



1、銀行賬戶的主要類型有哪些銀行賬戶有兩種這主要類型5往來賬戶和存款賬戶。接下來 為 大 家整理了銀行賬戶的主要類型英文介紹,歡迎大家閱讀 !There are two main types of bank account in a bank: current accounts and deposit accounts. A current account allows you to use a cheque book,but your moneydoes n& #39;t earn in terest. There are bank charges for curre nt acco un ts

2、, but if your acco unt rema ins in credit you n eed to pay no charges at all. You must keep a certa in amount in credit in your current account to avoid charges. This amount cha nges from time to time.銀行賬戶主要有兩種類型:往來賬戶和存款賬戶。往來賬戶的客 戶 可以使用支票,但銀行不付利息;也有的銀行對往來賬戶收取手續(xù)費, 但對有貸方余額的賬戶是不收費的。因此,客戶要想避免支付手續(xù)費, 就應在往

3、來賬戶上保持一定金額的貸方余額。這個金額往往會不斷變化。銀行賬戶的主要類型一A current account (also called acheque acco unt) is a convenient and safe method of han dli ng money. Your salary can go straight into your account, and these days more and more people are paid by direct credit in stead of in cash. Direct credit mea ns that your

4、 employer, or anyone else who wishes to pay you mon ey, can pay the money straight out of their acco unt into yours. Cheques, postal orders and money orders (in clud ing Intern ati onal Money Orders) can be paid direct to your acco unt also.往來賬戶(也叫支票賬戶)用于管理資金非常的方便,而且安全。 你的薪金可以直接劃到你的賬戶上,最近,越來越多的客戶不用現(xiàn)

5、金 支付,而是直接入賬。直接入賬是指你的老板,或任何其他人要付款給 你,可以將貨幣直接從他的賬戶上支付到你的賬戶上。支票、郵局 匯款 單和匯票(包括國際匯票)也可以直接支付到你的賬戶上。You can pay your bills by cheque in shops, hotels, airports, restaurants and other places (but not in taxes, for example) . You can pay regular bills by direct debit from your account. These regular bills in

6、 elude in sura nee premiums, rent, rates and hire purchase installments.These regular bills must be forsums of money where the amount rema ins the same every mon th duri ng a cert a in period.客戶可以在商店、旅館、機場、飯店及其他地方(也有例外,如出租車)用支票支付賬單,也可以從你的賬戶上直接劃款,定期支付賬 單。這些定期賬單必須用來支付貨幣總額,并可以在一段時期內(nèi),每個 月支付相同的金額。You can

7、 tell your bank, for example, to pay Mon archIn sura nee Co. &poun d;10 per mon th on the 21st of every month from now until further notice. The bank will pay this automatically, by banker's order (also called standing order) or direct debit. You don& #39;t have to post the cheque to Mon arch In

8、 sura nee Co.; you don& #39;thave to travel totheir office.例如,客戶可以要求銀行從現(xiàn)在起在每個月的 21號,按月向摩 納卡保險公司支付10美元,直到通知止付時為止。該行可以用本票(也 叫約期付款委托書),或以直接貸記的方式自動支付這筆款項。這 樣客 戶就不用向摩納卡保險公司寄送支票;也不用來回跑了。With a current account you have the advantageof acheque book service, which means that you don& #39;t have the risk of c

9、arry ing large amounts of cash with you. You also know where your money goes and where it comes from, because you get a regular stateme nt from your bank, show ing debit and credit en tries (or payme nts and receipts respectively), and the bala nee. Nowadays banks in the UK do not retur n your chequ

10、e with each stateme nt, so it is advisable to keep a record of tran sacti ons on the coun terfoil or stub.有了往來賬戶,客戶就可以享受到支票簿服務的便利,也就是說, 客戶用不著隨身攜帶大量現(xiàn)金,避免了風險??蛻暨€可以了解到款項 的 去向和來源,因為你可以定期收到銀行的對賬單,對賬單表明借記 和貸記的金額(或分別顯示收、支金額),以及余額。目前,英國銀行 在發(fā)送對賬單時不附支票,因此,保存好每筆交易記錄的支票存根或 票 根是明智的。銀行賬戶的主要類型二 A deposit acco unt earns in terest, butit does n& #39;t allow you to use a cheque book. The rate ofinterest fluctuates. You


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