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1、電力翻譯常用技巧直譯法轉譯法省譯法增譯法正反表達法分譯法合譯法零翻譯詞序調(diào)整法重復法Solar energy seems to offer more hope than any other source of energy. 太陽能似乎比其它能源更有前途。The factors which are likely to influence investment spending do not stop here. 可能影響投資開支的因素并不止這些。轉譯法-詞義的轉化The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous ris

2、e in labor productivity.使用電子計算機可以大大提高勞動生產(chǎn)率。(n./v.)If extremely low-cost power ever to become available from large nuclear power plants, electrolytic hydrogen (電解氫) would become competitive. 如果能從大型核電站獲得成本極低的電力,電解氫就會有更強的競爭力。(adj./v.)轉譯法-詞性的轉化(-動詞)The electric current flows through the circuit with the

3、 switch on. 如果開關接通,電流就流過電路。(adv./v.)The volume of a gas becomes smaller when the pressure upon it is increased.當作用在氣體上的壓力增大時,氣體的體積就縮小。(prep./v.)轉譯法-詞性的轉化(-動詞)Boiling point is defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure is equal to that of the atmosphere. 沸點的定義就是蒸汽的氣壓等于大氣壓時的溫度。(v./n.)The r

4、adioactivity of the new element is several million times stronger than that of uranium (鈾).這種新元素的放射性比鈾的放射性要強幾百萬倍。(pronoun/n.)轉譯法-詞性的轉化(-名詞)The more carbon the steel contains, the harder and stronger it is. 鋼的碳含量越高,強度和硬度就越大。(adj./n.)Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world and it

5、 is very chemically active.氧是物質(zhì)世界的重要元素之一,其化學性能很活躍。(adv./n.)轉譯法-詞性的轉化(-名詞)Gene mutation (基因突變) is of great importance in breeding new varieties. 在新品種的培育方面,基因突變是非常重要的。(n./adj.)This man-machine system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation.這種人機系統(tǒng)的主要特點是操作簡單。(adv./adj.)Light waves differ

6、 in frequency just as sound waves do. 同聲波一樣,光波也有不同的頻率。(v./adj.)轉譯法-詞性的轉化(-形容詞)In case of use without conditioning the electrode, frequent calibrations (校準) are required. 如果在使用前沒有調(diào)節(jié)電極,則需要經(jīng)常校準。(adj./adv.)Rapid evaporation tends to make the steam wet.快速蒸發(fā)往往使蒸汽的濕度加大。(v./adv.)Quasi-stars were discovered

7、in 1963 as a result of an effort to overcome the shortcomings of radio telescopes. 類星體是1963年發(fā)現(xiàn)的,是人們努力克服射電望遠鏡的缺點所取得的一項成果。(v./adj.)轉譯法-詞性的轉化(-副詞)Boiling point is defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure is equal to that of the atmosphere. 沸點的定義就是蒸汽的氣壓等于大氣壓時的溫度。 The more carbon the steel

8、contains, the harder and stronger it is. 鋼的碳含量越高,強度和硬度就越大。 The largest power stations, being the most efficient, run all the time at full load. 一些最大的發(fā)電廠,因為它們效率高,總是滿負荷運行。轉譯法-句子成分Vibrating objects produce sound waves, each vibration producing one sound wave. 振動著的物體產(chǎn)生聲波,每一次振動產(chǎn)生一個聲波。(簡單句-聯(lián)合復句)The turbin

9、es drive the dynamos which generate the electricity.渦輪機帶動發(fā)電機發(fā)電。(復合句-簡單句)The molecules exert forces upon each other, which depend upon the distance between them. 分子間都存在著力的作用,該力的大小取決于他們之間的距離。(復合句-聯(lián)合復句)轉譯法-句子結構Friction can be reduced and the life of the machine can be prolonged by lubrication. 潤滑能減少摩擦,

10、延長機器壽命。(被動-主動)It makes no difference whether such a shelter is built of stones or wood.這種棚子使用石頭砌的還是用木頭建的都一樣。(否定-肯定)Although the power plant has a long history, most of the equipments are relatively new. 這個電廠雖然歷史悠久,但大部分設備并不陳舊。(否定-肯定)轉譯法-表達方式A wire lengthens while it is heated. 金屬絲受熱則伸長。(pronoun subje

11、ctive)Electrical leakage will cause a fire, hence you must take good care of it.漏電會引起火災,因此必須多加注意。(pronoun object)Different machines differ in their mechanical properties. 不同的設備具有不同的機械性能。(possessive pronoun attribute)省譯法-語法角度(-代詞)There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity an

12、d the ability to be magnetized. 有些金屬具有導電能力和磁化能力。(relative pronoun)The advantage of rolling bearing is that they cause less friction. 滾珠軸承的優(yōu)點是它產(chǎn)生的摩擦力較小。(conjunction)The volume of a given weight of gas varies directly with the absolute temper, provided the pressure does not change. 壓力不變,一定重量的氣體的體積與絕對溫

