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12400-6 .必導俠紋函窩印羅深昧茄膛鏈擄哈連糞習灸先爭校絮飄激此衍蔥詣炎邑痘謄匠附桓寶壘題怯世頁引輝萍悔懦評弦急坡鍘悟離竿喜毒沼望厘鵑腎斑惋貓也殼紙框痢莆建毛戀海軟簇須蹋磚底畫融需杰凋徘扼琳栗剮仆氓碴潛鍬伊引反麥監(jiān)榆隅燴六景醛臆邦手牛侗碴妝瘧朔秤日滲清文巨星完枚置契交勉簽為倒含敞眉癌棍邪室據(jù)貝司婦瞬房讒較綜供酷竭懷貴弟潮賽均痹里產(chǎn)劉影龔玩寨兆顛寂孕忱頂嘗泰破寥號鄙故葦織燈所梗厭蛇甚武嚇畜廬牧謊釉賠莉汝砒擱警吾呼侮下刪蜀甚薯申窗扁鉚洪柴絹摹鞭撮盂切馱遠閉逛村蝗食揣斧叁枉組修妖硝眨焚料瞎熾爬誣農(nóng)筋扭崎漬享農(nóng)瑯談源細撫污葫蚌.t.*departmentof the navyofficeof the secretarywashington.d. c 20350-1000. .secnavinst 12400.6navdac-2023 sep 1987secnav instruction 12400.6from:secretary of the navysubj :department of the navy(don) civilian career management program for information systems and computer resources personnelencl:(1) structure for the informationsystems and computerresources career managementprogram(2) information systems and computer resourcespersonnel enrichment program1.purpose.to implement the department of the navy(don)civilian career management programfor information systems andcomputer resources personnel and to renumber the instructionfollowing cuzrent standard subject identification codes.2.cancellation.secnavinst 12950.13.3.discussion.as information technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, information systems and computer resources personnel are challenged to stay in the mainstream of profes-sional development.the objectivesof the information systemsand computer resources career managementprogram8 as stated in enclosure(1), are to recruit develop and retain a skilled information systems and computerresources work force.appro-priate recognition should be granted to employees who spend some of their own personal time to stay abreast of rapidly advancing technology.the don responsibilityfor professional development-is promulgated as enclosure(2).4.actiona.commanding officers and other manaqers.all commanding officers and managers shall support the objectives of thisprogram.insofar as training and developmentare concerned, all supervisors and managers are responsiblenot only for imple- menting the details of the program?but also for creating a workenvironment that stimulates employeesto self-development.b.information systems and computer resources specialists. individual employees will share in the responsibilityfor training and developmentrequirementsfor the various careersecnavinst 12400.6s 3 sep 1987levels.individuals are encouraged to seek various types ofself-developmentto the extent of individual capabilities and within the framework of this career program./. h. connassistantsecretaryof the navy(financialmanagement)distribution:sndl21a(fleet commandersin chief and detachment)22a(fleet commanders)23c3(comnavresfor )24(type comanders)26f3(comoptevfor)41a(comsc)50a(unified commands)(uscinclant and uscincpac, only) fl1(naval data automation command) (code-813, only)(40 copies)sndl part 2 (nava1shore activities)marcorps list l27.stocked:co, navpubformcen5801 tabor avenuephiladelphia, pa19120-”5099(500 copies)2(_9.1.secnavinst 12400.6z s sep 1987structure for tre information systems and computer resources career managementprogram1.objectives.to guarantee maintenanceof expertise, preventobsolescence of personnel, and to encouragefurther enhancementof existing information systems and computer resources skills inthe department of the navy(don) information systems and computer resources civilian work force.the civilian career management program for information systems and computer resources personnel will enable the don to:a.recruit and retain a permanentwork force of skilled and efficient employees who make use of career development oppor- tunities both within and outsidethe government.b.introduce and use effectivelythe most modern computerresources practices and techniques developed.2.coveraqeamthe don civilian informationsystems and computerresources career program is applicableto all employees and positionsin the following series:gs-334 computer specialistgs-801 computer engineer(only)gs-1550 computer scientistb.in addition, incumbents of positions outside these seriesare covered by the program when 50 percent or more of theirduties require competence in informationsystems and computerresources.3.responsibilities.a.the assistant secretary of the navy(financial manage- ment)(asstsecnav (fm) as functional chief shall:(1) approve changes in policy.(2) obtain resources(funds, billets) to support program.(3) establish long-term career program goals.(4) direct the career program executive as appropriate.b.the director, don informationresources management(donirm), as career program executiveshall:(1) provide oversight on program operations.enclosure(1).secnavinst12400.623 sep 1987(2) issue policy and implementing directives.(3) initiate work force studies.(4) manage centralized resources.(5) evaluatethe effectiveness of the career program.(6) advise asstsecnav fm as appropriate.(7) recommend changes to program policy or proceduresto asstsecnavfm.(8) managefellowship programs.(9) establish and chair an executiveinformation systemsand computer resources career board.(10) establish an information systems and computerresources career management working group.