加強調(diào)試樣本與模板2eac3report of building energy system swire coca colasystem manual_第1頁
加強調(diào)試樣本與模板2eac3report of building energy system swire coca colasystem manual_第2頁
加強調(diào)試樣本與模板2eac3report of building energy system swire coca colasystem manual_第3頁
加強調(diào)試樣本與模板2eac3report of building energy system swire coca colasystem manual_第4頁
加強調(diào)試樣本與模板2eac3report of building energy system swire coca colasystem manual_第5頁




1、ExecutiveProjectTestcodeand1.3ingExecutiveProjectTestcodeand1.3ingedequipmentandsystemAirconditioningLightingThedomesticwatering3.13.2ingmendationsandFuture4AppendixA-OwnersProjectAppendixB-BasicofAppendixC-DesignAppendixD-SubmittalingAppendixF-TrainingProgramAppendixG-SystemAppendix H-Contract and

2、plan for resolution within 10 months of substantial completioningReportofSwireCoca-ColaBeverageBuildingEnergySystem,1.Executive Shanghai Wisdomen Architecture & Construction Company Limited contracted with Swire Coca Cola Beverage Luohe to independent, third party ing . Fundamental and ing was perfo

3、rmed in accordance ingReportofSwireCoca-ColaBeverageBuildingEnergySystem,1.Executive Shanghai Wisdomen Architecture & Construction Company Limited contracted with Swire Coca Cola Beverage Luohe to independent, third party ing . Fundamental and ing was performed in accordance with the LEED for Constr

4、uctionThe ing plan was developed by the ing (CxA)anddistributedtotheprojectteamforreview.TheCxPlandescribesingsandmemberrolesandOwners Project Requirements were developed by Swire Coca Beverage Luohe. The Basis of Design was developed by the engineer. The Cx Plan, OPR and BOD the ofthiss are include

5、d A design review was performed on the accordancewithLEEDs Design review comments were distributed to the design team for and in later construction plans as warranted. specifications were developed and included with the project specifications alert contractors to ing requirements for the project. Th

6、e designteamdidanexcellentjobofplacingneededheation and s including energy sustainability , design details and equipment sequence operations.Designreview summary report.A review of the ation is he of submittals was performed for all being ed and is he . Submittal were distributed to the team for com

7、ment and clarification as needed. submittals were used to create prefunctional t were provided the installing contractors to complete proper installation equipment start-up. Completed prefunctional checklists and other start-up ation were provided to the CxA for review and to indicate and equipment

8、were ready for functional testing. Site functional performance testing was conducted over several site visits in April of 2011. Prefunctional checklist activities andTest and Balance (TAB) datawere reviewedto confirm t the HVAC system and controls and lighting controls were installedproperlyandfully

9、1ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage Functional tests were written by Shanghai Wisdomen Architecture Construction Company t compliment the prefunctionalingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage Functional tests were written by Shanghai Wisdomen Architecture Constructi

10、on Company t compliment the prefunctional and cover all aspects of installation and operation. During functional the teammanipulated the heatingand ventilating and air conditioning systems and controls operation or lighting controls by changing programming or s or lighting control panels as appropri

11、ate. Prefunctional verification and functional testing resulted in observations and being recorded theheobservationt was developed Trainingoftheinstalledequipmentandsystemswasprovidedtotheby the contractors. Systems covered during training include the HVAC and their ted controls, the automatic light

12、ing controls and solar hotwatersystem.Operationsandenancemanualswereprovidedbyconstruction team and reviewed. The O&M manuals were found theprojectverywellwithonlyafewcommentsrequestingadditionalAt the time of writing this report, Shanghai Wisdomen Architecture & Construction Company Limited is near

13、 completion of all activities and any outstanding items are noted.Currentitionofallthe andunresolvedesisheobservationloglocatedesarehesectionsShanghai Wisdomen Architecture & Construction Company Limited is under contract to complete a systems manual and a review of building operations within10month

