已閱讀5頁,還剩9頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、零售藥店作為銷售關(guān)乎顧客健康的商品,他的一句話銷售更應(yīng)該含有專業(yè)、有親和力、有愛心、有承諾的措辭,才能更有說服力以下是中國文庫-教育資源網(wǎng)分享藥店銷售話術(shù),希望能幫助到大家!顧客:經(jīng)常來你這買,給便宜點(diǎn)!老顧客是一個(gè)企業(yè)成功的關(guān)鍵,一個(gè)老顧客為企業(yè)創(chuàng)造的價(jià)值,是新顧客的4 倍!所以千萬別得罪老顧客,當(dāng)老顧客提出優(yōu)惠的時(shí)候,我們不能直接拒絕, 有些銷售會說“我們這是明碼標(biāo)價(jià)!您是老顧客更應(yīng)該知道這里不能優(yōu)惠!”直接干脆回絕老顧客!如果這樣說,也許他下次就成了別的門店的“新顧客”!如何應(yīng)對?老顧客要的是面子,其實(shí)他并不在乎優(yōu)惠那點(diǎn)錢,他要的只是與新顧客的“與眾不同”!首先得讓老顧客感覺到你的誠意:

2、“感謝您一直以來對我們店的照顧,能和您做買賣我們非常榮幸!由于我沒這么大的權(quán)利,最近店內(nèi)有些精美的贈品,數(shù)量稀少,我給您申請一個(gè),您看如何?”顧客:我再看看吧!亮點(diǎn)、亮點(diǎn)、亮點(diǎn),重要的事情說三遍!顧客沒看到產(chǎn)品的亮點(diǎn),也沒看到這家店與其他家店的區(qū)別。如何應(yīng)對?1、人無我有;2、人不愿做,我愿做;3、我比別人優(yōu)秀;4、高附加值。顧客:能再便宜點(diǎn)嗎?顧客要求降價(jià),如果直接回絕,那么顧客肯定會扭頭就走!因?yàn)樗X得這個(gè)手機(jī)不值這點(diǎn)錢,我們要做的就是:讓顧客覺得產(chǎn)品值這些錢!如何應(yīng)對?1、分期算法“這款產(chǎn)品 2999 元,用三年的話,合一天 2 塊多,性價(jià)比太高了!”2、以少代多顧客要求降價(jià)時(shí),往往會聽

3、到銷售說“請朋友吃頓飯的事兒”!大錯(cuò)特錯(cuò)! 一頓飯就會讓顧客感覺缺少了什么,可以換一種說法“就當(dāng)多請朋友吃頓飯啦”,把顧客的焦點(diǎn)瞬間由少轉(zhuǎn)到多!顧客:質(zhì)量有問題嗎?一些銷售面對這個(gè)問題會直接答“我們質(zhì)量不會有問題的,我們是大品牌, 全國都有門店”但是顧客問出第二句話的時(shí)候:“萬一有問題怎么辦?”不少銷售就接不下去了。如何應(yīng)對?銷售可以先問顧客:“您以前是不是有買過質(zhì)量不是很好的啊?”顧客一般會說:“有?!变N售則可追問一句:“是哪款啊?”顧客往往就會開始訴苦了: “我以前買過 XX 品牌的,怎么怎么樣。”若說“沒有“,則應(yīng)該先夸顧客,然后說自己的事情:“您真是太幸運(yùn)了,我遇到過這樣的情況,怎么怎

4、么樣。”說的時(shí)候一定要帶上感情。最后再說:“所以我現(xiàn)在很注重質(zhì)量問題,因?yàn)槲易约罕旧硪彩窍M(fèi)者,我也用高質(zhì)量的,在這個(gè)門店做銷售,不到其它門店做銷售,就是因?yàn)檫@里的質(zhì)量好。”顧客:你們老板認(rèn)識我,便宜點(diǎn)!說這句話的 99%不認(rèn)識老板,最多跟老板有一面之緣。所以對待不認(rèn)識或者說認(rèn)識老板的人,不要當(dāng)面揭穿,而是把面子給她,從側(cè)面拒絕降價(jià)。如何應(yīng)對?“很榮幸能接待我們老板的朋友”, 只是目前生意狀況一般,您來我們店里這件事,我一定告訴我們老板,讓我們老板對您表示感謝!”。專業(yè)型員工,要了解最基本的常見病的病因、疾病的顯性與隱性表現(xiàn)、疾病的發(fā)展及預(yù)后;要了解常用藥品的適應(yīng)癥或功能主治、不良反應(yīng)、禁忌、

