1、In or dertoe nsurenormalteachingorder,prote ctingst ude nts'healthygrowt h,e nsuri ng that national(property) isnotlost, to preve ntorminimizetheoccurre nce ofsafety acci dent s,followthe"preve nt, rescuee ach oth er,e nsuresafety andreducelosses" principle,a ccor dingt o thel ocal con
2、diti ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the principali sthe re sponsi bility ofschool safety,school security undert he lea dershipof Presidentse curityw orklea dinggroup.The head te achertothe leader shi pteam is responsi ble for, implementati on ofthe accounta bility system.2,school monthlystudentkn
3、owledge about safetyeducation,education should be diversified i n theformevery safetyeducation for studentsofclasses perwe ekshoul d be targeted. To carry on emergencyi ssuesdealing w itheducati on inGe neral, self-hel p a nd mut ualrescue k nowledge.Emerge ncy calls(such as110, 119,122,120,and soon
4、) use common se nse i n educati on. 3,t he e stablishment ofmajoraccidentreporting system.Schoolstudents reportmajor accidentwithina n hour ofeducation;st udentrun and disa ppearances tore port;re port ofthea cci denttoa written reportin tri plicate, a corre ctional centre, a police stati on, at own
5、shi ppe ople' sGovernment shall not concealt heaccident.4 week,tea cher s areondutysystem,establish a ndim provethe le adershi pvalue s;stre ngthe n thee ducation,manageme ntofteachinga ctivities i nschoolsto ensure normalteaching order ;responsibl eforschool safety leadership always mai ntaine
6、d close contact anddi strict poli cestations, canvassing supportfrom thepolicestation on school safetyand hel p.5, strengthe ning tea chers'm oral educati on, e stablish ade dicate d love ,improvi ng educati on qualit y,observet hestudent s' psy chological changes at a nytimeand takepreventi
7、ve measure s,nocorporalpunishment and covert corporal puni shment onstudents, student out ofthe classroom, schools maynot be. 6,units or departments usest ude ntStreetpropagandaorparticipatein thecel ebrations,a s wellas partici pating i n othersocialw ork,wit houtapproval ofthe Correcti onal Centre
8、, school principal sconsent,wit hout organizati on.Withoutthe a pprovalofrelevantde partments,mayorganize stude ntsto participate i n firefighting, disasterreliefa nd so on.7, school s shoul d educate students to obey t heschoolrule sand regulati ons,ontime,on timehometo preve nt accide nts.8, schoo
9、lto school i nspecti ons on areg ularba sis,found hidde n intime,and insevereca ses,it is hard to eliminate immediatelyclosed, a ndre ported t othe local people's Governme nt,educati on, a nd r uleof lawsecti on.9,theschool should alwayscheckt heint ernalwalls, retainingw alls, ponds, rail ings,
10、 handrails, doors, Windows,stair cases anda vari etyofsports,extracurri cul aractivities,facilities such asfiresafety, infrastruct uresecurity, unsafefacilitytoimmediatelyrepairand demolitiont o ensurethattea cher s andstudents w ork,lear n,livevenues andfacilitie sare safeand relia ble.Song Li n Xi
11、a ngLi uJiapi ngelementary schoolMarch 2016 songLin Xia ng Li uJia ping primaryschoolfire safety systems toenha nce firesafety, prote ction ofpublic property andt helifeand propertysafety of teachers and students, schoolfire safety into day-to-day ma nagement,is devel opi ng thefollowingfiresafetysy
12、stem.1,strengthen fire safetyeducationofthe w hol e school.Accor dingtot herequirements ofthe F ireServicesAct, so thatevery one has ofkee ping firecontrolsafety,protectingfire controlfacilities,firepreventi on,reports offire水泥混凝土路面施工安全操作要點1、混凝土路面施工時裝卸模板時應輕抬輕放,嚴禁拋擲。拆模板時,應將模板等料碼放整齊。2、鋪筑水泥混凝土時,必須由專人指揮
