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806IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2004 MechanicalDesignConsiderationsforConventionally Laminated, High-Speed, Interior PM Synchronous Machine Rotors Edward C. Lovelace, Member, IEEE, Thomas M. Jahns, Fellow, IEEE, Thomas A. Keim, Member, IEEE, and Jeffrey H. Lang, Fellow, IEEE AbstractThis paper discusses mechanical design consid- erations that are particular to conventionally (i.e., radially) laminated rotors of interior permanent-magnet synchronous machines. Focus is placed on applications where the radial forces due to high-speed operation are the major mechanically limiting design factor. Proper design of the lamination bridges, or ribs, at the rotor outer diameter is explained in terms of the both material considerations and electromagnetic performance impact. The tradeoff of complexity versus performance associated with using strengthening ribs in the magnet cavities is discussed. The sensitivity of the mechanical design limitations to the rotor-shaft mounting mechanism is also highlighted. These effects are then analyzed using finite-element analysis for a 150-N m/6-kW integrated starter/alternator designed for operation up to 6000 r/min with an annular rotor to accommodate a torque converter or clutch assembly. This example demonstrates that it is possible to significantly improve the rotors structural integrity using the techniques described in this paper with only a very modest impact on the projected machine drive cost. Index TermsElectrical steel, finite-element analysis (FEA), highspeed,interiorpermanent-magnet(IPM)synchronous machine, laminations, magnetic saturation. I. INTRODUCTION R OTOR DESIGN and construction of interior perma- nent-magnet (IPM) machines is a challenging task due to the conflicting characteristics of improved performance and rotor complexity. IPM machines are of interest because they are particularly attractive from a performance standpoint in traction andspindle applications1,2.IPMmachinescanbedesigned with wide, and theoretically infinite, speed ranges for constant power operation with excellent inverter utilization. This is achieved through use of a salient rotor geometry with limited Paper IPCSD 03084, presented at the 2001 IEEE International Electric Ma- chines and Drives Conference, Cambridge, MA, June 1720, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ONINDUSTRYAPPLICATIONSby the Electric Machines Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Man- uscriptsubmittedforreviewNovember5,2002andreleasedforpublicationJan- uary 20, 2004. This work was supported by the MIT Consortium on Advanced Automotive Electrical/Electronic Components and Systems. E. C. Lovelace is with SatCon Technology Corporation, Cambridge, MA 02142l USA (e-mail: ). T. M. Jahns is with the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium,DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,Universityof Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706-1691 USA (e-mail: ). T. A. Keim and J. H. Lang are with the Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail: , ). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2004.827440 flux contribution from PMs buried within the rotor structure. To achieve the desired degree of saliency, special lamination design and assembly strategies are typically required compared to those required for competing machine types such as surface PM and induction machines. TherotordesignstrategiesforIPMmachinescangenerallybe divided into axially and radially laminated configurations, each with its own advantages 3, 4. The axially laminated rotor is constructed using many alternating layers of soft and hard mag- netic sheets that are laid along the axis of the machine, each bent and individually sized to form the poles of the rotor 1. This design approach can achieve high-inductance saliency ra- tiosin excess of 10:1. However, the axially laminated rotorisrelativelyexpensivetomanufactureduetothesortedcut- ting, shaping, and assembly of the many different laminations thatmustbeemployed. Furthermore, aconstrainingrotorsleeve may be necessary for high-speed operation to prevent lamina- tion intrusions into the air gap. Such sleeves typically reduce the saliency due to their finite thicknesses and often increase losses due to eddy currents when high-strength stainless steel (e.g., Inconel) is chosen for the sleeve material. By contrast, radially laminated rotors are typically designed with 14 layers of hard magnetic material in each pole. Each lamination, as with other conventional machine types, is punched or cut as a single unitary piece for the cross section of the rotor. Cavities are punched or cut into the rotor laminations, and the magnet material is inserted into these cavities. The laminations can be stacked using conventional means so that the rotor is generally easier to manufacture than its axially laminated IPM counterpart. However, adoption of the radially laminated rotor comes at the expense of saliency with typical inductance ratios ranging from 1.5 up to 10:1, depending on the number of magnet cavity layersand theirconfiguration.Forgoodelectromagneticperfor- mance, it is necessary to minimize thesteel bridges surrounding the magnetic cavities that are necessary to link the rotor iron segments into a unitary lamination. Each bridge effectively cre- atesamagneticshortciruitacrossthePMs,therebyreducingthe magnets contribution to the overall air-gap flux. This paper examines the mechanical design issues of con- ventionally (also referred to as transverse or radially) laminated IPM rotors. Only the centrifugal force is considered as this is likely to be the dominant source of mechanical stress in high- speed designs. Each of several key rotor design features are ex- amined in turn with respect to their influence on the rotor stress 0093-9994/04$20.00 2004 IEEE LOVELACE et al.: CONVENTIONALLY LAMINATED, HIGH-SPEED, IPM SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE ROTORS807 Fig. 1.Cross section of a 12-pole IPM machine. state and electromagnetic performance. Design strategies with respect to features that can mitigate the resultant mechanical stress state are also presented. The discussion is substantiated through finite-element analysis (FEA) to verify the arguments. An IPM rotor design for an integrated starter/generator (ISG) application is used throughout the paper to illustrate the signif- icance of these mechanical issues 57. A cross section for a 12-pole two-layer design is shown in Fig. 1. In particular, the mechanical stress state of this rotor is a limiting design con- straint due to the high rotor tip speed operation that is required of annular direct-drive automotive machinery. The pertinent design specifications for this ISG design are: 6000-r/min maximum operating speed; 10000-r/min design burst speed; minimum rotor inner diameter (ID)mm; maximum stator outer diameter (OD)mm; bonded PM material in cavities. II. MECHANICALDESIGN OFIPM ROTORS For the purpose of this discussion, the mechanical design point corresponds to the application specification that produces the worst case mechanical stress in the IPM rotor. The assump- tions employed in this development are as follows: steady-state speed conditions only; temperature effects neglected; baseline core material: M19 29-gage electrical steel; yield indicated by planar Von Mises stress; forces of electromagnetic origin considered negligible; vibration and rotor shaft dynamical forces neglected. With these assumptions, the forces on the rotor are dominated by the steady-state centrifugal forces at constant speed. There- fore, the mechanical design point corresponds to steady-state operation at the design burst speed value, 10 kr/min. Analytical calculations of the peak stresses due to centrifugal forces acting on a radially laminated IPM machine rotor is a challenging task that is not attempted in this paper due to the complexity of the rotor lamination design features. However, these peak stresses affect the boundaries of the optimization variables that determine the optimal system design, so a quali- tative discussion of the resultant forces due to inertial loading is appropriate. The discussion is conducted employing well- Fig. 2.Sketch of resultant forces on a solid rotor. Fig. 3.Sketch of resultant forces on an IPM rotor with one magnet-filled cavity. known principles that describe the behavior of materials under static loading 8, 9. Fig. 2 shows a solid rotor cross section with annotations to indicate the major forces on the core due to centrifugal loading. At the simplest level, neglecting the magnet cavities, the rotor resemblesahoopwithconstantcentrifugalloading.Underthese conditions,an elementalmember oftherotor isundertangential tension and radial compression. Thin-walled hoop approximations can be justified for mod- eling the rotor because of the narrow depth of the ISG rotor in comparison to the rotor ID. As a result, the rotor segments mainly experiencetangentialtension forces. Using this assump- tion, the major factors affecting the peak stress are the average radius of the “hoop” and the rotational speed. The Von Mises stress increases according to the square of each of these factors. If the rotor cavities are now considered as in Fig. 3, which only contains one cavity layer, the steel pole piece centered on theaxis is now only attached to the rest of the lamination by the thin steel bridges at each end. Therefore, the centrifugal loading on the pole piece is not evenly distributed around the 808IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2004 Fig. 4.Sketch of resultant forces on an IPM rotor with multiple layers. rotor “hoop,” causing a substantially radially directed inertial load on the two retaining bridges. It should be noted that the bonded PM material in the cavity will also contribute to this loading because it is generally less stiff than the steel and will, therefore, contribute additional loading against the inside edge of the pole piece. Therefore, the equivalent magnet mass,in Fig. 3, must be the sum of both the steel pole piece and the magnet (the shaded portion of Fig. 3). The bonded magnet material does not provide any significant bonding between magnet and steel and, therefore, does not transmit force from the yoke to the pole pieces. The challenge then reduces to modeling the bridges, and this is largely dependent on the specific bridge shape. If the bridges are principally straight, then beam bending approximations are appropriate. When multiple layers are considered as in Fig. 4, each layer can be considered as being independently loaded if the inter-cavity steel sections are wide enough to distribute any stress concentrations between adjacent bridges. The load on each bridge is then the end load in the radial direction due to the inertial loading on the remaining section of the pole piece between the bridge under consideration and theaxis. If the bridges on each layer have the same dimensions, the bridge at the end of the longest cavity will be under the highest stress. If thecavityends are roundedas shown inFig.5, then the effectivelengthofeach“beam”is reduced,and thesimplebeam approximations described above are no longer reasonable. Each taperedbridgenowresemblesaroundnotchstressconcentration element under side loading as shown in Fig. 5. The precise location of the peak stress within each bridge configuration would require significant analysis to determine without resorting to numerical solutions. In particular, the equivalent mounting (fixed or simple) at the ends of each “beam” for the straight-bridge model is not clearly defined. If the ends of each bridge experience minimal bending compared to the rest of the bridge, it is reasonable to assume that the peak stress will be found at the ends. In contrast, the peak stress in the rounded cavity structural