5、服用方法等。需要強(qiáng)調(diào)的是:要達(dá)到這種效果,需要藥店專業(yè)人士在日常銷售中通過對疾病與藥品的了解積累提煉總結(jié)。實(shí)戰(zhàn)一顧客購買小兒氨酚黃那敏來治療孩子感冒,我們知道大多數(shù)的感冒由病毒引起,那么此時(shí)我們就要和顧客講:感冒大多是病毒引起的,給孩子吃感冒藥一定要含有抗病毒成分,效果才最好!簡評:此一句話營銷里面要求員工對疾病病因了解、銷售的藥品成分及功能的掌握。這里面的一句話就可能達(dá)成含抗病毒成分金剛烷胺的復(fù)方氨酚烷胺藥物的銷售,或者可以達(dá)成顧客同時(shí)購買抗病毒的中西藥產(chǎn)品銷售。實(shí)戰(zhàn)二一位老年人來購買維 U 顛茄鋁膠囊,我們知道該藥其中的不良反應(yīng)之一是易引起便秘;而部分老年人是便秘的易發(fā)人群;我們采用的一句

6、話方式是:大媽您大便情況怎么樣?無非三種情況干燥、正常、大便不成形;設(shè)若是前兩種,我們即可提示顧客:您不要吃這個(gè)藥啦,它會您最好用簡評:此一句話銷售里面要求了解了藥物的不良反應(yīng)與顧客顯性疾病表現(xiàn)外的大便的隱性表現(xiàn)而使用。實(shí)戰(zhàn)三一位患有帶狀皰疹的顧客來買阿昔洛韋片,具備藥學(xué)常識的店長店員都應(yīng)該知道“帶狀皰疹的并發(fā)癥是神經(jīng)痛與皰疹愈后的可能后遺神經(jīng)痛”,因此,不妨跟顧客說:“您一定要吃些 VB,可以最大程度減輕疼痛和將來的后遺神經(jīng)痛?!焙喸u:此一句話需要了解顧客并發(fā)癥和可能的愈后情況。親和力型實(shí)戰(zhàn)一熟悉的顧客一進(jìn)門,店長店員就最好的打招呼方式就是:“您好張大爺,最近怎么樣”簡評:這種接待顧客的招呼

7、聲,會制造和諧融洽的銷售溝通氛圍,同時(shí)會給我們的顧客制造將來更大的回頭幾率,甚至于轉(zhuǎn)客戶的介紹!當(dāng)然這需要我們的銷售員工平時(shí)下些許功夫來記住一些??偷男畔?,諸如姓名、生日、家庭住址等信息。承諾暗示型這個(gè)話術(shù),是在了解了顧客疾病表現(xiàn)和藥品性能后,為了推薦目標(biāo)商品而針對猶豫不決型顧客使用。實(shí)戰(zhàn)一“您就用這個(gè)外用洗液吧,用上以后您的瘙癢絕對會減輕的!”簡評:如果給顧客推薦的藥物是對癥的,完全可以用 100%承諾肯定的語氣打消顧客對商品的效果顧慮。實(shí)戰(zhàn)二當(dāng)一位母親要為自己的孩子買藥品/營養(yǎng)補(bǔ)充劑時(shí),不妨說:“大姐,這個(gè)XX 劑型的藥物最適合給孩子用,絕對水果口味,一點(diǎn)都不苦的!”簡評:“絕對”與“一點(diǎn)

