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漢英古文翻譯 苛政猛于虎 (禮記工員 檀弓) 孔子過(guò)泰山側(cè),有婦人哭于墓者而哀。夫子式而聽(tīng)之。使子路問(wèn)之曰: “ 子之哭也,壹似重有ABC 者? ” 而曰: “ 然。昔者吾舅死于虎,吾夫又死焉,今吾子又死焉。 ” 夫子曰: “ 何為不去也? ” 曰:“ 無(wú)苛政。 ” 夫子曰: “ 小子 ABC 之,苛政猛于虎也。 ” 白話翻譯 孔子有一次乘車(chē)經(jīng)過(guò)泰山旁邊,在那邊有一位婦女在墳 前哭而且哭得很悲慟??鬃影咽址鲈谲?chē)前橫木上聽(tīng)她哭,派子路去問(wèn)她說(shuō): “ 您的哭聲聽(tīng)起來(lái)實(shí)在像有好幾件傷心的事似的。 ” 那個(gè)女人就說(shuō): “ 您的話說(shuō)對(duì)了。從前我的公公死在老虎口中(被老虎咬死了),后來(lái)我的丈夫又死在老虎口中;現(xiàn)在我的兒子又死在老虎口中了。 ” 孔子說(shuō): “ 為什么不離開(kāi)這兒呢? ” 女人說(shuō): “ 這兒沒(méi)有暴虐的政治。 ” 孔子說(shuō): “ 弟子們記住這句話,暴虐的政治比老虎更兇猛可怕。 OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT IS MOKE FEARSOME THAN A TIGER Once when Confucius was passing near the foot of Mount Tai in a chariot, there was a married woman weeping at a grave mound, and dolorously too. Confucius politely rested his hands on the front rail of the chariot and listened to her weeping. He sent Zilu to inquire of her, saying:” From the sound of your weeping, it seams that you indeed have many troubles.” Then the woman said:” It is true. My father-in-law died in a tigers jaw; my husband also died there. Now, my son has also died there.” Confucius said,” Why do you not leave this place?” The woman said:” Here there is no harsh and oppressive government.” Confucius said,” Young men, take note of this: a harsh and oppressive government is more ferocious and fearsome than even a tiger.” 矛盾 (韓非子 難一 ) 楚人有 ABC 盾與矛者,譽(yù)之曰: “ 吾 盾之堅(jiān),物莫能陷之。 ” 以譽(yù)其矛曰: “ 吾矛之利,于物無(wú)不陷也。 ” 或曰: “ 以子之矛陷子之盾,何如? ” 其人弗能應(yīng)也。夫不可陷之盾與無(wú)不陷之矛不可同世而立。 白話翻譯 有個(gè)賣(mài)盾和矛的楚國(guó)人,夸他的盾說(shuō): “ 我的盾堅(jiān)固得沒(méi)有一個(gè)東西刺得破啊。 ” 又夸他的矛說(shuō): “ 我的矛鋒利得沒(méi)有一個(gè)東西刺不破啊。 ” 有人說(shuō): “ 用您的矛來(lái)刺您的盾,會(huì)怎么樣? ” 那個(gè)人可就回答不出來(lái)啦。刺不破的盾和什么東西都刺得破的矛不可能同時(shí)存在。 SPEARS AND SHIELDS There was a man of the state of Chu who sold shields and spears. He bragged about his shields saying:” My shields are so hard that nothing can pierce through them .”He also bragged about his spears saying:” My spears are so sharp that there is nothing they cannot pierce through.” Someone said:” What would happen if people were to use your spears to pierce through your shields? That person could not answer. Now, shields that cannot be pierced through and spears that can pierced through anything cannot exist at the sane time. 塞翁失馬 (淮 南子 人間 ) 近塞上之人有善術(shù)者,馬無(wú)故亡而入胡,人皆 ABC 之。其父曰: “ 此何遽不能為福乎? ”居數(shù)月,其馬將胡駿馬而,人皆賀之。其父曰? “ 此何遽不能為禍平? ” 家富良馬,其子好騎,墮而折其骨,人皆 ABC 之。其父曰: “ 此何遽不能為福乎? ” 居一年,胡人大舉入塞,丁壯者引ABC 而戰(zhàn)。近塞之人,死者十九,此(子) ABC 以跛故,父子相保。