14、,切縫前應開啟冷卻水,冷卻水中斷時應停止切縫。切縫時刀片應緩慢切入,并注意割切深度指示器,當遇有較大切割阻力時,應立即升起刀片檢查。停止切縫時應將刀片提離板面后再停止運轉。10、使用覆蓋物養(yǎng)護時,混凝土預留孔洞、井口等部位必須設明顯安全標志?;鹪磻h離覆蓋養(yǎng)護物。11、 薄膜養(yǎng)護時,必須按照材料使用說明書的要求貯運、調(diào)配材料。噴灑時, 操作人員必須穿戴安全防護用品,站在上風向,噴嘴不得對人。操作現(xiàn)場嚴禁明火。12、澆水養(yǎng)護時,不得倒行拉膠管。13、用氣泵等設備清除混凝土縫內(nèi)雜物時,作業(yè)人員必須戴防護眼鏡和口罩;嚴禁氣泵噴氣管口對人。lectricity li nes,equi pmenti n
15、specti ons, found hidden i n time for rectificati on,mai ntena nce,and se curity.9, do notusean open flame in t he classr oom, prohibit burni ng stove ,lit ca ndle s, mosquit o repellent, no smoking ,andba nni ng messywiri ng. Without usi ngany household a ppl iances is not allowed. 10, live on camp
16、usfaculty members, must lead byexample,a nd e ducate families a nd childrenrea dytofire.11,householduseofgas inschool s, to master proper usage,payattentiontot he leak -proof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closingvalve afterusetoe nsure se curity.12, dini ng room mustbe qualified,and annualtesting ofpre
17、ssure vesse ls,to reg ularlyche ck,the cantee nw orkers must be certifie d,strictly by operation operation,gastankand stove safetydi stance of1.5 meter s,toprev entaccidents. 13,the adverseconsequences caused byig noringfiresafety regulatio ns, will be punishe d,untilinvestigatedforlegalresponsibili
18、ty. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jiaping elementaryschool March2016 Xia ng Li u Jia pi ngeleme ntaryschool,pi neslope ssurroundi ngsafety managementsystem 1 teachersa nd st udents,thesurr oundi ng area oftheschoolgov erna nce covers personala ndfood hygie ne,culturaleve nts andotheraspects,integratedgover na
19、nceshallobtainwi desupportandfullcooperationofthecommunit y.Onthe surroundingenvironment inschools should becloselymonitored.2, schoolwork at the sametime,shoul d payattentiontothe safety management ofschoolenvironme nt, shoul d takethe i nitiativeto contact thedistri ct police stati on, t he villag
20、e Committee,CorrectionalCe ntre,Townshi pgovernme nt,busine ss managementa nd otherdepartment s to doagoodjobmanagement.3,teacheron dutywith theexcepti on ofinspe ctionsi nschools, shouldal so pay attentiont o environmentali nspecti ons nearthe campus,found t hatthejoblessmigrants fromruralareas,for
21、 example,harassment of studentsa nd avarietyofaccide nts, a ccordingt o differentsituati ons reporte d schoolofficial sorthe police station in atim elymanner,t oprote ctthe safety ofstudents.4, every daybeforeschool,teachersremindstudents,pay attenti onto trafficsafety.5,should educate st udentsto r
22、e spectsocialethics, and vari ous regulati ons,maintaini ngpubli corder,a ndfightthe badg uys,and graspthe corre ctways and means ofmaintainingand improvi ng students' self -careability.6,the e stablishment ofemergency rescueteamsofteachers inschools, onhig halerta nd depl oyed.S ongLin Xiang Li
23、u Jiapi ng eleme ntaryschool March 2016song Lin Xi ang Liu Jia pi ng primary schooltea cher sand students organizati onsout ofsafetymanagement systemorganization act ivities betwee nteachersa nd st udents,to draw up apre cise planand security measure s mustbe signe d bytheschoolofficial storeviewthe
24、 programme ofactivities agreed upon Corre ctionalCe nteragreedtoim plement. Organizati ont o thefield relative lyfaroractivitiesre quirea pprovalby the Deputy Dire ctorofthe Education Bureauin charge ofse curit y.2, ea ch a ctivity shoul d havea specific responsi bility, payattention to thepersons a
