【2014最新PPT】英語國家社會與文化入門下冊unit 3_第1頁
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【2014最新PPT】英語國家社會與文化入門下冊unit 3_第3頁
【2014最新PPT】英語國家社會與文化入門下冊unit 3_第4頁
【2014最新PPT】英語國家社會與文化入門下冊unit 3_第5頁
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1、american beginnings,how many states in us?,wyoming / illinois / kansas / louisiana / massachusetts / maryland / michigan / mississippi / nevada / ohio / pennsylvania / tennessee / texas / virginia / alabama / arkansas ,憲法u.s. federal constitution,美國是現(xiàn)存歷史最悠久的立憲共和國,1789年正式生效的憲法是世界上最早并仍在運作的成文憲法。 美國憲法以及

2、權(quán)利法案等一系列修正案致力維護公民自由:包括言論、宗教信仰和出版自由;接受公正審判的權(quán)利;擁有和攜帶武器的權(quán)利;選舉權(quán)、被選舉權(quán)和財產(chǎn)權(quán)。雖然美國珍視并追求以人權(quán)為核心的價值觀,但在具體實踐中也有爭議:直到1964年民權(quán)法案才立法禁止種族歧視。,聯(lián)邦權(quán)力機構(gòu) federal executive agency,立法機關(guān):即國會(congress),由眾議院(the house of representatives)和參議院(the senate)兩部分組成。擁有聯(lián)邦立法權(quán),宣戰(zhàn)權(quán),條約批準權(quán),政府采購權(quán)和很少行使的彈劾權(quán);,聯(lián)邦權(quán)力機構(gòu) federal executive agency,行政機關(guān)

3、:即總統(tǒng),總統(tǒng)提名和參議院批準的內(nèi)閣官員及其下屬,負責行使基于聯(lián)邦法律的治理權(quán);,聯(lián)邦權(quán)力機構(gòu) federal executive agency,即最高法院(the supreme judicial court ( sjc )和下級的聯(lián)邦法院,法官由總統(tǒng)提名并經(jīng)參議院批準;擁有釋法權(quán)和推翻違憲的法律的權(quán)力。,indigenous peoples of the americas,native americans indians (amerindian ) 1. how many indians inhabited the americas by 1492? 2. what was the sit

4、uation of indians at the time?,the contents,what is an american? two immigration movements to america social forces leading to the awakening of europe and discovery of america four colonial patterns in america the american revolution,in which state is,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,tell the names of the st

5、ates,massachusetts,maine,new york,pennsylvania,michigan,illinois,texas,florida,georgia,nevada,california,washington,connecticut,national flag,the introduction of the flag:,thirteen equal horizontal stripes thirteen colonies a blue rectangle bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars us fifty sta

6、tes nicknames for the flag: stars and stripes, old glory, and the star-spangled banner,national anthem: the star-spangled banner 星條旗永不落,the star-spangled banner,歌詞是一位名叫弗朗西斯斯科特基(francis scott key)的美國律師,在1814年英美戰(zhàn)爭期間的巴爾的摩,透過戰(zhàn)場上的硝煙看到星條旗經(jīng)過英軍炮轟后仍在要塞上空高高飄揚時感慨萬分而即景寫下的。歌詞寫出來后,在一名法官的建議下,配上了美國作曲家約翰斯塔福德史密斯(john

7、 stafford smith)創(chuàng)作的to anacreon in heaven,并取了現(xiàn)在的名字,從此流傳開來。,the star-spangled banner,美國海軍在1889年將星條旗之歌定為升旗儀式上的軍歌,到1931年國會正式立法,并經(jīng)胡佛總統(tǒng)簽字生效,將星條旗之歌作為美國的國歌。后來在1956年國會又將國歌第四段中的一句略加修改,“我們信賴上帝”(in god we trust)遂成為美國的國家格言。而國歌的第三段歌詞因為帶有戰(zhàn)爭期間比較濃厚的反英色彩,現(xiàn)在演唱時通常將這一段省略。,the star-spangled banner,??!在晨曦初現(xiàn)時,你可看見是什么讓我們?nèi)绱蓑湴?/p>

