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1、托福獨立寫作新題庫一188題庫一、教育類1. Teachers are appreciated and valued nowadays not as much as they werebefore.(Studentsnowadays do not respect teachers as muchas they did in thepast.)難度4考頻42. University should spend more moneysupporting social activities rather than improving thefood students eat.難度4考頻33. Wher

2、you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work onit right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day,or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation?難度5考頻34. Somestudents prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous smallassignment

3、s, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined byon ly a few large on es. Which do you prefer and why?4/25. In order to attract good stude nts, many uni versities spe nd a lot of moneyin society activities.3/36 The student should be required to take history courses in the university

4、nomatter what their field of study is.5/37 Stude nts can get as much ben efits from participati ng stude nt orga ni zati onsor club activities as from their academic studies. 4/38 Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen tothe music while study in g.3/49Teachers perform

5、anee should be evaluated by students rather than by otherteachers.3/410 All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years toupdate their kno wledge.3/311. Childre n should play and study rather tha n lear n how to do householdchores.3/412. some people thi nk that it is an impor

6、ta nt part of childre ns educati on togo on field trips(eg. Museums).other people think a childs time is better spent in classroom atschool.3/213. A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn apractical skill. School admi nistrators are tryi ng to decide whethert

7、o hold a class in cooki ng, managing pers onal finan ces or auto repair. Whichdo you thi nk the school should require stude nts to take? Why?4/114. The most important investment that can be madeto the education of children aged fromfour to seve n is givi ng them a computer.3/215. Which is more impor

8、tant: having more facilities or hiring more teachers?3/416. Teachers had a greater in flue nee on young people in the past tha n they do today.3/317. If your teacher says someth ing in correct in a class, what will you do?3/21. )I nterrupt your teacher right away;2. ) keep sile nt;3.) correct your t

9、eacher after class.18. Stude nts are more in terested in politics today tha n before.4/119. The best way for a teacher to let stude nt become in terested in a subjectis to help them know how to use it in their lives outside school.3/320. Online games,cell phones and networking Web Site make educatin

10、g childrena more difficult task.2/321. If one of your friends n eeds assista nee in a one of the courses you aregood at, it is better for him to tur n to you for help or ask for a tutor?3/122. Wherteachers assign projects on which students must work together, studentswill lear n much more effectivel

11、y tha n ask them to do alon e.3/223. What kind of uni versities do you prefer, uni versities whose graduates canfind good jobs or uni versities where there are famous professors.3/324.Some people thinkuniversityprofessors should spend more time doingresearch while others thi nk they should spe nd mo

12、re time educat ing stude nts.Whats your view? 3/425. To improve the quality of education , universities should spend more moneyon professors salaries. 3/426. Do you agree with the viewpoint that people are noweasier to becomeeducated than inthe past?3/327. If childre n want to do well in school, par

13、e nts should limit the hours ofwatchi ng TV programs or movies.3/228. Do high school stude nts should take a course on basic econo mics?4/129. Un iversity stude nts should take part-time jobs.2/230. Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music inadditi on to m

14、ath, la nguage, scie nee and history.4/331. Stude nts are more in flue need by teachers tha n by their frien ds.3/332.Children should only play sports for fun rather than play sports in competiti ons or contests.4/233. A serious and strict teacher is more effectivethan a teacher whois humorousand ea

15、sygo in g.3/334. Playi ng computer games is a waste of time for childre n.3/2二、人生&成功類35. In order to succeed, people should be more like others tha n be differe ntwith others.4/436. Stude nts who keep their rooms n eat and orga ni zed are more successful tha nthose who do no t.5/437. People who

16、go out to live out of their n ative village or tow n tend to bemore successful and happier tha n people who don.3/238. People who cannot accept the criticism from others will n ot be successfulat work ing in a group.( In a cooperati on of team, the people who cannot acceptcriticize could nbe success

17、ful.)4/539. It is better to wait in patie nee tha n take acti on?4/440. The most importa nt characteristic of a successful politicia n or leader isgood com muni cati on skill.3/341. For future career success, is relate well to other people more importa nttha n study ing hard at school?4/142. It is m

18、ore likely for people with more skills to succeed.3/443.Successful leaders should make others part of the decision-making process.4/244. To rema in happy and optimistic whe nyou fail is more importa nt tha n achiev ingsuccess.5/345. It was easier to achieve success in the past tha n it is today.3/34

19、6. Goodlooks and clothing are more important for success than good ideas.4/347. Is necessary for people to let others know the strengths and accomplishments to getsucceed?4/248. Successful people accept new thi ngs and take risks rather tha n hold on tothe things that they have done well.3/249. Shou

20、ld people stick to your challe nging dream or pay atte nti on to carryout your real dream?5/250. Tale nted peoples leadership is inborn and cant be lear ned by people.4/351. In order to become finan cially resp on sible adults, childre n should man agetheir own money at the young age.3/252. People s

21、hould state their honest opinions even though they know others willdisagree with their views.4/453. You are help ing to elect a stude nt leader for a stude nt orga ni zati on ora club. Do you agree or disagree that hon esty is the most importa nt thi ng tocon sider in decidi ng whom to vote for?3/25

22、4. Si nee people care public recog niti on more tha n mon ey. They will work harderafter their efforts are recog ni zed-eve n if there is no more money give n.3/455. The way a pers on dresses is a good in dicatio n of his/her pers on ality andcharacter.5/356. Doyou agree that people will feel happie

23、r if they have fewer possessions?4/357. People can achieve happ in ess if they can make others happy. (The best wayto achieve happ in ess is try to make other people happy.)5/358. In the past, it was easier for people to ide ntify what types of career orjob would lead to a secure, successful future.

