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1、高考英語作文復習點撥與演練題 型 解 讀命題重視“新材料、新情境”的創(chuàng)設與運用,考查考生的綜合語言運用能力。新材料、新情景的創(chuàng)設與運用,主要體現在詞匯和語法知識、完形填空、閱讀理解、閱讀表達等題目的選材上,這些題目應注重選取貼近考生、貼近生活、新穎的、時代感強的材料。高考英語寫作題的主題最好涉及與每個考生密切相關的內容,這樣可以引導考生思考現實問題,使每個考生均有內容可寫,充分發(fā)揮自己的水平,展示其英語寫作能力,而不是單純地為了寫作而寫作。應試技巧點撥1. 首先要認真審題。讀懂題目所給信息,初步確定要點內容,并可用序號標出以免遺忘。2. 列題綱使要點條理化,有序化,統(tǒng)籌安排布局。3. 勿要直譯

2、,需意譯。尤其對看圖情景作文要構建完整故事結構,不可逐句羅列了事。4. 要刻意把好語言關。要用自己最熟悉的句型結構和詞語,力求文理通順,語言準確。沒有把握的詞句不要寫,確有把握的的可以錦上添花。5. 遇到一時想不起的詞語,需變通??梢杂猛x近義詞代替,也可以用否定詞加反義詞來表達,亦可變換句式。不可鉆牛角尖,更不能生造詞語,漢化表達。6. 注意文章的長度??淳唧w內容而定,如果內容多應多用復雜句式,如果內容不多,為了達到詞的限數應多用簡單句式,并適當增補合理內容。7. 注意保持卷面整潔,書寫工整清楚。書寫的好壞會直接影響閱卷老師的情緒。8. 最后應注意復查全文??磧热菀c有無遺漏,標點、格式、大

3、小寫是否規(guī)范,是否有語病等。總之,要心有全局。英文寫作如果結構意識良好,應試寫作就簡化成為一個填空的過程了,適當地填入觀點、素材,文章就自然而然立起來了。臨考在即,同學們要牢記英語寫作的基本要領,特編順口溜如下:細審題,巧構思,列要點,防遺漏。寫日記,同漢語;書信、通知格式要牢記??辞鍒D表細梳理,寫人記事按順序;完稿后查遺漏,整潔干凈莫忘記。英語作文寫作“四步走” 由于時間限制,高考時一般在15分鐘左右必須完成英語作文。高考的英語作文步驟如下:1. 作文動筆之前一般都要先打腹稿。在確立中心上、運用材料上、篇章結構上,充分醞釀。 2. 考慮好想寫多少句子,該用哪些動詞和詞組等。3. 邊寫邊思考內

4、容的連貫性,語言和句子的準確性。4. 寫完后一定要再細看一遍。最后沖刺階段的英語寫作1. 重視增加閱讀量是提高英語寫作的途徑之一目前,考生在進行大量閱讀的同時,應注重所讀材料的文章結構以及連接詞的運用(on the other hand, however, furthermore)、作者的表達方式(詞匯、習慣用語和典型句子的使用)、作者是如何進行敘述和議論的。2. 在教師的指導下,平時應勤寫多練練習寫作應從基本功抓起。在中譯英翻譯訓練過程中,加強積累適量的詞匯、詞組和增加各種類型句子的運用。把握好各種句型和詞匯的搭配,并從各類題材和體裁著手,多閱讀好的范文。然后模仿寫作,作文寫好之后,一般都要

5、修改。第一遍收筆后,先看一看結構,然后從字詞上推敲,使文章“充實”起來。更重要的是經老師修改過的作文一定要仔細地看一至兩遍,然后再認真地抄寫一遍,收獲將會很大。二 1. 閱讀下面的文字,用英語寫一篇120150詞的短文。 自2008年6月1日起,在所有超市、商場、集貿市場等商品零售場所實行塑料購物袋有償使用制度,一律不得免費提供塑料購物袋。請你結合自己的生活實際,自擬題目,談談自己對該項規(guī)定的看法與建議。 參考答案:Say “No” to Plastic BagsPlastic bags will not be provided free in the supermarkets, depart

6、ment stores and other markets since June 1 st, 2008. customers need to pay for it. Im in favor of this act.In my view, the government is starting to attach importance to protecting the environment. It also reminds people to be aware of the responsibility to protect our environment.As well all know,

