1、 Revision of unit7Key words1. peaceful n:_, 1. peaceful n:_, adv:_ adv:_peacepeacepeacefullypeacefullyI want to be quiet, so Id like to go I want to be quiet, so Id like to go somewhere _ (peace).somewhere _ (peace).peacefulpeaceful2. touristy 2. touristy adjadjn. n. tourist(stourist(s) ) n/vn/v. to
2、ur. tourI want to go on a nature _. I dont like I want to go on a nature _. I dont like to go to a place where there are many to go to a place where there are many _. Its too_._. Its too_.tourtourtouriststouriststouristy touristy 3. trek 3. trek v.v.p_ pp_p_ pp_現(xiàn)分現(xiàn)分_trekkingtrekkingtrekkedtrekkedtre
3、kkedtrekked你獨自一人徒步穿越森林一定是令人激動的經(jīng)歷你獨自一人徒步穿越森林一定是令人激動的經(jīng)歷. ._ _the forest by _ _the forest by yourself must be a thrilling yourself must be a thrilling experience.experience.Trekking Trekking throughthrough4. consider4. consider考慮做某事考慮做某事consider doing consider doing sthsth= =還可以接還可以接n./pron./ 疑問句疑問句/ 疑
4、問詞疑問詞+to doconsider consider sbsb./ ./ sthsth as/to be- as/to be-= = 看作看作, ,認為認為regard- asregard- asthink about doing sthI consider him as a clever man.I consider him as a clever man.= =I consider him _ _ a clever man.I consider him _ _ a clever man.to beto be( ) I think animals should _ our ( ) I t
5、hink animals should _ our friends. friends.A.A. regard as B. be considered for regard as B. be considered forC. be regarded as D. consider asC. be regarded as D. consider asC C 考慮去中國東部旅游怎么樣考慮去中國東部旅游怎么樣? What about _ _ What about _ _ a trip in _ China. a trip in _ China. consideringconsideringtakingt
6、akingeasterneastern5. including :5. including :prep.prep. v. v. includeincludep/pp _ p/pp _ includedincluded1) Many middle school students like 1) Many middle school students like reading Harry Potter, _ me. reading Harry Potter, _ me. includingincluding2) Our subjects _ Chinese, 2) Our subjects _ C
7、hinese, math, English, physics and so on. math, English, physics and so on.includeinclude6. translate v.6. translate v.n:n:翻譯員翻譯員translatortranslator把把- 翻譯成翻譯成-translate translate sthsth. into . into sthsthtranslationtranslationWhen I go to Paris, I will find a When I go to Paris, I will find a _to
8、_ French into _to _ French into Chinese_ me.Chinese_ me.當(dāng)我去巴黎時當(dāng)我去巴黎時, , 我會找一個翻譯為我我會找一個翻譯為我把法語翻譯成漢語把法語翻譯成漢語. .translatortranslatortranslatetranslateforfor7. light7. lightadj:輕的輕的 反義詞反義詞:heavyheavy淺色的淺色的 反義詞反義詞: darkdark淺藍色淺藍色light bluelight bluen. 燈燈Its getting dark. Could you please Its getting dark
9、. Could you please turn on the _ in the classroom.turn on the _ in the classroom.lightslightsThe box is too heavy for me to carry.The box is too heavy for me to carry.= =The box isnt _ _ for me The box isnt _ _ for me to carry.to carry.lightlightenoughenough8. provide v. 8. provide v. 提供提供 provide p
10、rovide sbsb with with sthsth. . = provide = provide sthsth. for . for sbsb. . 近義詞近義詞offerofferoffer offer sthsth. to . to sbsb.= offer .= offer sbsb. . sthsth. .給某人提供某物還可以用給某人提供某物還可以用主動提出做某事主動提出做某事offer to do offer to do sthsth給某人提供某物給某人提供某物1. You must be _ warm 1. You must be _ warm clothes for the
11、 winter. clothes for the winter.A.A. provide with B. provide for provide with B. provide for C. provided with D. provided forC. provided with D. provided for2. His parents are dead. So his 2. His parents are dead. So his uncle _ him _ the money uncle _ him _ the money for his study. for his study. A
12、.A. offers; to B. provides; to offers; to B. provides; to C. offers; with D. provides; withC. offers; with D. provides; withC C D D 9. continue v9. continue v1)1) continue continue sthsth. . = go on with = go on with sthsth2)continue 2)continue to do/doingto do/doing = go on = go on doingdoinggo on
13、doing go on doing 不等于不等于 go on to do go on to doI was expected to continue _I was expected to continue _further before _ a job as an engineer.further before _ a job as an engineer.A.A.studying; finding B. to study; to findstudying; finding B. to study; to findC. with studying; I find D. studying; I
