1、老板要我查出明天飛機起飛的時間。The boss wants me to find out the plane took off time tomorrow.首先,我們需要買些食物。First, we need to buy some food.所有人都確切的說是。Everyone be exact.這件事永遠改變了我的生活。It changed my life forever.例如,機器人可以為人類作為危險的工作。For example, the robot can work as a dangerous for humans.從現(xiàn)在開始你就是我的搭檔了。From now on you ar
2、e my partner.那個聰明的小孩會從1數(shù)到100.The clever child can count from 1 to 100.人與自然和平相處時必須的。Man and nature live in peace when necessary.廚師們正在為晚餐做準備。The chefs are preparing for dinner.你能告訴我什么地方下車嗎?Can you tell me where to get off?快點,坐上那輛公交車。Come on, sit on the bus.那個電話沒有接通。The phone is switched on.我們要多花時間和家人聚
3、在一起。We should spend more time together with my family.你能告訴我如何到達那家旅館?Can you tell me how to get to the hotel?每天早晨,許多人清早起床鍛煉身體。Every morning, many people get up early in the morning exercise.明天記得把我的筆記本歸還給我。Remember to return my laptop tomorrow to me.當你幫助別人的時候,你一定會很快樂。When you help others, you will be
4、very happy.為什么不放棄吸煙呢?Why don't you give up smoking?繼續(xù),告訴我們那個有趣的故事。Go on, tell us the interesting story.這輛車會經(jīng)過火車站嗎?The car after the train station? 你多久和朋友遠足一次?A: how often do you and friends hiking? 散步是自我的放松的一種好習慣。Walking is to relax themselves a good habit. 我們可以繼續(xù)那個談話嗎?We can continue the conver
5、sation? 突然間所有的燈都熄滅了。Suddenly all the lights went out. 房子的價格總是在升高。The price of the house is always on the rise. 那輛汽車在路上出毛病了。That is something wrong with the car on the road. 當我長大了,我相當宇航員。When I grow up, I am quite an astronaut. 你最好不要一個人在晚上獨自出去。You'd better not go out alone at night. 課后記得把作業(yè)交上來。Re
6、member to hand in your homework after class. 因為我感冒了,所以我不得不躺在床上。Because I have a cold, so I have to lie on the bed. 履行期間,每個人都很愉快。During the performance, everyone is happy. 垃圾對環(huán)境有不好的影響。Garbage have an adverse effect on the environment. 很多人無法享受英語學習的樂趣。Many people cannot enjoy the fun of learning Englis
7、h. 我經(jīng)常收到來自英國筆友的來信。I often received a letter from pen Pal from Britain. 聽到這個故事我們都很難過。We are very sorry to hear this story. 孩子們,請隨便吃點魚肉。Children, help yourself to some fish. 幫助殘疾兒童是很需要的。It is need to help the disabled children. 他的鄰居經(jīng)常幫助他學數(shù)學。His neighbors often help him learn mathematics.那個女人很生氣,因為他的兒子
8、把東西扔得到處都是。The woman was very angry because his son throw things everywhere. 等一下,請把它再說一遍。Wait a moment, please take it again. 水中憋氣三分鐘很困難。Blow-hole three minutes is difficult. 許許多多的醫(yī)生在地震中忙于救人。Many doctors are busy in the earthquake rescue. 快點,鈴聲響了。Hurry up, the bell rang. 剛才他們匆匆忙忙的離開了。They left in a h
9、urry just now. 飛機會立刻起飛的。The plane will take off immediately. 總而言之,笑對人生很有用。To sum up, smile to the life is very useful. 越來越多的人們正在保護處于危險的野生動物。More and more people are protected in dangerous wild animals. 那個難題一定會被詳細討論的。The problem will be discussed in detail. 事實上,那部電影很無聊。In fact, the film is boring. 超市
10、在那個學校對面。Opposite the supermarket in the school. 一般來說,水對所有生物都很重要。Generally speaking, the water is very important to all living things. 每個城市里的無家可歸的人都需要幫助。Each city's homeless people need help. 那個小孩可以按順序說這些數(shù)字。The little boy can say these Numbers in order. 為了趕校車,我今天早起。In order to catch the bus, I ge
11、t up early today. 那個女孩在公眾場合感到緊張。The girl felt nervous in public. 總之,中國仍然有很長的路要走。In short, China still has a long way to go. 英語學習者要多大聲讀英文而不是做大量的練習。English learners to read English loudly and not to do a lot of practice.所有游客都吃驚地叫起來。All visitors are surprised to call up. 起初,他沒有通過考試。At first, he didn
12、9;t pass the exam. 最后,那個男人冷靜下來。Finally, the man to calm down. 今后,機器人將為人類做所有的事情。In the future, robots will do all the things for mankind. 幸運的是,那個士兵及時接住了那個小孩。Fortunately, the soldier caught the baby in a timely manner. 請稍等下,我接個電話。Please wait a moment, I connect a telephone. 剛才和你談話的是誰?Who is talking wi
