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英語語音教學(xué),楊萌 西安外國語大學(xué),英語語音學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容,英語發(fā)音的三種口型 英語音標(biāo)的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)、盲點(diǎn)及辨析 輔音連綴 / 連讀 失去爆破 /單詞、語句重音 停頓/ 語調(diào),圓唇(Round lips)- 收勢口型,要領(lǐng): 嘴張圓。嘴唇動作要收緊或收小。切忌松弛。要有繃緊,張不開的感覺。要注意控制嘴唇的運(yùn)動幅度,幅度過大發(fā)音部位會前移。 圓唇音: : : 等。,扁唇(Spread lips)- 外延口型,發(fā)音要領(lǐng): 要有控制地將嘴唇用力外延。不可無限制地外延。外延時嘴角要繃緊。 扁唇音:: : 等。,前趨唇(Protruding lips) -收縮口型,要領(lǐng): 收唇,前撅,收小,略外翻。噓聲口型。 前趨唇音:,等。,傳統(tǒng)國際音標(biāo)與新音標(biāo)對照表, : : : : : : ,D : : ,元音音標(biāo):(24),短元音:( /) u/) 長元音: : : 雙元音: ,輔音(26)半元音(2),輔音: 半元音: ,英語基本音素的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和技巧的學(xué)習(xí),i: 的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)及字母組合,發(fā)音時舌尖抵下齒,舌前部抬高,口型扁平,成微笑形。音長。 cheese, we,feed,see, three, weekend, queen, CD eat, dream, seat, read, ceiling, people,單元音i:的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,1. 長元音短化: seat-,teacher- , fourteen-f: 2. 單元音雙元音化: three- r, read-rd 原因:上下齒間距過大,發(fā)音時口型有變動,嘴角未繃緊。 3. 母語化:i:-漢語的衣。 原因:舌尖未抵下齒,嘴外延得不夠,嘴唇未繃緊。發(fā)音時 舌部過于緊張,舌頭同口腔中的空氣產(chǎn)生了摩擦。,發(fā)音練習(xí),Conversation: A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. Im pleased to meet you., 的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)及字母組合,位于重讀音節(jié)中和非重讀音節(jié)中間。 發(fā)音時舌尖抵下齒,舌前部抬高,舌兩側(cè)抵上齒兩側(cè),唇、舌、頰放松,口型扁平,音短。較之i音發(fā)音時舌位略靠后,是松口元音。發(fā)音時唇、舌略緊,重讀。例:chips,English, live等,該音不容易發(fā)準(zhǔn)確。發(fā)好該音的竅門:模仿時鐘的滴答聲和英文名字Dick的發(fā)音:Tick, tick, tick, Dick, Dick, Dick。舌尖清點(diǎn)下齒,嘴角繃緊:big, big, big, pig, pig, pig,it, is, in, ill, six, sit, big, this, dinner, listen, sing, pink, fix, chips, pill, jigsaw, chopstick, visit, biscuit, picture, instead eraser, England, jacket, subject, glasses, eleven, 位于非重讀音節(jié)末尾。發(fā)音時唇、舌略松弛。較之音發(fā)音時舌位略靠前,發(fā)音較輕。是緊口音。 busy, easy, teddy, city, party, naughty, monkey, worry, hungry, lovely, merrily,單元音 的盲點(diǎn),1. 短元音長化:ship-:p, sit-s:t, glasses- l:s:z 2. 他音化:winter-wnt, sit down -t, six- subject-bt sorry- 3. 母語化: - 衣 big -畢, live-利v,發(fā)音練習(xí),1. Jim gives Lily a big kiss. 2. His little sister is sitting in the middle. 3. It is still winter not spring yet. Chant: Two little kittens are sitting on the hill, one is Bill, one is Jill. Run away Bill, run away Jill. Come back Bill, come back Jill.,e的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)及字母組合,舌尖抵下齒,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比: 低,舌前部用力。唇型中長,嘴角繃緊。上下齒間一個食指尖的間距,音短。 bed, red, pet, wet, then, yes, mess, desk, ten, instead, headache, sweater, test, pen, seven, spell, telephone again, elephant, clever, yellow, welcome,單元音e的盲點(diǎn),1.口型錯誤:嘴唇外延得不夠,上下齒間距過寬, 如:letter-lt bed-bd 2. 單元音雙元音化:red-rad letter-lat 2.他音化:friend-frnd ten-tn 3.母語化:讀成漢語的哀; lesson-l哀sn,發(fā)音練習(xí),Sentence: He gets up at seven everyday. Verse: Good,better,best, Never let it rest; Till good is better, And better best.,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng),舌尖抵下齒;舌前部稍抬高。舌位比e低,扁平唇型,上下齒間兩個指尖的間距。