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1、材料微結構分析方法(0910年度第一學期)授課人:董闖1教材電子顯微分析 章曉中著 晶體學中的對稱群 王仁卉,郭可信著 科學出版社 1990.10 可參考電子顯微學(包括掃描及透射)、X光晶體學、X光衍射等方面的書籍2Reference books:“電子衍射圖在晶體學中的應用” 郭可信 葉恒強 吳玉琨著 科學出版社 1983“高分辨電子顯微學在固體科學中的應用”郭可信 葉恒強編著科學出版社1985“高空間分辨分析電子顯微學” 朱靜 葉恒強 王仁卉等編著科學出版社 1987“電子衍射物理教程” 王蓉著冶金工業(yè)出版社 2002 北京“電子衍襯分析原理與圖譜” 黃效瑛 侯耀永 李理著 山東科學技術

2、出版社 2000 “電子顯微鏡圖像分析原理與應用” 黃孝瑛著 宇航出版社 1989.9 “Electron microscopy of thin crystals” edited by M.A. Hirsch et al. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Huntington 1965“Transmission Electron Microscopy - Basics by D.B.Williams and C.B.Carter3Reference books:“Transmission electron microscopy- Physics of imag

3、e formation and microanalysis”, Edited by L. Reimer Springer-Verlag 1980“Practical electron microscopy in materials science”, Edited by J.W. Edington Philips Technical Library 1975“Modern diffraction and imaging techniques in material science” edited by S. Amelinkx et al., North-Holland Publishing C

4、o. Amsterdam 1978“Diffraction physics” edited by J. M. Cowley North-Holland Publishing Co. New York 1967“ Electron microscopy and analysis ” / Peter J. Goodhew, John Humphreys, Richard Beanland. Taylor & Francis, 2001. 4目錄第一章 微觀結構分析基本原理第二章 晶體結構及晶體學第三章 衍射及成像原理第四章 電子衍射譜的種類及應用第五章 X光衍射原理及粉末X光衍射5課程安排第三周9

5、月15號: 第一章 微觀結構分析基本原理第四周9月22號: 實驗一 金相分析 徐衛(wèi)平第五周9月29號: 實驗二 掃描電鏡 鄒龍江第七周10月13號:實驗三 電子探針 于鳳云第八周10月20號:第二章 晶體結構及晶體學1第九周10月27號:實驗四 X射線熒光光譜 史淑艷第十周11月 3號:實驗五 X射線衍射 侯曉多 第十一周11月10號:第二章 晶體結構及晶體學2第十二周11月17號:第二章 晶體結構及晶體學3第十三周11月24號:實驗六 透射電鏡 戚琳 李春艷第十四周12月 1號:第三章 衍射及成像原理1第十五周12月 8號:第三章 衍射及成像原理2第十六周12月15號:第四章 電子衍射譜的種

6、類及應用1第十七周12月22號:第四章 電子衍射譜的種類及應用2第十八周12月29號:第五章 X光衍射原理及粉末X光衍射總共理論課10次、實驗課6次。 每周二下午5-7節(jié),研究生教學大樓104房間,3-18周6第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、 微觀結構分析基本原理用載能粒子作為入射束轟擊樣品,在與樣品相互作用后便帶有樣品的結構信息,分為吸收和發(fā)射光譜。所用波長應該與要分析的結構細節(jié)相應,例如要想分析原子排列,必須用波長接近或小于原子間距的入射束。電子、光子和中子是最常見的束源。入射束出射束物質(zhì)7第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、 電子與物質(zhì)相互作用:透射電鏡掃描電鏡8第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、

7、電子與物質(zhì)相互作用:掃描電鏡9第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、 電子與物質(zhì)相互作用:1、彈性相互作用(DEDl=0):入射電子在原子的庫侖場作用下改變方向而無能量變化,產(chǎn)生衍射和成象與核外電子云作用的散射角0.2,可形成BRAGG衍射TEM: structure, morphology, composition);The scattering of an electron is described as elastic if a negligible amount of energy is lost by the primary electron in the process. The dire

8、ction of the electron may be altered, but its energy remains essentially the same. 10原始鑄鋁材顯微結構的明場像波紋襯度所穿過的晶界在波紋襯度所穿過的晶界處的選區(qū)電子衍射圖,揭示出小角晶界的特征。11第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、 電子與物質(zhì)相互作用:1、彈性相互作用(DEDl=0):與核作用為大角散射,為primary back scattered electrons SEM: morphology, composition。鑄態(tài)合金Al72.5Fe14.5Ni13 的掃描電鏡形貌,圖中D(灰色)和H (淺灰