故福之為禍,禍之為福,化不可極,深不可測(cè)也。 白話翻譯 靠近邊界上的人里有個(gè)很會(huì)占卜的人,他的馬無(wú)緣無(wú)故地逃跑進(jìn)入胡人的領(lǐng)地去了,別人都來(lái)慰問(wèn)他。他的父親說(shuō): “ 這件 事怎么就不能變成福呢? ” 過(guò)了幾個(gè)月,他的馬帶著胡人的好馬回來(lái)了,別人來(lái)向他道賀。他的父親說(shuō): “ 這件事怎么就不能變成災(zāi)禍呢? ” 家里有很多馬,他的兒子喜歡騎馬,從馬上摔下來(lái),摔斷了他的胯骨,別人者來(lái)慰問(wèn)他。他的父親說(shuō): “ 這件事怎么說(shuō)不能變成福呢? ” 過(guò)了一年,胡人大規(guī)模地侵入邊界,成年的男人都拿起弓來(lái)去打仗。靠近邊界上的人,死掉的有十分之九,只有這個(gè)摔斷胯骨的兒子因?yàn)槿沉说木壒?,父親跟兒子能平安地生活在一塊兒。所以福變成禍,禍變成福,變化得沒(méi)法子研究到底,深得沒(méi)法子測(cè)量啊。 THE OLD MAN AT THE FRONTIER LOSES HIS HORSE Among the people near the frontier, there was one skilled at prognostication. For no reason, his horse ran off into the territory of the barbarians; everyone consoled him. His father said:” As for this, why cant it become good fortune?” After several months, his horse returned leading some good barbarian horses; everyone congratulated him. His father said,” As for this, why cant it become a disaster?” Since there were many good horses in the household, his son became fond of riding, fell off a horse, and broke his thigh bone; everyone consoled the sons father. His father said, “ As for this, why cant it become good fortune?” After a year, the barbarians entered the frontier in great numbers. All the adult males picked up their bows to go fight. Of the people near the frontier, nine out of ten died. Only because of this mans sons lameness, could father and son both be safe secure. Thus, as to how fortune becomes misfortune and misfortune becomes fortune, this transformation cannot be utterly known; its depth cannot be fathomed. 守株待兔 (韓非子 五蠢 ) 宋人有耕者,田中有株,兔走觸株,折頸而死。因釋其耒而守株,冀復(fù)得兔。兔不可復(fù)得,而身為宋國(guó)笑。 白話翻譯 有個(gè)耕田的宋國(guó)人,在田里有截樹(shù)樁子,一條兔子跑過(guò)來(lái),碰到樹(shù)樁子,碰斷了脖子就死了。耕田的人于是就放下他的犁去守著樹(shù)樁子,希望再得到兔子。兔子他再也得不到,他自己反倒被宋國(guó)人嘲笑了。 WAITING FOR A HARE AT THE TREE STUMP There was a person in the state of Song who tilled the land; in his field was a tree stump. A hare ran by, dashed into the tree stump, broke its neck, and then died. The person tilling the field these upon put down his plough in order to watch the tree stump, hoping to get another hare. He could not get a hare again; instead he was laughed at by the people of Song. 揠 苗 : 揠苗助長(zhǎng) 宋人有閔其苗之不長(zhǎng)而揠之者。芒芒然歸,謂其人曰: “今日病矣!予助苗長(zhǎng)矣! ”其子 ABC 而往視之,苗則槁矣。 天下之不助苗長(zhǎng)者寡矣。以為無(wú)益而舍之者,不耘苗者也;助之長(zhǎng)者,揠苗者也。非徒無(wú)益,而又害 白話翻譯: 有個(gè)擔(dān)心他的苗長(zhǎng)不大就去把苗拔高一點(diǎn)的宋國(guó) 人,他很累地回家,告訴他家里的人說(shuō): “今天我可累壞啦!我剛才幫助苗長(zhǎng)高了! ”他的兒子跑著到田里去看苗,苗原來(lái)都已經(jīng)枯了。 天下不幫助苗長(zhǎng)的人少得很啊。認(rèn)為沒(méi)有好處就放 ABC 它的人是不替苗除掉野草的人;幫助苗長(zhǎng)高的人是把苗拔高一點(diǎn)兒的人。