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1、2018 Deloitte Millennial Survey Millennials disappointed in business, unprepared for Industry 4.0Table of contentsExecutive summary: A desire for reassuranceSurvey methodologyAre millennials losing faith in business?Diversity definedAn opportunity for leadersOutlook for the world and themselvesLoyal

2、ty, turnover and the pull of the gig economy Empowerment and development in a digital world Conclusion: What do young workers want?References13510131417222728Executive summary:A desire for reassuranceTo prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how i

3、t makes apositive contribution to society. Companies must benefit all of their stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers and the communitiesin which they operate.BlackRock CEO Larry Fink1The millennial generation is feeling uneasyabout the future. The growth of Industry 4.0technolog

4、iesfrom robotics and the internetof things to artificial intelligence and cognitivehas altered the nature of work, while political upheavals challenge the established world order. In this environment, millennials and Gen Z yearn for leaders whose decisions might benefit the worldand their careers.Bu

5、ilding on last years report,2 the seventh annual Deloitte millennial survey delves intorespondents perceptions of the evolving threats and opportunities in an increasingly complex world.For the first time, the survey also includes opinions of Generation Z3those following millennials into the workpla

6、ce.In a fragmenting social and political environment, with Industry 4.0 driving profound changes, many millennials are exhibiting a marked desire for reassurance. They feel pessimistic about the prospects for political and social progress, along with concerns about safety, social equality andenviron

7、mental sustainability. While young workers believe that business should consider stakeholders interests as well as profits, their experience isof employers prioritizing the bottom line above workers, society and the environment, leaving them with little sense of loyalty.12018 Deloitte Millennial Sur

8、veyAmong this years key findings:Perceptions of business areheading south. Millennials opinions about business motivations and ethics, which had trended up the past two years, took a sharp turn downward. There continues to be a stark mismatch between what millennials believe responsible businesses s

9、hould achieve and what they perceive businesses actual priorities to be.Diversity and flexibility are key to loyalty. Good pay and positive cultures are most likely to attract both millennials and Gen Z, but diversity/inclusion and flexibility are important keys to keeping them happy. Many responden

10、ts, especially in emerging markets, view the gig economy as an attractive alternative or adjunct to their jobs.Young workers feel unprepared for Industry 4.0. Millennials expressed admiration for corporations that are adapting to and advancing Industry 4.04 and developing their people to succeed in

11、this evolving business environment. Respondents lack confidence that they can succeed in an Industry 4.0 environment and are looking to businessesto help them develop the necessary skills, including the “soft” skills they believe will be more important as jobs evolve.As seen in previous surveys, com

12、panies and senior management teams that are most aligned with millennials in terms of purpose, culture and professional development are likely to attract and retain the best millennial talent and, in turn, potentially achieve better financial performance.Loyalty must be earned, and the vast majority

13、 of millennials are prepared to move, and move quickly, for a better workplace experience.The message is clear: Young workers are eager for business leaders to be proactive about making a positive impact in societyand to be responsive to employees needs.Millennials want leaders to more aggressively

14、commit to making a tangible impact on the world while preparing their organizations and employees for the changes that Industry 4.0 is effecting.One silver lining is that far more millennials believe that business leaders are makinga positive impact on the world than governmentor religious leaders.

15、Even so, four in 10 respondents see business leaders having a negative impact.Therefore, the timing is ideal for business leaders to step up and take actions that benefit all of their stakeholders.22018 Deloitte Millennial SurveySurvey methodologyThe 2018 report is based on the views of 10,455 mille

16、nnials questioned across 36 countries. Millennials included in the study were born between January 1983 and December 1994 and represent a specific group of this generationthose who have college or university degrees, are employed full time and work predominantly in large, private-sector organization

17、s.5 Millennials are increasingly taking on senior positions in which they can influence how their organizations address societys challenges.This report also includes responses from 1,844 Gen Z respondents in Australia, Canada, China, India, the United Kingdom and the United States. Gen Z respondents

18、 were born between January 1995 and December 1999. All are currently studying for or have obtained a first/higher degree. More than a third are working either full time (16 percent) or part time (21 percent).10,455 Millennials(born between January 1983 and December 1994)1,844 Gen Z(born between Janu

19、ary 1995 and December 1999)32018 Deloitte Millennial Survey32018 Deloitte Millennial SurveySurvey methodology (cont.)Millennials: 4,613Gen Z: 613Argentina | 300Brazil | 307Chile | 312China | 523 | 310Colombia | 305India | 309 | 303Indonesia | 306 Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore | 321Mexico | 301Per

20、u | 203Poland | 303Russia | 302South Africa | 202 The Philippines | 311 Turkey | 308EMERGING MARKETSDEVELOPED MARKETSInterviews conducted: Interviews conducted:Millennials: 5,842Gen Z: 1,231Australia | 502 | 318Belgium | 201Canada | 525 | 300France | 507Germany | 406Ireland | 202Italy | 306Japan | 4