25、ge,physicalmatch. Route 3,a ctivities,l ocati on,fiel d surveys should be carried out ina dvance.4, a ctivitiesforthe mea ns oftransportshouldexplaint hesituati onto t heschool to complywit hvehi cle, safety requirements, beforethe lineforrepairs.5,ea ch a ctivitymust havesecurity,emergency response
26、plan foraccidents.6, picnics,hiking, picnic to payattention t o fire preventi on,food poisoni ng,preve ntion offallacci dents 7,the a ctivities neart he rivers,rese rvoirs, nomeasures or do not meetthe securityrequirements ofthe Organizati on a nd notletstudents intothewaterIn or dertoe nsurenormalt
27、eachingorder,prote ctingst ude nts'healthygrowt h,e nsuri ng that national(property) isnotlost, to preve ntorminimizetheoccurrenceofsafety acci dent s,followthe"preve nt, rescuee ach other, e nsuresafety andreducelosses" principle,a ccor dingt o thelocal conditi ons, maket hemanageme n
28、tsystem. 1,the principali sthe re sponsibility ofschool safety,school sec urityundert he lea dershipof Presidentse curityw orkleadinggroup.The head te achertothe leader shi pteam is responsi ble f or, implementati on ofthe accountability system.2,school monthlystudentknowledge about safetyeducation,
29、education should be diversified i n theformeverysafetyeducation for studentsofclasses perwe ekshould be targeted. To carryon emergencyi ssuesdealing w itheducati on i n General, self-help a nd mut ualrescue k nowledge.Emerge ncy calls(such as110, 119,122,120,and soon) use common sense in educati on.
30、 3,t he e stablishmentofmajoraccidentreporting system.Schoolstudents reportmajor accidentwithina n hour ofeducation;st udentrun and disa ppearances tore port;re port ofthea cci denttoa written reportin triplicate, a corre ctional centre, apolice station, at ownshi ppe ople' sGovernment shall not
31、 concealt heaccident.4 week,tea cher s are ondutysystem,establ ish a ndimprovethe le adershi pvalue s;stre ngthe n thee ducation,manageme ntofteachinga ctivities i nschoolsto ensure normalteaching order ;responsibl eforschool safety leadership always mai ntaine d close contact anddi strict poli cest
32、ations, canvassing supportfrom thepolicestation on school safetyand hel p.5, strengthening tea chers'm oral educati on, e stablish ade dicate d love ,improvi ng education qualit y,observet hestudent s' psychological changes at anytimeand takepreventive measure s,nocorporalpunishmentand cover
33、t corporal puni shment on students, student out ofthe classroom, schools maynot be. 6,units or departments usestude ntStreetpropagandaorparticipatein the cel ebrations,as wellas partici pating i n othersocial w ork,wit houtapproval ofthe Correcti onal Centre, school principal sconsent,wit hout organ
34、izati on.Withoutthe approvalofrelevantdepartments,mayorganize stude ntsto participate i n firefighting, disasterreliefand so on.7, school s shoul d educate students to obey t heschoolrule sand regulati ons,ontime,on timehome to prevent accide nts.8, schoolto school i nspecti onson areg ularba sis,fo
35、undhidde n intime,and insevereca ses,it ishard to eliminate immediatelyclosed, a ndreported t othe l ocal people's Governme nt,educati on, a nd r uleof lawsection.9,theschool should alwayscheckt heint ernalwalls, retainingw alls, ponds, rail ings, handrails, doors,Windows,stair cases and avariet
36、yofsports,extracurri cul aractivities,facilities such asfiresafety, infrastruct uresecurity, unsafefacilitytoimmediatelyrepairand demolitiont o ensurethatteacher s andstudents work,lear n,livevenues andfacilitie sare safeand relia ble.Song Li n Xia ngLi uJiapi ngelementary schoolMarch 2016songLin Xi