14、sofsubstantialcompletion.Thesystemsmanualis currently being developed and will be distributed to the owner upon1.1ProjectSwireCocaColaBeverageLuoheislocatedinsouthernsectionYanshan Road, private industrial park, Luohe economic & development zone. This project covers an area of y 250 and expects 3 se

15、ts of production equipment for carbonated beverage and setsofasepsisrackingmachineproductionline.Itistobeplannedatonebonstructed at different stages. phase of the project occupy area of 150 acres , (construction area which is period is from April construction area of the project is level of 8m tall

16、is 36140m2). The construction to Nov.2010. Architectural functions are officebuilding,productionworkshopandfactory2ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage Figure.1DesignsketchandpicturesingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage Figure.1DesignsketchandpicturesofSwireCocaCo

17、laBeverageThis LEED adjusting work is mainly aimed at region A, region B, office building and factory road, in particular architecture functions distribution regionAisshowninFigureFigure.2PlantbuildinginAareaandofficebuildingplanofSwireColaBeverageAccording the testing and adjusting plan for buildin

18、g energy system forSwireCocaColaBeverageLuohe,thetestingandadjustingdoesaseriesofingworkfromApr.20toApr.231.2TestcodeandArchitecturedrawingsforSwireCocaColaBeverageCo., product manual and so on.TherequestofthepartiesandRelevantLEEDstandardsand3ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage I

19、ndoor air quality standard GB/T 18883-2002 Code of acceptance for construction ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage Indoor air quality standard GB/T 18883-2002 Code of acceptance for construction conditioningworksGB50243-of ventilation and Technical code for solar water heating sys

20、tem of civil 10. Other relevant national standards and specifications on energyefficiencyandgreeningProject team carry out prefunction inspections and function test. Testing and ing objects include HVAC system, indoor outdoor lighting system, domestic hot water system (include solar energy watersyst

21、emandassistheatsour energy system and so on.Themainworkystem),drainagesystemandFunction inspections, performance inspections and debug s cool source, air-condition system, make-up air system, pump,coolingpump,fancoilandtuyerehavetobehisFunction inspections, performance inspections and debug s lighti

22、ngsystemhavetobehisFunction inspections, performance inspections and debug s solarenergyhotwatersystemhavetobehisFunctioninspections, performance inspections and debug s rainwatercollectionsystemhavetobehis4ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwire

23、CocaColaBeverage Figure.3On-sitemeetingformultilateraledequipmentandsystemThe LEED ing content for Swire Coca Cola Beverage Luoheincludesheatingventilationandairconditioningofthesystem(including groundsourceheatpumpsystems),indoorandoutdoorlightingsystems,solar energy hot water systems, water supply

24、 and drainage system and grey system, renewable energy projects. The system details to be carried ingareas2.1Air conditioning According to the design information provided by the owners, A area is the beverage production. Its building design cooling load is 955kW, and its design heat load is 684kW, t

25、he air conditioning system diagram can be seen in The modular air conditioning units can be used in the in jet workshop, refined sugar plant, sugar plant dissolved, NCB deployment, the air conditioningblowingworkshopandotherlargespace.Theinjectroom,refined sugar room, the products quality control ro

26、om are equipped with conditionerswithnanophotonicspurificationThe room, reception room and other small space install dark-mounted fan its, and the fresh air is provided by the fresh ventilation units. All air conditioning systems are equipped with the 5ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaB

27、everage efficiencynewairfilters.TheBareaisthewarehouseforfinishedproduct,and a row of wall exhaust fan is installed in the South and north side wall. The single rated capacity ofingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage efficiencynewairfilters.TheBareaisthewarehouseforfinishedproduct,an

28、d a row of wall exhaust fan is installed in the South and north side wall. The single rated capacity of the exhaust fan is 7000m3 / h, the total number of exhaustfansis40units.Accordancewiththerequirementsofthecold room,the lcoldsource isusedforcoldstorage 2.2Lighting Both the main landlord plant an

29、d the ancillary buildings in the center use the general lighting. The main plant light source is high energy-saving metal halide , and the ancillary buildings and commonly is equipped with fluorescent T5 series light with electronic ballasts and energy-saving lThe liquid sugar room and inject room a