13、th you just now? 父母總是要求孩子遠離火。Parents always want children away from fire. 跟那個經(jīng)理聯(lián)系很難。Contact the manager is difficult. 繼續(xù)努力,直到你取得成功。Continue to work hard, until you succeed. 你如何趕得上著變化的世界?How do you keep up with the changing world? 昨天當你敲門的時候,你的媽媽正在煮飯。Yesterday when you knock on the door, your mom is c
14、ooking. 一個小時前,一個學生騎得太快了,撞上了一個老人。An hour ago, a student riding too fast, hit an old man. 最后但同樣重要的是,你最好相信自己。Last but not least, you'd better believe in yourself. 過后,那個病人身體康復了。Later, the patient's body was recovered. 嘲笑別人是不禮貌的。It is impolite to laugh at others. 從那次經(jīng)歷中我們學到了許多。We learned a lot fr
15、om that experience. 每次母親都會問我為什么去法國。Every mother asked me why I go to France. 她的鄰居再也不會把錢借給她了。Her neighbors would never lend money to her. 你得到的錢比我的少。You got less money than I. 過上正常的生活是那個窮人的夢想。To live a normal life is the dream of the poor. 漁民靠釣魚為生。Fishermen made a living by fishing. 護士工作就是照顧病人。The nur
16、se job is taking care of the patients. 展望未來使人振奮。Looking to the future make people exciting. 為什么你總是看著我?Why do you always look at me? 商場里有個女人正在尋找她的錢包。The mall has a woman is looking for her purse. 他們盼望著再一次野餐。They are looking forward to once again have a picnic. 不明飛行物看起來像盤子。UFO looks like a plate. 注意,那
17、兒有面快要坍塌的墻。Note that there are almost collapsed wall. 字典被用來查閱單詞。A dictionary is used to refer to words. 因為他們走太慢了,所以迷路了。Because they go too slow, so lost. 許多公司對那個發(fā)明物感興趣。Many companies are interested in the inventions. 在課堂上做鬼臉會使老師生氣。Make faces in class to make the teacher angry. 那個外國人很高興和我做朋友。The forei
18、gner is very happy to make friends with me. 工作時,人都避免犯錯。Everyone at work, avoid making mistakes. 確保你的演講是完美的。Ensure that your speech is perfect. 編造一個理由也是無用的。Make up a reason is useless. 巨大的石頭組成了這個宮殿。Large stone of the palace.我們下定決定為國家服務。We made a decision in the nation's service. 成百上千的動物住在森林里。Hund
19、reds of thousands of animals live in the forest. 幾分鐘前,那個小女孩把那個男人誤認為她的父親。A few minutes ago, the little girl mistook the man for her father. 中國有越來越多的立交橋。China has more and more of the overpass. 這兒的生活條件或多或少有所提高。The living conditions here more or less improved. 到達山頂花了我們兩個多小時。It took us more than two hou
20、rs getting to the top of the mountain. 我的數(shù)學老師既不高也不矮。My math teacher is neither tall nor short. 我叔叔的家緊挨著一條繁忙的街道。My uncle's house next to a busy street. 毫無疑問,知識對每個人來說都很重要。There is no doubt that knowledge is very important to everyone. 我們不再喜歡住在城市里。We don't like to live in the city. 父母總是對我的考試結(jié)果不
21、滿意。Parents are always not satisfied with my exam result. 這本小說不如那本有趣。This novel is less interesting book. 有些孩子直到兩歲才會說話。Some children will talk until two years old. 當然,魚離不開水。Of course, the water is to fish. 偶爾我們下館子。We are eating out occasionally. 他再次取得第一名。He got the first place again. 從前,那個島上有許多奇特的蝴蝶。
22、Once upon a time, the island has a lot of strange butterfly. 經(jīng)理發(fā)現(xiàn)今天沒人值班。The manager found nobody on duty today. 走路去學校是安全的。Walking to school is safe.在旅行的路上,那對年輕的夫妻感到很興奮。In the way of travel, the young couple were all very excited. 我們剛剛在收音機里聽到那個事故。We have just heard on the radio that accident. 超市里有許多新
23、鮮的蔬菜出售。There are many fresh vegetables in the supermarket sale. 所有的發(fā)明物都在科技館里展出。All inventions on display in science and technology hall. 你能告訴我是否火車能準時出發(fā)?Can you tell me whether the train will set off on time? 任何人都應該幫助那些處于危險中的人。Everyone should help those who are at risk. 那個母親一直站的直到船消失在視線中。The mother h
24、as been standing until the ship disappeared in the line of sight. 那個可憐的人已經(jīng)失業(yè)兩年了。The poor man has been unemployed for two years. 那可以把大衣掛在那兒。It can hang your coat over there. 我們必須注意人口的增長。We must pay attention to the growth of population. 沒人會為花2000元買那雙鞋子。No one would have to spend 2000 yuan to buy the
25、shoes. 你介意下午開車去接我嗎?Would you mind driving to pick me up in the afternoon? 所有政府都在努力保護名勝古跡。All governments are trying to protect the scenic spots and historical sites. 別擔心,我們有充足的時間來完成這個工作。Don't worry, we have plenty of time to finish the job. 那個農(nóng)民為我們指向了一條通往農(nóng)村的路。The farmer points to a path to the r