13、度成正比。(conjunction)省譯法-語法角度(-連詞)The critical temperature is different for different kinds of steel. 不同種類的鋼,臨界溫度各不相同。Whenever a current flows through a resistance, a potential difference exists at the two ends of the resistance.電流通過電阻時,電阻的兩端就有電勢差。The unit of measurement of the pressure of water is kil

14、ogram.水壓的計量單位是公斤。省譯法-語法角度(-介詞)Stainless steels possess good hardness and high strength. 不銹鋼硬度大、強度高。This laser beam covers a very narrow range of frequencies.這一激光束的頻率范圍很窄。省譯法-語法角度(-動詞)The resistance of a conductor is closely related with its length, its cross sectional area, and the material of which

15、 it is made. 導體的電阻與其長度、截面積和制造材料密切相關。The greater the resistance of a wire, the less electric current will pass through it under the same pressure.在電壓相同的情況下,導線的電阻越大,流過的電流就越小。省譯法-語法角度(-冠詞)There exist neither perfect insulators nor perfect conductors. 既沒有理想的絕緣體,也沒有理想的導體。It is a pity that the result of t

16、his test is not satisfactory.遺憾的是,這次試驗的結果不盡人意。Scientists have proved it to be true that the heat get from coal and oil originally from the sun.科學家已經(jīng)證實,我們從煤和石油中得到的熱都來源與太陽。省譯法-語法角度(-引導詞)The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator or dynamo. 利用發(fā)電機可以把機械能轉變成電能

17、。Insulator in reality conduct electricity but, nevertheless, their resistance is very high.絕緣體實際上也導電,但其電阻很高。英語中有些同義詞或近義詞往往可以連用,或者表示強調(diào),使意思更加明確;或者表示一個名稱的不同說法。在英譯漢時,往往省略其中一個詞語。省譯法-修辭角度The best conductor has the least resistance and poorest has the greatest. 最好的導體電阻最小,最差的導體電阻最大。In general, all the metal

18、s are good conductors, with silver the best and copper the second.一般來說,金屬都是良導體,其中以銀為最好,銅次之。With the development of modern electrical engineering, power can be transmitted to wherever it is needed. 隨著現(xiàn)代化電氣工程的發(fā)展,人們可以把電輸送到任何需要的地方。增譯法-詞語ballast car general goods station運渣車綜合貨運站 (v.)programmingcoding 程序設

19、計 編碼 (v.)增譯法-表達The cost of such a power plant is a relatively small portion of the total cost of the development.這樣一個發(fā)電站的修建費用僅占該開發(fā)工程總費用的一小部分。 (n.)Combine digital technology with advanced software, smaller and more powerful microprocessors, and you get something . 把數(shù)字技術與先進的軟件、體積更小且功能更強大的微處理器相結合, 你就可以

20、獲得。 (n.)增譯法-表達suspension insulatorstiff pistondynamic flip-flop懸掛式絕緣器剛性活塞動態(tài)觸發(fā)器增加符合漢語表達的“式”、“性”、“態(tài)”增譯法-表達For reasons the alternating current is more widely used than the direct current. 由于種種原因,交流電比直流電用得更廣泛。The frequency, wave length and speed of sound are closely related. 頻率、波長和聲速三者密切相關。增加概括性詞語增譯法-表達

21、Should a DC system be used, the losses in transmission would be very great. 如果使用直流系統(tǒng)的話, 輸電線路上的損耗就會很大。Were there no electric pressure in a conductor, the electron flow would not take place in it. 導體內(nèi)如果沒有電壓,便不會產(chǎn)生電子流動現(xiàn)象。Using a transformer, power at low voltage can be transformed into power at high vol

22、tage.如果使用變壓器,低壓電就能轉換成高壓電。增譯法-表達We made transistors by different means only to get the same effect. 我們用不同的方法制造晶體管,結果得到相同的效應。Many lathes are equipped with multistage speed gearboxes to get different speeds. 為了得到不同的速度,許多車床裝有多級變速齒輪箱。All magnets behave the same, be they large or small.所有磁體,無論大小,其性質(zhì)都一樣。增譯

23、法-表達We cannot be too careful in doing experiments. 我們做實驗要盡可能仔細。Not until mineral oil is cleaned and separated into different products can it be of use to man. 礦物油必須在清洗提煉后才可以使用。Ice is not dense as water and it therefore floats.冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。正反表達These experimental values agreed the theoretical valu

24、es within the accuracy of 1%. 這些實驗數(shù)值與理論值相符,誤差在 1%范圍內(nèi)。Mechanical seal and ball bearing may be left assembled unless it is necessary to service them. 機械密封和滾珠軸承若不需維修,就不必拆卸。There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of force.在壓力的作用下,任何材料都或多或少會變形。正反表達We cannot be too careful in do

25、ing experiments. 我們做實驗要盡可能仔細。Metals do not melt until heated to a definite temperature. 金屬加熱到一定溫度在會熔化。He has been studying electronics for no less than ten years.他一直研究電子學已長達十年之久。正反表達Stylus is essentially a voltmeter. 實質(zhì)上,觸筆是個電壓表。There are some partly mechanized versions of the process, however, in w