24、4/259.The most importa nt characteristic for politicia n is to accept resp on sibility formistake.3/260. It is better to finish a project and then start another one than to do several things at thesame time.3/261. Spending money on traveli ng&vacatio n vs. sav ing for future.3/562. To solve the

25、prese nt and future problems, it is n ecessary to un dersta ndthe past.4/263. Being creative is more important in finding the best solution to a problemtha n pla nning carefully.5/264. It is better to use oneown kno wledge and experie nee to solve problemstha n to get advice from others.4/365. Sport

26、s teach us less ons about life.4/2三、社交生活類66. Which of the followi ng do you thi nk con tributes the most to an enjoyablevacatio n?3/3Good FoodGood Locati onGood Frie nds to travel with67. In the past people are more frien dly tha n that today.4/268. It is impossible to be always hon est to your frie

27、n ds.4/469. Its almost always better that shopping at one large store to buy all things you n eed at thesame time tha n at several small specialized stores. 3/270. Which is a better frie nd, the in tellige nt one or the one has a good senseof humor?3/371. Which way do you thi nk is the best for a st

28、ude nt to make new frien ds. A.joi ning a sports team, B. participate in com mun ity activities, C. traveli ng3/372. The friends that you can have fun with are more importa nt tha n the friendsthat you can get help from?3/473. Two people can still become friends if one of them has more money tha n t

29、heother one does.3/374. To celebrate some major events such as birthday or graduation, organizingbig party with a lot of people is better tha n small party with on ly familiesand close frie nds.4/375. It is not good to move to a new city or a new country because you will loseold frie nds.3/476. Peop

30、le who have in terest in differe nt thi ngs cannot be frie nds.3/377. Spending time alone is the best way to relieve stress.3/278. It is more fun to see a movie in the cin ema with other people tha n see amovie at home.3/379. Youngpeople are more willing to help others than those in the past years.3

31、/280. Is there a good reas on to be impolite (rude) to ano ther pers on?4/381. It is importa nt to know about what is happe ning around the world, eve n ifit does not affect your pers on al lives.4/282. People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities thatare very differe nt from

32、 what they do at work.3/383. Do you agree that watching sports on TV and following sports team have some n egativeimpacts on people? 3/284. People rely on their n eighbors less now tha n they did in the past.3/285. We can learn about a person from the books and movies that person like.3/386. Which o

33、f the following factors is most important for you? living in an area n ot expa nsive,liv ing close to relatives, liv ing in an area with many shopsand restaura nts.3/387.Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and otherinformation on social-networkingsites. Others keep this informa

34、tion tothemselves and n ever share it on li ne . Which do you prefer and why?3/388.When making major purchase(eg. Car or laptop), our decision can bein flue need by differe ntsources of in formati on.Expla in how each of thefollowi ng source of in formatio ncan in flue nee your decisi on .1)recomme

35、ndatio nsfrom friends or colleagues2)informationfrom media(eg. TV, magazines,n ewspapers) 3)recomme ndati ons from the sales pers on in the store 3/389. If people are on vacati on, they should leave their mobile phones at home.3/290. More and more people are spe nding money on their pets, eve n thou

36、gh therecan be other good ways to spe nd mon ey.3/291. If you n eed to discuss upsett ing or con troversial problems with others, will you usee-mail/text messag ing OR use telepho ne/voice-messagi ng.3/3四、工作類92. An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are part ofthe decisi on ma

37、ki ng process. 4/293. Your job has more effect on your happ in ess tha n your social life does.3/494. Your job has more effect on your happ in ess tha n your livi ng en vir onment does.3/395. The best leaders are those who are willi ng to admit whe n they made baddecisi on s.4/296. Employees should

38、follow the orders rather tha n propos ing new ideas.3/297. It is better to work at homeby using on es own computer and teleph one tha n to do thesame work in the compa nys office. 3/498. Somejobs can pay high salaries but require employees to leave their family and friends.Somobs pay few salaries bu

39、t allow employees staying with family and frie nd. Which job doyou prefer? Why?3/399. The ability to adapt to the en vir onment is more importa nt tha n excelle ntkno wledge for job.4/2100. The most importa nt inv estme nt for a compa ny is to spe nd money to improvethe work skills of its employees.

