1、CRH Collaboration: RFP Presentation OneCRH Anytime, Anyplace30th August 2016Who is in the roomOneCRHIt is as much about culture as it is technologyThe partnership approach to consistently deliver the technology with minimal business disruptionThe sponsored partnership approach to consistently drive
2、the change journeyHow this fits together with the right team 2This programme is as much about culture as it is about technology34The Collaboration Programme has a number of ambitious underlying objectivesCreate ONE TEAM (One CRH): that able to use one single productivity technology to work, CONNECT
3、and SHARE INFORMATIONEnable rapid SHARING and RE-USE of IP Deploy a single integrated toolset that enables joint SOLVING OF PROBLEMS and INNOVATING TOGETHER virtuallyEnable EFFECTIVE and RAPID top-down COMMUNICATIONSUPPORT future ACQUISITION and DIVESTMENTMake optimal use of the SINGLE GAL & IDENTIT
4、Y ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLATFORM currently being deployed within CRH (Okta)Boost INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE through increased productivity and virtual ways of workingControl RISK and enable the SECURITY agendaProvide greater control of LICENCE MANAGEMENTCulture is “the we do things around here”+Mind- setsVa
5、lues+BehavioursThe assumptions we hold about the way the world is. These are often invisible to us and to others.The things we believe are most important. We have some awareness of our values, but they are largely invisible to othersThe outward signs of culture, informed by underlying values and min
6、d-sets 5CapabilitiesBusiness ValueConnectColleagues can find and communicate with each other.CoordinateColleagues have an E2E view of processes and workflows. They know who does what, when and where. CollaborateColleagues work together, sharing and collaborating to create better business outcomes.In
7、novateColleagues are empowered to solve existing business problems through new ways of working.The Collaboration Programme is focused on achieving a collaborative culture6VisibilityConnectionContributionInfluenceTransformJoin Yammer and 30DC groupJoin groupsPost commentsShare a point of view on a bu
8、siness topicComplete your profile (picture)Connect with colleagues (follow, mention)Ask for helpShare news and announcements with relevant peopleRespondRecognise others successesChampion participationHold simple dialogueChallenge viewsBlogConnect colleagues with expertsShare contextual informationIn
9、spire othersSource and share best practicesConnect and merge work groupsShare knowledge, ideas and insightsConnect with visionSummarise and derive insightUse public groupsWork together to produce outcomesBuild trust and transparencyLead change Follow someone outside geography and organisationShare e
10、xperiential learningsDrive ideas into actionBring external perspectives to working tasksEncourage a working team to contact you via YammerContribute to a deliverable of someone elseLearn from others mistakesHelp groups generate new insight through discussionMove working practices to YammerAdvance ou
11、tcomesTrail blaze/innovate new uses for YammerCapabilitiesBehaviours and mindsetsBehavioural elements7Quickly and effectively engage the entire IT community on what One CRH means for ITShare product innovation to enable product building when appropriateEnable the HR Community to collaborate across O
12、pCosExchange product innovation to drive sustainability agenda across geographiesImagine if CRH could.Leverage the experience of Procurement across all functions within the organisation8So how do we change culture? 910 Deploy Culture InterventionsDesign Culture Blueprint and InterventionsExecute Def
13、ine InterventionsDefine BlueprintAssess current cultureCreate embedding strategyReview OneCRH and other relevant documentationReview core values and behavioursAccenture pre-work to create the data capture template and interview guideIdentify the levers to change the cultureDevelop strategy for embed
14、ding refreshed values and behavioursDevelop Roadmap to achieve the desired culturePlan interventions based on the levers identifiedWhen our assets are used (e.g. 30 Day Challenge) customise/ build them according to the client needsLeverage Neuroscience and Psychology principles while planning your i
15、nterventionsImplement, monitor and sustain changeChange tracking/ other diagnostics to track progressLink - : /talks/derek_sivers_how_to_start_a_movement?language=en#t-157747 Activate LeadersShift behaviours and mindsetsAlign Formal Organisation12There are three strategic levers to pull to shift and