揠苗這種做法不僅沒(méi)有好處,反而還害了它。 PULING UP THE SPROUTS There was a person from the state of Song who was concerned that his sprouts would not grow tall and who therefore pulled them up a bit. He returned home looking exhausted and spoke to the people in his family saying:” Today I am tired out! I have just helped the sprouts grow taller.” His son rushed out and went to the fields to look at the sprouts; it turned out that the sprouts had all withered. The people in the world who do not help their sprouts grow are few indeed! The people who think there is no advantage in nurturing them are the people who abandon them; these are the people who do not weed their sprouts. The people who want to help their sprouts grow are the people who pull them up a bit. The method of pulling them up a bit not only has no benefit, but on the contrary also injures them. 晏子與楚王論盜 晏子將使楚。楚王聞之,謂左右曰: “ 晏嬰齊之習(xí)辭者也。今方來(lái),吾欲辱之,何以也? ”左右對(duì)曰: “ 為其來(lái)也,臣請(qǐng)縛一人,過(guò)王而行。王曰: 何為者也? 對(duì)曰: 齊人也。 王曰: “ 何坐? ” 曰: 坐盜 。 ” 晏子至,楚王賜晏子灑。灑酣,吏二人縛一人旨王。王曰:“ 縛者曷為者也? ” 對(duì)曰: “ 齊人也,坐盜。 ” 王視晏子曰: “ 齊人固善盜乎? ” 晏子避席對(duì)曰:“ 嬰聞之,橘生于淮南則為橘;生于淮北則為枳。葉徒相似,其味實(shí)不同。所以然者何?水土異也。今民生長(zhǎng)于齊不盜,入楚則盜,得無(wú)楚之水土使民善盜耶? ” 白話翻譯 晏子將要出使到楚國(guó)。楚王聽(tīng)到這個(gè)消息,告訴待從們說(shuō): “ 晏嬰是齊國(guó)嫻熟辭令的人?,F(xiàn)在他快要來(lái)了,我 想要羞辱他,我應(yīng)該用什么法子呢? ” 待從回答說(shuō): “ 當(dāng)他來(lái)的時(shí)候啊,請(qǐng)大王讓我捆綁一個(gè)人,從您面前走過(guò)。您說(shuō): 這個(gè)人是干什么的??? 我回答說(shuō): 這個(gè)人是齊國(guó)人。 您說(shuō): 他犯了會(huì)么罪? 我說(shuō) 他犯了偷東事的罪。 ” 晏子到了,楚王擺灑席招待晏子,在他們喝灑喝到很高興的時(shí)候,兩個(gè)小官兒捆著一個(gè)人到楚王面前來(lái)了。王說(shuō): “ 捆著的人是干什么的人啊? ” 兩個(gè)小官兒回答說(shuō): “ 這個(gè)人齊國(guó)人,他犯了偷東西的罪。 ” 楚王看著晏子說(shuō): “ 齊國(guó)人本來(lái)就很善于偷東西嗎? ” 晏子離開(kāi)了座位回答說(shuō): “ 我聽(tīng)說(shuō),橘子生長(zhǎng)在淮河以南,就橘子;生長(zhǎng)在淮 河以北,就變成了枳子了。兩者的葉子白白相像,這兩種水果的味道實(shí)在不同。橘子變成了枳子緣故是什么?這是因?yàn)榛茨匣幢钡乃敛煌木壒拾 ,F(xiàn)在人民生長(zhǎng)在齊國(guó)不偷東西,到了楚國(guó)可就偷東西,莫非 是 楚國(guó)的水土使人民特別會(huì)偷東西嗎? ” YANZI DISCUSSES THIEVING WITH THE KING OF CHU Yanzi was about to go to the state of chu as an envoy. When the king of Chu heard this news, he spoke to his retainers saying:” Yan Ying is a man of Qi gifted with a silver tongue. Now he is about to come to Chu, I want to humiliate him; what means should I employ to do this?” One of his attendants responded saying:” When he comes, let your majesty have me tie up a man and walk past your majesty. Your majesty will say:” What did this man do?” I will respond: This man is a man of Qi. Your majesty will say: What crime is he being punished for? I will respond: He is being