1、FebruaryHoliday FebruaryHoliday HappyChineseNewConversationRob:Hi,Joe!Ihavesomethingforyou. Joe: Hey, Rob. Is it some work?Rob:No.Ihaveagiftforyou! Joe: A gift? Why?Rob:YesterdaywasChineseNewYearsDay.HappyChineseNewYear!Heresared envelope for you!Joe:Aredenvelope.Rob:Youdontknowmuchaboutthisholiday.
2、 Joe: I dont! Im sorry.ConversationRob:RedenvelopesareatraditionalgiftatChineseNewYear. Joe: So people give them to their friends?Rob: Most people dont. Family members give red envelopes. Parents give them to their young children.Joe:Soyourparentsdontgiveyouaredenvelopeanymore? Rob: No, Im not a chi
3、ld anymore. I have a job now.ConversationJoe:Whyare yougivingared envelopeto Rob:Redenvelopesarealsoforfun.Imgivingthemtofriendsattheoffice. Joe: But thats not the custom?Rob:No.Sowhatsinsidearedenvelope?Canyouguess? Joe: Money? Am I right?Joe:Thanks,Rob.HappyChineseNewYear! Rob: Happy Year of the S
4、nake!Key holidayChristmasismyfavoritememberThispartyis justforourfamily youngToriKey holidayChristmasismyfavoritememberThispartyis justforourfamily youngToriisyoung.Sheisonly7yearsinsideNoletter was insidethe snakePetersawsomesnakesattheListentomp3andwritedownthe Holiday: Now a holiday is a time to
5、something special. Chinese is a holiday. isa Member: So lets use “member” in some sentences. Hannahs family members will today. Or, those people are members of the Young:Lukeisyoungbuthecan Inside: Now if something is inside an envelope, that means you need to Snake:Nowasnakeisan.Asnakedoesnthaveor
6、Class2. Fillintheblank Rob has a Chinese New Year gfor Joe. Its a red e! Joe doesnt know much about the h. So Rob tells him about red envelopes. Family give red envelopes. Pgive them to their ychildren.There is money ithe envelopes. What a great gift! Happy Year of the S3. Read/Retelltheconversation
7、s朗讀/FebruaryFebruaryHoliday IIConversationSusie:Hi,Ken.DidRobgiveyouaredenvelope? Ken: Yes, he did. Did you get one, too?Susie:Yes!RobissoKen:Iknow.Hewantedtoshareoneofhisculturestraditionswithus. Susie: But Lunar NewYear isnt just part of Chinese culture.Ken:ItsSusie:No.Ijust didastoryaboutLunarNew
8、ConversationKen:TellmeaboutyourSusie:InVietnam,peoplegiveredenvelopestocelebrateLunarNewYear,too. Ken: Thats interesting.Susie:Also,thefirstvisitorofthenewyearisveryimportantinVietnam. Ken: Why is that?Susie: They believe if the first visitor is nice, their family will have good luck wholeKen:Thenyo
9、ushouldinviteagoodpersontobeyourfirst ConversationSusie:PeopleinKoreaalsocelebrateLunarNewYear. Ken: How do they celebrate?Susie:TheyplayboardKen:Really!Thatsfun.WhatelsedotheySusie: Many people travel to the east coast of Korea. They like to see the first sunrise of the new year.Ken:Thatsagoodwayto
10、startanewKey traditionInAmerica,abigmealisanimportantThanksgivinglunarOnthelunarcalendar,todayisaKey traditionInAmerica,abigmealisanimportantThanksgivinglunarOnthelunarcalendar,todayisabelieveWhatdo youbelieveabout this IcanspendtimewithyouonFriday.IhavethewholedaycoastLetsgotothecoastonSaturday.Wec
11、anplayontheListentomp3andwritedownthe Tradition: Now a tradition is something that you . havetraditions.AcustomaLunar: A lunar calendar follows .AndthatswhyLunarNewYear, is on a every Believe:Icanalsosay,TimothybelievesWhole: When we say whole, we mean , or ofsomething. We can say, Carey baked a cak
12、e. She the whole cake to the party. We can also say something like this: Julie was taking the whole time Coast: Now the coast is where the ocean, or the sea . I like togo to the coast, because there are often ClassFillintheblank Susie tells Ken about LNew Year tin other Asian cultures. What do peopl
13、e in the years Vietnam babout the first vof the year? The visitor determines the fs luck for the wyear! In Korea, people visit the east cto see the years first sunrise!3. Read/Retelltheconversations朗讀/FebruarySpecialGiftsforFebruarySpecialGiftsforSpecialPeopleConversationSusie:Hi,Megan!Didyougetthee
14、mailaboutMariasbabyshower? Megan: Yes!But who is Maria?Susie:Mariaisourweatherreporter.HerbabygirlwasborntwoweeksMegan:Goodforher!IlovebabySusie: Great! Come to Marias shower. You can meet more people from Megan:OK,Icancome!Icanmeetthebaby! Susie: Yes! Thats great!ConversationMegan:Whatkindofgiftcan
15、Ibring?Didyou alreadybuyathe Susie: Yes, I bought a baby blanket! Maria likes the store Baby blanket there.Megan:Whatelsedoesshewant?Doyouknow? Susie: Yes. Maria has a list of things. Here it is. Megan: Wow! Maria wants many things!Susie:BabiesneedmanyConversationMegan:IsMariastayinghomewithherbaby?