16、 change culture13There are insights which make a tangible difference in how we sustain a collaborative cultureKeep and incorporate these graphicsRational and emotional reasons1.Own connections2.Growth mind-set and learnings3.Positivity, optimism, safety and certainty4.Intrinsic motivation5.14There a
17、re a number of Culture Change Key Success FactorsFocus on the positive: give attention to early adoptersBe a “dual citizen”: Get CRH leaders to role model collaborationMake it real & personal: For your business this willListen & Respond: Be agile.culture change is not one size fits all15The partners
18、hip approach to consistently deliver the technology with minimal business disruptionMicrosoft FastTrackCommunications & TrainingUsersMicrosoft Business SupportOpCoOpCoOpCoOpCoSupportAdoption and Culture Change16To deliver success, a partnership approach through collaboration between technology, chan
19、ge and CRH is requiredTechnicalChangeMobilisationTechnicalChange17Three interlocking components drive the programme plan that enables minimal business disruption, genuine partnering whilst tailoring a solution bespoke to CRHPhase 1SupportPhase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5Phase 6OpCo TransformationTransiti
20、onNov 2016Jan 2017Feb 2018Dec 2019MobilisationOpCo TransformationSupport18The key to a successful Mobilisation is an agreed approach with all partners, achieved through co-ordination and collaborationTarget SolutionOtherO365Lotus NotesExchangeGoogle DocsDefine as observed by exceptionDefine technica
21、l migration templateDefine technical migration templateDefine technical migration templateDefine technical migration templateDesign of Migration TemplatesDetermination of migration sequencingTechnical DesignOpCo Discovery & AssessmentElaboration of RequirementsWorkshops with DA & Key StakeholdersTen
22、ant DesignA baseline document with fixed global configurations deemed as core functionalityConfigurable items addressed via OpCo Template review activitiesDesign AuthorityRepresentatives from the OpCo Leadership making informed decisions Template OptionsA baseline of catalogue items customised by Op
23、Cos to support business operationsConfigurations occur during OpCo Transformation, supported by Avanade Surround Support Service.Target SolutionOtherO365Lotus NotesExchangeGoogle DocsDefine as observed by exceptionDefine technical migration templateDefine technical migration templateDefine technical
24、 migration templateDefine technical migration templateDesign of Migration TemplatesTechnical DesignPre-Production + Production EnvironmentsAn ability for CRH to de-risk business impact by ensuring critical services can operate via O365Legacy App ALegacy App BLegacy App C19OpCo AssessmentReview of en
25、vironment, health and remediation activities per OpCo for the attention of CRHOpCo DiscoveryCRH Project & DA team to facilitate data capture with each OpCo to drive assessmentsDetermination of migration sequencingOpCo Discovery & AssessmentOpCo RemediationExecution of remediation activities for:Netw
26、orkApplicationDataInfrastructureMigration SequencingElaboration of migration schedule based on outputs of OpCo assessments20Engage OpCo ITReview Environment DesignsSign off localisationFinalise migration readinessLessons LearntConfirm post deployment & BAU supportRun Functional PilotEmail, Calendar
27、and Data MigrationPrepare Service Desk for migrationDecommissioningAuthenticate user accountsPrepare data for migration21For OpCo transformations, there is one approach to drive consistency while meeting the needs of individual OpCosReview Assessment ReportsUser Acceptance TestingNetwork Remediation
28、(if required)Application IntegrationDay 1 SupportExecutelocalisationLed by CRHSupported by Accenture- Migration Support Team Lead- Business Analyst- Change Deployment Analyst- Face-to-Face Trainer- Virtual TrainerFloor WalkingARROW Virtual SupportACN SupportSteady State Support Services (with SLA)St
29、abilise and Baseline Support (No SLA)22Supporting users to sustain an excellent experienceTransition6 weeks3 years3 monthsAgree and define a single service management process and request fulfilmentConduct a feasibility assessment of the integration of ITSM tools with ServiceNow and provide cost esti
30、mationAgree any refinements to the RACICreation of a single master O365 Support run bookImplementation of Governance modelAgree and create a single monthly reporting template for O365 Agree and define a single set of Help files for the CRH Level 1 Service Desk.Support StructureTicket FlowLevel 1CRHL
