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1、腦動脈兩大體系 頸內(nèi)動脈系:大腦前部部分間腦 椎基底動脈系:大腦后部部分間腦腦干小腦小腦幕為界小腦幕為界頂枕溝為界(頂枕溝為界(3/2)1腦動脈供血系統(tǒng)模式圖2腦的主要供血動脈。 (A) 腦腹側(cè)觀。方塊區(qū)域放大圖 顯示W(wǎng)illis動脈環(huán)。 (B)腦外側(cè)面觀和 (C)中間矢狀面顯示大腦中/前/后動脈。 (D) 冠狀切面顯示大腦中動脈行程。3頸內(nèi)動脈系統(tǒng)MCAACA脈絡(luò)叢前動脈4.大腦中動脈(MCA)供血范圍MCAACAPCAMCAMCA皮質(zhì)支供應(yīng):皮質(zhì)支供應(yīng):半球外側(cè)面(額中回以下、中央前后回下半球外側(cè)面(額中回以下、中央前后回下3/43/4、頂下小、頂下小葉、枕葉月狀溝或枕外側(cè)溝以前、顳下回上



4、脈絡(luò)膜前動脈,14支,以3支最多,為一組較細小而恒定的血管,在后交通動脈起始遠側(cè)2 mm處由頸內(nèi)動脈脈直接發(fā)出。該動脈在未穿入側(cè)腦室下腳之前,除發(fā)13個皮質(zhì)支外,還發(fā)出23個穿支,1支穿視神經(jīng)內(nèi)側(cè)至大腦腳,另兩支即為紋狀體內(nèi)囊動脈。此動脈主要營養(yǎng)尾狀核尾,行程長,管徑較小,易發(fā)生栓塞。13D. Axial T2-weighted image(2500/80) reveals the presence of an inhomogeneous mass in the right lateral ventricle. The low signal intensity suggets the pres

5、ence of calcification and hemorrhage. E. Angiogram of the right internal carotid artery obtained on day 3 demonstrates a hypervascular mass fed from the right anterior choroidal artery (arrows).14Which one is the Anterior Choroidal Artery ?1516脈絡(luò)膜前動脈脈絡(luò)膜前動脈閉塞常引起三偏癥狀閉塞常引起三偏癥狀群,特點為偏身感覺群,特點為偏身感覺障礙重于偏癱,而

6、對障礙重于偏癱,而對側(cè)同向偏盲又重于偏側(cè)同向偏盲又重于偏身感覺障礙,有的尚身感覺障礙,有的尚有感覺過度、丘腦手、有感覺過度、丘腦手、患肢水腫等。患肢水腫等。17內(nèi)囊額狀斷面腦后片圖顯示各部位血液供應(yīng)來源。內(nèi)囊額狀斷面腦后片圖顯示各部位血液供應(yīng)來源。18中央前回及中央后回的血液供應(yīng)圖19椎基底動脈系統(tǒng)VABA20.椎動脈(VA)V1(骨外)段:向上進C6橫突孔。V2(椎間孔段V3(脊椎外)段:V4(硬膜內(nèi)段):過枕骨大孔,在腦橋及延髓交界處合成基底動脈。近側(cè)椎動脈段解剖(A側(cè)位;B前后位;C頦頂位):1.骨外段(V1)2.橫突孔段(V2)3.椎外段(V3)4. 硬膜內(nèi)段(V4)5. 枕骨髁的大概

7、位置 椎動脈行程圖圖A A:斜側(cè)位觀;圖:斜側(cè)位觀;圖B B:前:前后位觀;圖后位觀;圖C C:俯觀。:俯觀。211. 1. 左椎動脈左椎動脈2. 2. 腦膜后動脈腦膜后動脈3. 3. 小腦后下動脈(小腦后下動脈(PICAPICA)4. 4. 基底動脈基底動脈5. 5. 小腦前下動脈小腦前下動脈(AICA)(AICA)6. 6. 腦橋外側(cè)支腦橋外側(cè)支7. 7. 小腦上動脈(小腦上動脈(SCASCA)8. 8. 大腦后動脈大腦后動脈9. 9. 小腦半球支大水平裂小腦半球支大水平裂10. SCA10. SCA的小腦半球分支的小腦半球分支11. 11. 小腦蚓上動脈小腦蚓上動脈椎基底動脈系統(tǒng)及其分支

8、解剖(側(cè)位):22椎基底動脈系統(tǒng)及其分支解剖(正位):1. 右椎動脈2. 左椎動脈3. 脊髓前動脈4. 小腦后下動脈(PICA)5. 基底動脈6. 小腦前下動脈(AICA)7. 腦橋外側(cè)支8. 小腦上動脈(SCA)9. 大腦后動脈10. 后交通動脈11. 頸內(nèi)動脈2324大腦后動脈(PCA)血液供應(yīng)中央支:中央支:丘腦、下丘腦、底丘腦、膝狀體丘腦、下丘腦、底丘腦、膝狀體以及大部分中腦。此外,分支到側(cè)腦室及以及大部分中腦。此外,分支到側(cè)腦室及第三腦室脈絡(luò)叢。第三腦室脈絡(luò)叢。變異大。變異大。主要來自主要來自PCAPCA(72.5-88.3%72.5-88.3%);來自);來自ICAICA(6.8-