7、plastic bags make our shopping easy and convenient. However, it takes a very long time for them to break up. As a consequence, they can cause serious pollution, which does great harm to our surroundings. Whats worse, they can be mistakenly used in our daily life. Therefore, I strongly recommend that

8、 every one of us should take it seriously and try more recyclable bags, like paper ones when shopping to make our environment more friendly.2.閱讀下面的文字,用英語寫一篇120150詞的短文。(開頭已給出,不計入總詞數。)最近,山東省教育廳下重手整治全省中小學加班加點的現象。作為一名高三學生,請結合自己及身邊的實際談談你對這一舉措的認識。Shandong Provincial Education Department has recently taken

9、 strict measures to make sure that no student has to go to school on weekends or during official holidays. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _參考答案:Shandong Provincial Education Department has recently taken strict measures to make sure that no student has to go to school on weekends or during official holidays. F

10、or the first time in our senior middle school life my friends and I enjoyed a full-length winter vacation ,and for the first time in years we are free to do what is necessary and important to meet our personal needs .In the past years ,we kept working hard from morning till night in order to get a h

11、igher mark in the college entrance exam. We omitted everything (such as art classes ,social activities ,etc. )that did not have a direct relationship with that goal .Consequently ,many of us are weak both physically and mentally. Over 70 percent of my classmates are near-sighted If the whole generat

12、ion of us continue to live this way, what would the future of our nation be like?! Id like to express my heartfelt thanks to our responsible government for its wise and timely decision to bring all that to an end.3. 某英文網站正在開展關于 “是否取消黃金周”的討論。請你根據下面所給的要點提示, 用英語寫一篇短文, 描述目前存在的兩種看法, 并陳述你的觀點, 以便向該網站投稿。贊成取

13、消的人認為:反對取消的人認為:你的觀點1.給交通、旅游者安全和環(huán)境帶來巨大的壓力;2購票難;3服務質量下降1消費需求得到滿足;2促進旅游業(yè)和經濟發(fā)展注意:1詞數:120150字;2參考詞匯:黃金周the Golden Week(或以the GW代替) 參考答案:In recent days, a discussion is being carried on about whether the Golden Week should be cancelledSome people agreed to cancel the Golden Week. They pointed out that nat

14、ionwide traveling has put big pressure on transportation, tourist safety and the environment. The Golden Week results in crowded scenic spots and packed hotels, making the quality of service decline. However, other people argue the golden week has encouraged people to spend more during the seven-day

15、 holiday so it has brought huge profits to the nations tourism industry and promoted the economic growth. Despite the fact that voices calling for its cancellation are becoming even stronger I still think people need to relax and common vacation time is very important. It should take into considerat

16、ion not only incomes, but also the satisfaction of those who take the holiday.Opinions of those who object: In my opinion, the current golden week might as well be canceled and we should readjust the nations public holidays. The new 1ist of public holidays may include important traditional festivals

17、, such as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. 4.根據表格的內容,寫一篇短文,介紹中西方飲食的不同,并發(fā)表自己的看法。字數在120150之間。食物類別優(yōu)點缺點中國飲食小麥、大米、豆類、蔬菜、少量魚和肉是一個比較平衡的飲食;富含纖維;低糖、低脂肪有時能量不足西方飲食牛奶、糖、牛排、三明治、漢堡包提高足夠的能量一個不太合理的飲食;容易引起肥胖和疾病 參考答案:As two different cultures ,there are several differences between Chinese and Wes

18、tern diets .Generally ,Chinese food is a fairly healthy diet. People in the south mainly eat rice ,while in the north people live on wheat ,beans and so on. Besides ,Chinese eat plenty of vegetables, together with a little meat and fish. The advantage of Chinese diet is that it is rich in fiber ,low

19、 in sugar and fat. The shortcoming is that it sometimes doesnt provide enough energy.The Western diet has its own character .Western people live mainly on milk ,sugar and meat. Such foods as sandwiches ,hamburgers give high energy. The disadvantage is that it contains too much sugar and fat ,which c

20、an bring people some troubles like overweight or heart disease.What about combining the Chinese and Western diets together ?It must be an interesting attempt.5據報道,目前我國居民每日使用塑料袋約30億個,中國已成為白色污染大國。自今年6月1日起,全國的商品零售場所將不再免費提供塑料購物袋。請根據左側的漫畫,結合生活實際,用英語寫一篇120150詞的短文,談談你對“限塑令”的看法。 參考答案:It is reported that aro