model would be expected at the root of the stress concentration, corresponding to the midpoint of each bridge. Fig. 5.Sketch of resultant forces on an IPM rotor with multiple cavity layers with rounded tips. At this stage, some general observations can be made about IPM rotor design decisions that would worsen or improve the mechanical stress conditions. Maximum rotor speedA 10% reduction in the mechan- ical design point speed would reduce the peak Von Mises stress by almost 20%. Rotor ODSimilarly, a 10% reduction in the radius at the rotor surface, where the bridges are located, would also reduce the stress by a 20% factor. Rounded bridgesThe “beam” stresses are reduced as the “beam” gets shorter with all other dimensions equal. Based on the characteristics of the notch stress concen- tration model, a circularly rounded bridge shape should nearly minimize the peak stress. Smaller pole piecesA 10% reduction of the deflecting pole piece mass per unit axial length will reduce the stress almost linearly. This can be achievedbyreducingthe frac- tion of the pole pitch that the cavities span. Increasing the number of machine poles can produce the same effect. Strengthening ribAdding a rib redistributes the cen- trifugal load from the pole piece resulting in a significant improvement in the stress state. A rib that is added to the lamination geometry across theaxis of each cavity resists the centrifugal motion of the pole masses through tension rather than bending. Another factor in the resultant forces caused by the inertial loading is the effect that the radial deflection of the entire rotor has on the magnitude of the tensile component of hoop stress. The hoop tension in the bridge is due to stretching as the rotor expandsinto the air gap at higher speeds. Theimplicit boundary conditions in hoop stress calculations are that the rotor ID and OD boundaries are unconstrained. As a result, reduction of the deflection at either boundary will reduce the expansion of the rotor at the bridge radius and therefore also reduce the hoop stress component of loading. Constraining the rotor OD is problematic since it would re- quire a material substantially stiffer than steel to decrease the radial deflection under inertial load. Furthermore, adding any LOVELACE et al.: CONVENTIONALLY LAMINATED, HIGH-SPEED, IPM SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE ROTORS809 Fig. 6.Rotor hub design using dovetailed joints between the hub and rotor ID. Fig. 7.Rotor hub design using axial bolts through the stack to an end plate. material in the air gap that adversely affects the electromagnetic saliency of the original rotor would degrade the performance of the machine. Constraining the rotor ID is a more feasible solution for improving the structural integrity of the rotor. Since there is already a hub that must attach the rotor to the crankshaft, there is an opportunity to specially design the hub to retain the rotor radially. Typically, a hub is only designed to transmit the torque in the circumferential direction as would occur with a hub that is press fit inside the rotor. A press fit, though, does nothing to constrain the rotor ID and so would not mitigate the maximum stress at the mechanical design point. If there are no space constraints inside the rotor ID, a variety of different hub fixtures might be considered. A welded hub may work but could alter the magnetic properties of the core. One alternative is an axial cylinder that mates with the rotor ID usingdovetailedsurfacesasshowninFig.6.Anotheralternative is to construct an end plate with studs distributed around the circumference of theend plate (oneperpole)as shown inFig.7. The laminations would be cut with a hole along eachaxis where the core is widest (i.e., there no cavities along theaxis), and then assembled onto the studs. This bolted system is only practical if sufficient bolt tension can be developed and maintained so that the radial load is taken up by the end plate. If adequate bolt tension is not developed, there will be significant side-loading on the studs that would likely result in shearing off the studs at the surface of the end plate. The advantage of the dovetail fixture (Fig. 6) or any fixture along the rotor ID surface is that it is structurally robust and nearly symmetric if the radial plate portion of the hub is lo- cated axially near the midpoint of the rotor stack. Its chief dis- advantageis that thehubcylinderhas a finitethickness thatmay make it necessary to reduce the available space for the rotor laminations. In contrast, the advantage of an endplate structure (Fig. 7) is that the radial plate is at the end of the stack and does not use any internal real estate inside the ID that might otherwise be re- servedforaclutchortorqueconverter.Asaresult,thisapproach may yield the most compact ISG configuration. Furthermore, the absence of the internal hub allows the rotor to be designed with the smallest possible ID and OD, which will reduce the peak stress (squared impact on stress). However, any endplate approach must solve the practical installation problems associ- ated with heavily loaded studs and compressed laminations. In Section III, the endplate hub structure is analyzed in combination with proposed rotor cross-section modifications to demonstrate a plausible solution for the mechanical design of an IPM machine for the ISG application. The endplate design is chosen for analysis because it allows the smallest machine rotor diameter consistent with the given ISG constraint to provide space inside the rotor ID for a torque converter. The mechanical design considerations discussed above affect the design performance optimization of IPM machines in sev- eral ways 6, 7, 10. RotordiameterConstrainingtherotordiameterandpole piece sizes clearly reduces the available design space for optimization. Rotor materialThe choice of rotor laminatio


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