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1、新編大學(xué)英語視聽說教程第二冊聽力答案By Zhao MengyaUnit 1Part 2listening 11.older2.brings3.start4.meaning5.time6.fine7.special8.soul9.hand10.last11.hours12.say(以后的順序均和此順序相同,從左到右,從上到下)listening 21.kind2.gold3.heartless4ove5.songs6.says7.touch8.lifetime9.gone10.hanppens11.feelings12.speedPart 3practice 11.gaze2.sighs3.t

2、ouch4.hugs5.such6.words7.praises8.understands9.lends10.holdspractice 2EX.1.CEX.2.T F T T F T Fpractice 3learningadmirevocabularylovingrelationshipsconnectionsexpriencesrememberingproudtrybodyexpressionswillingnessfearspacebestjokesfoundnesslaughwithpractice 4EX.1.DEX.2.unsuccessfulfailedrelationship

3、sdreamed ofwords actionmennaturalPart 4Section 11 2 3 5 7 8 9 11Section 2C B A B A C C BSection 3perfecthalf fullashamedfailureapologizedhousesideflower needswateredpick歡迎下載10Unit 2Part 2Listening 1EX.1.F T F F TEX.2.skinlocal hospitaleat skin troublewaiting for a big basketdone all her shopping her

4、 shopping listListening 2EX.1.British American Englishsound words and expressions grammarconfusing different understandable eachEX.2.BE: 1 4 6 8 9 11 13 16AE:2 3 5 7 10 12 14 15Listening 3EX.1.F T T F TEX.2.Problem:left outExamples:MEN HIS MEN-madeConsequences:mental image femalefemales malescitizen

5、sPart 3Practice 1EX.1.F T F F TEX.2.refused hire a dogpointed outa letterwriting a programrunning itperfectlyPractice 2EX.I.Mandarin Zhang Smith Oxford EnglishDictionaryEX.2.B A B B C D A C A DPractice 3EX.1. T F T T T TEX.2anAmericaneducationfluent Englishmissesnicelittle thingswalking the dogweath

6、ersnowysunshinebootsumbrellaa big smilePractice 4EX.1 T F F F F TEX.2.smallpiepinebigsmallpinthalfGermanwarm brownEnglishpacket ofintheeveningfried potatoescrispsPart 4Section 1difficultfrustratingrawardingpeopleplacesideasculturelivesimilaritiesdifferencesbeliefsattitudesSection 2 F F T F F F F TSe

7、ction 3AtanLittle boys use conversationLittlegirlsearly ageto establish status with theirconversationis lesssisters.definiteandexpressesmoredoubtsIn adulthoodIn publicconversations,men talk more and interrupt other speakers more.Men consider private talking as a way to explore the power strusture of

8、 a relationship.Womenconsiderprivate talking as a way to establish and test intimacy.When a man teaches aWhen a womanwoman,he wants to show thatteachesanotherhe has more knowledge,andwoman,she is morehence more power inlikely to take aconversation.sharingapproachand to encourage her student to join

9、in.Unit 3Part 2Listening 1EX.1.22 died 4 9 12 12 last 3Listening 2go onsongtrue loveseebelieveskyfly awayopen doorsilenceachieveListening 3To come in and have something to eat.Because the men of the house wasnt at home.Wealth,Success and Love.Wealth.Success.To invite Love to come in.Love.Love,Succes

10、s and Wealth.Part 3Practice 1EX.1 C B A B DPractice 2EX.1.authority behaviourtimid twenty-six-yearassistantmost recent studiesEX.2.T F F F FPractice 3EX.1.3 5 6 7EX.2. A B D C DPractice 4EX.1. 178217951802EX.2. 1 3 5 6 8 9 10Part 4Section 1Section 2 T F T T F T F FSection 3seventhencouragedperformed

11、amusednaturalmusicalformDespiteUnit 4Part 2Listening 1EX.1. F T T F F FEX.2.prisondo the plantingten daysthe moneythegunplant the potatoesListening 2EX.1.5EX.2.the lift serviceengineersAdding more liftsfaster onestoo expensivepsychologistPlacing lots largesimpleinexpensivemirrorPart 3Practice 1EX.1.

12、T T F F TEX.2.officediscussionImmediatelylongdescribingwrongsovershouldersminutessatPractice 2EX.1. B FEX.2.Cultural preferenceEconomic factorsPsychological space needsChoice of number of bedroomsHow closely the familygathers togetherEX.3.T F F T TPractice 3EX.1. color brain message red exciting sig

13、nalmeaningEX.2.ColorEffectFunctionBluePeacefulCalming nervesOrangeJoyousCreating focusedactivityYellowCheerfulAiding in disicion-makingWhiteReflectiveEnhancing brain powerVioletCreativeIncreasing intuitivenessgreenRelaxedEnlivening tiredmusclesPractice 4EX.1.Noise how niceTwoBooksPassers-by student

14、volunteerOneEX.2Setting 1Noise LevelNormalLoudA personwouldNormal20% of the10% helped.seeamanexperimenterpassers-bycarryingtwostopped toboxes filledwithhelp.books.AstheExperimenter80% helped.15% helped.personcamewearingacloser,thebookcast on hiscarrier dropped several books.armSetting 2Astudentvolun

15、teer waited in a room before being called for the experiment he expected.Theexperiment waited in the same room,holding some books. He dropped some of them.Noise LevelNormalLoudResults75% of the students helped.37.5% helped.Explanation1Noise is distraciing,so the students didnt notice and respond as

16、quickly to the book-dropping.Explanation2The book-dropping further annoyed the students already irritated by the noise ,m aking them less likely to help out.Part 4Section 1identify personalitiesachievementpartiescentercrowdunitygetting along withfriendly caringplannedstructureda few friendsA big gro