punished for the crime of theft.” Yanzi arrived. The king of Chu laid out a banquet to entertain him. When they gad become pleasantly inebriated, two minor officials tied up a man and came before the king. The king said:” What did the bound man do?” The two minor officials said:” This man is a man of the state of Qi who is being punished for the crime of robbery.” The king of Chu, looking at Yanzi, said:” Have the people of the state of Qi always excelled at robbery?” Yanzi left his seat and responded saying:” I have heard that when tangerine trees grow south of the Huai River, then they bear tangerines; if they grow north of the Huai River, then they will bear citrons. The leaves are similar to no avail, for the taste is really not the same at all. Why is it so? This is because the soil and water are different. Now if people who grow up in the state of Qi do not rob, yet when they enter the state of Chu, they rob, could it not be that it is the soil and water of the state of Chu that makes them excel at robbery?” 畫(huà)蛇添足 ( 戰(zhàn)國(guó)策 齊策) 楚有 祠者,賜其舍人卮酒。舍人相謂曰: “ 數(shù)人飲之,不足;一人飲之,有余。請(qǐng)畫(huà)地為蛇,先成者飲酒。 ” 一人蛇先成。 引酒且飲,乃左手持卮,右手畫(huà)蛇曰: “ 吾能為之足。 ”未成,一人之蛇成。奪其卮曰: “ 蛇固無(wú)足,子安能為之足? ” 遂飲其酒。為蛇足者終亡其酒。 白話翻譯 楚國(guó)有個(gè)祭祀的人,他賜給他的門(mén)客一杯酒。門(mén)客們一塊兒商量說(shuō): “ 幾個(gè)人喝這杯酒,酒不夠;一個(gè)人喝它,卻又太多。讓咱們?cè)诘孛嫔袭?huà)成一條蛇,先畫(huà)完的人喝酒。 ” 一個(gè)人蛇先畫(huà)成了。那個(gè)人拿過(guò)酒杯來(lái)打算喝,卻用左手端著酒杯,用右手畫(huà)著蛇說(shuō): “ 我能給它添上腳。 ”他 的蛇腳還沒(méi)畫(huà)完,另一個(gè)人的蛇畫(huà)成了。這個(gè)人搶過(guò)那個(gè)酒杯說(shuō): “ 蛇本來(lái)沒(méi)有腳,您怎么能給它添上腳? ” 這個(gè)人就把那杯酒喝掉了。為蛇添腳的人,終于失掉了他的酒。 DRAWING A SNAKE AND ADDING FEET In the state of Chu there was a man who was sacrificing to his ancestors; he offered his retainers a goblet of wine. The retainers spoke among themselves saying:” If several people drink it, there will not be enough; if one person drinks it, there will be some left over. Let us draw a snake on the ground; the one who finishes first drinks the wine.” One person finished the snake first. He drew the wine goblet to himself and was about to drink. Whereupon, holding the goblet in his left hand, he drew the snake with his right hand, saying:” I can add some feet to it.” Before he had finished drawing the feet, another persons snake was finished. That person snatched away that goblet saying:” Snakes originally do not have feet; how is it that you can add feet to them?” That person thereupon drank that goblet. The person who added feet to the snake lost his wine in the end. 刮剝難傳錦
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