31、evel 2AVNLevel 3MS/OtherLevel 2 Incidents routed to Avanade via Service Now ToolIncident Management & Service RequestsLevel 2 Support for Exchange Online, Skype for Business, SharePoint Online, Yammer & OneDrive onlyCloud / On-Premise infrastructure availability/config. changesActive Directory / Ide
32、ntity Management issuesCRHRequest / View / Update tickets in AVN SNOW PortalUserAVNSupport Team Updates / Closes ticket in SNOW3rd Party3rd Party Dependency or MS O365 Support (if needed)SLA StartSLA StopSLA ResumesAVN Service Nowthrough the Avanade Office 365 Surround Service23Change management ali
33、gns with the technology approach and requires strong sponsorship to be successfulCommunications & TrainingUsersMicrosoft Business SupportOpCoOpCoOpCoOpCoMicrosoft FastTrackAdoption and Culture ChangeThis is the approach slide from tech suggestion to CS to shade out tech for this part 24Approach Over
34、viewAccenture and CRHSupportTechnicalChange & Culture25Change Management FrameworkChange Management Framework5. People Management and Organisation AlignmentManages and addresses changes to roles and responsibilities6. Change Monitoring/ Business ReadinessContinuous engagement and change readiness mo
35、nitoring to ensure the Programme is on track to realise the benefits7. Alignment with other transformation/ organisational strategyEnsures change activities are aligned with other transformation projectsEnsures Programme leadership is aligned on a shared and defined vision, a mutual understanding of
36、 the approach, outcomes, priorities and managements role in the transformation.Defines the impact of the change at function, process and people level. Maps resources in terms of change and new processes, and handles people impact of the change. Minimises confusion and disruption through tailored, op
37、en, and continuous information with a focus on two-way communication, fostering understanding and faster adoptionIdentifies the skills, knowledge and support required to perform the new ways of working within the new system1. Vision & Culture 2. Change Impact3. Communications & Stakeholder Mgt.4. Tr
38、aining The Change approach is underpinned by key activities of our Change Management Framework26Change Management FrameworkThe Change approach is underpinned by key activities of our Change Management FrameworkChange Management Framework7. Alignment with other transformation/ organisational strategy
39、3. Communications & Stakeholder Mgt.2. Change Impact1. Vision & Culture 5. People Management and Organisation Alignment6. Change Monitoring/ Business Readiness4. Training 27There are a number of key objectives when managing changeCreate awareness, understanding and commitmentLeadership SupportPrepar
40、e employees for the changeMaintain sponsorshipEnsure open communication channelsMinimise disruption28Identifying and understanding priority stakeholders and how they will be managed is key29When managing change we need to consider all the aspects impacted.and ensure clear strong sponsorship and comm
41、itment from senior leadership to ensure the benefits are clearly understood by all.PeopleProcessTechnology30The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place George Bernard ShawWork with you to determine the best methodYammerPostersBlogsVideoFace to FaceAudioNewslet
42、terInfographicsEmail push31Training, based on a blended approach, is a vital element for successfully preparing end user Face to face Instructor led trainingVirtual Instructor led trainingLearning from trainers and change agentsSelf-help web based training modulesUser Job AidsUser feedback concerns
43、through the online survey issued post trainingChange network and line managers check in readiness levels and feedbackDedicated resources in place to manage and address your queries as they arise post Go-Live (floorwalkers)Your opportunity to pose any questions you may have to the change network agen
44、ts and virtual teams ShowingViewing & Doing FeedbackPost Migration SupportCheck in Virtual Clinics32The journey starts with MobilisationChange vision workshop to define tangible scenarios of new ways of work for different stakeholder groupsDesign desired behavioursBusiness discussions, challenges, d
45、rivers, alignment and targeted outcomesImpact scopeTargeted OpCo leadership and mid-level operation management participantsDefine strategy to execute vision and realise benefitsDefine strategy for embedding cultureWorkshops, focus groups, virtual discussions and surveys with cross section of busines
