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1、解釋PSC和FSI的含義、各自的職責及相互之間的關系,簡要介紹PSC檢查程序報告人:張琳一、目錄1.PSC和FSI的含義2.各自的職責3.相互之間的關系4.PSC檢查程序的簡要介紹PSC的含義 Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports for the purpose of verifying that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international c

2、onventions and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with applicable international laws. 港口國監(jiān)督是港口國當局對抵港的外國籍船舶實施的,以確保船舶及其設備符合國際公約要求、船舶的配員與操作符合適用的國際規(guī)范為目的的一種檢查。 The authority for exercising PSC is the national law based on relevant conventions. It is therefore necessary for a port State to

3、 be Party to those conventions and to have promulgated the necessary legislation before exercising PSC. 港口國監(jiān)督的實施是通過基于相關國際公約的國內法所授權的。因此,港口國必須是這些公約締約國,而且,在實施港口國監(jiān)督之前要頒布起立法。Provisions of port State control港口國監(jiān)督條款 IMO conventions place the responsibility for technically and environmentally safe ships pri

4、marily on the flag State. However, it is recognized that a port State can make a useful contribution to these aims and many conventions, therefore, contain provisions that permit port State control. These include:IMO 的公約把保證船舶的技術安全和環(huán)境安全的首要責任放在了船旗國的肩上。然而,普遍認為,港口國能對實現該目標作出貢獻,因此,很多的國際公約都包含有港口國監(jiān)督條款。它們是:

5、SOLAS 74,regulation 1/9, regulation IX/6 and regulation XI/4; LOADLINES 66, article 21; MARPOL 73/78, ARTICLES 5& 6, regulation 8A of Annex I, regulation 15 of Annex II, regulation 8 of Annex III and regulation 8 of Annex V; STCW 78, article X and regulation 1/4; TONNAGE 69, article 12.船旗國監(jiān)督的含義

6、船旗國監(jiān)督,顧名思義,就是各國海事主管機關依據本國的法規(guī)對本國船舶實施監(jiān)督檢查,確保所有懸掛本國國旗的船舶符合公約的適用規(guī)定和要求。這些措施包括:船舶登記、船舶檢驗與發(fā)證、檢查等。船旗國職責 授予國籍的職責; 對船舶適航性開展全面檢驗的職責; 對合格船員進行培訓發(fā)證的職責; 對船公司安全政策開展嚴格審查的職責; 有效執(zhí)行以及打擊違章的義務; 對懸掛本國旗幟的船舶開展跟蹤管理及服務的義務; 同港口國沿岸國以及其他船旗國開展交流合作以鞏固本國的履約承諾!船旗國監(jiān)督與港口國監(jiān)督的關系 船旗國監(jiān)督與港口國監(jiān)督是相互對應的一對概念,船旗國監(jiān)督是船旗國海事主管機關對懸掛本國國旗的船舶實施的監(jiān)督檢查,而港口

7、國監(jiān)督是港口國海事主管機關對外國籍船舶實施的監(jiān)督檢查。背景 在執(zhí)行海事標準的過程中,海難事故仍然接連不斷的發(fā)生,對沿岸國和港口國的社會經濟、海洋環(huán)境帶了沉重的打擊。除此之外,一些欠發(fā)達國家,如巴拿馬、伯里茲和利比里亞,實行開發(fā)登記制度,缺乏對船舶設備配備和船員操縱技術等安全標準的監(jiān)控和管理知識,甚至有些國家缺乏對船舶管理的意愿,嚴重制約了船旗國履約的能力。港口國監(jiān)控(Port State Control)就此登上了舞臺。港口國監(jiān)控補充船旗國監(jiān)督 船旗國對確保懸掛該國國旗的船舶滿足國際公約負有根本責任,是海上安全的第一道防線。 港口國監(jiān)控不僅僅是船旗國的補充,而且以船舶為媒介,通過選船機制和黑名

8、單確定檢查目標,并定期公布統計結果,形成對船旗國的強有力壓力,進而提高船旗國監(jiān)督的水平和監(jiān)督的意愿。 以東京備忘錄為例,港口國根據亞太地區(qū)港口國監(jiān)控計算機信息系統中形成的目標因素值來確定檢查目標。船舶的目標因素值越高,就越容易被優(yōu)先檢查。 被列入黑名單的船舶進入東京備忘錄成員國港口,將會接受至少一次嚴格的詳細檢查。頻繁并且嚴格的詳細檢查會使船舶始終處于被滯留的風險之中,勢必會影響船舶的經濟效益和船旗國的聲譽。 同時,港口國監(jiān)控每次的檢查結果都會被錄入計算機信息系統,并定期統計公布港口國監(jiān)控檢查的結果、高滯留的船旗國、船級社和船東的黑名單。東京備忘錄港口國監(jiān)督新檢查機制(東京備忘錄NIR)于20

9、14年1月1日起在亞太地區(qū)實施。 新檢查機制的一大亮點是在船舶風險評估體系的構建上,引入了公司績效作為船舶風險參數之一,改變了以往港口國監(jiān)督檢查與公司審核管理之間脫節(jié)的現象,有利于從源頭上監(jiān)督船舶安全和防污染管理規(guī)定的執(zhí)行情況。更加合理地利用港口國監(jiān)督力量,實施差異化管理,推動區(qū)域安全水平提高。 中國曾經一度成為巴黎備忘錄、美國海岸警衛(wèi)隊的黑名單國家. 1994年中國籍船舶被滯留34艘次,1995年被滯留46艘次,1996年被滯留53艘次,給中國的航運業(yè)造成了嚴重的損害,也影響了中國政府在國際海事中的形象。2006年,中國籍國際航行船舶被滯留共8艘次,其中6艘次在亞太地區(qū)被滯留,被滯留率為0.

