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Procedia Engineering 149 ( 2016 ) 404 413 1877-7058 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICMEM 2016 doi: 10.1016/eng.2016.06.685 ScienceDirect Available online at * Corresponding author. Tel.: +4210455206477 E-mail address: pivarciovatuzvo.sk International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Materials, ICMEM 2016, 6-10 June 2016, Nov Smokovec, Slovakia Mobile robot controlling possibilities of inertial navigation system Mohammad Emal Qazizadaa Elena Pivariova* aTechnical University in Zvolen, Faculty of Environmental and Manufacturing Technology, Department of Machinery Control and Automation Technology, Masarykova 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovakia Abstract The paper explain analysis of inertial navigation system and accelerometric, gyroscopic sensors and describe possibilities of their application for inertial navigation of mobile robot. Such controlling system allows to monitor exact position of robot. These information can be applied for robot controlling, its autonomous control or its tracking. Inertial navigation is completely autonomous and independent from surroundings, i.e. the system is resistant from external influences as magnetic disturbances, electronically disturbance, signal deformation, etc. For mobile robots to be successful, they have to move safely in environments populated and dynamic. While recent research has led to a variety of localization methods that can track robots well in static environments, we still lack methods that can robustly localize mobile robots in dynamic environments. 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICMEM 2016 Keywords: inertial navigation system, robots, gyroscop, accelerometer 1. Introduction Inertial navigation is a self-contained navigation technique in which measurements provided by accelerometers and gyroscopes are used to track the position and orientation of an object relative to a known starting point, orientation and velocity. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) typically contain three orthogonal rate-gyroscopes and three orthogonal accelerometers, measuring angular velocity and linear acceleration respectively. By processing signals from these devices it is possible to track the position and orientation of a device. Inertial navigation is used in a wide range of applications including the navigation of aircraft, tactical and strategic missiles, spacecraft, submarines and ships. Recent advances in the construction of MEMS devices have made it possible to manufacture small and light inertial navigation systems. These advances have widened the range of possible applications to include areas such as human and animal motion capture 1. Inertial navigation systems have been widely used in aerospace applications but have yet to be seriously exploited in robotics applications where they have considerable potential. In the integration of inertial and visual information is investigated. Methods of extracting the motion and orientation of the robotic system from inertial information are derived theoretically but not directly implemented in a real system. Inertial sensors are used to estimate the attitude of a mobile robot. With the classical three-gyro, two-accelerometer configuration, experiments are performed to estimate the roll and pitch of the robot when one wheel climbs onto a plank using a small inclined plane. One reason that inertial systems are widely used in aerospace applications but not in robotics applications is simply that high-quality aerospace inertial systems are comparatively too expensive for the budgets of most robotics systems. However, low-cost solid-state inertial systems, motivated by the needs of the automotive industry, are increasingly being made commercially available. Although a considerable improvement on past systems, they clearly provide substantially less accurate position information than equivalent aerospace systems. 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICMEM 2016 405 Mohammad Emal Qazizada and Elena Pivariov / Procedia Engineering 149 ( 2016 ) 404 413 Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) have been developed for a wide range of vehicles. Sukkarieh 2 developed a GPS/ INS system for straddle carriers that load and unload cargo ships in harbors 3. Bennamoun et al 4 developed a GPS/INS/SONAR system for an autonomous submarine. The SONAR added another measurement to help with accuracy, and provided a positional reference when the GPS antenna got submerged and could not receive a signal 3. Ohlmeyer et al 5 developed a GPS/INS system for a new smart munitions, the EX-171. Due to the high speed of the missile, update rates of 1 second from a GPS only solution were too slow, and could not provide the accuracy needed. Jorge Lobo et al 6 describes a prototype of an inertial navigation system for use in mobile land vehicles, such as cars or mobile robots. Dieter Fox et al 7, describes operate autonomously, mobile robots must know where they are. Mobile robot localization, that is the process of determining and tracking the position (location) of a mobile robot relative to its environment, has received considerable attention over the past few years 8. Robot localization has been recognized as one of the most fundamental problems in mobile robotics 9, 10. Pirnk et al 11 uses INS for control of wheel chassis from inertial sensors based on data. Abramov and Boek 12 used INS for application of inertial measurement system in machinery. 