40、3/3101. It is more enjoyable to have a job, and you work only three days a weekwith long hours rather tha n work five days a week with shorter hours.3/2102. People should take a secure job immediately whe n finding one in stead ofwait ing for the job that they find more satisfyi ng.4/3103. Do you ag

41、ree that people should have hobbies and do physical activitiesthat are very differe nt from onework? 3/3104. Do you prefer to take a low-paid but secure job or a job with a high salary but easy tolose? 4/2105. A job with more vacati on time but a low salary is better tha n a job witha high salary bu

42、t less vacati on time.3/3106. People are happier whe n they finish a challe nging or difficult job tha nwhen they complete an easy task.4/2五、社會類107. Youn ger people spe nd more time on impro ving the world tha n in the past.4/2108. The personal and work-relatedchallenges that young people face today

43、 arenot very differe nt from the challe nges their pare nts and gran dpare nts facedin the past.3/3109. Is it as importa nt for older people to study or lear n new thi ngs as itis for youn ger people? 3/3110. Do you agree or disagree young people today are better able to makedecisi ons for their own

44、 life tha n in the past? 3/3111. The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey aretoo strict.4/4112. Do you agree with the stateme nt that the opinions of celebrities, suchas famous en terta iners and athletes, are more importa nt for the young peopletha n they a

45、re to the older people.3/4113. Young people no wadays have no in flue nee on decisi ons that determ ine thefuture of the society as a whole.3/2114. Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.3/3115. Sports and exercises are more importa nt to elderly people tha n to youn

46、gpeople.3/2116. The advices from our gran dpare nts have no use for their gran dchildre nbecause the world cha nged a lot duri ng the past 50 years.3/4六、其他117. People often buy products not because they really n eed them but becauseother people have them.4/2118. Do you agree or disagree it is import

47、ant to have rules of clothing people are allowed towear to work and school?3/2119. Compare with the people livi ng in cities, the people livi ng in villageand farm area are more satisfied with their lives. 3/5120. society ben efits more from works of great artists tha n from politicalleaders.4/3121.

48、 Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than the people in the past.3/4122. Is it easier to maintain good health tha n in the past?3/3123. Which of the followi ng should you cha nge to improve your health1.) Thekind of food you eat2.) The amount of exercise3.) The amount of stress. 3/2124. Pe

49、ople can solve importa nt problems by themselves or with the help fromtheir family members so there is no n eed for the gover nment to help them.3/3125.Improving schools is the most importantfactor in the successfuldevelopme nt of a coun try.3/2126. Famous en terta iners and athletes deserve to have

50、 more privacy tha n theyhave no w.3/3127. Automobile has had greater effects on society tha n airpla nes.3/2128. The most importa nt problem that affects the society today will be solvedduri ng my life time?5/3129. The world is cha nging fast, people are less happy. 4/3130. The fast developme nt of

51、society today is a positive tren d.3/2131. Childre n should do jobs that are similar to those of their pare nts.3/2132. People should buy things that are made in their own coun try, eve n if theprice of these products is higher tha n that of the products made in othercoun tries.3/2133. Professi onal

52、 athletes who receive high salaries, such as football orbasketball players, deserve what they get.3/4134. Twenty years from now on, stude nts will n ot use prin ted books anymore.3/3135. People should be allowed to use cell phones on public transportationsuchas buses and train s.3/2136. People ben e

53、fit more from travell ing in their own country tha n travell ingin a foreig n coun try.3/2137. Prin ted books have greater effects on society tha n TV does.3/2138. Most bus in esspeople are motivated only by the desire for more mon ey.3/2139. People today spe nd too much time on enjoyme nt. We only

54、do what we liketo do rather tha n what we should do.4/2七、家庭類140. Is it true that parents can raise children more easily than 50 years ago?3/4141. Pare nts have spe nt too much time to help determ ine the future of theirchildre n, childre n should make their own decisi ons. 3/3142. Should parents spe

55、nd more time playing with their children or do something related withstudy?3/4143. Busy parents have less time to spend with their children. Somepeople think time shouldbe spent to play gamesor sports. Others think time should be spent by doing someth ingtogether related to schoolwork.3/4144. One of

56、 the ways that pare nts can help childre n be ready for adult lifeis to ask them to do a part-time job.3/3145. Pare nts should allow their childre n to make mistakes and let them learnfrom their own mistakes.3/2146. Pare nts should help childre n do their work rather tha n en couragi ng themto do th

57、e work on their own.3/3147. The best way for pare nts to teach their childre n about resp on sibility isto have them care for ani mals.3/2148. Pare nts do not un dersta nd their childre n as well as the pare nts did 50years ago.3/2149. Pare nts should give money to their childre n for their high mar

58、ks atschool.3/1150. It is not that important for families to regularly eat meals together?4/2151. In moder n society, pare nts learn more thi ngs from their childre n tha nchildre n lear n from pare nts.4/3152. The most importa nt thi ng people lear nt is from families. 3/2153. Comparedwith people w

59、ho live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas cantake better care of their families.3/2154. Some people thi nk that they can solve problems by themselves or with thehelp of their pare nts. Thus, we n eed not the help from the gover nmen t.3/2八、政府政策類155. It is more important for the gove

60、rnment to spend money on art museumsand con certhalls tha n on recreatio nal facilities such as swimmi ng pools and playgro un ds. (Government should give more money in support of arts tha n thatof athletic such as state-sp on sored Olympic teams.) 3/4156. Should gover nments spe nd money on scie ntific res


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