9、20.2%6.8-20.2%);兩部分平均參加();兩部分平均參加(4.3-4.3-11%11%)。)。25PCAPCA供血區(qū)模式圖供血區(qū)模式圖皮質(zhì)支:皮質(zhì)支:半球底面和內(nèi)側(cè)面一部分(包括:海馬回、梭狀回、顳下回、半球底面和內(nèi)側(cè)面一部分(包括:海馬回、梭狀回、顳下回、舌回、窟窿回峽、楔葉、楔前葉后舌回、窟窿回峽、楔葉、楔前葉后1/31/3及頂上小葉后部)及頂上小葉后部)26Blood supply of the three subdivisions of the brainstem. (A)Diagram of major supply. (B)Sections through differe

10、nt levels of the brainstem indicating the territory supplied by each of the major brainstem arteries.27腦橋的血液供應(yīng)特點 橋腦的血供源自椎基底動脈,橋腦基底外側(cè)和被蓋部由短旋動脈供應(yīng);橋腦基底部內(nèi)側(cè)由基底動脈中央支供應(yīng),旁正中支供應(yīng)橋腦被蓋部正中部分腦室底部、外展神經(jīng)核、內(nèi)側(cè)縱束和網(wǎng)狀結(jié)構(gòu);橋腦基底部和被蓋部最外側(cè)為長旋動脈供應(yīng)。由于外側(cè)區(qū)側(cè)支循環(huán)豐富,發(fā)生梗塞概率較低。而橋腦旁正中動脈、短旋動脈呈直角起自基底動脈,易受高血壓的影響而出現(xiàn)動脈粥樣硬化,易出現(xiàn)梗塞。28腦橋梗死的臨床特點 貌似

11、大腦半球病變的純運動性偏癱占橋腦梗塞的60.9%。這是因為錐體束位于橋腦基底部,基底部由基底動脈的旁正中深穿支供應(yīng)血流,該部位動脈易有動脈硬化性改變和透明變性,其近端閉塞時導(dǎo)致基底部正中梗塞,使未交叉的錐體束受損。 PICA和SCA引起的梗塞通常僅累及小腦;而AICA(供應(yīng)腦橋外側(cè)被蓋部和小腦中腳)不同,它引起的梗塞灶多累及腦干和小腦中腳。29 橋腦梗塞時交叉性癱及顱神經(jīng)麻痹并不常見,因橋腦的顱神經(jīng)核多分部于被蓋部,由較豐富的長旋動脈及小腦上動脈供應(yīng)血流,后交通動脈、大腦后動脈和小腦上動脈有側(cè)枝循環(huán),所以顱神經(jīng)可不受影響。腦橋梗死的臨床特點30腦橋上/中部旁中線綜合征 由基底動脈旁中央支血供障

12、礙引起; 病變對側(cè)中樞性舌癱對側(cè)中樞性上下肢癱瘓同側(cè)小腦性共濟失調(diào)Patients with unilateral paramedian infarctions typically presented a pure motor hemiparesis that progressed over the first 3 days and was accompanied by dysarthriaand homolateral ataxia.31橋腦上外側(cè)綜合征 小腦上動脈閉塞引起; 眩暈、惡心、嘔吐、眼球震顫(前庭核損害) 兩眼向病灶側(cè)水平凝視不能(腦橋側(cè)視中樞損害) 同側(cè)肢體共濟失調(diào)(腦橋臂、結(jié)

13、合臂、小腦齒狀核損害); 同側(cè)Horner綜合征(下行交感神經(jīng)損害) 同側(cè)面部感覺障礙(三叉神經(jīng)感覺束損害)和對側(cè)痛覺、溫度覺障礙(脊髓丘腦束損害); 對側(cè)下肢深感覺障礙(內(nèi)側(cè)丘系外側(cè)部分損害) 雙側(cè)聽力障礙,對側(cè)較重。32少見SCA綜合征出現(xiàn)病變對側(cè)感音性耳聾3334腦橋腹下部綜合征(Millard-Gubler Syndrome) 同側(cè)外展N麻痹同側(cè)周圍性面癱 對側(cè)中樞性舌癱一; 對側(cè)肢體癱。 也其它位置不同的突出癥狀可能出現(xiàn) 小腦前下動脈阻塞引起。3536腦橋基底內(nèi)側(cè)綜合征(Foville Syndrome) 病灶側(cè)周圍性面癱; 兩眼向病灶側(cè)同向注視麻痹; 病灶對側(cè)偏癱; 基底動脈旁正中