37、a ng Li uJia pingprimaryschoolfire safety systems toenha nce firesafety, prote ction ofpublic property andt helifeand propertysafety of teachers andstudents, schoolfire safety into day-to-day management,is devel opi ng thefollowingfiresafetysystem.1,strengthen fire safetyeducationofthe w hol e schoo
38、l.Accor dingtot herequirements ofthe F ireServicesAct,so t hat every onehas ofkee ping fire controlsafety,prote ctingfire controlfacilities,fireprevention,reports offire14 、嵌縫用加熱熔化瀝青材料的地點與建筑物的距離不得小于10m,并遠離易燃易爆物。嚴禁使用敞口鍋熬制瀝青,加熱設備應有煙塵處理裝置,瀝青鍋蓋應用鋼質(zhì)材料。15、使用可燃材料配制填縫材料,應遠離易燃易爆物品。16、施工現(xiàn)場必須做好道路交通安全工作,車輛行人繁忙的
39、路口、交叉口必須設立安全標志,并由專人指揮,夜間應設警示燈、反光標志。瀝青混凝土路面施工安全操作要點4, every daybeforeschool,teachersremindstudematch. Route 3,a ctivities,l ocati on,fiel d surveysnts,pay attenti onto trafficsafety.5,should educate st udentsto re spectsocialethics, and vari ous regulati ons,maintaini ngpubli corder,ashould be carrie
40、d out ina dvance.4, a ctivitiesforthe mea ns oftransportshouldexplaint hesituati onto t heschoolto complywit hvehi cle,corre ctways andmeans ofmaintaini ngand improvi ng students 'irs.5,ea ch a ctivitymust havesecurity,emergency responseplself-car eability.6,the e stablishment ofemergency rescue
41、teamsofteachers inschools, onhig halerta nd depl oyed.S ongLin Xiang Liu Jiapi ng eleme ntaryschool March 2016song Lian for accidents.6, picnics, hik ing, picnic to payattention t o fire preventi on,food poisoni ng,preve ntion offallacci dents 7,the a ctivities neart he rivers,rese rvoirs, nomeasure
42、s orn Xi ang Liu Jia pi ng primary schooltea cher sand students organizati onsout ofsafetymanagement systemorga do not meetthe securityrequirements ofthe Organizati on a nd notletstudents intothewaterstoreviewthe programme ofa.I. 1_ L>II_ - _ 一一upon CorrectionalCe nteragreedtoi一.一 一一- - -一ccordin
43、gton Bureauilectricity lines,equi pmenti nspecti ons, found hidden in time for rectification,mai ntena nce,and se curity.9, do notuseanopen flame in the classr oom, prohibit burning stove ,lit ca ndle s, mosquit o repellent,no smoking ,andba nni ng messywiri ng. Without usi ngany household appl ianc
44、es is not allowed. 10, livecampusfaculty members, must lead byexample,a nd e ducate families andchil drenrea dytofire.11,householduseofgas inschools, to master proper usage,payattentihe leak -proof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closingvalve afterusetoensure se curity.12, dini ng room mustbe qualified,an
45、d annualtesting ofpre ssure vesse ls,to reg ularlyche ck,the cantee nw orkers mustbe certifie d,strictly by operation operation,gastankand stove safetydistance of1.5 meters,toprev entaccidents.13,the adverseconsequences causewill be punished,untilinvestigatedforegalresponsibility. Song Lin Xiang Liu
46、 Jiaping elementaryschoolMarch2016 Xiang Li u Jia pi ngeleme ntaryschool,pichersa nd st udents,thesurroundi ng area oftheschoolgoverna nce covers personala ndfood hygiene,culturaleve nts andotheraspects,integratedgovernanceshallobtainwidesupportandfullcooperationnvironment,shoul d takethe initiative
47、to contact the distri ct police stati on, t he village Committee,CorrectionalCe ntre,Townshipgovernme nt,busine ss managementaother departments to doagoodjobmanagemecepti on ofinspe ctionsi nschools, shouldalo pay attentiont o environmentalinspecti ons nearthe campus,found t,harassment ofstudentsand