2. Inertial Navigation System Inertial navigation uses gyroscopes and accelerometers to measure rate of rotation and acceleration. Measurements are integrated once (or twice, for accelerometers) to yield position. Inertial navigation systems have the advantage that they are self- contained, that is, they dont need external resources. However, inertial sensor data drift with time because of the need to integrate rate data to yield position. Inertial sensors are thus mostly unsuitable for accurate positioning over an extended period of time 13. Self-contained inertial navigation is a navigation technique provided by accelerometers and gyroscopes are used to track the position and orientation of an object relative to a starting point, direction and velocity. An IMU is a “clump“ of six inertial sensors. Three linear accelerometers and three rate gyros make up an IMU. Usually, an IMU also contains a computational unit to do the position calculations based off of the sensors. The operation to combine information from such multi-modal sensors is called sensory fusion 14. An IMU is sufficient to navigate relative to inertial space (no gravitation present), given initial values of velocity, position and attitude: ? Integrating the sensed acceleration will give velocity. ? A second integration gives position. ? To integrate in the correct direction, attitude is needed. This is obtained by integrating the sensed angular velocity. In terrestrial navigation (close to the Earth) we compensate for gravitation, and rotation of the Earth. Equations integrating the gyro and accelerometer measurements into velocity, position and orientation are called navigation equations 15. The combination of an IMU and a computer running navigation equations is called an Inertial Navigation System (INS). Fig. 1: Inertial navigation system 15 2.1. Navigation Equations The principle of inertial navigation laws are managed by classical mechanics, which defined by Newton. Looking at Newtons second law of movement, a change in motion occurs as a force is applied to a body. Now, dividing both sides of the equation by the mass of the object results in the certain force. In inertial navigation, accelerometers detect accelerations due to forces exerted on the body 3. ? ? ? ? ? ?(1) 406 Mohammad Emal Qazizada and Elena Pivariov / Procedia Engineering 149 ( 2016 ) 404 413 Typically these forces as special forces called (S). Thus reading from the IMU will be referred to as specific forces, which are independent of the mass 3. 3. Accelerometer Accelerometers are used to measure acceleration along one or more axis and are relatively insensitive to orthogonal directions. Accelerometer is electromechanical device to measure acceleration forces: ? Static forces like gravity pulling at an object lying at a table ? Dynamic forces caused by motion or vibration Accelerometer Applications: ? Automotive: monitor vehicle tilt, roll, skid, impact, vibration, etc., to deploy safety devices (stability control, anti-lock breaking system, airbags, etc.) and to ensure comfortable ride (active suspension) ? Aerospace: inertial navigation, smart munitions, unmanned vehicles ? Sports/Gaming: monitor athlete performance and injury, joystick, tilt ? Personal electronics: cell phones, digital devices ? Security: motion and vibration detection ? Industrial: machinery health monitoring ? Robotics: self-balancing 3.1. Types of Accelerometer Accelerometer can be broadly classified either a mechanical or solid state device. 3.1.1. Mechanical Accelerometer A mechanical accelerometer include of a mass suspended by springs, as shown in Figure 2. The displacement of the mass is measured using a movement pick-off, giving a signal that is proportional to the force F acting on the mass in the orientation of the input axis. Newtons second law F = ma is then used to calculate the acceleration acting on the device. Fig. 2: Accelerometer structure. Proof mass is attached through springs 16 3.1.2. Solid State Accelerometer Solid state accelerometer can be divided to various subgroups, including surface vocal wave, vibratory, silicon and quartz devices. Solid state accelerometers are small, trustworthy and rough. An example of a solid-state accelerometer is the surface acoustic wave (SAW) accelerometer. A SAW accelerometer consists of a linchpin beam which is resonated at a specific frequency, as shown in Figure 3. A mass is depended to one end of the beam which is free to move. The other end is hardly attached to the case. When an acceleration is applied along the input axis the beam curved. This causes the frequency of the surface acoustic wave to change symmetrically to the applied strain. By measuring this change in frequency the acceleration can be specified. 407 Mohammad Emal Qazizada and Elena Pivariov / Procedia Engineering 149 ( 2016 ) 404 413 Fig. 3: Surface acoustic wave (SAW) 17 3.1.3. MEMS Accelerometers Abbreviation MEMS based on the “microelectromechanical systems“. What means systems in which there are implemented on one chip micromechanical structures forming sensor as such, with controlling and evaluation electronical circuits. Silicon micro-machined accelerometer using the same principles of mechanical and solid state sensors. There are two main category of MEMS accelerometer. The first category consists of mechanical accelerometers (i.e. devices which measure the displacement of a supported mass) manufactured using MEMS techniques. The second class consists of devices which measure the change in frequency of a vibrating element caused by a change of traction, as in SAW accelerometers. They are small, light and contain low power consumption and start-up times. Their basic disadvantage is that they are not currently as accurate as accelerometers manufactured using traditional techniques, although the implement of MEMS devices is improving quickly 1. Typical MEMS accelerometer is composed of movable proof mass with plates that is attached through a mechanical suspension system to a reference frame, as shown in Figure 4. Movable plates and fixed outer plates show capacitors. The deviation of proof mass is measured using