14、find C. with studying; I find D. studying; I find A A10. dream 1)10. dream 1) v. v. p/ppp/pp 2) 2) dream(sdream(s) n.) n.dreamdreameded/dream/dreamt t dream dream of /aboutof /about sb/sth/doingsb/sth/doing夢想、夢見夢想、夢見A few people said they dreamt ofA few people said they dreamt of _ (fly) to the moon
15、 one day. _ (fly) to the moon one day.flyingflying11. lively 11. lively adjadj 類似有類似有: :比較級比較級livelierlivelierliveliestliveliest最高級最高級lovely , friendlylovely , friendly重慶是中國最活躍的城市之一重慶是中國最活躍的城市之一ChongqingChongqing is one of the is one of the _ _ in China._ _ in China.liveliestliveliestcitiescitiesImp
16、ortant phrasestake it easytake it easygo somewhere near the seago somewhere near the sea我想去靠近海的地方,在沙灘上放松。我想去靠近海的地方,在沙灘上放松。I want to I want to go somewhere near the sea, go somewhere near the sea, and take it easy and take it easy on the beachon the beach. .徒步穿過叢林雖然危險,但是刺激徒步穿過叢林雖然危險,但是刺激_is dangerous
17、 but thrilling.is dangerous but thrilling.Trekking through the jungleTrekking through the junglea lively citya lively city一個有活力的城市一個有活力的城市做某事很方便做某事很方便be convenient to do be convenient to do sthsth. .上海是中國最有活力的城市上海是中國最有活力的城市之一,而且乘坐地鐵很方便。之一,而且乘坐地鐵很方便。Shanghai is_Shanghai is_in China, and its convenien
18、tin China, and its convenient to take_. to take_.one of the liveliest cities one of the liveliest cities the underground train the underground train 一般來說一般來說in generalin general樂意做某事樂意做某事be willing to do be willing to do sthsth一般來說,相當(dāng)多的人都樂意幫助他人。一般來說,相當(dāng)多的人都樂意幫助他人。一些人給窮人提供食物和書本。一些人給窮人提供食物和書本。general s
19、peakinggeneral speakingIn general, _In general, _are willing to help others.are willing to help others.Some _ the poor _Some _ the poor _food and books.food and books.quite a few peoplequite a few peopleprovide provide with with 相當(dāng)多相當(dāng)多quite a few=manyquite a few=manyquite a little=muchquite a little
20、=much為了,以便為了,以便so that + so that + 句子句子in order to doin order to dohold on to the dreamhold on to the dream堅持夢想堅持夢想繼續(xù)做某事繼續(xù)做某事continue doing continue doing sthsth. .go on doing go on doing sthsth湯姆是一個相當(dāng)勤奮的孩子,他想畢業(yè)后湯姆是一個相當(dāng)勤奮的孩子,他想畢業(yè)后當(dāng)一名翻譯家,以便將來能給媽媽提供更當(dāng)一名翻譯家,以便將來能給媽媽提供更好的生活。好的生活。Tom is _.Tom is _.He wan
21、ts to work as a _He wants to work as a _after after finishing his educationfinishing his education,_,_ he can _ he can provideprovide _ _forfor his mother. I believe he can his mother. I believe he can achieve his dream achieve his dream if he _if he _ and continues_ and continues_hard.hard.quite a
22、quite a hard-working kidhard-working kidtranslatortranslatorsosothatthata better lifea better life holdsholds on on to it studying to it studying把翻譯為translateintotranslateinto哈利波特是一本相當(dāng)有趣的書,它被翻譯為了包括中文在內(nèi)的幾種語言。一個相當(dāng)?shù)膓uite a/an +adj.+ n.quite a/an +adj.+ n.單單a very adj. + n.a very adj. + n.單單Harry Potter
23、 is _.It has _many languages, _ Chinese.quite an interesting bookquite an interesting bookbeen translated intobeen translated intoincludingincluding打包輕便衣物打包輕便衣物每年這個時候,重慶都很炎熱,你來時最好每年這個時候,重慶都很炎熱,你來時最好打包輕便的衣物打包輕便的衣物.pack light clothespack light clothes最好做某事最好做某事Its best/better Its best/better to doto d
24、oYoud better Youd better dodothis time of yearthis time of year每年這個時候每年這個時候this time of yearthis time of yearChongqingChongqing is hot_. is hot_._ pack light clothes_ pack light clotheswhen you come.when you come.Youd betterYoud betterYou You areare _( _(應(yīng)該應(yīng)該) ) here by 5:00. here by 5:00.supposed t
25、o besupposed to be有相同的希望有相同的希望have similar hopeshave similar hopes夢想著夢想著/夢到夢到similar hopessimilar hopes根據(jù)調(diào)查根據(jù)調(diào)查according to the surveyaccording to the surveyHere are the _(find) of theHere are the _(find) of thesurvey. According to it, teenagerssurvey. According to it, teenagershave_, but they _have