8、? 在黎明的最后一道曙光中歡呼, 是誰的旗幟在激戰(zhàn)中始終高揚! 烈火熊熊,炮聲隆隆, 我們看到要塞上那面英勇的旗幟在黑暗過后依然聳立! ??!你說那星條旗是否會靜止, 在自由的土地上飄舞,在勇者的家園上飛揚?,national emblem:,白頭海雕(bald eagle):力量、勇氣、自由和不朽的象征。,左右鷹爪:分別抓著象征和平和武力的橄欖枝和箭。綬帶:拉丁文格言“合眾為一”(e pluribus unum)。,鷹頭上方:擁有主權(quán)的新生國家光環(huán)的藍色背景里鑲著象征美國最初13個州的13顆五角星。,national emblem:,主體:是一個未完工的金字塔。在金字塔將要完工的頂端,所謂的普

9、羅維登斯之眼觀察著一切。,左右寫著兩個銘文:annuit cptis:意思是某人(推測可能是普羅維登斯或上帝)“認可我們開始”。novus ordo seclorum:這是引自維吉爾的詩,意思是“時代新秩序”,the white house,the us. capitol,2020/9/4,24,definition of an american(p32-3),frenchman crevecoeur an american “ is either a european or the descendant of a european, hence that strange mixture of

10、 blood.” “individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men.” “american acts upon new principles; therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions.“ president john kennedy every american who ever lived was either an immigrant himself or a descendant of immigrants.,a new land, two immi

11、gration movements,1. from asia: (american indians) 25 000 years ago, through a land-bridge across the bering strait, from northeastern siberia into alaska, they developed their own aboriginal cultures. 2. from europe and africa: (the discovery of america) christopher columbus spanish king (in 1492)

12、john cabot english king (in 1497),a new land,first immigration: began probably 25,000 years ago 1492:10-20 million people( american indians ) lived in americas(美洲) 3 most famous pre-colombian civilizations,aztecs阿茲臺克文化/墨西哥地區(qū),complex culture capital was called tenochtitlan特諾奇提蘭 empire of city states

13、for small purchases, their money was the cacao bean (cocoa) worshipped gods in the form idols and belief in supernatural spirits偶像崇拜,nahuatl 納瓦特language-language of the aztecs is still spoken by more than 1.5 million aztec culture is dead today series of outbreaks in 1500s decimated the population s

14、panish consolidated them and basically broke the government and culture structure down,human sacrifice,for most, the most striking aspect of aztec culture claimed to have sacrificed most than 84,000 victims for one 4 day festival more likely number is 2000, along with signs of cannibalism some consi

15、dered it an honor to be sacrificed,incas 印加文化(秘魯?shù)貐^(qū)),largest empire in pre-columbian era incan empire broken in civil war and destroyed by spanish but cultural heritage is still strong in the region today,maya 瑪雅文化 (中美洲),most famous thanks to 2012 had a fully developed written language, which has sti

16、ll not been completely deciphered today maya never fully disappeared many mayan languages still spoken today,maya 瑪雅文化 (中美洲),in 8th and 9th century mayan civilization started to decline no one really knows why conquistadors 征服者 had to fight hard to destroy numerous independent city states to destroy

17、 mayan empire,maya 瑪雅文化 (中美洲),practiced human sacrifice followed the stars and skies to predict the future had an extremely accurate calendar,2020/9/4,33,europe in the 16th and 17th centuries (p33-5),what are the major social forces leading to the discovery of america? the 1st major force: the devel

18、opment of capitalism which produced two new classes: the bourgeois class and the working class the 2nd major force: the renaissance in which the god-centered world was challenged by the great progress in natural and social science the 3rd influential force: the religious reformation/protestant refor

19、mation which challenged the authority of the pope and the catholic church german martin luther馬丁路德: a direct contact with god french john calvin: calvinism加爾文主義 spread to england-puritans english king henry viii: church of england,2020/9/4,34,against the background of those emerging new forces, the