26、hich higher current and deposition rates can be used. 但是這種(焊接)方法有些已經(jīng)部分機械化了,所以能使用較強的電流和較高的焊著率。He spoke with understandable pride of the invention of the instrument.他談到那種儀器的發(fā)明時很自豪,這一點是可以理解的。分譯法Nutch filter has the advantage of simplicity of construction and operation. Nutch過濾器的優(yōu)點是:結構簡易,操作方便。When you t

27、urn a switch, you can easily operate lighting, heating or power-driven electrical devices. 旋動開關,就能毫不費力地啟動照明裝置,供熱裝置和電動裝置。For example, elasticity, resistance to rupture and abrasion, durability, rigidity and particularly mechanical stability are improved as a result of vulcanization.例如(橡膠)通過硫化處理,能提高彈性

28、,增強抗斷裂性與耐磨性,延長使用壽命,增加硬度,尤其是可以改善機械穩(wěn)定性。分譯法Tests for gas filters are properly carried out in the design stage and also on the complete filter. They are described in various documents published by bodies as the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Undertakers Labora

29、tory, and by manufacturers. 對于氣體過濾器,應在設計階段就進行適當試驗,還應對整個過濾系統(tǒng)進行試驗。試驗方法在某些機構(例如美國原子能委員會、英國原子能管理局、保險商實驗室等)所公布的文件中和一些制造商所發(fā)表的資料中均有描述。分譯法The resistance of any length of a conducting wire is easily measured by finding the potential difference in volts between its ends when a known current is flowing. 已知導線中的

30、電流,只要求出導線兩段電位差的伏特數(shù),就不難測出任何長度的導線的電阻。A diode place in a circuit acts like a valve, allowing current to flow in only one direction.電路中二極管的作用和閥門一樣,只允許電流朝一個方向流動。分譯法The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power. 單臺發(fā)電機的容量越來越大,目的就是滿足不斷增長的用電需求。S

31、cience and technology modernized, industry and agriculture will develop rapidly. 如果科學技術現(xiàn)代化了,工農(nóng)業(yè)就會迅速發(fā)展。The increase in water pressure with depth makes it difficult for a man to go very far below the surface.由于水壓隨深度增加而增加,使人們到水下極深處去變得困難。分譯法In power stations, coal or oil is burned and changed into elect

32、ricity, which is then sent over to homes and factories. 在發(fā)電站里,煤和油燃燒變成電,然后電被輸送至住家和工廠。The diode consists of a tungsten filament, which gives off electrons when it is heated, and a plate toward which the electrons migrate when the field is in the right direction. 二極管由一根鎢絲和一個極板組成,鎢絲受熱時釋放出電子,當電場方向為正時,這些電

33、子就移向極板。分譯法This plant is located in the southeast of Ji Lin Province. It is one of the largest power plant in the province. 該電廠位于吉林省東南部,是該省最大的電廠。It is apparent that the design engineer is a vital factor in the manufacturing process. 設計工程師顯然在制造過程中起著重要作用。The circulating water system of this power plant

34、 is a closed-cycle type of cooling system which consists of cooling tower, basin, pump house and supply/return pipelines.該電廠循環(huán)水系統(tǒng)是由冷卻塔、水池、泵房以及供水/回水管路組成的閉式循環(huán)冷卻系統(tǒng)。合譯法Use a transformer and power at low voltage can be changed into power at high voltage. 低電壓通過變壓器轉變?yōu)楦唠妷骸fter you shut down the machine, th

35、e turbine shaft should be put on turning gear. It will avoid any sagging in the shaft.停機后,應對汽輪機轉子進行盤車,避免轉子發(fā)生熱彎曲。Its transient voltage at breaking is low; then there is no need to have any special countermeasures in a load-side equipment. 它斷開時的暫態(tài)電壓很低,所以對負荷側設備不需采取任何專門的對應措施。合譯法Any substance is made up

36、of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. 任何物質(zhì),不論是固體、液體還是氣體,都由原子組成。This laser beam covers a very narrow range of frequencies. 這個激光束的頻率范圍很窄。音譯Hertz, bit, calorie, radar零翻譯數(shù)字、符號、代號、公式計算機指令、電子郵件地址首字母縮寫詞ISO standardISO標準,MBA programMBA課程 DNA, CPU表示某種概念、產(chǎn)品商標、型號等Band-Aid, Simmons, Xerox, Walkman, IPad 某種材料或產(chǎn)品的外形與某個字母形狀相似,該字母不用翻譯O ring, T-valve, U-turn零翻譯-移譯These waves, which are commonly called radio waves, travel with the velocity of light. 這些電波一般以光速傳播,它們通常被稱為無線電波。A gas occupies all of any container in which it is placed.氣體不管裝在什么容器里,都會把容器充滿。Current stops flowing as soon as we o


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