17、upSection 2Part 1American history$64,000the best guest missed a questionsecondeasier play it safePart 2 F T F T FSection 3Part 1 T T F F FPart 2InsupportstresslevelheartratebloodpressurecloserelationshipsUnit 5Part 2Listening 1EX.1. B A C D B CEX.2.at restslows downslowlittleinactiverises increasess

18、tillinactive activeactive move rapidlyListening 2EX.1. 1 3 5 6 7 8EX.2. A C D BEX.3.strangestrange forcevery steepat the bottomwatchingbe punishedin the darknessscaredavoidexaminterpreting dreamsdisappointingmaking mistakessymbolPart 3Practice 1EX.1. D C B DEX.2. T F T F F TPractice 2partingwrongdre

19、amnightnoneseemshoresandfingersgraspsavewavePractice 3EX.1. N 丫 丫 N N 丫EX.2 A C B C A CPractice 4EX.1. 1-C 2-A 3-1 4-H 5-F 6-D 7-J 8-GEX.2.Because dreams are closely related to waking lives.2. more women have careers3. The possible reason is that they are making important decisions about carreer.4.

20、solve problems5. Biological conditioning and soucial conditioning,life stages and attitudes.Part 4Section APARTAE G D A F C H BPARTBC A B D B D CSection BPARTA T F F T F TPARTBpushingawayfriends houseburned to deaththe deadIn front ofkids mindsmaking moneySection CPART A A C D B CPART B 丫 丫 N 丫 N N

21、丫 丫Unit 6Part 2Listening 1EX.1B D A C BEX.22267:30orangegrapefruitbacon,eggs,tomatosolf-boiled eggstoast,butterlemon teaListening 2EX.1.1. take out ,cardboard,plastic,plastic tight-fitting2. board,menu,order,microphone,20 yards3. knives,forks,everything ,trayEX.2.F T F F TPart 3Practice 1EX.1.T F T

22、F T TEX.2.B C C A CPractice 2EX.1. F T T F TEX.2.9001493corn,sweet potato,pineapplerealize,fullexercise,perform,better,burnsPractice 3EX.1C A B DEX.2.T F T F TPractice 4EX.1.B C E FEX.2 .Television.2. A sailer.3. Meat and potatoes.4. Biscuits,cake and chips.5. To make them look good.6. Excellent7.On

23、e can remain healthy without meat.8.0pposed but tolerant.Part 4Section aPARTA T F F T TPARTB D C C B BSection bPARTA 1 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 12PARTB 1 2 711Section cPARTA T F T F T TPARTBforeign owners,foreign foodaware, very goodtime,effortslower,a hurryshopping,sightseeingUnit 7Part 2Listening 1Ex.1. f

24、f t t t f f fEx.2 1.cold open outing 2.overpowering friendly3ong time for life4. cccent country loud behaviour l anguage5. closer distanceListening 2Ex.1.C D A B CEX.2.1ost2n dia3.stay pare 5.water6. spoil 7.sugar 8.stayPart 3Practice 1Ex.1. B A D C AEX.2. F F T F FPractice 2Ex.1.4 7 6 1 3 8 2 5Ex.2

25、 F F T F FPractice 3Ex.1. E B G A D F CEX.2 .European 2.1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 3.brown4. party 5.standPractice 4Ex.1.1 2 5Ex,2, A C D A B DPart 4Section amatterleavesharemeetofferPromptnessinviteddelayespeciallynormalsurprisedmannersSection bPart a1 3 5 7Part bT F F F T F T TSection cPart aC C B D D AP

26、art bT F F T F TUnit 8Part 2Listening 1Ex.1. A C D CEx.2. cashier punches account losing cashListening 2Ex.1. F T F T T TEx.2. no getting thought fun happiest punnilessmoney peacePart 3Practice oneEx.1. 1.His allowance.2. Every Saturday.3. The father isnt sure if hes got enough money.4. A money jar.

27、Ex.2.F F T T FPractice 2Ex.1. island boring asleep working rob policeEx.2.Working in a big office with a computer.2. Because he stole money from the company he was working for .3. He was in the newspaper that a man was wanted by thepolice because of stealing money from the company.Practice 3Ex.1. D

28、C B DEx.2.shiveringdesirecheckpriceinvitationperformPractice 4Ex.1.C B A D AEx.21.Two blocks away.2.$30.3. Because he has a sick wife and four hungry children.4. Yes.About $25.Part 4Section aPart aT T F F T TPart bWeek Millionsick alarm awaySection bPart a F T F T F FPart b535excellent countingSecti

29、on cPart a5085175,0003,000200,000Part bC B A CUnit 9Part 2Listening 1Ex.I.B C D C BEx.2 leather 1,450 tight cheaer 2.3 wholemeal 57 seedsListening 2Ex.1 At Your Service give advice (01)2468041 JackMlills Consumer Aid AssociationEx.2. T F T T F F F T F TPart 3Practice 1Ex.1 red twelve Pennsylvania In

30、diana somethingSeptember Visa JK4096239Ex.2. 1.By telephoning Worldwide Flowers.2. Long-tern red roses and quite nice.3.474014. Before 6 in the evening5. All my love,JimPractice 2Ex.1 T F T T FEx.2 milk white bread three or four Ready Quick Soup eggs soap peanut butter ice cream frozen cornPractice

31、3Ex.1. C C B C AEx.2.on sale $89.99too expensivestereo heavyThe sound headphonds carry it anywhere at home my kids $59.50 size stereo on sale $74.99 stereo PerfectPractice 4Ex.1 B B A A CEx.2 1.opposite,electrical goods,discount prices,9 till 6,the difference plus 5 pounds2. menswear and ladies fashions,bargains,on August 8 at 9 oclock3. energy-saving,feel


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