9、色)分別代表十次準晶D-Al72.6Fe14.6Ni12.8和Al5FeNi六角相(Al5Co2型),D相中存在少量黑色相,其結構尚未確定,能譜測得的成分為Al77Fe5.5Ni17.5.(at.%)A primary electron is usually a high energy electron which starts outside the crystal (e.g. in the beam of an electron microscope). It may be elastically scattered or may excite various processes in t

10、he crystal by being inelastically scattered. 12第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、 電子與物質(zhì)相互作用:2、 非彈性相互作用(DE0):入射(primary e)電子不僅改變方向,而且與物質(zhì)交換能量,產(chǎn)生熱、光、X射線及二次電子發(fā)射等等,主要用于分析樣品的成分及電子結構。(1) phonon scattering (D-W factor):抵消高角衍射A phonon is a quantum of lattice vibrational energy in a crystal. Phonons are the particle-type manife

11、station of thermal energy waves in solids.13第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、 電子與物質(zhì)相互作用:2、 非彈性相互作用(DE0):入射(primary e)電子不僅改變方向,而且與物質(zhì)交換能量,產(chǎn)生熱、光、X射線及二次電子發(fā)射等等,主要用于分析樣品的成分及電子結構。(2) plasmon: Coulomb forces between fast e and e cloud causes collective oscillationA plasmon is the quantum associated with waves in the conducti

12、on band (collective oscillations of many electrons). The energy associated with a plasmon is in the range 10 - 30eV for most materials.14第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、 電子與物質(zhì)相互作用:2、 非彈性相互作用(DE0):(3) single e scattering: transfer of E to e in the cloud from a fast e.即電離。情形1:ejection of valence e (2nd e with low E, t

13、opography) SEMSecondary electrons of various types can be emitted from a solid following its bombardment with primary electrons. It arises as a result of the interaction of a primary electron with a specimen. In principle the term refers to all electrons emitted from a specimen after it has been bom

14、barded with primary electrons, X-rays or other radiation. In practice the phrase most commonly refers to low-energy electrons (kinetic energy less than 50eV) emitted from the specimen in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Due to their low energy, 5eV, only secondaries that are very near the surfa

15、ce (10nm) can exit the sample and be examined. 15轟擊表面熔化區(qū)內(nèi)的微觀典型形貌A. 火山坑狀“熔孔” B. 顆粒狀熔體轟擊試樣截面近表層腐蝕后的高倍電子掃描形貌二次電子像16第一章微觀結構分析基本原理一、 電子與物質(zhì)相互作用:2、 非彈性相互作用(DE0):(3) 電離, 情形2:ejection of inner shell e EELS17(3) 電離, 情形3: ejection/promotion of inner shell e + a higher level e falling ValenceL3L2L1Kefree eKa2特征

16、X射線Auger eK激發(fā)態(tài) 發(fā)射K光子(重元素)平均自由程mm 發(fā)射俄歇電子(輕元素) 平均自由程,表面幾層原子 Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-rays (EDAX)Wave length Dispersive Analysis of X-rays (Electron Microprobe)Auger spectroscopy18AluminiumSymbol:AlMetallic element with atomic number 13 and density 2,700 kg m-3. Its electronic configuration is 1

17、s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1and it is therefore 3-valent.K1s (1 the principal quantum number)L12sL2, L32pM13sM2, M33pM4, M53d etc.19Electronic configuration of an Al atom 3s2 3p120Electronic configuration of an Al atom 21plasmon 等離子體振蕩或振元22An incoming electron knocks out a valence electron23An incoming electr

18、on knocks out an L1-shell electron24An incoming electron knocks out an L1-shell electron25An incoming electron knocks out an L23-shell electron26An incoming electron knocks out a K-shell electron27Auger electron emission28An incoming electron knocks out a K-shell electron29Filling the vacancy with a

19、n L1 electron 30Emitting an L23 Auger electron31Auger electron emission32Auger electron emission33Auger electron emissionAuger electronAn Auger electron has characteristic energy related to the electronic transitions within the atom which have caused it to be emitted. Emission of an Auger electron i