46、s units and workforcesProject team and local representatives responsible for implementation and execution of approachDeployment plan and timelines for delivery Develop blueprint and roadmap to achieve desired cultureActive input from OpCo sponsors and change teamsPlanning sessionsVisionStrategyPlann
47、ingPreparationKick off meetingStakeholder TargetingLeadership engagementWorkshop schedulingWorkshop preparationA toolset will then be developed. It will be a collection of all communications, training and behavioural materials and initiatives.Is this needed?33OpCo TransformationThe Change Management
48、 Toolset will include all of the initiatives that each of the OpCos will require to drive the transformation.OpCo pre-work and Change Network ActivationOpCo and Adoption ActivationOpCo Toolset LocalisationLaunch Engagement MaterialsExecute Training Assess OpCo ReadinessEmbed Behavioural Adoption and
49、 Culture ChangeHandover to OpCo resourcesMeasure User Adoption and Behaviour Change34Measuring the impact of change identifies the need for corrective action, which is key to sustainability & can take many formsCorrective action can take many forms?CommunicationsTown HallsTrainingQ&A SessionsFlyers
50、/ InfoFace to Face35Accenture Change TrackingClick here to locate your self on the Change MapTBC. May be removedHow this fits together with the right team 36SPONSORSHIPDemonstrating buy in and ownership of the change through their advocacyINSIGHT AND DECISION MAKINGPartner with and guide the project
51、 team and the OpCo change network through the deploy processROLE MODELParticipate in the skills development and culture adoption challenges which gets the visibility within the stakeholder group37The VIP Sponsor ExperienceThe drive around the VIP sponsor experience is to attract attention and keep t
52、hem engaged to enable their role as a significant influencer and decision maker during the lifecycle of the programme 38The VIP Sponsor ExperienceENGAGE to onboard OpCo team with role expectations and mobilizing CRH team focussign off LOCALISATIONS.strategic updates on the DEPLOY PROCESS for key dec
53、ision / strategic guidance.Project ImpactTool SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, ROLE EXPECTATION as sponsor and role model ACTIVATE CHANGE NETWORK to drive the performance, support and adoption activitiesongoing communication and visibility of behaviors and outcomes as a ROLE MODELChange JourneyCLEAR ROADMAPSA cl
54、ear framework of readiness activities, skills development and action learning challenges that are designed upfront and localized where relevantSELF-DRIVEN EXECUTIONExecution of activities and reporting back to change network on progress and receiving relevant coachingSUPPORT NETWORK ACCESSSupport fr
55、om the OpCo change network and a series of Virtual training and Virtual drop ins39The Office User ExperienceThis will be a blended transformation journey which will include having clarity around what all they will need to do to get ready for the change, the skills they will need to develop and also
56、the habits / behavior that must be practicedENGAGE to launch the roadmap and the set of activities requiredREADINESS CHECKLISTS to ensure that they can get ready for the change.regular update on progress of executing the readiness activities to inform the DEPLOY PROCESSProject Impact40The Office Use
57、r ExperienceTool SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, activities execution overview and progress reporting SUPPORT NETWORK assist with questions, coach them and support during migration and post migrationACTION LEARNING by taking day challenges to form new habits / behavioursChange Journey41The Office User Experienc
58、eNEED TO KNOW GUIDESA clear framework of readiness activitiesand information they require for their roleONSITE MATERIALMaterial will be delivered onsite for training backed up by videos that are accessible in their sitesSUPPORT NETWORK ACCESSSupport from the OpCo change network and a series of Virtu
59、al drop ins42The Site User ExperienceThis will be a blended transformation journey which will include having clarity around what all they will need to do to get ready for the change, on site material available for their performance support, getting what information is key in terms of impact and who
60、they have access to for supportENGAGE to launch the roadmap and the set of activities requiredREADINESS CHECKLISTS to ensure that they can get ready for the change.regular update on progress of executing the readiness activities to inform the DEPLOY PROCESSProject Impact43What Site Users will Experi
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