音短。 bat, hat, cap, map, bag, can, man, back, thank, stand, hand, panda, hamburger apple, animal, camel, happy, Saturday,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,圓唇扁唇化:bag-b cat-et 單元音雙元音化:back-ba black-bla 他音化:thank-nk stand-stnd hamburger-hmb: 母語化:讀成中文的哀,如: apple- 哀pl, camel- 開ml, saturday 塞turday 原因:口型未控制好,齒間間距或過大或過小,舌位不到位;發(fā)音部位或太靠前或太靠后。,發(fā)音練習(xí),Tongue twister: Cat, cat, catch that black rat!,:的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,口張大,雙唇微收,后舌位,舌身壓低,平放并后縮,舌尖不抵下齒。 art, car, card, hard, park, smart, start fast, last, past, classroom, sunglasses half, afternoon, vase, father,:音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,長元音短化及寬口型窄化: fast-fst, smart-smt 母語化:: -漢語啊 art-啊t, last- 辣st, start- s大t 原因:口型,舌位不到位。嘴唇過于松弛,口型不夠?qū)挘l(fā)音部位過于靠前。,:音的發(fā)音練習(xí),Sentence: Its far to the farm from the park.,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,開口度小于:,舌尖和舌端兩側(cè)輕抵下齒,舌根靠前部分稍抬起,唇型稍扁,嘴角繃緊。 come, love, front, glove, monkey, one, worry, colour, lovely, welcome, stomach, mother us, run, up, duck drum,jump, mum, puddle, number, hungry, lunch, under, summer, Butterfly,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,1. 短元音長化:lovely-:, us-: 2. 扁唇圓唇化: glove-: 3. 母語化:讀成漢語的啊 summer-仨 , love-辣 原因:嘴唇外延不夠。上下齒間間距過大。嘴角未繃緊。,音的發(fā)音練習(xí),I wonder whos coming for lunch said my brother under the bunch. Come to the front on the double. The monkeys are funny., 的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,發(fā)音時舌身平放,舌中部略隆起,雙唇扁平。 monster, ruler, teacher, under, poster, eraser, firecracker, summer, trousers. winner, clever, sweater, footballer, hamburger, afternoon, again, panda, zebra, elephant, woman, England, Japan, China, colour, Saturday, merrily pilot, open, Christmas, 音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,短元音長化:ruler-:l: afternoon- ft:u:n 母語化:讀成漢語的餓;teacher-ti:車 兒音化:panda- China- 原因:舌位不到位:中元音-前元音,卷舌。 唇型錯誤:嘴唇未外延或外延過度。 清讀重讀化。,音的練習(xí),The farmers sister is a doctor. The monsters eating a hamburger merrily.,:的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,發(fā)音時舌中部比發(fā)音時略高。雙唇扁平。 bird, girl, shirt, birthday, purple, hamburger, work,:音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,1. 長元音短化:birthday-de 2. 扁唇圓唇化或前趨化:bird-bd work-w:k 3.他音化:girl-gl 4.母語化:purple-坡pl hamburger ham撥g 原因:嘴唇外延不夠,舌位不對(中元音,舌頭中部用力),發(fā)音長度不夠,發(fā)音時嘴部周圍肌肉過于松弛。,:音的發(fā)音練習(xí),Thirty German girls were working in that firm for thirty years. The early bird catches the worm (first).,音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,發(fā)音要領(lǐng): 發(fā)音時口張大,雙唇稍稍收圓。舌身盡量降 低并后縮,舌根下陷,軟腭上抬,口腔后部 喉嚨大開發(fā)聲。 dog, oclock, box, fox, frog, song, sorry, long, shop, doll, chopsticks, module, orange, on, watch, wash, want, cough, crayon,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,1.圓唇前趨化:dog-: 2.單元音雙元音化:frog-au doll-dl 3. 他音化:watch-w: 4. 母語化:讀成漢語的奧: cough-k奧f, 餓:what- w餓t 原因:下舌位音發(fā)成前舌位音。嘴唇在發(fā)音 時有移動,或唇型不標(biāo)準(zhǔn),未張圓。