1、2021 THE U.S.消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料INTRODUCTION OFTRANSISTORSONAPIECEOFSILICONTHESIZEOFAQUARTER, Over the last year, with the world still gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, semiconductor-enabled technologies allowed us to remotely work, study,treat illness, order goods online, and stay connected. As mu
2、ch of the world shut down, semiconductors enabled the gears of the global economy, healthcare, and society writ large to continue spinning.And, critically, semiconductors helped doctors and scientists develop treatments and vaccinesto begin making the world healthy again. Without the semiconductors
3、that power the worlds most advanced supercomputers, for example, the historically rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines would not have been possible.While the semiconductor industry has achieved great successes in 2021, it also faces significant challenges. Chief among them is a widespread global s
4、emiconductor shortage. Unanticipated rising demand for semiconductors needed during the pandemic response, coupled with significant fluctuations in chip demand for other products such as cars, triggered a rippling supply-demandimbalance felt across the world. The semiconductor industry has worked di
5、ligently to increase production to address high demand, shipping moresemiconductors on a monthly basis than ever before by the middle of 2021, but most industry analysts expect the shortage to linger into 2022.The shortage increased awareness of the importance of Americas semiconductor supply chains
6、.Although geographic specialization in the global chip supply chain has enabled tremendous growth and innovation in the industry, vulnerabilities inthe supply chain have emerged in recent years. For example, in 2019, 100% of the worlds most advanced logic semiconductors (80% = long70%60%term model o
7、f full utilization50%40%30%20%10%0%2Q203Q204Q20The global semiconductor industry is planning accordingly to meet this projected market growth in the years ahead,through record levels of investment in manufacturing and R&D. For example, the global industry has invested in adding new fab capacity for
8、the medium and long-term to ensure that more fab capacity continues to be added to address the rise in demand for semiconductors. Besides increased fab capacity, another indicator the industry is addressing is the record-setting amounts of capital expenditure (capex) by the industry recently. Indust
9、ry capex in 2021 is forecast to reach close to $150 billion in 2021 and over $150 billion in 2022. Prior to 2021,the industry had never spent above $115 billion on annual capex. Long-term demand drivers for chips will not be able to be met through increased utilization alone.The shortage is a remind
10、er of the essential role semiconductors play in so many critical areas of society, including transportation. This trend will only continue as demand for electronics and connectivity grows. In the auto space, new vehicles increasingly rely on chips for fuel efficiency, safety, and other features. The
11、 expected growth in electric cars will only further this reliance. Inthe long term, as chips play an even bigger role in an ever-expanding arrayof products, global demand for chips will continue to rise.2021STATEOFTHEU.S.SEMICONDUCTORINDUSTRY|9消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料CHIPS FORAMERICA ACT/FABS ACTThe U.S. share of
12、 global semiconductor manufacturing capacity has eroded from 37%in 1990 to 12% today, mostly because other countries governments have invested ambitiously in chip manufacturing incentives and the U.S. government has not. Infact, three-quarters of the worlds chip manufacturing capacity is now concent
13、rated in East Asia, with China projected to command the largest share of global production by 2030, due to its governments massive investments in this sector.Meanwhile, federal investments in chip research have held flat as a share of GDP, while other countries have significantly ramped up research
14、investments.The dramatic decline in the U.S. share of global chip manufacturing, coupled with insufficient federal investmentsin semiconductor R&D, undermine our countrys long-term ability to manufacture, research, and design the advanced chips needed to support our economic recovery, power our mili
15、tary and critical infrastructure, create new high-paying jobs, reduce costsfor clean energy technologies, and drive innovations in the must-win technologies of tomorrow. For our country to succeed in the future, we must continue to lead the world in semiconductor technology.To address this challenge