14、支閉塞引起。37小腦后下動脈綜合征(Wallenberg syndrome) 現(xiàn)證實10由PICA引起,75由一側(cè)椎動脈閉塞引起。余下由基底動脈閉塞引起。3839延髓內(nèi)側(cè)綜合征(Dejerine綜合征) 椎動脈及其分支或基底動脈后部血管阻塞,引起延髓錐體發(fā)生梗死時產(chǎn)生同側(cè)舌肌麻痹(XII腦神經(jīng)損害)和萎縮,對側(cè)上下肢中樞性癱瘓以及觸覺、位置覺、振動覺減退或喪失。 40Magneticresonance image of the fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence for the axial (left) and T2 weighted co

15、ronal (right) sections. There is a well demarcated unilateral medial medullary infarct just below the pontomedullary junction. The right side of each image corresponds to the left side of the brain.41大腦動脈血管供血分區(qū)大腦動脈血管供血分區(qū)CT解剖解剖(圖文圖文)42MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末支43MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末支脈胳膜前動脈44MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末

16、支脈胳膜前動脈ACA穿支PCA穿支及PCoA45MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末支脈胳膜前動脈ACA穿支PCA穿支及PCoAMCA穿支46MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末支脈胳膜前動脈ACA穿支PCA穿支及PCoAMCA穿支47MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末支脈胳膜前動脈ACA穿支PCA穿支及PCoAMCA穿支48MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末支49MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末支50MCA 終末支ACA終末支PCA終末支51MCA 終末支ACA終末支52ACA終末支53545556腦的供血模式圖腦的供血模式圖5758596061左枕葉梗死。(PCA終末支)62Fig

17、ure 1: (a) Normal initial CT of the patient; (b) The cranial CT two days after the incident shows signal changes consistent with simultaneous infarcts in the right MCA and PCA areas; (c) In the digital subtraction angiography of the right ICA, PCA is seen to originate from the right ICA through PCoA

18、 i.e. fetal type PCA63PICAOn the left CT-images of a left-sided PICA-infarction. Notice the posterior extention.The infarction was the result of a dissection (blue arrow).64On the left CT-images of a left-sided PICA-infarction. In unilateral infarcts there is always a sharp delineation in the midlin

19、e because the superior vermian branches do not cross the midline, but have a sagittal course.This sharp delineation may not be evident until the late phase of infarction.In the early phase, edema may cross the midline and create diagnostic difficulties.Infarctions at pontine level are usually parame

20、dian and sharply defined because the branches of the basilar arery have a sagittal course and do not cross the midline.Bilateral infarcts are rarely observed because these patients do not survive long enough to be studied, but sometimes small bilateral infarcts can be seen.65SCAOn the left CT-images

21、 of a cerebellar infarction in the region of the superior cerebellar artery and also in the brainstem in the territory of the PCA.Notice the limitation to the midline.66ACA:A1 segment: from origin to anterior communicating artery and gives rise to medial lenticulostriate arteries (inferior parts of

22、the head of the caudate and the anterior limb of the internal capsule). A2 segment: from anterior communicating artery to bifurcation of pericallosal and callosomarginal arteries. A3 segment: major branches (medial portions of frontal lobes, superior medial part of parietal lobes, anterior part of t

23、he corpus callosum). 67Anterior choroidal arteryThe territory of the anterior choroidal artery encompasses part of the hippocampus, the posterior limb of the internal capsule and extends upwards to an area lateral to the posterior part of the cella media. The whole area is rarely involved in AChA in

24、farcts. On the left an uncommon infarction in the hippocampal region.Part of the territory of the anterior choroidal artery and the PCA are involved.68Middle cerebral arteryThe MCA has cortical branches and deep penetrating branches, which are called the lateral lenticulo-striate arteries.The territ

25、ory of the lateral lenticulo-striate perforating arteries of the MCA is indicated with a different color from the rest of the territory of the MCA because it is a well-defined area supplied by penetrating branches, which may be involved or spared in infarcts separately from the main cortical territo

26、ry of the MCA. On the left a T2W-image of a patient with an infarction in the territory of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). Notice that the lateral lenticulo-striate perforating arteries of the MCA are also involved (orange arrow).69On the left images of a hemorrhagic infarction in the area of the

27、deep perforating lenticulostriate branches of the MCA.70On the left enhanced CT-images of a patient with an infarction in the territory of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). There is extensive gyral enhancement (luxury perfusion). Sometimes this luxury perfusion may lead to confusion with tumoral enh

28、ancement.71Posterior cerebral artery (PCA)Deep or proximal PCA strokes cause ischemia in the thalamus and/or midbrain, as well as in the cortex. Superficial or distal PCA infarctions involve only cortical structures (4).On the left a patient with acute vision loss in the right half of the visual fie

29、ld. The CT demonstrates an infarction in the contralateral visual cortex, i.e left occipital lobe. 72There are two patterns of border zone infarcts:1.Cortical border zone infarctionsInfarctions of the cortex and adjacent subcortical white matter located at the border zone of ACA/MCA and MCA/PCA 2.Internal border zone infarctions Infarctions of the deep white matter of the centrum semiovale and corona radiata at the border zone between lenticulostriate perforators and the deep penetrating cortical branches of the MCA


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