30、re equipped with water lighting and the sugar storage room is set with proof lighting. emergency lighting and evacuation indicator nickel-cadmium shouldbehe ion,closedstairways,corridors,visit andpublicThe in the main plant can be centralized switched and according to the total section or production

31、 line, also these s can independent centralized controlled as each sections such as injection packingerdistrict,auxiliaryareaandwarehouseThe local control light is switched he living rooms, office area, and part of the plant is used infrared automatic time control switch or control switch, which has

32、 good energy-saving effect.Plant outdoor lighting uses garden lights with color improved sodium or energy-saving s which can be switched by guard-controlled or optical switches. In addition, the building roof and wall are mounted with er lights as the night lighting for roadsand loading orunloading

33、cargo. canbemoreenergytsolarlightsareusedforpart ofthepark2.3ThedomesticwaterThewaterresourceisfromtheHengshanroadandWeiyiroadwatersupplyoutsidetheplant,thedesigntotalvolumeis1472tonsperThegreywaterreusesystemisirrigationandToiletheprojectforthegreenThedomestichotwaterhebeveragebuildingcenter6ingRep

34、ortofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage withsolarenergycollectorsastheadditionalauxiliaryheatsource.Theenergyhotwaterismainlyresponsiblefortheshowerinlockerroom,hotsupplyfortoiletandthearearequiredforwashingheingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage withsolarenergycollectorsas

35、theadditionalauxiliaryheatsource.Theenergyhotwaterismainlyresponsiblefortheshowerinlockerroom,hotsupplyfortoiletandthearearequiredforwashingheofficeingsing is a quality rance and optimization ssasitstAll systems eractively and according to ent under fullrangeofexpectedoperatingconditions.TheContract

36、orshalltsystems are fully ed t ing is ashisThe Owners Project Requirements (OPR) ed Coca Cola Beverage requirementsLuohe. Mechanical, electrical and edUtilizinghighefficiencyHVACequipment,groundsourceheatpump UtilizingnaturallightingcontrolsUtilizingforsolarenergycollectorforhotwatersystemandgreywat

37、er AchieveLEEDGoldCreateal,innovativebuildingdemonstratingenergyand sustainable strategies ay be employed The riseation was utilized throughout the project for ingrelatedactivities,seeasAppendixFollowing the OPR development, Architecture & Engineering provided Basis of Design . The BOD ation of the

38、thought ses amptions behind design s to meet owners The BOD systems, conditions and methods chosen to conform to the OPR. OPR and BOD ation is included in Appendix B.A design review was conducted by the CxA of the s in September 2010. Design review comments by the CxA distributed to the design team

39、for response o 7ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage s as needed. Complete design Appendixation is located A requirements for s to detail the ing Plan was developed for the project and isingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage s as needed. Complete design Appendixati

40、on is located A requirements for s to detail the ing Plan was developed for the project and is included sand thus inform the contractors of their roles An on-ing kickoff meeting was conducted. This the Commis ing plan ing Authority, eral contractor, s were reviewed and contractor roles responsibilit

41、ies were detailed. Several other on-site meetings were as construction progressed to address the related ing s and Equipment submittals were provided by the construction team for edequipmentandsystems.ingAuthorityreviewedsubmittals to t the equipment met the design and requirements discussed in the

42、s, the OPR and Submittal review comments were distributed to the commis response or clarification as needed. Submittal reviewincludedinAppendixing team ation Prefunctional and start-up checklists (PFATs) were by based contractors submittals and manufacturers procedures. PFATs the manufacturers start

43、up requirements and good . They provide a means what the startup normallydoesduringathoroughstartupFunctional test procedures were also developed by manipulating the systems and controls in order to test the operation of equipment through each mode and how they respond to different within ode. Tests

44、 were designed to prove correct equipment usingsystem changesand t will most closely mimic anenduserwoulddowhileoperatingtheThe contractors completed the PFATs and forward to authorityforreviewandtthesystemswerereadyfortesting. Equipment start-up and site testing began in April of 2011 and 8ingRepor

