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1、WEEK1Word expressempathy同感;移情;共鳴1.Empathy is the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own.2.Having begun my life in a children's home I have great empathy with the little ones3.Achieving this quality requires empathy.malfeasance不正當,不法行為,瀆職1.This has wa

2、rped incentives and fostered malfeasance.2.The financial crisis provides an apparently endless opportunity for unmasking deceit, malfeasance, and corruption.the preserve of 遺留,保留1.Now they are the preserve of the rich, who can afford to furnish, clean and heat them comfortably.2.The traditional fami

3、ly is now the preserve of a minority.embark著手;開始做1.If you embark on something new, difficult, or exciting, you start doing it2.He's embarking on a new career as a writer.3.The government embarked on a program of radical economic reform.4.So we embark on implementation with considerable momentum.

4、5.Whether he will actually embark on this potentially suicidal plan is also unclear.6.Developing a domestic bond market should be a top priority and china should also embark on capital account liberalization.unsavory 難吃的,令人討厭的unsavory odors 討厭的氣味 unsavory partner 討厭的同伴 unsavory mess 不可口的伙食feckless無能

5、的;軟弱的;不中用的1.If you describe someone as feckless, you mean that they lack determination or strength, and are unable to do anything properly2.He regarded the young man as feckless and irresponsible.3.I have seen up close聚焦靠近 how feckless management activity can change things.4.Care must be taken so mo

6、thers rather than feckless fathers control funds for their children.blissful1欣喜若狂的,極樂的,狂喜的 樂而忘憂的1. But in the next century, governments will have no excuse for their blissful ignorance.wilfully故意的,有意的,成心的(尤指意在造成傷害)1. Wilful neglect of our manufacturing industry has caused this problem.subdue 征服,克制1.

7、 The king cobra can subdue its dinner without suffering from any venomous counterattack.instill 逐漸灌輸,滴注1. It is easy to instill the minds of young children with fixed ideas.2. However, I do try t instill in them the ability to use sound engineering methods to analyze and design their programs and cu

8、stomize their practices. 3. But Communist Party leaders still promote the myths and icons of that time to instill patriotism and loyalty in the population.disengage (使)脫離;(使)松開;解開;拆開1.If you disengage something, or if it disengages, it becomes separate from something which it has been attached to.2.

9、More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.3.Disengage from any dependence on others.blight破壞因素;禍根;陰影n; 破壞(生活);使(希望)破滅;摧毀;損毀v.1.If something blights your life or your hopes, it damages and spoils them. If something blights an area, it spoils it and makes it unattractive.2.

10、You can refer to something as blight when it causes great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things.3.This discriminatory policy has really been blight on America.4.Manchester still suffers from urban blight and unacceptable poverty.Underlying 深層的;根本的1.潛在的;隱藏的;深層的;根本的The underlying features o

11、f an object, event, or situation are not obvious, and it may be difficult to discover or reveal them.2.表面下的;下層的You describe something as underlying when it is below the surface of something else.3.To stop a problem you have to understand its underlying causes.4.I think that the underlying problem is

12、 education, unemployment and bad housing.5.What are the main underlying structural causes of this depression?詞組unsavory odors 討厭的氣味 unsavory partner 討厭的同伴 unsavory mess 不可口的伙食cultural icons 文化偶像application icons 應用圖標cure somebody of長難句1、 For an act to be evil, it must be significantly wrong, embarke

13、d upon with full knowledge of its wantonness and embraced wholeheartedly by the person doing the deed.一種行為若要具有邪惡的性質(zhì),則它必須存在重大錯誤,行為主體在采取行為時必然對其殘酷本性了然于胸,但又毫無保留地欣然予以接受。2、Empathythe ability to appreciate that a stranger struggling with a suitcase not only finds his situation challenging but also needs he

14、lp which, assuming you are not incapacitated yourself, you can and do provideis key to Mr. Baron-Cohens thesis. 伯龍-科恩論題的關鍵在于移情作用,這種能力的內(nèi)涵是:能夠認識到一位正在費力提著箱子的陌生人不但身處困境,而且需要一臂之力,而如果你身心健全的話,則能夠并且會伸出援手。3、 The author champions his own parents for instilling in him what he calls an “internal pot of gold”a me

15、asure of self-reliance and self-confidence which he thinks, is vital for developing empathy.作者擁護其父把一種被他稱為“心中的藏寶箱”的思想灌輸進其頭腦的做法這是一定程度的自立與自信,伯龍-科恩認為這對發(fā)展移情能力至關重要。4、Whether it can be right to cure someone of (what is not yet considered) a disease remains unaddressed. 不過,為某些人治療一種尚未被認為是疾病的身體狀況之做法是否正確,則尚未得到