16、 Susie:Yes.Sheisexcited!Shesamomnow!IMegan:Great!OK,letsseeMariawantsbabyclothes,socksandhats. Susie: But people already bought those things.Megan:Isee.Oh,sheneedsa babytowel.Isthatagood Susie:Sure!Babiesneedbaths!Mariaalsowantsababycombandbrush. Megan: Those are good gifts, too. Thanks, Susie!Key b
17、ornKellywas bornin 1999.Nowsheis14 years alreadyImnothungry.IalreadyKey bornKellywas bornin 1999.Nowsheis14 years alreadyImnothungry.IalreadyhadbathDanieltakesabathbeforecombDoyou have a comb? Ineed one formybrushThereisabrushinthebathroom.YoucanuseListentomp3andwritedownthe Born:Whenababyisborn,tha
18、tisthedaythebabycomesintotheWhen you ask someone “When ?” you are asking about . Sometimes when we talk about the famous people, we say “This famous person was born Already: For example, Harold already lunch, so he wont eat with us. We can say “Max already , now he can play Bath: Some people prefer
19、to take baths over Comb: You can use a comb to make your hair Brush: You also use a brush 我是1991 年/夏天/7 月10 日出生Fillintheblank Maria is the weather rat the TV station. Her baby girl was bweeks ago. Susie aboughtagiftforthebaby.Meganisthinking aboutagift. She can buy a baby towel. All babies need b! O
20、r she can buy a baby and b. Those are also good g3. Read/Retelltheconversations朗讀/FebruarySpecialFebruarySpecialGiftsforSpecialPeopleConversationJoe:Hey,Ken.Itsalmosttimeforlunch.Doyouwanttoeattogether? Ken: Thanks, Joe, but I dont have time today.Joe:NoKen: I have to go to the mall during lunch. To
21、day is Valentines Day, Joe:SoyouforgottobuyagiftforyourKen:Yes.Hey,dontlaughatme.LotsofguysforgetbirthdaysorConversationJoe:Iknow.IalmostforgotaboutValentinesDaylastyear! Ken: What did you do?Joe:Iwentshoppingduringmylunchbreak! Ken: What did you buy for your girlfriend?Joe:Iboughtheradozenredrosesa
22、taflowershop. Ken: How much did those cost?Joe:Theycost$80!RosesareveryexpensiveonValentinesDay! Ken: Oh, no! Maybe I wont buy flowers then!ConversationJoe:Youdonthavetospendalotofmoney.Youcanbuyacheapergift. Ken: Like what?Joe:ChocolateisagoodValentinesDayand I Ken:OrIcouldbuymygirlfriendanecklace.
23、Thosearentalwaysexpensive. Joe: Thats true.Ken:SowhatdidyoubuyforyourgirlfriendthisJoe:Nothing!ShebrokeupwithmewhenIalmostforgotValentinesDaylastKey mallLetsgotothemall.IneedtobuysomeKey mallLetsgotothemall.IneedtobuysomeJessicaandherboyfriendhadaspecialdinneronValentinesroseThoseyellowrosesarebeaut
24、ifulflowershopHazelboughtsomepinkflowersattheflowerchocolate Wealwayshavechocolateinthehouse.WelikesweetListentomp3andwritedownthe Mall:Themallisagreatplacetoholiday.Itisaholidayto Rose: A rose is a kind of flower that many times is .Whenpeoplethinkofa red rose, they think of Helens istherose.Watcho
25、ut!RoseshaveFlowershop:aflowershopisasmallstorewhereyou Chocolate:NowchocolateissomethingClass2. Fillintheblank Today is V, and Ken f buyagiftforhisgirlfriend.Sohe will go to the mduring lunch. Maybe Ken can buy his girlfriend some at a f. Or maybe he can buy some c.Heshould 3. Read/Retelltheconvers
26、ations朗讀/MarchResolutionsWorthKeeping2013WhatMarchResolutionsWorthKeeping2013WhatNewYearsresolutionsdodoctorssuggestyouThe start of a new year brings hope - hope for better health, more happiness and greater success. New Years resolutions are a great way to pursue things by eliminating bad habits an
27、d creating good ones. But resolutions should you choose? According to a survey of doctors, here are some GetExercise is one of the most popular New Years resolutions - and one of the healthiest.Exercisehelpsprevent disease,improves memory,relievesstress andhelps you live longer. The U.S Centers for
28、Disease Control and Prevention recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week. Plan regular times for activities like walking, swimming, biking or playing sports. And dont hesitate to make changes-even takingthe stairs insteadof the elevatormakes a huge SleepatleastsevenhourseachSleep isnt a waste of time; it lowers blood pressure, reduces stress strengthens your immune system. And lack of sleep increases your risk of memory problems, headaches, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.Key resolutionTomsresolutionstogiveupdrinkingsodalastedtwoeliminateTheorganizationse
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