26、ural road for us. 相對于橘汁而言,我更喜歡牛奶。Relative to the orange juice, I like milk. 那個最受歡迎的球隊打得相當好。The most popular teams played quite well. 你最好把那些玩具收拾好。You'd better put the toys away. 秘書能夠在紙上快速記下老板說的話。Secretary to speak quickly jot down the boss on the paper.-冬天,人們一起床就穿上暖和的大衣。Winter, people get up and
27、put on warm coat. 昨晚,所有的演員都表演得很棒。Last night, all the actors are performing very well. 男孩們迅速用水撲滅了那火。The boys quickly put out the fire with water. 晚上,他們在鎮(zhèn)上四處粘貼海報。At night, they paste posters around town. 我們從這次的探險中學到了許多。We learned so much from the expedition. 他們需要三輛車而不是一輛。They need three cars instead o
28、f a car. 這個報告是關于環(huán)境保護的。This report is about environmental protection. 每個國家都把宇航員當做英雄。Every country in the astronauts as a hero. 請立刻打電話給她的老師。Please immediately call her teacher. 醫(yī)生的工作是拯救人們的生命。The doctor's job is to save people's life. 感謝來給我們送行。Thank you to give us off. 俄羅斯已經(jīng)發(fā)射了幾枚火箭?Russia has f
29、ired several rockets? 那群人剛剛從監(jiān)獄里出來。That group of people who just came out from the prison. 現(xiàn)在出發(fā)去那個遙遠的村莊。Now set out to the distant village. 他們正在計劃創(chuàng)立一個培訓流浪兒童的機構。They are planning to launch a training institutions of street children. 校長正在帶領那些游客參觀學校。The headmaster is guided the tourists around the schoo
30、l. 從那以后,機器人已經(jīng)為我們服務。Since then, robots have service for us. 至今,那兒已經(jīng)沒有干凈的河流了。To date, there has been no clean rivers. 早晚他們會告訴你那個秘密。Sooner or later they will tell you the secret.哪個演唱會如此有趣以至于人們都不想離開。What concert is so interesting that people don't want to leave. 那個妻子每天都花一個小時做家務。The wife take an hour
31、 to do housework every day. 我的阿姨每個月在寵物上花了很多錢和時間。My aunt every month spent a lot of time and money on pets. 鴿子象征著和平。The dove is a symbol of peace. 熬夜打電腦對人們的健康有害。Stay up late playing computer is harmful to people's health. 為了成為音樂家,他堅持每天練習小提琴。In order to become a musician, he insist on playing the
32、violin every day. 那兩個好朋友停止吵架。The two good friends stop fighting. 如果司機感到疲勞,他們需要停下去休息。If the driver fatigue, they need to stop and rest. 他的女兒擅長各種運動,例如跑步滑冰劃船。His daughter is good at all kinds of sports, such as running skating rowing. 圖書館里的書不允許被帶走。The books in the library are not allowed to be taken aw
33、ay. 你必須學會自己照顧自己。You must learn to take care of themselves. 考試之前,別緊張。Don't be nervous before the exam. 這個公司會采取措施來解決這個困難。This company will take measures to solve this difficulty. 這個航班將會在十分鐘后起飛。The flight will take off in ten minutes. 積極參加各項活動對你有益。Take an active part in activities is good for you.
34、你是否注意到你的家鄉(xiāng)已經(jīng)發(fā)生了變化。Have you noticed that your hometown has changed. 我相信沒人能取代我去做這個演講。I believe that no one can replace me to do this speech. 這個圖片占據(jù)了屏幕的四分之一。The image occupies a quarter of the screen. 老師鼓勵我們試著談論自己的理想。The teacher encouraged us to try to talk about your ideas.毫無疑問他說換了。There is no doubt t
35、hat he says changed. 由于中國的發(fā)展,越來越多的中國人可以到國外旅游。Due to the development of China, more and more Chinese to travel abroad. 格林一家后天飛往加拿大。The greens flew to Canada the day after tomorrow. 前天我的父母給我買了一個生日禮物。The day before yesterday my parents bought me a birthday present. 你越快樂,你就越健康。The more you happy, the mo
36、re you health. 我們希望殘疾兒童的笑容和我們一樣。We hope that the disabled children smile and the rest of us. 圣誕節(jié)快樂!你也一樣。Merry Christmas! The same to you. 你可以考慮下將來我們的生活會是什么樣。You can consider our life would be like in the future. 許多老人喜歡回憶童年。Many old people like to recall my childhood. 請仔細考慮下我們的建議。Please carefully consider our proposal. 幾千年前,人類就懂得如何使用火。Thousands of years ago, human beings know how to use fire. 在公共場合亂扔垃圾是粗魯?shù)摹t is rude to litter in public places. 喝太多酒對我們的胃有害。Drinking too much is bad for our stoma
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