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中原工學院信息商務(wù)學院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)譯文專用紙 第11頁視頻的前期拍攝與后期制作 電影電視媒體已經(jīng)成為當前最為大眾化,最具影響力的媒體型式。從好萊塢電影所創(chuàng)造的幻想世界,到電視新聞所關(guān)注的現(xiàn)實生活,到鋪天蓋地的電視廣告,無不深刻地影響著我們的世界。過去,影視節(jié)目的制作只是專業(yè)人員的工作,似乎還攏罩著一層神秘的面紗。十幾年來,數(shù)字技術(shù)全面進入影視制作過程,計算器逐步取代了許多原有的影視設(shè)備,在影視制作的各個環(huán)節(jié)發(fā)揮了很重大的作用。但是直到不久之前,影視制作使用的一直是價格極端昂貴的專業(yè)硬件及軟件,非專業(yè)的人員很難有機會見到這些設(shè)備,更不用說熟練掌握這些工具來制作自己的作品了。隨著PC性能的顯著提升以及價格上的不斷降低,影視制作從以前專業(yè)等級的硬設(shè)備逐漸向PC平臺上轉(zhuǎn)移,原先身價極高的專業(yè)軟件逐步移植到PC平臺上,價格也日益大眾化。同時影視制作的應(yīng)用也從專業(yè)的電影電視領(lǐng)域擴大到計算機游戲、多媒體、網(wǎng)絡(luò)、家庭娛樂等更為廣闊的領(lǐng)域。許多在這些專業(yè)領(lǐng)域的從業(yè)人員與大量的影視愛好者們現(xiàn)在都可以利用手中的計算機來制作自己的影視節(jié)目。許多人接觸到影視節(jié)目制作,是從3D計算機動畫開始的,直到目前,了解乃至掌握3D計算機動畫制作的人員很多,介紹這方面的書籍也不少,而對于影視后期制作,多數(shù)人并不太了解,相關(guān)的書籍也較少,而且一般也只關(guān)心某一軟件的操作使用,而對于影視后期制作的基本流程和原理卻不甚重視,希望讀者能透過本書,不但可以了解和掌握軟件的使用,同時也對影視后期制作的整個過程有一個比較全面的了解。 一、影視后期制作概況: 影視節(jié)目的制作是一個相當復雜的過程。由于影視節(jié)目本身的多樣化,從耗資巨大的電影制作到個人制作的家庭錄像帶,可以說有天壤之別。雖然這些節(jié)目的使用意圖,編列的制作預算,投入的人力物力都有很大的區(qū)別,但其制作過程卻有相當?shù)墓餐帲话銇碚f,影視節(jié)目的制作可以分為前期制作,實景拍攝,和后期制作三個主要階段。 前期制作是籌劃與準備的階段,對于電影制作來說,這個過程多半是從劇本開始,然后是制定預算、籌募資金、選定拍攝地點、挑選演員、組成攝影小組等一系列復雜的過程。而對于個人制作者來說,這也許不過是突發(fā)奇想,然后拿起自己的攝影機,拍攝周遭環(huán)境人物短短數(shù)分鐘互動的事。拍攝階段就是利用攝影機記錄畫面的過程,這時拍攝的素材可以說是構(gòu)造最終完成片的基石。當主要的拍攝工作完成后,就到了后期制作階段。傳統(tǒng)上這個階段的主要工作是剪輯,把拍攝階段得到的散亂素材剪輯成為完整的影片。一般在電影的拍攝過程中,實際拍攝的素材是最終剪輯完成影片長度的數(shù)倍甚至數(shù)十倍。剪輯師要從大量的素材中挑出最滿意的素材并把它們按照適當?shù)姆绞浇M織在一起。后期制作還包括聲音的制作與合成。一般只有到這個階段,當多余的素材已經(jīng)去掉,鏡頭已經(jīng)組合串聯(lián)在一起,畫面與聲音已經(jīng)同步,才可以看到影片的全貌。因為影片的大量信息和涵義,并不是包含在某一個鏡頭的畫面中,而正是包含在一連串畫面的組合當中,包含在畫面與聲音的聯(lián)系中,毫不夸張地說,影視藝術(shù)有很大的程度上正是表現(xiàn)在后期制作之中的。 傳統(tǒng)的電影剪輯是真正的剪接,拍攝所得到的底片經(jīng)過沖洗,要制作一套工作樣片,利用這套樣片進行剪輯。剪輯師從大量的樣片中挑選需要的鏡頭,用剪刀將膠片剪裁,再用膠帶或膠水把它們黏在一起,然后在剪輯臺上觀看剪輯的效果,這個剪裁、黏貼的反復過程要不斷重復直到最后看當滿意的結(jié)果。這個過程直到現(xiàn)在仍然很常見,雖然看起來很原始,但這種剪接卻是非線性的。剪輯師不必從頭到尾順序地工作,因為他可以隨時將樣片隨時從中間剪裁,插入一個鏡頭,或者直接剪掉一些畫面,都不會影響整個片子。但這種方式對于很多制作技巧是無能為力的。剪輯師無法在兩個鏡頭之間制作一個特效融合的畫面,也無法調(diào)整畫面的色彩,所有這些技巧都只能在沖印過程中完成,同時剪刀和漿糊的手工操作效率也很低。 傳統(tǒng)的電視編輯則是在剪輯設(shè)備上進行的。剪輯設(shè)備通常由一臺放影機和一臺錄像機組成,剪輯師通過放影機選擇一段適合的素材,然后把它記錄到錄像機中的磁帶上,然后在尋找下一個鏡頭。此外,高級的剪輯設(shè)備還有很強的特效功能,可以制作各種畫面的融合與特效過場,可以調(diào)整畫面的顏色,也可以制作字幕等。但是由于磁帶記錄畫面是順序的,無法在已有的畫面之間插入一個鏡頭,也無法刪除一個鏡頭,除非把其之后的畫面全部重新錄制一遍。所以這種編輯叫做線性編輯,它給編輯人員帶來了很多限制。我們可以看到傳統(tǒng)的剪輯方法雖然各有特點,但又都有很大的局限性,大大減低了剪輯人員的創(chuàng)造力,并使寶貴的時間浪費在煩瑣的操作過程當中?;谟嬎銠C科技的數(shù)字化非線性編輯技術(shù)使剪輯的方法得到很大的進步發(fā)展的空間。這種技術(shù)將素材記錄到計算機磁盤中,利用計算機的運算與數(shù)據(jù)讀取與儲存進行剪輯的過程。它采用了電影剪輯的非線性模式,但用簡單的鼠標及鍵盤操作替代了剪刀和漿糊式的手工操作,剪輯結(jié)果可以馬上回放觀看,所以大大提升了制作的效率。二、隨著影視制作的迅速發(fā)展,后期制作又肩負起了一個非常重要的職責: 特效鏡頭的制作特效鏡頭是指拍攝無法直接得到的鏡頭。早期的影視特效大多是通過模型制作、特殊攝影、光學合成等傳統(tǒng)手段完成的,主要在拍攝及沖印的階段中完成。計算機數(shù)字的使用為特效制作提供了更好更多的手段,也使許多過去必須使用模型和攝影技術(shù)完成的特效可以透過計算機科技來制作完成,所以更多的特殊效果就成為了后期制作的工作。特效鏡頭無法拍攝到一般是由于兩種原因,一是拍攝對象或環(huán)境在現(xiàn)實生活中根本不存在,或者即使存在也不可能拍攝到,例如恐龍或是外星人;二是拍攝的對象和環(huán)境雖然在實際生活中存在,但無法同時出現(xiàn)在同一個時空中,例如影片的主角從劇烈的爆炸場景中逃生。 對于第一種困難,就必須利用別的東西來模仿拍攝的對象,常用的手段包括制作模型,利用對人的化妝來模仿其它生物以及計算機的3D動畫,實際上3D計算機動畫也是一種模型,只不是它是存在在計算機中的虛擬模型而已??傊鉀Q這類問題,需要用一種無中生有的辦法。對于第二種困難解決的方法就是合成。