21、29New Zealand | 209 South Korea | 313 Spain | 300Switzerland | 193The Netherlands | 312 The Nordics (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) | 402United Kingdom | 514 | 301United States | 521 | 312Total number of interviews: Millennials: 10,455; Gen Z: 1,844Indicates a Gen Z market42018 Deloitte Millennia

22、l SurveyFigure 1. Millennials views of corporate motives dimPercent of millennials who say businessesAgreeDisagreeQ12. Thinking about businesses around the world, would you agree or disagree that, on balance, the following statements describe their current behavior? Base: All millennials 10,455*”The

23、y have no ambition beyond wanting to make money” not asked in 201554%201620172018They have no ambition beyond wanting to make money*50%48%62%34%2015201620172018Their leaders are committed to helping improve society53%57%39%62%34%47%47%44%58%65%48%45%30%37%20304050607080They focus on their own agenda

24、s ratherThey behave in an ethical manner than considering the wider society75%75%64%59%23%33%38%21%201520162017201820152016201720182030405044%6052%7080203040506070802030405044%607080Back in 2014, Deloitte asked millennials what they thought about business motivations and ethics. In each of the next

25、two years, their opinions improved fairly significantly. The most current survey results indicate a dramatic reversal, with each key indicator at its lowest level in four years.Only a minority now believes that corporations behave ethically (48 percent versus 65 percent last year) and that business

26、leaders are committed to helping improve society (47 percent versus62 percent). Three-quarters see businesses around the world focusing on their own agendas rather than considering the wider society (up from 59 percent), and nearly two-thirds say companies have no ambition beyond wanting to make mon

27、ey (up from 50 percent).A majority of millennials in every market agrees with the statement that businesses “have no ambition beyond wanting to make money.” Across mature economies as a whole, the figure is 67 percent.Why the sudden shift? Potential underlying causes are (and have been) evident.Mism

28、atched prioritiesAs in each of Deloittes previous six surveys, millennials overwhelmingly feel that business success should be measured in terms of more than financial performancea view that Gen Z shares (83 percent and 80 percent, respectively).Millennials arent navethey realize profits areboth nec

29、essary and a priority. But they believe that52018 Deloitte Millennial SurveyAre millennials losing faith in business?corporations should set out to achieve a broad balance of objectives that include:Making a positive impact on society and the environmentCreating innovative ideas, products and servic

30、esJob creation, career development and improving peoples livesAn emphasis on inclusion and diversity in the workplaceIn their collective view, businesses are out of step with these priorities. When comparing whatmillennials believe business should achieve and what they think their own organizations

31、main priorities are, wide gaps exist in seven of the nine areas surveyed. In fact, the three priorities they say are foremost in their organizationsgenerating profit, driving efficiencies and producing/selling goods and serviceswere the last three areas they think should businesses should prioritize

32、, far behind job creation and improving society.Even among the most senior millennial employees surveyed, there is a sense that businesses could strike a better balance between the pursuitof financial results and “softer” outcomes. Forexample, 44 percent of millennials occupyingpositions on senior m

33、anagement teams or boards say profits are prioritized, but only 27 percent believe profits should be companies primary goal. Senior-executive millennials also say businesses should protect the environment, improve society and innovate more than they believe their own employers are currently doing.Bu

34、sinesses dont prioritize issues that matter to millennialsAs in last years report, three-quarters of young workers see multinational corporations as having the potential to help solve societys economic, environmental and social challenges; respondents feel that business could be particularly effecti

35、ve inFigure 2. Employers are “out of step” with millennials prioritiesPercent of millennials who sayWhat businesses should try to achieveMy organizations priorities10020304060Generate jobs/ provide employmentImprove society e.g., educate,inform, promote health and well-beingnew products and services

36、,its employees) generatenew ideas, etc.Innovate: developEnhance livelihoods (ofImprove/protect theImprove skills of itsenvironmentemployeesGenerate profitDrive efficiency, findProduce and sell goods quicker and betterand servicesways of doing things5043%25%39%25%36%32%35%19%33%14%29%26%24%51%21%33%1

37、5%34%Q11a: Which of the following words and phrases match your own belief as to what business should try to achieve? Select up to three. Base: All millennials 10,45562018 Deloitte Millennial Surveythe areas of education, skills and training, economic stability and cybersecurity. They are less optimi

38、stic about business influence on other issues, including climate change.Thats noteworthy in light of a marked shift: Climate, near the bottom of millennials personal concerns last year, this year finished in a statistical tie with terrorism as the top concern for millennials in developed markets. Cl

39、imate also was a top-five concern in emerging markets. Income inequality and unemployment were high concerns inboth markets. So its fair to conclude that while millennials believe business has the potential to solve important societal issues, leaders are not effectively addressing the issues that ar

40、e of greatest concern to them.Digging deeper, we observe a strong correlation between the level of concern for environmentalissues and overall attitudes toward business. Among those with a generally negative opinion of business, almost half (46 percent) are also concerned about climate change or res