26、_, but they _ different things. Some_ different things. Someeven dream of _(even dream of _(橫渡橫渡) ) the Pacific Ocean. the Pacific Ocean. findingsfindingsdreamdreamdream of/about dream of/about sthsth. .夢想著做某事夢想著做某事dream of doing dream of doing sthsth. .of/aboutof/aboutsailing acrosssailing acrossIm
27、portant sentences1. 想要做想要做:would like to do 想要想要would like sth. What would you like to do? I would like to visit GuiLin. What would you like ? I would like some tea. Would you like to go to my party? Yes, Id love to . / No, thanks. Would you like some tea or coffee? Yes, please. / No. thanks. Where
28、would you like to visit/ go? 2.Why not consider visiting Paris? Why not do sth.? 你為什么不你為什么不?=_?=_? 你為何不堅持努力學(xué)習(xí)英語?你為何不堅持努力學(xué)習(xí)英語?Why not _ _ English hard?= Why dont you _ _ English hard?=What about _ _ English hard?Why dont you do Why dont you do sthsth. .What about doing What about doing sthsth. .conti
29、nue studyingcontinue studyingcontinue studyingcontinue studyingcontinuing studyingcontinuing studying3.Its best for sb.to do sth. 某人最好作某事某人最好作某事= _.你最好在夏天的時候去徒步穿越亞馬遜叢林。你最好在夏天的時候去徒步穿越亞馬遜叢林。Its best for you _ _ _ theAmazon Jungle in summer.= _ _ _ _ the Amazon Jungle in summer.SbSb. had better do . ha
30、d better do sthsth. .to trek throughto trek throughYoud better trek throughYoud better trek through4.There is much things _(do) and _(see). There is nothing much _(do). There are some boys _(visit) this peaceful palace.5.It seems/seemed that+cl.看起來好看起來好=_.看起來她好像變化了很多??雌饋硭孟褡兓撕芏?。She _ _ _ _ a lot.It
31、 _ that she _ _ a lot.to doto doseeseeto to dodovisitingvisitingSbSb. . seemseem( (s s) )/seemed to do/be./seemed to do/be.seems to have changeseems to have changeseemsseemshas changedhas changedExercise用所給的詞的正確形式填空:用所給的詞的正確形式填空:1.Hon Kong is a good place for_(shop).2.I hope _(visit) Macau some day.
32、3.Where would you like_ (go)?4.Why_( not go) to Xian by train?s shoppinghoppingto visitto visitto goto gonot gonot go5.The boy would love to go_(trek) in the Amazon Jungle in Brazil.6. We are _ to hear the _news (excite).7. When I lie on a beach, I feel _ (relax).8.Have you ever considered _ (learn)
33、 how to cook?trekkingtrekkingexcitedexcitedexcitingexcitingrelaxedrelaxedlearninglearning9.My mother is considering how_(help) me improve my English?10.They considered _(meet) their teacher at the airport.11.She often considers _(move) to the moon one day.12.We consider how _(take)care of the baby.t
34、o helpto helpmeetingmeetingmovingmovingto taketo take13Mary is one of my best _ (friend).14.One of my favorite authors _Guo Jingming.15.Our school _(include) 64classes.16.Our country has 34 provinces_(include) Hong Kong andMarco.friendsfriendsisisincludesincludesincludingincluding17.Would you mind _
35、(help) me with my English?18.Do you mind my _(sit) next to you?19.We dont mind when _(start).20.Do you mind if I _(come) tomorrow?21.I dont mind whether _(go) or not.helpinghelpings sittingittingto startto startcomecometo goto gocost, pay for, spend, take填空填空1.How much does the new car_?2.How much s
36、hould I _ the ticket?3.How much did you _ traveling in Japan?4.How long does it _ to go to America by plane?5.My mother _ two hundred yuan_ the dress.costcostpay forpay forspendspendtaketakespentspentonon1 1. They _ all over the country. So they plan . They _ all over the country. So they plan _ som
37、e other countries. _ some other countries. A. have traveled, visit B. traveled, to visit A. have traveled, visit B. traveled, to visit C. traveled, visiting C. traveled, visiting D. have traveled, to travelD. have traveled, to travel 2 2. We want _ a trip to . We want _ a trip to GuilinGuilin this summer this summer vacation.vacation.A. take B. takes C. taking D. to takeA. take B. takes C. taking D. to take3 3. . Im not sure if it _ tomorrow. If it _, Im not sure if it _ tomorrow. If it _, we wont climb the South Hill.we wont climb the South Hill.A. will
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