,音的練習(xí),Sentence: Sorry, I forgot to lock the box. Proverb: A little pot is soon hot.,:音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)及字母組合,要領(lǐng): 發(fā)音時舌后部抬得比高,雙唇收得更 圓更小,略前趨, 音長。 morning, fork, shorts, horse, airport, all, small, ball, walk, naughty, autumn, door, floor, jigsaw, warm, blackboard, four,:音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,小口型放大化:morning- 下舌音上舌音化:autumn- 單元音雙元音化:shorts- horse- 原因:未控制好唇型;嘴唇未收緊前 趨,舌根沒有用力下凹。,:音的練習(xí),Sentences: Mr. Shorthouse snores worse than a horse. My daughter-in-law whos forty-four is a lawyer.,u的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)及字母組合,要領(lǐng): 發(fā)音時舌后部抬起,舌身后縮,舌尖離開下齒。雙唇稍收圓,前趨。用舌根小動作發(fā)音。 good, book, look, classroom, football, put, woman,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,短元音長化:classroom- : 他音化:good- 母語化:讀成漢語的務(wù):foot-富 原因:口型錯誤;嘴唇未收圓前趨,沒用舌根小動作發(fā)音。, 音的練習(xí),Sentences: Look at the cook-book, its really good. He took the butcher as the cook. Tongue twister: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.,u:的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)及字母組合,要領(lǐng): 發(fā)音時舌后部盡量抬起,舌位比高。唇 收圓并前趨??谛伪壬孕?。 too, cool, balloon, school, afternoon, ruler,use, music, flute, fruit, juice, you, soup, two, blue, shoe,u:音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,長元音短化:cool- ruler 單元音雙元音化:you- 母語化:讀成漢語的屋; too-吐 原因:嘴唇未收圓,未前趨,發(fā)音時唇型有滑動。,: 音的練習(xí),Sentences: How do you do? You look really cool. Its too soon to be true. Do you want a pair of new shoes or boots?,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,要領(lǐng): 先發(fā)音,口型略比大,然后滑向音。雙唇稍扁,口形從半開到合。 game, name, make, headache, late, lake, plane, cake, racing, wait, rain, train, play, Friday, way, X-ray, say, crayon, great, eight,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,雙元音簡化:way, play等詞后面的音 被省略了。 他音化:train-:, rain-: 母語化:讀成漢語的誒: make-妹k, late-累t 原因:口型不正確,沒有滑動 (從半開到 合)。, 音的練習(xí),Proverb: No pain, no gain. Verse: Rain, rain, go away, little Johnny wants to play. Song Make a cake, make a cake, put it on the plate. Make a cake, make a cake, I cant wait.,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,先發(fā)音,然后滑向音。舌尖抵住下齒。發(fā)此音的關(guān)鍵是要把音發(fā)足,注意從開到合的滑動。口型由寬變扁。 I, fine, five, bike, mine, nine, knife, ride, white, science, time, idea, Friday, driver, high, life, like, pilot, China try, by, Goodbye,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,雙元音簡化:nine, high 他音化:fine-, five- 母語化:讀成漢語的愛:time-太m China- 拆 原因:口型不正確,沒有滑動。喉腔未打開,下舌音發(fā)成上舌音。, 音的練習(xí),Proverbs: A stitch in time saves nine. Out of sight, out of mind.,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,發(fā)音時雙唇從圓到扁,口形從開到合。發(fā)好這個音的關(guān)鍵是首先要把后元音發(fā)足,然后滑向音。 boy, toy, point, soil, oil, point, noise, toilet,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,雙元音多音化:toy-t 他音化:point-p boy- 母語化:讀成漢語的傲一 :boy-抱一 原因:下舌音發(fā)成上舌音,舌根上抵,喉腔夾緊并且滑動速度過慢。, 音的練習(xí),Sentence: The spoiled boy wants more toys. Soybean oil is my choice.,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,由中元音滑向后元音,舌位由半低到高,口形由半開到小。由扁唇到前趨唇。注意將音發(fā)足。 