16、, bipartisan legislation called the CHIPS for America Act was enacted in 2021. It authorizes investments in domestic chip manufacturing incentives andresearch initiatives, but funding must still be provided through congressional appropriations.Congress is also considering legislation called the FABS
17、 Act that would establish a semiconductor investment tax credit. The FABS Act should be expanded to include expenditures for both manufacturingand design to help strengthen the entire semiconductorecosystem.By funding the CHIPS for America Act and expanding and enacting the FABS Act, leaders in Wash
18、ington can usher in a historic resurgence of chipmanufacturing in America, strengthen our countrys most critical industries, boost domestic chip research and design, and help ensure the U.S. leads in crucial, chip-enabled technologies artificial intelligence, quantum computing, 5G/6Gcommunications,
19、and countless others. This resurgence will define Americas strength for decades to come.SHARE OF GLOBAL SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING 1990-2030E40%35%30%25%20%10%37%5%10%0%1990200020102020E2030E消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料THE GLOBALSEMICONDUCTOR MARKETOver the past three decades, the semiconductor industry has experien
20、ced rapid growth and delivered enormous economic impact. Chip performance and cost improvements made possible the evolution from mainframes to PCs in the 1990s, the web and online services in the 2000s, and the smartphone revolution in the 2010s. Indeed, these chip-enabled innovations have created i
21、ncredible economic benefits. For example, from 1995 to 2015, an estimated $3 trillion in global GDP has been directly attributed to semiconductor innovation, along with an additional $11 trillion in indirect impact. Semiconductors have become essential to our modern world, which is why long-term mar
22、ket demand for semiconductors remains strong. In the near-term, however, the COVID-19 pandemic and the global chip shortage present significant market challenges to the industry.While 2020 market forecasts fluctuated throughout the year due to demand uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the
23、global market actually increased in 2020, and the outlook for 2021 is very strong.Following weak sales of $412.3 billion in 2019, global sales in 2020 increased by 6.8 percent to $440.4 billion, due largely to demand growth spurred bythe COVID-19 pandemic. The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (W
24、STS) Semiconductor Market Forecast released in June 2021 projected worldwide semiconductor industry sales will increasesignificantly to $527 billion in 2021, an upward revision from its Fall 2020 forecast for 2021, due mainly to the continued strong demand growth in the overall market from 2020. In
25、2022, WSTSforecasts global sales will continue growing to $573 billion.GLOBALSEMICONDUCTORSALES($B)500450 400 350300250200 10050+6.8% 19/20000020304050607080920消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料SEMICONDUCTORDEMAND DRIVERSOver the next decade, further innovation in semiconductor technology will enable a host of transformati
26、ve technologies including 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous electric vehicles, and the internet of things (IoT). Indeed, long-term growth drivers for semiconductor demand are firmly in place. The relationshipbetween semiconductors and the markets they serve is truly symbiotic, as innovati
27、ons in semiconductors themselves help to spur further market demand and open upnew markets entirely. For example, successive generations of cellular technology have been made possible by advances in semiconductors, leading to the recentlyintroduced 5G. While demand drivers in the short-term experien
28、ced some unexpected shifts, brought on by societal changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in many ways these shifts have resulted in an overall increase in demand, as society has recognized and leaned on semiconductor-enabled technologies more than ever to make it through this unprecedented period.Cu
29、rrent end-use drivers destabilized by COVID-19 demand shock.In 2020, end-use sales of semiconductors experienced significant and unexpected shifts across almost all categories, as the impact of COVID-19 destabilized end-use demand drivers throughout 2020. Sales into some end-use categories, such as
30、computer, experienced significant increases, as COVID-19 spurred moreremote work and school. Other markets, such as automotive, experienced radical highs and lows throughout the year, but ultimately ended the year with negative annual growth. The first half of 2021 has seen strong end market sales a