既然拍攝的對象都是存在的,就可以單獨拍攝他們,然后在分別把拍攝的這些畫面合成起來。過去,合成主要依靠特效攝影和沖印時的技巧來完成,但計算機數(shù)字合成技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展使這些方式都相形落伍了。在近年來特效電影的迅速發(fā)展,并帶動了整個電影工業(yè)的成長。計算機數(shù)字合成技術(shù)與3D計算機動畫有很大的差別,它本身不是無中生有的一種技術(shù),而是利用已有的素材畫面進行組合,同時可以對畫面進行大量的修飾、美化??梢哉f是一種錦上添花的一種技術(shù)。對于電視節(jié)目來說,我們經(jīng)??梢钥吹竭@樣的畫面,畫面本身就是由很多沒有關(guān)聯(lián)的物體組合而成,顯然不是透過拍攝,而是透過合成得以的。例如很多電視片頭,廣告,MTV等節(jié)目就是如此。這時合成的首要逃條件不是真實感,而是純粹的審美和形式感,但從合成的技術(shù)方式來說與擬真的合成沒有太大的差別。經(jīng)由以上的介紹,我們大致總結(jié)出影視后期制作的樣貌:利用實景拍攝所得到的素材,透過3D計算機動畫和合成的技術(shù)來制作特效鏡頭,然后把鏡頭剪接組合在一起,形成完整的影片,并且為影片制作聲音。在以下圖中我們可以看到電視數(shù)字后期制作的基本流程。目前大部份的電視節(jié)目,比如廣告、片頭、MTV、電視劇等都是按這樣的工作方式制作出來的,但在合成的過程中必須符合以下要求:(一) 畫面干凈 畫面干凈包括以下幾個方面: 1、沒有夾幀 就是完整鏡頭連接,中間沒有多余的東西。我們在剪輯時如果在鏡頭結(jié)束時沒有剪,后面帶著下一個鏡頭的內(nèi)容,而這些東西是由于失誤加上的,我們并不需要。這就是夾幀。還有我們在連接兩個鏡頭時,中間沒有連接好有黑場,這也是夾幀。通常在剪輯時,很重要的一個任務(wù)就是把畫面剪干凈。2、鏡頭完整鏡頭的剪輯方式有動接動、靜接靜兩種方式。動接這里就不多說了,靜接時鏡頭必須完整。靜止鏡頭要保持一定的長度,比如中景5-8秒。運動鏡頭必須有起幅、落幅。 3、動鏡頭最后必須定下來,動鏡頭不能稱為結(jié)束畫面,所以剪輯點動的鏡頭最后必須靜止下來。即使使用動接,最后一個鏡頭也必須靜下來。主體停止運動,或者出畫。(二)聲音干凈 這是新手在剪輯中通常被忽略的內(nèi)容,包括幾個方面:1、話要完整 無論是現(xiàn)場原音還是旁白,不能讓人說半句話。 2、 聲音要純凈 特別嘈雜的聲音不能使用,必須讓觀眾聽明白。 3、聲音的音量高低要合適 一個節(jié)目的音量要統(tǒng)一,不能有高有低。 背景音樂的音量比例要合適,不能讓背景音樂的聲音影響到說話的聲音 原文出處:John Wiley & Sons.Press,Mark Gerhard Jeffrey M . Harper.Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011M.Publisher: John Wiley & Sons,2012.22-32.In the early period of the video filming and post-productionFilm and television media has become the most popular, the most influential media type. From created the fantasy world of Hollywood movies to television news focus on the reality of life, into a frenzy of television advertising, which profoundly affects our world. In the past, film and television program production is only professional work, seems to be gathering cover with a layer of mysterious veil.For decades, digital technology comprehensively in the process of film and television production, calculator gradually replaced many of the original film and television equipment, in film and television production each link has played a very important role. But until recently, the use of film and television production has always been extremely expensive specialized hardware and software, non-professional personnel it is difficult to have the chance to see these equipment, let alone familiar with the tools to create their own works. As the PC performance significantly increased and the lower price, film and television production from the previous level of professional hardware equipment to gradually shift on PC platform, the original value is extremely high professional software gradually transplanted to the PC platform, the price also becomes more and more popular.At the same time, the application of film and television production, film and television from the professional field expanded to computer games, multimedia, network, home entertainment, such as wider areas. Many practitioners in these fields and a lot of movie and TV fans can now be used his computer to make his film and television programmes.Many