16、解答。 WEEK2Word expressgregarious愛交際的;合群的1.Someone who is gregarious enjoys being with other people2.She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.3.In our society, the ideal self is bold, gregarious, and comfortable in the spot

17、light.Inflammation發(fā)炎;炎癥1.An inflammation is a painful redness or swelling of a part of your body that results from an infection, injury, or illness.2.The drug can cause inflammation of the liver.3.It causes inflammation, discharge and chronic scarring.4.Inflam

18、mation is an antibacterial response.lurk潛伏,潛藏,埋伏1.If someone lurks somewhere, they wait there secretly so that they cannot be seen, usually because they intend to do something bad2.Some worrying signs continue to lurk in the data3.Bacteria

19、often lurk on the kitchen sponge, your computer keyboard and the dirty laundry. Plague瘟疫1.In 2004, eight villagers in Qinghai province died of plague.2.The lung disease is caused by the same bacterium as b

20、ubonic plague.stave off 避開;延緩;推遲(令人不快的事物)1.In a desperate attempt to stave off defeat, he reluctantly promised wholesale reform of the constitution.2.But the reality of discovery was a different matter, and he did all he could to stave it off.詞組致病基因 genetics of disease 慢性炎癥 chronic inflammation

21、心臟病 heart disease 基因表達 expression of genes白細胞 white blood cells 官能團 functional group病毒感染 viral infection 對抗細菌 protect against bacteria抗菌反應 antibacterial response 寄主 host免疫系統(tǒng) Immune system 耐藥性 Drug resistance長難句1、It examined, and combined the results of, 148 previous studies that followed some 300,00

22、0 individuals for an average period of 7.5 years each, and controlled for factors such as age and pre-existing illness. 該論文回顧了過去對約30萬人進行平均每人7.5年跟蹤調(diào)查的148個研究,控制了年齡和已有疾病等條件,然后將這些研究結(jié)果進行了綜合分析。2、Dr Cole harvested samples of white blood cells from both lonely and gregarious people. He then analysed the act

23、ivity of their genes, as measured by the production of a substance called messenger RNA. This molecule carries instructions from the genes telling a cell which proteins to make.Cole博士收集了孤獨之人和愛交際之人的白細胞樣品。然后他分析了他們基因的活性靠測量信使RNA的多少。這種分子攜帶著基因上的指令,告訴細胞合成那類蛋白質(zhì)。3、Broadly speaking, the genes less active in t

24、he lonely were those involved in staving off viral infections.一般來說,孤獨的人體內(nèi)活力較低的基因是那些幫助人們避開病毒感染的基因。而那些活力較高的基因幫助人們抵抗細菌。4、Dr Cole suspects this could help explain not only why the lonely are iller, but how, in evolutionary terms, this odd state of affairs has come about. 科爾博士猜想,這也許不僅能解釋為什么孤獨者更容易生病,而且可以從

25、進化論角度說明這種奇特的情況是如何出現(xiàn)的。5、The crucial bit of the puzzle is that viruses have to be caught from another infected individual and they are usually species-specific. Bacteria, in contrast, often just lurk in the environment (like tetanus), and may thrive on many hosts (as does bubonic plague, for example).

26、 這個謎團中最關鍵的一環(huán)在于:病毒必然來自于另一個受感染的個體,而且它們常常有物種特性。相反,細菌一般只是潛伏在自然環(huán)境里(比如破傷風桿菌),并可能在許多寄主身上蓬勃生長(例如腺鼠疫)。6、What Dr Cole seems to have revealed, then, is a mechanism by which the environment (in this case the social environment) reaches inside a person's body and tweaks its genome so that it responds appropr

27、iately. 科爾博士揭示的似乎是這樣一種機制:環(huán)境(在本例中指社會環(huán)境)深入人體并刺激人的染色體組,促使染色體組做出恰當回應。7、Where it goes wrong is when loneliness becomes chronic, and the inflammatory response becomes chronic at the same time. 這個機制的問題在于,當孤獨成為一種習慣,炎癥反應也同時成了慢性病。8、Now, paradoxically, the large population that civilisation makes possible mean

28、s loneliness is commonplaceand with it consequences that natural selection, which is blind to the future, has not yet had time to deal with.如今的矛盾之處在于,人口因為文明的存在而變得龐大,但眾多的人口卻讓孤獨成為家常便飯-無法預見未來的自然選擇還沒有時間來應對這種孤獨導致的后果。WEEK3Word expresshalcyon美好時光 PPT原句:Once upon a time in the halcyon 1960s, his students we

29、re a privileged few, an academic elite drawn from the top four percent of the population.recruit招收新成員 disgruntled:dissatisfied,angry 不滿的 They incoming students don't know how to write essays-they just assemble bits from the Internet," commented a disgruntled Oxford tutor.decry: 批評criticize