20、s an alternative to the emission of a characteristic X-ray. The energy of an Auger electron, EA, is given by EA = E1 - E2 - E3, where E1 = E with inner-shell vacancy, E2 = E with outer-shell vacancy, E3 = binding energy of emitted e34Utilization of Auger electronAuger Electrons have a characteristic

21、 energy, unique to each element from which it was emitted from. These electrons are collected and sorted according to energy to give compositional information about the specimen. Since Auger Electrons have relatively low energy they are only emitted from the bulk specimen from a depth of 3 atomic la

22、yers 35Characteristic X-ray emission36Characteristic X-ray emission37Characteristic X-ray emission38Utilization of characteristic X-rayX-rays or Light emitted from the atom will have a characteristic energy which is unique to the element from which it originated. These signals are collected and sort

23、ed according to energy (EDAX) or wavelength (EPMA). 成分單色光源39Characteristic X-ray emissionCharacteristic X-rayA characteristic X-ray can be emitted from an excited atom when an outer-shell (e.g. L) electron jumps in to fill an inner-shell (e.g. K) vacancy. It has an energy characteristic of the atom

24、and can therefore be used for analytical purposes. Its energy is the difference between the energies of the atom with an inner-shell vacancy and the same atom with an outer-shell vacancy. 40一、 分析方法的種類及功能1、 按照束源分類:(1) 電子顯微術:同時獲得結構(衍射)、形貌(成象)和成分(X光能譜和波譜、電子能量損失譜、俄歇電子譜等)信息;電子束的波長很小,可覆蓋從微觀到宏觀的所有結構尺度;高分辨率

25、。缺點主要是電子穿透能力弱(穿透能力為十分之一微米量級),帶來樣品制備和實驗等方面的困難;電子與物質(zhì)的作用十分強烈,致使結果分析較復雜。第一章微觀結構分析基本原理透射電鏡掃描電鏡俄歇譜儀電子探針41一、 分析方法的種類及功能(2) X光衍射:屬于利用光子進行物質(zhì)分析的一種。X光的波長在0.01 0.1nm范圍,正適合于分析物質(zhì)的原子結構。X光與被輻射物質(zhì)的電子云相互作用,但相互作用弱于電子束,穿透能力在多數(shù)金屬里達數(shù)十個微米測量結果精確,實驗簡便,最常用的有效分析手段。缺點是只能給出平均的結構信息, 與輕原子作用很弱,不適于研究生物樣品;不適合成像。第一章微觀結構分析基本原理X 光衍射儀42一

26、、 分析方法的種類及功能第一章微觀結構分析基本原理X-ray microscope? With soft x rays, we have to use diffraction rather than refraction for focusing. Kodak Introduces new Digital X-Ray Module for MultimodalImaging of Small AnimalsROCHESTER, NY November 16, 2004 43一、 分析方法的種類及功能(3) 中子衍射:沒有電荷,因此直接與原子核和原子磁矩作用,相互作用比起電子和X光要弱很多。因此

27、中子衍射的第一個優(yōu)點是強的穿透能力,可研究厘米量級的塊狀樣品,避免了多重散射,樣品的表面效應可忽略,數(shù)據(jù)處理變得很簡便(衍射峰為高斯分部)。第二個優(yōu)點是中子對不同種類的原子很敏感,可進行同位素互換、磁場影響等研究。中子衍射的缺點與X光衍射類似,并且費用高昂,實驗場所只限于有原子反應堆的地方。隨著核技術的發(fā)展,中子衍射在法國、美國等已成為一種廣泛應用的研究手段。第一章微觀結構分析基本原理A prototype microscope that uses neutrons instead of light to see magnified images has been demonstrated a

28、t the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 44一、 分析方法的種類及功能2、按照物質(zhì)結構的分析模式分類:晶體結構(各類衍射儀diffractometers);成像(透射電鏡、掃描電鏡等microscopes);成分(X光能譜和波譜、電子能量損失譜、俄歇電子譜等spectroscopes);綜合類(分析型電鏡)。 第一章微觀結構分析基本原理45其它分析方法:激光第一章微觀結構分析基本原理Laser Diffractometer is a preferred method for particle size analysis of nebulized aerosols, size range 0.1 to 2000m .Laser microscope46第一章微觀結構分析基本原理第一代: 光學顯微鏡 1830年代后期為施萊德(M. Schleide)和施曼(T. Schmann)所發(fā)明;它


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