8、都不苦”就是承諾與暗示措辭的使用。愛心型實(shí)戰(zhàn)一“您這潰瘍一定要足療程用藥,否則這病會穿孔或大出血那就難治療啦?!?簡評:屬于基于愛心提示的基礎(chǔ)上談疾病的預(yù)后與發(fā)展提示顧客療程用藥,對于大多數(shù)慢性病適用該類措辭。實(shí)戰(zhàn)二“您如果一直有服用阿司匹林的習(xí)慣,一定加點(diǎn)胃舒平,要不您的胃受不了的?!焙喸u:在提示中,為降低藥品帶來的不良反應(yīng)提示顧客,聯(lián)合用藥。會說話的人,在哪里都吃香。藥店中表現(xiàn)地就很明顯,比如會說話的店員,來找他買藥的顧客多,喜歡他的同事多,人際關(guān)系都很好。藥店人要提升自己的營銷能力、服務(wù)水平,在與顧客交流間獲得信任,從而更好地推銷藥品,提高營業(yè)額。會說話、受歡迎的店員 4 種必備銷售話術(shù)

9、(1)、情感式問候以情動人,最好是以一種自然的情緒感染顧客。藥店店員在導(dǎo)購時(shí),可以多聯(lián)想一下,面前這位顧客與自己哪個(gè)家人比較接近,這樣想來心生親切,說出的話也很自然,拉近了與顧客的距離。、打趣式交流舉個(gè)例子來看,曾經(jīng)一位熟客進(jìn)店買藥,對一店員吐槽說,你們這里的藥真是貴;該店員并沒有表現(xiàn)出尷尬,反而靈機(jī)一動,打趣說了一句,“所以,您是我們店的貴客嘛!”顧客一聽,不怒反笑,開心地掏錢買單走了。、關(guān)心式這是店員運(yùn)用得較多的方式,舉一個(gè)例子:顧客不小心刮傷了,到了店里, 我們這樣的表達(dá)會瞬間感動顧客:“天哪,刮了這么大一個(gè)口子,疼吧?怎么這么不小心啊?”沒有一個(gè)關(guān)于賣藥的字,但是,這才是真正的銷售。因

10、為,其間融入的“關(guān)心”,讓顧客的心瞬間就化了??赡苡腥藭?,關(guān)心式和情感式有什么不一樣, 情感式是將自己與顧客建立一個(gè)“鏈接”關(guān)系,關(guān)心式是以職業(yè)的責(zé)任去理解與幫助顧客。、恭維式話說回來,誰不愿意聽好話呢?恭維式和贊美式還有區(qū)別,恭維更需要藝術(shù), 聽起來和拍馬屁完全不在一個(gè)檔次。例如,一位媽媽帶著孩子進(jìn)店,我們恭維這位媽媽:“您的孩子笑起來和您一樣甜!”這句話,一語雙關(guān),而且會引導(dǎo)出顧客真的笑出來,導(dǎo)購的氛圍也會更輕松。最好在說好話時(shí),加上一些描述性的溝通,不要太強(qiáng)調(diào)主觀意識。說話是一門藝術(shù),說好銷售的話更是需要天賦加上學(xué)習(xí)。希望藥店員工都能練就一張?zhí)鹛鸬淖?,?shí)現(xiàn)自身價(jià)值的同時(shí)提升藥店業(yè)績。三

11、點(diǎn)助門店業(yè)績大大提升(1)愉快的購物體驗(yàn)是關(guān)鍵藥店人作為藥店服務(wù)的展現(xiàn)者。向顧客傳達(dá)服務(wù)的理念,讓顧客感受到消費(fèi)過程的愉悅。細(xì)心詢問顧客的需求,語氣要平緩,耐心聆聽,然后合理地向顧客介紹藥品。當(dāng)顧客買不到所需指定藥品時(shí),應(yīng)及時(shí)向顧客致歉,并給予建議。其話術(shù)為:“對不起!現(xiàn)在正好缺貨。讓您白跑一趟。您要不要先買別的牌子試一試?”“請您留下您的電話和姓名,等新貨到時(shí)我們馬上通知您?!?3)巧妙聯(lián)合銷售顯專業(yè)在收銀臺的左手邊布置關(guān)聯(lián)商品,如額溫槍、體溫計(jì)、牙膏、漱口水、Vc 泡騰片、小兒喂藥器等,根據(jù)顧客已經(jīng)購買的產(chǎn)品可以了解到顧客已有的需求, 此時(shí)有針對性的向顧客推薦關(guān)聯(lián)產(chǎn)品更容易成功。在顧客的右