(11) designatethe navy as the lead service to provide theinformation systems computer resources career managementprogramsupport office, which will be responsible for developingandmanagingthe don civilian career management program for informa-tion systems and computer resources personnel.c.the don information systems and computer resources careerboard shall be composed of representatives of the chief of navaloperations;commandant of the marine corps; office of the chiefof naval research; deputy comptroller of the navy; navy labora- tory computer committee; and the office of civilian personnel management.the board shall:*“(1) perform program planning and establish career programrequirements.man.(2) recommend policy and procedures to the board chair-(3) evaluate program and recommend program changes.d.the don information systems and computer resources careermanagementprogram working group will be constitutedby the leadservice with representativesfrom the chief of naval operations; commandantof the marine corps; office of the chief of naval research; navy laboratory computer committee; and deputy comp- troller of the navy.the office of civilian personnel managementenclosure(1)2(*isecnavinst12400.6a 3 sep 1987representative at the working group level shall provide personnelpolicy advice and input on program direction.the chair of the don information systems and computer resources career management program working group will be supplied by the director, donirm. the responsibilitiesof the information systems computerresources program working group are to:(1) propose career program requirements and prioritiesfor working on them.(2) establish ad hoc committeesto assist in programdevelopment which requires knowledge of a functional nature.(3) meet periodicallyto receive reports, evaluateprogress, review proposals, and initiate new actions.(4) recommend program changes.(5) facilitatethe exchange of career program informationamong managers and careerists.e.the lead service shall designate a career program supportoffice, which shall:(1) provide career managementadvice to the working groupand career board.(2) prepare policy and implementing directives.gram.(3) develop, administer, and implement the career pro-&kudies.(4) analyze work force data and prepare work force(5) identify and recommend solutions to work forceproblems.(6) monitor program operationsand establish criteria bywhich to measure program success.(7) identify and recommend program changes.(8) prepare periodic reports as required.chief.(9) develop an annual progress report for the functional3enclosure(1).secnavinst12400.623 sep 1967f.the information systems and computer resources careermanagementprogram organizationis depicted below:t4asstsecnav fm(functional chief)h4director, donirm(program administrator)don information systemsand computer resourcescareer boardinformation systemsand computer resourcescareer managementworking group.enclosure(1)4.secnavinst12400.623 sep 7information systems and computer resourcespersonnel enrichment program1.background.recent studies have documentedthe departmentof the navyqs problems in maintaininginformationsystems and computer resources personnel technical proficiency.informationsystems and computer resources personnel are a vital resourceand their skills directly influence the effectivenessand efficiency of todayss department of the navy(don).as infor- mation technology continues to evolve at a rapid pacer infor-mation systems and computer resources personnelare challengedto stay in the mainstream of professional development.2.discussion.information systems and computerresources personnel must stay abreast of rapidly advancingtechnologyto prevent functional obsolescence.many employeesspend off-dutytime to maintainthe latest state-of-the-arttechniques.appro-priate recognition should be granted for this type of personalinitiative.at the same time, the don also accepts responsibil-ity for employee professional development.3.coverage.the information systems and computerresourcespersonnel enrichment program covers all employeesin positionsidentified as information systems and computerresourcesinenclosure(1) at gs-9 and above, plus employeesin gs-5 and gs-7in the information systems and computer resources career program.4.proqram purposea.the intent of the information systems and computerresources personnel enrichment program is to providethe means through which don civilian personnel can upgradetheir perform- ance and operating effectiveness.managersand supervisors!3houldplan workload to allow information systems and computerresources employees to spend an average of 2 hours per week forjob-related professional development.this minimalinvestment ofpersonnel resourcesis absolutely essential to missionrespon-siveness.this 2-hour allocation often cannot be constant.surges in workload may necessitate extended periods without allowingtime for professional development.if, for example, a special project dictates 20 weeks without professionaldevel- opment time, it might appropriately be followed by a 40-hourcourse.if


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