yellow, window, row hello, no, go, old, OK, clothes, cold, poster, goal boat,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,雙元音單音化:window-wndo 母語化:讀成漢語的歐;go-夠 原因:舌位及口型錯誤,沒有變化及滑動(由半開到小,由扁唇到前趨唇)。,音的練習(xí),Sentence: Go and open the window, Joe, and show me the photo. Song: Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is like a dream.,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,由前元音滑向后元音,舌位由低到高,口形由大到小。注意將音發(fā)足。 mouse, house, count, trousers, how, now, down, our,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,雙元音單音化:mouse- 他音化:count- 母語化:讀成漢語的澳;now- 鬧 原因: 未收唇前趨。舌根未下凹,發(fā)音時 舌位過于靠前。,音的練習(xí),Sentences: How about going down town? I found a mouse in the house. Chant: Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round; A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round, Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round?,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,由音滑向音。前面的音發(fā)得較清楚,后面的較弱。雙唇始終半開。此音一定要發(fā)足。 ear, dear, tear, fear, beard, year, cheer, beer, Idea, real Here, zero theory,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,短元音長化:idea- : 加入其他音:hear- ,音的練習(xí),We are near the end of the year. His beard has nearly disappeared into his beer.,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,從音滑向音。發(fā)音時舌尖抵下齒,前舌略抬起,雙唇半開,此音中的略寬,舌位高度在和之間。音較低。 where, there, airport, hair, wear, bear careful their,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,窄口型寬大化: where-w 加入其他音:hair- 原因: 口型、舌位錯誤,滑動不夠快?;瑒舆^ 程中舌位變高。,音的練習(xí),Proverb: Where theres a will theres a way. Sentence: Therere some pears on the chair downstairs.,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)與字母組合,發(fā)音時,嘴唇從收圓到半開。發(fā)好這個音的關(guān)鍵是首先要把音發(fā)足,然后滑向音 sure, pure, poor, tour, fewer, newer,音的盲點(diǎn)與辨析,短音長化:sure- : 小音大音化:tour- : 母語化:讀成漢語的屋餓;poor-鋪餓 原因: 口型錯誤:嘴唇前趨及外延過度。不是用舌根作小動作發(fā)音,而是用舌前部發(fā)的音。,音的練習(xí),Sentence: These newer attractions are sure to lure the tourists.,英語輔音介紹,爆破音:pbtdk -清輔音:(voiceless sound)ptk -濁輔音:(voiced sound) bd 摩擦音:fvsz rh 破擦音:td 舌邊音: 鼻音:,英語中的半元音, ,音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,雙唇爆破輔音:發(fā)音時雙唇緊閉,憋住氣,然后突然分開,氣流沖出口腔,發(fā)出爆破音。是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 people, pet, prince, pill, pilot, put, park, play, plane, airport, chips, jump, shop,p 音的練習(xí),Sentences: Practice makes perfect. Paul plays the piano perfectly. Do you prefer peaches or pineapples? Tongue twister: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled pepper? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, Wheres the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?,的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,雙唇爆破輔音:發(fā)音時雙唇緊閉,憋住氣,然后突然分開,氣流沖出口腔,發(fā)出爆破音。是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 bat,bike, bite, by, biscuit, bus footballer,hamburger cab, tab, job,b音的練習(xí),Sentences: Youd better behave! Barry found a big bug in his bed. Bob brought us some bread but no butter.,t音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌齒爆破輔音。