the capacitance difference 1. Proof mass is attached through springs (kS: spring constant) at substrate. It can move only up and down. Movable and fixed plates construct capacitors. Fig. 4: Accelerometer structure 18 The free-space (air) capacitances between the movable plate and two stationary outer plates C1 and C2 are functions of the corresponding displacements x1 and x2: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If the acceleration is zero, the capacitances C1 and C2 are equal because x1= x2. The proof mass displacement x results due to acceleration. If x 0, the capacitance difference is found to be: 408 Mohammad Emal Qazizada and Elena Pivariov / Procedia Engineering 149 ( 2016 ) 404 413 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Measuring C, one finds the displacement x by solving the nonlinear algebraic equation: ? ? ? ? ? This equation can be simplified. For small displacements, the term Cx2is negligible. Thus, Cx2 can be omitted. Then, from ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? one concludes that the displacement is approximately proportional to the capacitance difference C 18. 3.2. Working principle of typical accelerometer The principle of working of an accelerometer can be explained by a simple mass (m) attached to a spring of stiffness (k) that in turn is attached to a casing, as illustrated in Figure 5. The mass used in accelerometers is often called the seismic-mass or proof-mass. In most cases the system also includes a dashpot to provide a desirable damping effect. The dashpot with damping coefficient (c) is normally attached to the mass in parallel with the spring. When the spring mass system is subjected to linear acceleration, a force equal to mass times acceleration acts on the proof-mass, causing it to deflect. This deflection is sensed by a suitable means and converted into an equivalent electrical signal. Some form of damping is required, otherwise the system would not stabilize quickly under applied acceleration. To derive the motion equation of the system Newtons second law is used, where all real forces acting on the proof-mass are equal to the inertia force on the proof-mass. Accordingly a dynamic problem can be treated as a problem of static equilibrium and the equation of motion can be obtained by direct formulation of the equations of equilibrium. This damped mass-spring system with applied force constitutes a classical second order mechanical system. From the stationary observers point of view, the sum of all forces in the z direction 19. Fig. 5: Schematic of an accelerometer 19 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? where: m mass of the proof-mass, x relative movement of the proof-mass with respect to frame, c damping coefficient, k spring constant, F force applied The equation of motion is a second order linear differential equation with constant coefficients. The general solution X(t) is the sum of the complementary function XC(t) and the particular integral XP(t). ? ? ? ? ? The complementary function satisfies the homogeneous equation. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The solution to ? (?) is: ? ? ? Substituting (10) in (9) 409 Mohammad Emal Qazizada and Elena Pivariov / Procedia Engineering 149 ( 2016 ) 404 413 ? ? ? ? ? As ? ? cannot be zero for all values of t, then, ? ? ? ? ? ? called as the auxiliary or characteristic equation of the system. The solution to this equation for values of S is: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? From the above equation 6, the following useful formulae are derived ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? where n undamped resonance frequency, k spring constant, m mass of proof-mass, c damping coefficient, ? damping factor ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4. Gyroscopes A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of conservation of angular momentum. There exist a few basic types of gyroscopes. 4.1. Mechanical gyroscopes A conventional gyroscope contains of a spinning wheel mounted on two gimbals which allow it to rotate in all three axes, as show in Figure 6. An effect of the safekeeping of angular momentum is that the spinning wheel will resist changes in orientation. Thus when a mechanical gyroscope is expose to a rotation the wheel will remain at a constant global orientation and the angles between adjacent gimbals will change. To measure the orientation of the device the angles between adjacent gimbals can be read using angle pick-offs. Note that a conventional gyroscope measures orientation. In contrast nearly all modern gyroscopes (including the optical and MEMS types) are rate-gyros, which measure angular velocity. The main disadvantage of mechanical gyroscopes is that they contain moving parts. Moving parts cause friction, which in turn causes the output to drift over time. To minimize friction high-precision bearings and special lubricants are used, adding to the cost of the device. Mechanical gyroscopes also require a few minutes to warm up, which is not ideal in many situations. Fig. 6: Gyroscope 20 410 Mohammad Emal Qazizada and Elena Pivariov / Procedia Engineering 149 ( 2016 ) 404 413 4.2. Optical Gyroscope A fiber optic gyroscope (FOG) uses the interference of light to measure angular velocity. A FOG consists of a large coil of optical fiber. To measure the rotation of the two light beams are fired into the coil in opposite directions. If the sensor is undergoing a rotation then the beam travelling in the direction of rotation will experience a longer path to the other end of the fiber than the beam travelling against the rotation, as illustrated in Figure 7. This is known as the Sagnac effect. When the beams exit the fiber they are combined. The phase shift introduced due to the Sagnac effect


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