21、und three hundred million plastic bags are used by Chinese residents each day. As is known in the picture, the earth is crying for help because of this serious white pollution. To our joy, all the shopping places will be banned from providing free plastic bags from June 1 this year. I cant agree mor

22、e to this. For a long time, though we have known the bad effects of plastic bags on our environment, still we find it difficult to refuse them - they are so convenient to us. Thanks to the government, firm measures are to be taken to limit them. I am sure people will become accustomed to giving up t

23、he plastic bags. Only by changing the way we treat the earth can we form a harmonious relationship with it. Saving the earth is saving ourselves. Stop using plastic bags. 6.為豐富學生生活,減輕學習壓力,教育部要求中學生每天鍛煉一小時,建議跳校園集體舞。家長對此有些擔憂,怕影響學生學習。請你用英語寫篇短文,談談你對此的看法。詞數: 120150。 參考答案:A new demand from the Department o

24、f Education requires at least an hours exercise per day for middle school students ,suggesting having such activities as group dancing ,which aims to make the school life more colorful.But this leads to some worries from some parents .They wonder if group dancing will have some bad effect on young b

25、oys and girls ,causing small affairs like puppy love.As a student myself ,I have different idea from our parents .All things have two sides. Group dancing is really a healthy way of relaxation .Under proper guidance ,it is beneficial not only to build up our body ,but to strengthen the relationship

26、among students.Whats more ,trying to learn dancing refreshes our mind ,and makes our study more effective .So there is no need to worry about it .7.閱讀下面的文字,用英語寫一篇120150詞的短文。近來,某書店生意不景氣。假若你是店員,請你給店主寫份報告,提出自己的建議,以吸引更多的年輕人來店購買書刊。 參考答案:To attract young people to our bookstore, in the first place, we mus

27、t supply them with interesting magazines and books. I suggest a poster outside announcing subjects of interest, such as music, films, video, football and so on.Magazines should be sold at lower prices for the first-time customers. Once they come to the shop they will see other attractions.Also adver

28、tise on the local media about discounts for young people on all books bought in the next month. Operate an exchange programme where they can trade old books for new ones at a special price. Reserve a youth section in the shop where books and magazines interesting to them are on show. Invite them to

29、come and sit in the comfortable chairs provided, to meet friends and look through books and magazines.If we adopt proper strategies, young people will be attracted to our shop, and the sales will be on the rise.8.有些父母對孩子過分呵護,他們不僅在家為孩子代勞一切,還接送他們上學,陪伴他們到校外輔導班上課,領他們去參加招工面試請你寫一篇120150詞的短文就此談談自己的看法。 參考答案

30、:Nowadays parents tend to care too much for their children. Besides doing everything at home for their children, they drive them to and from school, accompany them to various out-of-school classes, and, when the kids are older, take them to job interviews. Its absolutely true that all that is done o

31、ut of kindness. But Im afraid our dear parents forget that, sooner or later, Well be grown-ups, or parents, just like them.Rome wasnt built in a day. It is a gradual process for us to change from children to mature adults. We should learn to make our own decisions and build up an independent mind. A

32、nd it is equally important we try to manage our own life so as to be capable in the future. Leaning to care for others is another thing we must do. Only in this way can we eventually grow mature, physically, mentally, and morally.9.孟詳斌,解放軍某部軍官,山東齊河人,2007年11月30日在浙江金華為救跳水輕生女子不幸犧牲,獻出了年僅28歲的生命,他的事跡感動了全社

33、會。 請以“Heroism in economic society ”為題用英語寫一篇字數為120-150的短文,發(fā)表自己的看法。Heroism in economic society 參考答案:Heroism in economic societyMeng Xiangbin ,a 28-aged PLA man officer ,lost his life in saving a drowning girl ,His heroic behavior moved the whole society .through which we can see the crystal-clear hear

34、t of a hero ,I strongly feel that heroic spirit never fades .Our society calls for heroism ,No dynasty in history can survive without heroes ,It is heroes who take the lead in fighting against criminals and set an example for the masses to follow ,They are the backbone of our nation who makes great contributions to human life .Additionally heroism is a kind of virtue ,Financially speaking although a few peoples hearts are largely occupied by business and money ,heroism is deeply rooted at the bottom of our hearts ,So in time of danger ,many heroes


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