48、 avarietyofaccidents, at o differentsituations reporte d schoolofficialsor the police station in atimelymanner, tnization act ivities betweenteachersa nd st udents,to draw up aprecise planand security measures mustbe signe d bytheschoolofficialctivities agreed.- -L -plement. Organizati onto thefield
49、 relative lyfaroractivitiesrequireapprovalby the eputyDirectorofthe Education Bn charge ofsecurit y.2, eaca ctivity should haveaspecific responsi bility, payattention to thepersons age,physicalIn or dertoe nsurenormalteachingorder,prote ctingst ude nts'healthygrowt h,e nsuri ng that national(pro
50、perty) isnotlost, to preve ntorminimizetheoccurrenceofsafety acci dent s,followthe"preve nt, rescuee ach other, e nsuresafety andreducelosses" prin ciple,a ccor dingt o thel ocal conditions, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the principali sthe re sponsi bility ofschool safety,school security u
51、ndert he lea dershipof Presidentse curityw orklea dinggroup.The head te achertothe leadershi pteam is respo nsi ble for, implementati on ofthe accounta bility system.2,school monthlystudentknowledge about safetyeducation,education should be diversified i n theformeverysafetyeducation for studentsofc
52、lasses perwe ekshould be targeted. To carry on emergencyi ssuesdealing w itheducati on i n General, self-help a nd mut ualrescue k nowledge.Emerge ncy calls(such as110, 119,122,120,and soon) use common sense i n educati on. 3,t he e stablishmentofmajoraccidentreporting system.Schoolstudents reportma
53、jor accid entwithina n hour ofeducation;st udentrun and disa ppearances tore port;re port ofthea cci denttoa written reportin tri plicate, a corre ctional centre, a police station, at ownshi ppe ople' sGovernment shall not concealt heaccident.4 week,tea cher are ondutysystem,establish a ndim pro
54、vethe leadershi pvalue s;stre ngthe n thee ducation,manageme ntofteachinga ctivities i nschoolsto ensure normalteaching order ;responsibl eforschool safety leadership always mai ntaine d close contact anddistrict poli cestations, canvassing supportfrom thepolicestation on school safetyand hel p.5, s
55、trengthening tea chers'm oral educati on, establish ade dicate d love ,improvi ng education qualit y,observet hestudent s' psychological changes at anytimeand takepreventive measure s,nocorporalpunishmentand covert corporal puni shment on students, student out ofthe classroom, schools may no
56、tbe. 6,units or departments usestude ntStreetpropagandaorpartici patein the cel ebrations,as wellas partici pating i n ot hersocialw ork,wit houtapproval ofthe Correcti onal Centre, school principal sconsent,without organizati on.Withoutthe approvalofrelevantdepartments,mayorganize stude ntsto parti
57、cipate i n firefighting, disasterreliefa nd so on.7, school s shoul d educate students to obey t heschoolrule sand regulati ons,ontime,on timehome to prevent accide nts.8, schoolto school i nspecti onson areg ularba sis,found hidde n intime,and insevereca ses,it is hard to eliminate immediatelyclose
58、d, a ndreported t othe l ocal people's Governme nt,educati on, a nd r uleof lawsecti on.9,theschool should alwayscheckt heint ernalwalls, retainingw alls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors,Windows,stair cases and avari etyofsports,extracurri cul aractivities,facilities such asfiresafety, infrastruct uresecurity, unsafefacilitytoimmediatelyrepairand demolitiont o ensurethattea cher and studentsw ork,lear n,livevenues andfaciliti
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