12、手邊布置便利商品和應(yīng)季商品,先導(dǎo)購過自己左手邊的關(guān)聯(lián)商品之后還要提示顧客看看右手邊的便利品和應(yīng)季品是否有需求?!耙痪湓挕痹捫g(shù)(供參考)“您好!我們現(xiàn)在有購物加 1 元送潤喉糖活動,送完即止噢!”“您好!今天金銀花露特價(jià) 4 瓶才 10 元,您需要嗎?”“您好!今天會員購物*折,僅此一天,您還有需要嗎?”在顧客結(jié)賬前和顧客交談,所以能夠起到提醒顧客促銷信息的作用,顧客此時(shí)對價(jià)格的關(guān)注度最高,有時(shí)稍作提醒,顧客就會因?yàn)榇黉N活動的吸引而加大關(guān)注或向身邊的親友推介。(3)邀請顧客成為會員,增加顧客粘度在收銀結(jié)賬前詢問顧客是否擁有本藥房的會員卡:如果已經(jīng)辦理過,則向顧客提示一下會員權(quán)益,再邀請顧客掃描二


14、看上去氣色不理想, 咋哪?乖乖,我有什么可以幫您?啟示:一個(gè)有親和力并且善于發(fā)現(xiàn)對方有點(diǎn)給予恰當(dāng)贊美的銷售總是業(yè)績那么好,因?yàn)樗麄兘鉀Q了顧客信賴問題,消弭了陌生感,拉近了彼此的距離。、問題型問題示例:您是不是覺得總是覺得困但又睡不著啊,好不容易睡著了又容易醒,做不做夢啊,解不解乏啊,記憶力好不好啊?您是不是覺得經(jīng)常眼睛干澀,視力模糊、視力減退啊?您有沒有咽干口渴啊,即便喝水仍舊不解渴啊?您有沒有夜尿頻多的情況,小便是不是無力呢,有沒有尿分叉呢?月經(jīng)正不正常,是不是準(zhǔn)時(shí)來了,時(shí)間長不長啊,你的量正不正常啊,有沒有黑塊啊,來的時(shí)候有沒有腰酸背痛、小腹墜脹了,來例假有沒有感覺乳房有腫塊啊?有沒有腰酸

15、背痛,有沒有出現(xiàn)幻聽,視力、記憶力減退啊,走路腿腳感覺沒有以前那么靈活了啊,稍微走久一點(diǎn)就覺得關(guān)節(jié)疼痛了?有沒有腰酸背痛,平時(shí)感到很疲憊啊,是不是經(jīng)常熬夜了,飲食規(guī)不規(guī)律, 愛不愛喝酒、抽煙啊?您已是 XX 病人了,您的 XX 不好的話,就會啟示:挖掘需求的過程也是撕傷口的過程,你讓顧客越痛,成交的質(zhì)量就會越高!、暗示型問題示例:根據(jù)您的情況,我向您推薦的這幾個(gè) XX 產(chǎn)品, 23 天就能解決您的根本問題。我們的回頭客特別多,您看這個(gè)批號都是新的。您看我們這個(gè)陳列面多好,如果賣的不好,店里面不會給我們這么大支持的。我給您一個(gè)電話,有什么問題您可以給我打電話,我這個(gè)電話不是假的, 您可以立馬給我