發(fā)音時舌尖抵上齒齦,憋住氣,然后突然分開,使氣流沖出口腔,發(fā)出爆破音。t是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 taxi, teddy, time, too, toy,test, T-shirt, sweater,gently,visit,wait, wet,subject,elephant, light, fight letter, little,t音的練習(xí),Phrases: time table,from ten to ten, a tennis racket Tongue twister: This is a hat, that is a cap. This is a cat, that is a rat. The cat is in the hat, the rat is in the cap.,d音的發(fā)音要點(diǎn)和字母組合,舌齒爆破輔音:發(fā)音時舌尖抵上齒齦,憋住氣,然后突然分開,使氣流沖出口腔,發(fā)出爆破音。d是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 bed,dad, need, deer,date,dip,dig,do, duck, add, middle, sudden,d音的練習(xí),Sentences: So you have a needle and thread? The doorman told David to go down. Does your doctor get paid on Friday?,k音的發(fā)音要點(diǎn)和字母組合,舌后軟腭爆破音:發(fā)音時舌后部隆起緊貼軟腭,憋住氣,然后突然分開,氣流送出口腔,形成爆破音。k是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 kill,keen,kite,kick,back,pick,duck, cast,come,cap,cave,card,cough, lake,make,steak,k 音的練習(xí),Sentences: Dont kick the kitten. Kate is flying a kite in the sky. Cut your coat according to your cloth. Mike paid a halfcrown to cover the cost of the cleaning.,音的發(fā)音要點(diǎn)和字母組合,舌后軟腭爆破音:發(fā)音時舌后部隆起緊貼軟腭,憋住氣,然后突然分開,氣流送出口腔,形成爆破音。是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 gap,gum,give,glove,get,go, goal,great,bag, pig dialogue, league, ghost, guest, guard, guide exact, example, exhaust,g音的練習(xí),Proverb: A good beginning makes a good ending. Sentences: He is digging in his garden. Maggie played the game again and again.,f音的發(fā)音要點(diǎn)和字母組合,唇齒摩擦輔音。發(fā)音時下唇輕觸上齒,氣流由唇齒間縫隙中通過,形成摩擦音。 f 是清輔音,聲帶不振動。 four, five, fox, face, film, fire football, floor, fly, friend frog front, careful, beautiful half, calf, life, knife Laugh, enough off, office phrase, physics,f音的練習(xí),Sentences: If I feel better on Friday, Ill go to my friends party. If you buy fish, make sure its fresh. If Fred laughs, he looks funny.,v音的發(fā)音要點(diǎn)和字母組合,唇齒摩擦輔音。發(fā)音時下唇輕觸上齒,氣流由唇齒間縫隙中通過,形成摩擦音。v是濁輔音,聲帶振動。 very, visit, voice, vase, clever, driver, Of, TV, glove, have, move, live, love, lovely, five,v音的練習(xí),Sentences: Five and seven make twelve. All English vowels are voiced. Therere some very fine views down the valley.,m音的發(fā)音要點(diǎn)和字母組合,雙唇鼻輔音。發(fā)音時軟腭下垂,雙唇緊閉,氣流從鼻腔送出。在詞末尾時須略微延長,以防止吞音。 make, mat, mess, math, mouse, man, morning, jump, stomach, animal, woman, computer, small, smart, summer, dream, them, mum, time, name, warm, game, come, drum, some, welcome, classroom,m音的練習(xí),Sentences: Mom has many things to do at home. May I offer you some lemonade? Its not a matter of money but a matter of time. Some of us may stay till Monday.,n音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng),舌尖齒齦鼻輔音。發(fā)音時舌尖抵上齒齦,形成阻礙,軟腭下垂,氣流從鼻腔送出。在詞末尾時須略微延長,以防止吞音。 no , name, nine, nothing, seven, ten, green, open, down, crayon, pen, balloon, afternoon, can, on under pencil rainbow, window stand, thank, front, point, count, and, friend,n音的發(fā)音練習(xí),Sentence: Noras new dress is green. How many stone animals are near here? Proverb: Never too old to learn.,音的發(fā)音要點(diǎn)和字母組合,舌后軟腭鼻輔音。