45、tofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage substantially completed by July 2011. Site testing involved the participation of the CxA, installing contractors and the general contractor as appropriate. Completed PFATs are located in Appendix D.Site work involved spot checking the PFAT results and c

46、ompleting functional rance tests (FAT).ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage substantially completed by July 2011. Site testing involved the participation of the CxA, installing contractors and the general contractor as appropriate. Completed PFATs are located in Appendix D.Site wor

47、k involved spot checking the PFAT results and completing functional rance tests (FAT). Visual inspections and some were performed to spot checkthePFAT results. To ensure properair as set in accordance with the plans and mechanical schedules the witnessed some testing, adjusting and balancing plished

48、 by TABcontractor. FAT were completed by the team manipulating the andsystems through the useof the controlsystem with CxAof authority confirming proper equipment operation. Set s, parameters schedules were changed to see the equipment operating in all modes. Completed Functional ation is located in

49、 Operations and Maequipment and systems by Authority also reviewed the staff received training on the appropriate contractors. ation for ing and them to be complete with only a few corrections noted. Training ationisincludedinAppendixingThe design reviews, submittals reviews, prefunctional checklist

50、s checking and functional testing resulted in observations deficiencies or t require addressing or Some throughouttheidentified and resolution activities or ingsincludedthe(1)Refrigeratorwaterby-When one of the refrigerators is stopped, corresponding valve should be closed,otherwise,coldenergywilllo

51、se.Coldwaterby-passproblemshouldbe (2)Coolingwaterandchillingumpby-Whenoneofthepumpsisstopped,correspondingvalveshouldbeclosed, otherwise, cold energy will lose. Water by-pass should be avoided.(3)PartialloadThe control performance of air-conditioning is poor optimizedoperationshouldbeartial load. 9

52、ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage (4)NaturalanyregionsinanytimeisTheoperationshouldimprovetheautomaticcontrol(5)AiroutputDuringthetesting,partialingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage (4)NaturalanyregionsinanytimeisTheoperationshouldimprovetheautomaticcontrol(5)A

53、iroutputDuringthetesting,partialloadcauseairoutputdistributionuneven. (6)Leakage of air handing units from testing holeWe t air-conditioning pipe exist leakage during the testing. shouldenhancetheairtightnessofairhandingunitsfromtestingAs a result of identifying and resolving es and following ing s

54、e for the Swire Coca Cola Beverage project yielded a properly tuned, fully functional facility ationandand occupants can expect from the gold certification include: The benefits the building ing s and equipment performance, reliability, reduced operational costs and enancetimeandmendationsandFutureT

55、hough the on-site investigation , all the systems included ground heat pump, solar hot water system, lighting system and rainwater systemareitionsandheproperAlso there are a few problems by the investigation, Such as poor management, chiller water or cooling water by-pass and so on.When the refriger

56、ators and pumps partial running, we should avoid water by-pass from other ceased refrigerators and pumps.temperature of the each room uniform.At the time of writing this report there a few es and arestillawaitingresolution,thoseAdequate enance procedures should be used and followed for HVAC, Lightin

57、g and solar energy collectors for hot water, grey water and equipment to diagnose es before they result in major repairs required.Astheequipmentages,esevenmoreThe existing mends the egrates the new o ive enance program, develop a new program or the oflocalcontractorstoprovidea servicecontract tocove

58、renanceactivities. TheCxAwillprovideaSystemsManualtotheowner which provides information regarding enance procedures ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverageingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverage ervals as well as ongoing ing s. The CxA conduct a building operations revi

59、ew within 10 months of completion. The review may include occupant and erviews questionnaires,selectedfunctionaltestingorsystem operationalIesidentifiedduringthebuildingoperationsreviewwilledcorrectiveactionsingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverageCo., Luohe4. 1GeneralA. Carry out all

60、sary testing and ing comprising submittal, tests at makers works, site tests during ingReportofBuildingEnergySystemofSwireCocaColaBeverageCo., Luohe4. 1GeneralA. Carry out all sary testing and ing comprising submittal, tests at makers works, site tests during ing and acceptance ation work, training


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