16、撥一下。您看我們這藥店經(jīng)常幫顧客郵購,也有送貨上門的。您是 XX 疾病啊,本身您的 XX 病對肝腎心都有損害,這個(gè)是西藥,長期服用對肝腎心不好,但是您又丟不掉,所以必須加上護(hù)肝保腎養(yǎng)心的中成藥,家里有 VE、VC 嗎?鑒于您這種情況,您必須啟示:顧客只是有需求還不是最重要的,重要的是將需求鎖定到我們想售賣并且能夠真正解決顧客問題的相關(guān)藥品上面。、結(jié)論型問題示例:今天門店搞活動,非常優(yōu)惠,您多拿兩個(gè)療程吧。您經(jīng)常出差吧,就一次把藥品帶夠。您看您今天是拿一個(gè)月的量還是兩個(gè)月的量。您平時(shí)是不是特別忙啊,今天是不是要一次拿夠啊。啟示:“臨門一腳促大單”是關(guān)鍵,到了成交的環(huán)節(jié)一定要“克服恐懼,敢于要求”

17、這樣才能提高成交效率,促使業(yè)績節(jié)節(jié)攀升。學(xué)會了四種類型問題的設(shè)計(jì),這樣就可以通過問問題來引導(dǎo)成交了,必須注意這四種類型的問題前后次序不能顛倒,銷售必須一步步來,否則如果一見到顧客不拉近距離不問需求直接要求成交的話只會把顧客嚇跑。有了銷售話術(shù)的工具箱,聰明智慧的你,知道如何運(yùn)用了嗎?其實(shí)銷售沒有那么困難,技巧也不是你想象的那么重要,平庸到卓越只是一步之遙,只要你愿意做一個(gè)用心精進(jìn)的銷售,那么成功就會向你招手。Pharmacy sales speech, you can use it immediately People who talk, eat incense everywhere.The p

18、erformance in the pharmacy is very obvious. For example, the talking clerk, the number of customers who come to buy medicine, the number of colleagues who like him, the interpersonal relationship is very good. Pharmacies need to improve their marketing capabilities, service levels, and gain trust in

19、 communicating with customers to better market drugs and increase turnover.4 kinds of must-sell words for talking, popular clerk (1), emotional greetingsIt is best to infect people with a natural emotion. When the pharmacy clerk is in the shopping guide, he can think more about it. The customer in f

20、ront of him is close to his family. It is natural to think about it, and it is natural to say it, which is closer to the customer.(2), fun-filled communicationFor example, once a regular customer went to the store to buy medicine, he said to a shop assistant that the medicine here is really expensiv

21、e; the clerk did not show any embarrassment, but instead he took the opportunity to say something, So, you are The customers of our store! The customer listened, didnt anger and laughed, and happily paid for the bill and left.(3), careThis is a way for the clerk to use more. For example, the custome

22、r accidentally scratched it. When I arrived at the store, our expression would instantly touch the customer: God, shaved such a big mouth, hurt? Why? Not careful?There is no word about selling medicine, but this is the real sale. Because the care that is involved in it, the heart of the customer is

23、instantly changed. Some people may ask, what is the difference between caring and emotional, emotional is to establish a link relationship with customers, care is to understand and help customers with professional responsibility.(4), complimentHaving said that, who is not willing to listen to good w

24、ords? There is a difference between compliment and praise. Compliment requires art more. It sounds like a flattering.For example, a mother brought a child into the store, and we compliment the mother: “Your child smiles as sweet as you!” This sentence is a pun, and will lead the customer to really l

25、augh out, the atmosphere of the shopping guide. It will be easier. It is best to add some descriptive communication when you are good, and dont put too much emphasis on subjective consciousness.Speaking is an art. If you say good sales, you need talent and learning. I hope that pharmacy staff can pr

26、actice a sweet mouth and realize their own value while improving the performance of pharmacies.Three points to help the stores performance greatly improved(1) Happy shopping experience is the keyPharmacy people as a showcase for pharmacy services. Communicate the concept of service to customers, and

27、 let customers feel the joy of the consumption process.Carefully ask the customers needs, tone gently, listen patiently, and then introduce the drug to the customer reasonably.When customers cant buy the required drugs, they should apologize to the customer and give advice.The words are: Im sorry! I

28、ts just out of stock. Let you run in vain. Would you like to buy another brand first? Please leave your phone number and name, and wait for new arrivals. Notify you soon.(3) Ingenious joint sales display professionalArrange related products on the left hand side of the checkout counter, such as a te