10、75%,遠低于亞太地區(qū)5.4%的平均滯留率。中國國際航行船舶履約狀況穩(wěn)定,船旗國管理受到好評。 為降低中國籍船舶受檢和滯留的風險,中國海事局加大對國際航行船舶的監(jiān)督管理力度,實施開航前檢查制度,限制與排除低標準船舶,改善船舶的營運狀況。 作為海上安全第二道防線的港口國監(jiān)控現在已經遍布世界港口的各大水域,并且在確保船舶符合國際海事公約中越來越發(fā)揮出重要的影響,但是確保船舶符合公約標準的主要責任仍在于船旗國監(jiān)督,船旗國監(jiān)督會在港口國監(jiān)控的監(jiān)督和補充下,達到“清潔海洋上的安全和高效航運”的目標。兩者關系總結港口國監(jiān)督檢查程序 Selection of ships to be inspected Th

11、e Port State Control Officer (PSCO), before visiting the port, select a ship or ships to be inspected, taking into account the criteria for the selection of ship stipulated in the MOU. Ships such as tankers and bulk carriers, and ships with previous records of detention, etc. In doing so, PSCO searc

12、h previous PSC data from regional or national data bank on ships the PSCO intends to visit.選擇受檢查船舶 船舶到達港口之前,檢查官會根據備忘錄里規(guī)定的選船標準選擇受檢查船舶。優(yōu)先檢查的船舶包括第一次掛靠該港口的船舶、油船和散貨船等敏感型船舶、有滯留記錄的船舶,等等。在選船的時候,檢查官會從該國家或該區(qū)域的數據庫中就以前的港口國監(jiān)督數據對待檢船舶進行調查。Initial inspection PSCO first checks the certificates and other documents ca

13、rried on board to ascertain that they are valid and in order. He also check the general condition of the ship in order to satisfy himself that the ship complies with the provisions of the relevant instruments. If everything is in order, the inspection is completed and the ship is allowed to sail.初檢

14、檢查官首先檢查船舶配備的證書及其他相關文件,以確人其有效性和正確性。同時,他們也檢查船舶總體狀況,確認該船舶是否符合相關條約的條款要求,以使自己滿意。如果所有情況良好,檢查即告結束,船舶被允許開航。Detailed inspection If, however, PSCO finds that the certificates are not in order, or, after general inspection, considers that there are clear grounds for believing that the ship does not substantial

15、ly comply with the provisions of the relevant instruments, then he carries out detailed inspections. Resolution A.787 (19) defines the clear grounds and describe how to carry out detailed inspection.詳細檢查 然而,如果檢查官發(fā)現證書不符合要求,或者,初次檢查后有明顯依據認為該船實質上并不符合相關公約條款的要求,檢查官就會對該船實施詳細檢查。A.787(19)決議定義了明顯依據并對如何實施詳細檢查進

16、行了闡述。Detention If PSCO, as a result of detailed inspections, has found deficiencies, he orders to rectify such deficiencies. If the deficiencies are very serious, the ship is detained and will not be allowed to sail until the deficiencies are rectified. In such cased, the flag State administration a

17、nd classification society involved are notified. Resolution A. 787(19) provides for the definition of detainable deficiencies and procedures to be followed in the case of detention.滯留 如果檢查官在詳細檢查中發(fā)現有缺陷,通常會令船方糾正。如果發(fā)現的缺陷非常嚴重,船舶將會被滯留,直到缺陷被糾正才允許船舶開航。在這種情況下,檢查官會通知船旗國主管機關及相應的船級社機構。A.787(19)決議提供了可滯留的定義以及滯留所

18、應遵循的程序。 If the deficiencies cannot be rectified at the port of inspection, PSCO may allow the ship to proceed to the nearest repair yard. Resolution A.787(19) and PSC Manual contain procedures to be followed in such case 如果缺陷不能在檢查港糾正,檢查官可允許船舶駛往最近的修船廠。 A.787(19)決議以及港口國監(jiān)督手冊中包含了該種情況發(fā)生時所應遵循的程序。Reporting

19、 After inspection, the ship is provided with Form A of the port State inspection, and in the case of deficiencies, Forms B as well. In the case of detention, Forms A and B are transmitted to the flag State. PSCO also send the results of inspection to regional database, such as SIRENAC in St. Malo, France, under the Paris MOU an


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