發(fā)音時軟腭下垂,堵住口腔通道,氣流從鼻腔送出。聲帶振動。 English, sing, song, long, morning, ceiling, spring,音的練習(xí),Sentences: The dog hung out its long tongue. Were planning to travel to US this spring. Ling ling is listening to an English song.,l音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌端齒齦邊濁輔音。發(fā)音時舌尖及舌端緊貼上齒齦,舌前向硬腭抬起,氣流從舌旁邊送出。當(dāng)此音為尾音時,將舌端抵住上齒齦,舌前下陷,舌后上抬,舌面形成凹槽。發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 late, listen, live, love, late, look, like, leave, lunch colour, yellow, hello floor, play, please, clean, glove, fly, flute, clock, cold, film, milk small, all, doll, ball, cool, pencil, girl, school apple, middle, bicycle,不發(fā)音的l,palm, calm, calf, talk, walk, chalk, could, would, should, half, behalf, salmon, Lincoln,l音的練習(xí),Sentences: What a beautiful bicycle! Michael! Be careful! I like to eat salmon for lunch. Isnt that little bottle beautiful?,音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌齒摩擦輔音:發(fā)音時舌尖輕觸上齒背,氣流由舌齒間送出,形成摩擦音。是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 throw,thank,think,thick,thought,bath,faith,both,breath,mouth,cloth tenth,thirsty,three,音的練習(xí),Phrases: Three times three. To go south and north. Sentences: Thank you for your table cloth.,音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌齒摩擦輔音:發(fā)音時舌尖輕觸上齒背,氣流由舌齒間送出,形成摩擦音,是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 though,than,them,bathe,breathe clothe,with,音的練習(xí),Sentences: Dont bother them. Theres something wrong with the soup. Chant: This is used for one thing near, That means one thing over there. These and those mean two or more, Those are far and these are near.,s音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌齒摩擦輔音:發(fā)音時舌端靠近齒齦,氣流由舌端齒齦間送出,形成摩擦音。s是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 Saturday,small,same,save,sell,sick, sing,spring, ice,face,price,race, mouse,poster,past,house,s音的練習(xí),phrases: a swimming suit a sweet smiling face Tongue twister: Sally sells sea shells on the seashore, the shells she sells are seashells Im sure.,z音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌齒摩擦輔音:發(fā)音時舌端靠近齒齦,氣流由舌端齒齦間送出,形成摩擦音。z是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 zebra,zeal,zoo,prize, raise,vase,please,Chinese, easy, music,visit, eyes,knees,z的發(fā)音練習(xí),Phrase: jazz music Sentence: Those zebras are lazy. What size of shoes does Daisy wear?,音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌端齒齦后部摩擦輔音:發(fā)音時舌端靠近齒齦后部,舌身抬起靠近上腭,雙唇稍收圓并略突出。氣流通過時形成摩擦音。是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 ship,shop,shirt,shoe,shorts,she, shame,shake,wash,rush,cash, machine,pressure,sure,,音的練習(xí),Phrase: An English ship Sentences: Wash the fish. She bought some nice shirts for Mr Bush.,音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌端齒齦后部摩擦輔音:發(fā)音時舌端靠近齒齦后部,舌身抬起靠近上腭,雙唇稍收圓并略突出。氣流通過時形成摩擦音。是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 garage,pleasure,usual,leisure,音的練習(xí),Phrases: To measure the garage To make a decision My pleasure. As usual,音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌端齒齦破擦輔音。