41、ourcescarcity, as compared to 34 percent among those with a favorable view of business. Therefore,one might infer that corporate activity intended to improve our climate or to minimize the misuse of resources could significantly help improve millennials view of business.Young workers appreciate deve

42、lopmentand diversityBeyond telling us where they believe business is falling short of expectations, millennial respondents offered plenty of clues about whatthey feel businesses are doing right. When asked which companies are having a positive impacton them and the world in general, they expressed a

43、dmiration for those that are adapting to andadvancing Industry 4.0 and developing their people to succeed in this evolving business environment. Organizations seen as diverse and companies perceived to have diverse senior management teams also rated highly.Unfortunately, both millennials and Gen Z r

44、espondents believe most business leaders, rhetoric notwithstanding, are not truly committed to creating inclusive cultures. Roughly two-thirds of respondents from both generations notonly believe leaders simply pay “l(fā)ip service” to diversity and inclusion, they also believe that only formal legislat

45、ion can adequately advance workplace diversity.Millennials and Gen Z correlate diversity with a forward-thinking mindset rather than themechanical filling of quotasviewing diversity asa tool for boosting both business and professionalFigure 3. Climate and income inequality are now among young worker

46、s top concernsPercent of millennials personally concerned about these issues and challenges353025201510503530252015105032%31%Developed markets25%24%19%30%28%25%24%TerrorClimateWarEmerging markets27%Income inequalityUnemploymentCrime/personal safetyCorruptionUnemploymentIncome inequalityClimateQ4. Th

47、inking about the challenges facing societies around the world (including your own), which three of the following issues are you personally most concerned about? Please select up to three issues Base: Developed-market millennials 5,396; emerging-market millennials 5,05972018 Deloitte Millennial Surve

48、yperformance, especially when diversity is embedded in the senior management teams. (See section, “Diversity defined.”)Respondents who perceive their organizations and senior management teams to be diverse say their employers are able to help employees be more attuned to ethics, be more creative, de

49、velop talent more effectively and nurture emotional intelligence.Its unsurprising, then, that 69 percent of employees who believe their senior management teams are diverse see their working environments as motivating and stimulating (versus 43 percent of younger workers who dont perceive their leade

50、rship teams as diverse). And 78 percentof millennials who say their top teams are diverse report their organizations perform stronglyin generating profits13 points higher than among those in which the leadership teams are not thought to reflect the wider society in which they operate.Q6. Do you thin

51、k the following groups are currently having a positive or negative impact on you and the world in which you live?Base: All millennials 10,118 (not asked in China); millennials in diverse organizations 6,557; millennials in organizations with diverse senior management teams 4,852; millennials whose e

52、mployers are making “great” use of Industry 4.0 1,583; millennials whose employers are preparing people for Industry 4.0 3,493All millennialsMillennials in diverse organizationsMillennials in organizations with diverse senior management teamsMillennials whose employers are making “great” use of Indu

53、stry 4.0Millennials whose employers are preparing people for Industry 4.044%49%54%61%59%Figure 4. Better perceptions of leaders of diverse and forward-thinking companiesPercent of millennials saying business leaders are making a positive impact on the world82018 Deloitte Millennial SurveyFigure 5. C

54、ompanies with diverse senior management teams develop people holisticallyPercent of millennials who say their organizations are focused on helping their employees develop their awareness, knowledge and skills in regards to.Q38. To what extent, if at all, is your organization focusing on these areas

55、and helping its employees develop their awareness, knowledge and skills?Base: All millennials 10,455; millennials in organizations with diverse senior management teams 5,031; millennials in organizations that do not have diverse senior management teams 5,060Organization has a diverse senior manageme

56、nt teamAll organizationsOrganization does not have a diverse senior management teamAll organizationsOrganization does not have a diverse senior management team.strong ethics/integrity.attention to talent development and mentoringOrganization has a diverse senior management team.innovation/creativity

57、.emotional intelligence83%72%63%83%70%60%79%65%53%81%68%57%Organization has a diverse senior management teamAll organizationsOrganization does not have a diversesenior management teamOrganization has a diverse senior management teamAll organizationsOrganization does not have a diversesenior manageme

58、nt team92018 Deloitte Millennial SurveyDiversity definedBecause we posed questions this year that dealt with issues of diversity, we thought it necessary to determine what the term diversity means toyounger workers. Their responses were surprisingly, well, diverse. Only 17 percent of millennials and

59、24 percent of Gen Z respondents mentioned an aspect of demographics, lifestyle or faith. For survey respondents, diversity is as likely to cover:Figure 6. Diversity covers tolerance and inclusivity, respect and different ways of thinkingPercent of millennials/Gen Z who define “diversity” asA variety

60、/mix/multiple facets/spectrumTolerance, inclusivenessand opennessDifferences20%23%23%19%19%18%Demographics e.g., age, gender, lifestyle, cultureRespect/acknowledgethe individualIdeas/ways of thinking24%14%14%21%17%17%MillennialsGen ZTolerance, inclusiveness and openness (18 percent millennials, 19 p


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