29、mperature gun, a thermometer, a toothpaste, a mouthwash, a Vc effervescent tablet, a pediatric drug feeder, etc., according to the products that the customer has already purchased, the customers existing needs can be understood. It is easier to succeed in recommending related products to customers.C

30、onvenient goods and seasonal goods are arranged on the right hand side of the customer. After purchasing the related products on the left hand side, the customer is also prompted to see if there is demand for the convenience products and seasonal products on the right hand side.One sentence speech (

31、for reference)Hello! We have a shopping plus 1 yuan to send throat lozenges now, while stocks last!Hello! Today, the special price of 4 bottles of honeysuckle is only 10 yuan. Do you need it?Hello! Todays member shopping * fold, only one day, do you still need it?The customer can talk to the custome

32、r before thecheckout, so it can play a role in reminding the customer to promote the information. The customer has the highest attention to the price at this time, sometimes a little reminder, the customer will pay more attention or to the side because of the attraction of the promotion. Recommended

33、 by relatives and friends.(3) Invite customers to become members and increase customer viscosityAsk the customer whether they have a membership card for this pharmacy before the checkout:If you have already done so, please tell the customer about the members rights, and then invite the customer to s

34、can the QR code to join the WeChat member of the chain or store.If not, the customers rights and interests will be explained to the customer, and the customer will be invited to fully fill out the application form. The complete collection of member information is a prerequisite for the establishment

35、 of a valuable membership database. After completing the membership card, the customer is also invited to scan the QR code to join the WeChat member.Of course, after the customer has finished paying the bill and is ready to leave, he must always maintain a good service attitude and make the customer

36、 feel satisfied.Crack: four types of problem sales speech (1), the status quo problemExample:Sister, your temperament is extraordinary at first glance, you must be a national cadre (boss)!Dear, look good, you must pay attention to maintenance!Boss, you havent come over these days, have you been busy

37、 lately?Handsome guy, what kind of product do you need, for yourself, or for your family, I am a commissioner here, I can help you with what you need.Beauty (handsome guy), you are squatting today, is it a big pressure recently, it looks unsatisfactory, what?Hey, what can I do for you?Revelation: A

38、sales that has affinity and is good at discovering each other to give a proper praise is always so good, because they solve the problem of customer trust, eliminate the strangeness and narrow the distance between each blematic problem Example:Do you feel that you are always sleepy but cant

39、sleep? Its hard to fall asleep and wake up easily. If you dont dream, you cant solve it. Is your memory good?Do you think that your eyes are often dry, your vision is blurred, and your vision is diminished?Do you have any thirst, even if you drink water, do you still quench your thirst?Do you have a

40、ny frequent nocturia, is it urinating, is there a urine fork?The menstruation is not normal, is it coming on time, the time is not long, your quantity is not normal, there is no black block, when there is no back pain, the lower abdomen is bulging, is there any fake? Feeling a lump in the breast?Is

41、there any back pain, there is no auditory hallucination, vision loss, memory loss, walkinglegs and feet feel not as flexible as before, feel a little pain when you walk a little longer?Is there any backache and backache, I feel very tired. Is itoften staying up late, eating irregularities, love not

42、drinking, smoking?You are already a XX patient. If your XX is not good, it will.Revelation: The process of excavating demand is also the process of tearing the wound. The more painful you make the customer, the higher the quality of the transaction!, suggestive questions Example:According to your si

43、tuation, I recommend these XX products to you, you can solve your fundamental problems in 2-3 days.Our repeat customers are particularly numerous. You can see that this batch number is new.You see how good our display is. If it is not sold well, the store will not give us such support.I will give yo

44、u a call. If you have any questions, you can call me. My phone number is not fake. You can call me immediately.You see that our pharmacy often helps customers mail order, but also door-to-door.You are a XX disease. Your own XX disease is harmful to the liver and kidney. This is a western medicine. It is not good for long-term use of liver and kidney, but you cant lose it, so you must ad


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