30、As professors and business owners alike decry the quality of university students and graduates, more than a few observers are questioning the wisdom of packing ivory towers with the masses. tuition fee 學費1.Will tuition costs continue to skyrocket? defer 推遲,延期delay, postpone2

31、.Customers often defer payment for as long as possible.calibre(突出的)才干,能力,智力1. The calibre of a person is the quality or standard of their ability or intelligence, especially when this is high. 2. I was impressed by the high calibre of the researchers and analysts.assiduously勤奮的 hard workin

32、g Mr. Hayward says, lies in the way teenagers are taught in school, prepped assiduously for exams at the expense of broader understanding. perennially永久的 drum up 鼓動,竭力爭取 deter from 阻止prevent from burgeoning 發(fā)芽,迅速發(fā)展 That might prove tricky if teenagers-and their parents-are deterred by the burgeoning

33、 cost of study. concede 讓步,承認 admit unwillingly government-mandated 政府托管的 quotas 配額teem with充滿,充斥人或動物)1. His head teems with good ideas. 2.The earths tropics teem with species.詞組:calibre of teaching 教學質(zhì)量 calibre education 素質(zhì)教育 faculty and staff 教職員工 adjunct faculty教輔人員cream of candidates優(yōu)秀應試者 colleg

34、e enrollment 大學注冊cream of candidates精英應試者 crime against grammar犯語法錯誤teem with充滿,充斥人或動物 WEEK 4Word expressbudge 使移動,讓步Medical spending per head has nearly tripled since 1990, yet most indicators of health have barely budged.disparity不一致Their absence helps explain the massive disparity in costs betwee

35、n Western and emerging-world treatments. risk-averse規(guī)避風險knock-offs 仿制品gold-plated 鍍金的frugal節(jié)儉的; 樸素的gleefully極快樂地, 歡欣地ingenuity智巧, 精巧的設計, 創(chuàng)造力deep pockets 財力雄厚,財大氣粗relentlessly堅韌地;不屈不撓地;不停地 1.She always questioned me relentlessly.2.The pressure now was relentless.3.Relentless in his pursuit of quality

36、, his technical ability was remarkable.4.He was the most relentless enemy I have ever known.be itor 無論還是1.There is no security, be it working for government or the corporate sector. 2.Few can say they are entirely free of snobbery of o

37、ne type or another, be it social, financial or intellectual.3.I also have responsibilities and obligations that transcend my profession, be it the teaching or studying.詞組Americas F

38、ood and Drug Administration FDA 食品藥品管理局medical-device firms 醫(yī)療設備公司order of magnitude 數(shù)量級red tape 官僚作風,繁文縟節(jié)長難句1 Medical spending per head has nearly tripled since 1990, yet most indicators of health have barely budged. 自1

39、990年以來,人均醫(yī)療支出幾乎上漲了兩倍,而大多數(shù)健康指標卻幾乎沒有改善。2 They create products that are stripped to their essentials: 他們創(chuàng)造出只?;竟δ艿漠a(chǎn)品3 Americas confusing approvals process deters upstart medical-technology firms, since they typically lack the deep pockets and army of experts required to navigate it. 美國令人頭暈眼花的審批程序讓很多新興醫(yī)

40、療科技公司望而生畏,因為他們一般財力不夠雄厚,也沒有足夠的專家團來搞定審批。 4 And for a device to succeed in America it must be blessed not just by the FDA but also by the bureaucrats who oversee Medicare and Medicaid, the two huge government health-care schemes. 一種新設備要想在美國成功獲批,不僅要過食品和藥物管理局這關,還需要監(jiān)管政府兩大醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生計劃醫(yī)療保險和醫(yī)療補助的官僚們點頭放行WEEK5WORD E

41、XPRESSParch 烤干1. A parched lake in Texas illustrates the effects of a record-breaking drought that hit the state and much of the American Southwest this yearseverity嚴格,嚴厲1. "Climate-change impacts on water resources continue to appear in the form of growing influence on the severity and intensi

42、ty of extreme events,"eye-opener瞠目的實物1.Australia's recent extraordinary extreme drought should be an eye-opener for the rest of us."backlash抵制 spark觸發(fā)1. That might not be a major problem in a relatively wet state like Pennsylvania, but in bone-dry states like Texas, water-intensive fra

43、cking has sparked a backlash. Contamination 污染1. There's also the uncertain risk of water contamination from fracking and drilling, and the problem of water waste.Desalination 脫鹽1. So far Tuvalu has been bailed out by its neighbors Australia and New Zealand, which have donated rehydration packet

