you.謝謝you smell.你真臭thanks.謝了you are special.你很特別you do know that?你知道的吧?and you're about to prove it to the world.你即將向全世界證明這一點there will be foreign diplomats on
56、this crossing of the fold. 這趟黑幕穿越之旅會有別國外交官同行if you want me to play along with your demonstration,如果你想要我配合表演you will release mai.那就放了瑪爾please. i just want to talk to you.拜托我就想和你好好說會兒話i've had enough of your lies.我已經(jīng)聽夠了你的謊言and what lies are those?什么謊言?about the black heretic.關于黑色異端的事you spun all this guilt around your burden,你騙我說你因為父親犯下的罪孽the sins of your father.一
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