31、cross the board.2020 DEMAND BY END-USEEnd-UseCategoryAnnualGrowthTotalValue ($B)Computer142.2Communication137.6Consumer-3.053.0Industrial8.252.9Automotive-0.350.1Government4.6消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料SEMICONDUCTOR DEMAND DRIVERS2020 TOTAL GLOBAL SEMICONDUCTOR DEMAND SHARE BY END USEComputer32.3%Communications31.2%
32、Consumer12.0%Industrial12.0%AutomotiveGovernment1.0%消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料eenueandprofitsDDInvestmentHHigherR&U.S.INDUSTRY MARKET SHARESemiconductors were invented in the United States, and the domestic industry remains the leader in the global market. While Americas position has been challenged many times over
33、 the decades, it has always prevailed due to its amazing resilienceand ability to run faster. This does not mean the United States will go unchallenged in the future. The importance of semiconductors is so great that most Information-Age nations strive to be competitive in at least some aspect of th
34、is critical industry, and the worlds most ambitious nations seek to chase the U.S.The U.S. semiconductor industry has nearly half the global market share and has displayed steady annual growth.Since the late 1990s, the U.S. semiconductor industry has been the global sales market share leader with al
35、most 50 percent annual globalmarket share. In addition, U.S. semiconductor firms maintain a leading or highly competitive position in R&D, design, and manufacturing process technology.Global sales market share leadership also allows the U.S. semiconductor industry to benefit froma virtuous cycle of
36、innovation; sales leadership enables the U.S. industry to invest more into R&D which in turn helps ensure continued U.S. sales leadership. As long as the U.S. semiconductor industry maintains global market share leadership, it will continue to benefit from this virtuous cycle of innovation.47%2020 G
37、LOBAL MARKET SHARE20%U.S. HigherrevtechnologyKorea10%Japan10%Europe7%Taiwan5%Chinaleadership消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料U.S. INDUSTRY MARKET SHAREU.S.-based semiconductor companies are a market leader by business model and subproduct, but for some business model subsegments,the U.S. industry lags its Asian-based comp
38、etitors.Broadly speaking, the U.S. semiconductor industry maintains market share leadership in the activities that are most intensive in R&D: EDA and core IP, chip design, and manufacturing equipment.Raw materials and manufacturing, both wafer fabrication and assembly, test, and packaging, which are
39、 more capital intensive, are largely concentrated in Asia. Asia is home to about 75 percent of the worlds total semiconductor manufacturing capacity- including all the leading-edge capacity less than10 nanometers. This imbalance has highlighted the need for the United States to consider strategic in
40、centives to support more domestic manufacturing.Similarly, in terms of subproduct leadership, the U.S. leads in logic and discrete, analog, and opto semiconductors. However, for memorysemiconductors, other countries industries lead.SEMICONDUCTORINDUSTRYVALUEADDEDBYACTIVITYANDREGION2019(%)EDA&CoreIP
41、3%Logic30%74%67%5%7%3%5%20%8%4%intensive37%7% 3%6%24%19%5%Memory9%29%4%59%8%Manufacturingequipment 12%41%4%32%18%3%CapexintensiveMaterials5%Waferfabrication 19%12%16%16%22%20%16%19%19%12%9%3%6%Capex &labor intensiveAssemblypackaging &testing 6%2%38%27%5%4%Overallvalue chain 100%38%9%9%16%14%10%4%Sem
42、iconductorconsumption25%24%6%20%22%ChinaTaiwanS KoreaJapanEuropeOther消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料U.S.TECHNOLOGY COMPETITIVENESSThe U.S. semiconductor industry is the global leader in semiconductor R&D and chip design. For U.S. companies, both fabless firms and integrated device manufacturers (IDMs), which have a comb
43、ined share of almost 50 percent of global semiconductor sales, the critical success factors are access to highly skilled engineering talent and a thriving innovation ecosystem, particularly from leading universities. While the U.S. industry leads in R&D intensive activities, Asia leads in manufactur
44、ing process technology, supported by government incentives. When it comes to leading-edgelogic capacity below 10 nanometers currently in operation, none is done in the United States. The United States is also well behind as a location for logic capacity 28 nanometers and above.The U.S. as leader in
45、semiconductor design.Before a semiconductor is physically manufactured, it must first be designed. Semiconductors arehighly complex products to design. Firms involved in semiconductor design develop the nanometer- scale integrated circuits that perform the critical tasks that make electronic devices