20、13 english colonies that would become the united states of america were planted in north america(par2,p35). four kinds of settlement patterns of early united states: the settlement in virginia puritan new england catholic maryland quaker pennsylvania,ii. colonial period (1607-1776),settlement in vir

21、ginia,organized in 1607 by the london company with charter from english king james i 3 ships with 144 men, only 100 arrived alive instead of planting food adventurers dug for gold and look for riches when 2nd group arrived with supplies only 38 men survived after a time tobacco was harvested and fou

22、nd to be profitable,cultivation yielded great profits 1619:two events occurred 1. house of burgesses elected to discuss and enact laws for the colony 2. a dutch ship brought in 20 africans who were bought to be held as servants for a term of years,jamestown virginia,puritanism they believed that hum

23、an beings were predestined by god before they were born(他們深信人的命運是生前就由上帝注定的。這是清教主義的命運天定說). some were gods chosen people while others were damned to hell. no church nor good works could save people. the sign of being gods elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling. (一個人工作上的成功或事

24、業(yè)上的興旺是上帝選民的標志) they also argued that everyone must read the bible in order to find gods will and establish a direct contact with god. (他們還說人人都要讀圣經(jīng),從中探索上帝的意志,與上帝建立直接的聯(lián)系).these beliefs had great impact on american culture.,puritan new england,massachusetts bay in 1620 founded by english puritans separ

25、ate from the church of england protestants who followed john calvin predestination(宿命論) working hard and living a moral life are the most important things,their beliefs were heretical to church of england, puritans were persecuted fled to holland but were always treated as foreigners or afraid of lo

26、sing englishness 1620-35 puritans and 67 non-puritans took ship called mayflower mayflower compact五月花公約,puritan heritage,gradually became less orthodox today no longer any puritans in america “a city upon a hill” viewed country as a great experiment believed government should enforce gods morality i

27、ndividualism, hard work and respect of education,catholic maryland,founder lord baltimore converted to catholicism which caused problems in service for king granted a charter in 1632 by king charles i wished to institute feudal system but failed due to high availability of land,maryland toleration a

28、ct- all those of a christian faith were welcomed to maryland without discrimination ended on capitalistic development road,lord baltimore,quaker pennsylvania,founded by william penn penns sylvania means penns woods penn was a quaker father was admiral of england cashed in on debt with charter to for

29、m a colony,penns plan all those who settled would enjoy religious freedom encouraged spirit of liberty and equality representative assembly elected by landowners reduced number of capital crimes from over 200 to 2,quaker meeting is sometimes used as the name for religious service.,quaker pennsylvani

30、a,american revolution,by 1760s 13 colonies had established similar political and economic and cultural patterns between 1689-1815 france and britain fought several wars north america dragged into them,british government demanded colonies accept higher taxes as return for their protection no taxation

31、 without representation 1773-boston tea party 1774- first continental congress: decided to boycott british trade and organize militias,revolution,concord massacre: first shot was fired when soldiers attempted to take an arms depot may 1775: 2nd continental congress began to assume functions of natio

32、nal government july 4, 1776 declaration of independence signed,explained philosophy of government by the people war ended in 1781 treaty of paris signed in 1783 britain recognized independence of america,major leaders,1.george washington was one of the founding fathers of the american republic. he w

33、as the commander-in-chief of the continental army in the war of independence against the british colonial rule and the first president of the us. 2. thomas jefferson was one of the founding fathers of the american republic. he was the chief author of the declaration of independence and the third pre

34、sident of the united states. 3. benjamin franklin was one of the founding fathers of the american republic. he participated in writing the declaration of independence and making the u.s. constitution,2020/9/4,50,1._ is the largest city and the chief port of the united states. a. washington d. c. b.

35、los angeles c. san francisco d. new york city 2._ is a symbol of american theatre and world-class entertainment. a. broadway b. wall street c. the fifth avenue d. times square,2020/9/4,51,3. new englanders were originally known as _, which come to stand for all northerners. a. hippies b. yankees c. uncle sam d. brother jonathan 4. _ is often used as seat of government for the congress. a. capitol hill b. the pentagon c .the white house d. the empire state building,2020/9/4,52,5. _ is often used t


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