44、s and desalination equipment. Foremost 一流的1.Peter Gleick, one of the foremost water experts in the U.S. and head of the Pacific Institute,Intensify 加強,強化Curb 控制,限制1.Just as we've recognized that energy efficiency is often the fastest and cheapest way to address carbon emissions, there's much

45、 that can be done to curb water waste. dire嚴峻的;嚴重的;可怕的1. Dire is used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is.2. A government split would have dire consequences for domestic peace. 3. He was in dire need of hospital treatment. Dwindle 數(shù)量上)減少,縮小 1.If something dwindles, it become

46、s smaller, weaker, or less in number.  2.The factory's workforce has dwindled from over 4,000 to a few hundred. 3.Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling.4.He is struggling to come to terms with his dwindling authority. Saline adj. 含鹽的,咸的 n. 鹽湖,鹽泉; 鹽溶液 1.He is on a saline dr

47、ip. 2.Chains of saline lakes are found in places in continental interiors. desalination n. 減少鹽分,脫鹽作用; 淡化 curtail縮短;減縮;限制 1.If you curtail something, you reduce or limit it.2.NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.3.I told Louie that old age would curtail her activities i

48、n time.4.His powers will be severely curtailed. bail out(常指通過出資)幫助脫離困境 保釋(某人)1.They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump. 2.He desperately needed cash to bail out the ailing restaurant.3.The airline had losses of $35m and was bailed out by Qantas. in the grip of 受的控制(或支配)1.All China

49、 was in the grip of a deep cold outbreak. 2.He was in the grip of a permanent euphoria. Whopping 異常大的;龐大的 1.If you describe an amount as whopping, you are emphasizing that it is large.2.The Russian leader won a whopping 89.9 percent yes vote. 3.Planned spending amounts to a whopping $31.4 billion. H

50、usband 節(jié)約地使用;節(jié)省1.we're not doing a very good job of husbanding that resource. Arid 干旱的;不毛的There's even a risk here that parts of the U.S., especially the arid West, may have passed "peak waterBlunt 使(情感、感覺、需求)減弱;使遲鈍1.Potential water shortages are one more reason to try to reduce carbon

51、emissions and blunt the worst impacts of climate change 2.something blunts an emotion, a feeling or a need, it weakens it.  3.The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it. 4.Our appetite was blunted by the beer. Modulate 調(diào)節(jié);調(diào)整 1.process means to alter it so that it i

52、s more suitable for a particular situation 2.These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium. Aquatic 水棲的;水生的 1.An aquatic animal or plant lives or grows on or in water.  2.The pond is quite small but can support many aquatic plants and fish. 詞組Water reserves 儲水量Record-breaking drought 破紀錄的旱災S

53、everely dry weather 嚴重的干旱天氣Climate-change impacts 氣候變化的影響Down Under 澳洲或新西蘭地區(qū)Sustainable water planning可持續(xù)的用水計劃Associated Press 美聯(lián)社rehydration packets 補液袋Malay Archipelago 馬來群島 長難句1.Climate change plays a role here: as sea levels rose, Tuvalu's groundwater became increasingly saline and undrinkab

54、le, leaving the island dependent on rainwater. 在這里,氣候變化起到了重要作用,由于海平面上升,圖瓦盧的地下水越來越咸,不能飲用,這個島嶼完全依賴降雨。2.But however severe the effects of climate change become, we're going to need to use water much more efficiently than we do now: the world's population is expected to pass the 7 billion mark b

55、y the end of this month, and more people will need more water. 然而無論氣候變化所帶來的影響多么嚴重,我們都要比現(xiàn)在更加高效的利用水資源;本月末全球人口即將突破70億大關。人口越多,所要消耗的水資源就越多。3. Last month Burma's military government not ordinarily responsive to public opinion canceled a planned $3.6 billion Chinese-backed hydroelectric dam that would

56、have displaced thousands of villagers. 由于要轉(zhuǎn)移成千上萬的村民,上個月緬甸政府取消了中國在其投資的價值36億美元的水電站大壩建設計劃這不僅僅是順應民意。WEEK 7Transferable 可轉(zhuǎn)讓的;可轉(zhuǎn)移的1. few of them are transferable to real life2. If something is transferable, it can be passed or moved from one person or organization to another and used by them. 3. Use the t

57、ransferable skills acquired from your previous working background4. Your Railcard is not transferable to anyone elseMotivational 動機的,動力的 1.Altruism-the desire to do good-may be a motivational factor. 2.Use unique assessment process to identify employee's preferred motivational approach. Robust 強

58、健的;健壯的;堅固的;結(jié)實的1. So far, so good. I welcome the kind of robust debate about the value of higher education that this book may engender.2. Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy.3. More women than men go to the doctor. Perhaps men are more robust or worry less?.4. We've always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machiner


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