46、 work, such as connectivity to networks, computing, storage, andpower management. Chip designers must use highly advanced electronic design automation (EDA) software and reusable architectural building blocks (“IP cores”) to do this task.Design activity is chiefly knowledge- and skill- intensive, ac
47、counting for 65% of the total industry R&D and 53% of the value added. By far, these represent the highest shares of R&D and value added of any stage of semiconductor fabrication. Companies focusing exclusively on semiconductor design typically invest 12-20% of their annual sales back into R&D. The
48、development of modern complex chips, such as “system-on-chip” (SoC) processors that power todays smartphones, requires many years of work by hundreds of engineers, sometimes leveraging external IP and design support services. As chips have become increasingly complex, development costs have rapidly
49、risen.While both IDMs and fabless firms design semiconductors, fabless firms choose to focus exclusively on design and outsource fabrication, as well as assembly, packaging, and testing. Fabless firms typically outsource fabrication to pure-play foundries and outsourced assembly and test (OSAT) firm
50、s. The fabless model has grown along with the demand for semiconductors since the 1990s, as the pace of innovation made it increasingly difficult for many firms to manage both the capital intensity of manufacturing and the high levels of R&D spending for design. As technical difficulty and upfront i
51、nvestment soared with the migration to smaller manufacturing nodes, total semiconductor sales accounted for by fabless firms increased from less than 10% in 2000 to almost 30% in 2019.The U.S. semiconductor industry is a leader inchip design. U.S. fabless firms account for roughly 60% of all global
52、fabless firm sales, and some of the largest IDMs, which do their own design, are also U.S. firms. In addition, the U.S. accounts for the largest share of the global design workforce, which highlights the strength of the U.S. industry and academic ecosystem for chip design. Given the importance of se
53、miconductor design in terms of value added in the manufacturing process, it iscritical that the U.S. industry has and maintains leadership in this stage of production.消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料U.S. TECHNOLOGY COMPETITIVENESSU.S. semiconductor industry R&D expenditures are consistently high, reflecting the inherent
54、link between U.S. market share leadership and continued innovation.U.S. semiconductor industry R&D expenditures grew at a compound annual growth rate of approximately7.2 percent from 2000 to 2020. R&D expenditures by U.S. semiconductor firms tend to be consistently high, regardless of cycles in annu
55、al sales, whichreflects the importance of investing in R&D to semiconductor production. In 2020, total U.S. semiconductor industry investment in R&D totaled$44.0 billion.R&D EXPENDITURE($B)50%45%40%35%30%25%20%10%5%0%000203040506070809161820 Innovative uses of semiconductor technology have the poten
56、tial to make significant contributions towards solutions to global climate change. The deployment of information and communications technology (ICT), enabled by semiconductors, throughout the economy can achieve dramatic improvements in energy efficiency and the production of clean energy. Moreover,
57、 while the number of semiconductors continues to grow as we fully digitize our economies, semiconductor-enabled technologies present opportunities to drive dramatic reductions in emissions from virtually all sectors of the economy, ranging from transportation and manufacturing to buildings, energy,
58、and agriculture. According to the World EconomicForum, semiconductor-enabled technologies, suchas digital technologies, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15 percent - almost one-third of the 50 percent reduction required by 2030.Semiconductors serve as the backbone of the ICT industry: electron
59、ics, computing hardware, telecommunications, and connected devices such as sensors and thermostats. Connecteddevices that run on semiconductor chips (i.e., the Internet of Things (IoT) numbered 22.6 billion in 2019 and are projected to grow to 75 billion by 2025. Semiconductors are also fundamental
60、to innovations such as 3D printing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) that in turn enhance healthcare, reduce building costs, strengthen food supply, and enable advancements in science.消費(fèi)行業(yè)報(bào)告文檔資料U.S. TECHNOLOGY COMPETITIVENESSThe U.S. semiconductor industry maintains one of the high
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