發(fā)音時舌身抬高,舌端抵上齒齦后部,氣流通過時發(fā)出破擦音。是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 check, chain, chicken watch, catch, teach furniture, adventure, nature Christian, question,音的練習(xí),He teaches children how to play chess. That Christian often goes to the church.,d音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌端齒齦破擦輔音。發(fā)音時舌身抬高,舌端抵上齒齦后部,氣流通過時發(fā)出破擦音。d是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動. gym, gently, giraffe, jeep, joke, jaw enjoy, jigsaw, jacket, jug, subject, huge, urge, knowledge, judge, soldier, sandwich courage, village, advantage,d音的練習(xí),Sentences: John likes to tell jokes. The village bridge was badly damaged in the heavy rain.,tr音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,齒齦后部破擦輔音。發(fā)音時舌身與r相似,舌尖貼齒齦后部,氣流沖破阻礙發(fā)出短促的t后立即發(fā)r。tr是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 tree, train, try, treat, truck, trip, true, trouble,tr音的練習(xí),Sentences: Therere lots of tractors and trucks in the street. Try to translate these sentences.,dr音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,齒齦后部破擦輔音。發(fā)音時舌身與r相似,舌尖貼齒齦后部,氣流沖破阻礙發(fā)出短促的d后立即發(fā)r。dr是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 dry, dream, drop, dragon, hundred,dr音的練習(xí),Sentences: He drove an expensive car in his dream. He likes strong drinks.,ts音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌端齒齦破擦輔音。舌端抵住上齒齦,堵住氣流,然后下降,將氣流擠出口腔。ts是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 shorts, sports, arts, cats, pets, flutes, shirts, biscuits, boats, elephants, pilots, subjects, Thats He visits /puts / wants / gets / eats / bites,ts音的練習(xí),Phrases: Heavy jackets Chinese students Sentence: His job is to tastes dishes.,dz音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌端齒齦破擦輔音。舌端先抵住上齒齦,堵住氣流,然后下降,氣流送出口腔。dz是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 weekends, beds, birds, friends, hands, He reads / rides / feeds / stands,dz音的練習(xí),Phrases: Dirty hands Rubber bands A pack of cards,h音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng),聲門摩擦音:發(fā)音時送氣。氣流被送出口腔時不受阻礙, 在通過聲門時發(fā)出輕微摩擦;口形隨其后的元音而變化; h是清輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶不振動。 hair,headache,hamburger,half,hard, have,how,hungry,horse,happy,help,hate,heat,h音的練習(xí),Sentences: Hold her hands. This is a habit harmful to human health.,r音的發(fā)音要領(lǐng)和字母組合,舌尖齒齦(后部)摩擦輔音:發(fā)音時舌尖卷起,靠近上齒齦后部。舌兩側(cè)稍收攏。雙唇略突出。氣流通過舌尖和齒齦形成輕微摩擦。r是濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動。 row,race,run,rain,read,ride,red, rest,worry,free,fry,pray,r音的練習(xí),Rock and roll Radio broadcast Ready to read and write.,半元音 的發(fā)音要領(lǐng),舌后軟腭半元音。發(fā)音時舌后部向軟腭抬起,舌位高同u。雙唇收小并向前突出,聲帶振動。發(fā)音短促,立刻滑向其后的元音。單獨(dú)發(fā)音時讀作。 white, what, window, welcome, we, well, watch, weekend, with, want, walk winter, wear, warm, wash, woman, wet,w音的練習(xí),With best wishes The seven wonders of the world When wine is in, wit is out. We we


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