people come into contact with the film and television programme production, starts from the 3 d computer animation, until now, to understand and master the 3 d computer animation production personnel many, introduce the many books, too, for the film and television post-production, most people dont know, books are less, and generally only care about a software operation, basic process and principle for the film and television post-production has not very seriously, hope I can through this book, readers can not only understand and master the use of software, but also to the whole process of film and television post-production has a more comprehensive understanding.A profile of film and television post-production:Film and television program production is a quite complex process. Due to the diversity of film and television program itself, made from expensive movie-making to personal home videos, it could not be more different. Intention while the use of these programs, the budgeted production budget, investment of manpower to have very big difference, but its production process has much in common, in general, film and television program production can be divided into pre-production, live action, and post-production three main stages.Pre-production is planning and preparation stage, for film production, the process often begins with script, and then the budget, raise money, the selected location, select group of actors, photography and a series of complex process. The ?Is the process of using the camera to record the picture shooting stage, then the footage is the foundation of the construction finished, so to speak.When after the completion of the work, like the post-production stage. Traditionally the main job of this phase is the clip, the shooting stage get scattered material cutting complete film. General in the filming process, the actual final cut finished filming material is film length several times or even dozens of times. Editor, a large amount of material is from selected the satisfaction of material and put them together according to the proper way. Production and post-production include voice synthesis. Generally only at this stage, when the material has been removed, excess lens is in series with the combination of picture and sound is synchronous, can only see the outline of the film. Because of the large amount of information and meaning of the film, is not included in a lens painting ?Traditional movie clips were taken real splicing, the resulting film after wash, to make a working sample, use these samples for clips. Clips from a large number of samples selected need to shot, the film with scissors, tape or glue to stick them together again, and then watch a clip on JianJiTai effect, the cut and paste the process is repeated until (till) the final see repeatedly when satisfied with the results. This process until now is still very common, although look very primitive, but this kind of splicing is nonlinear. Editors dont have to order from beginning to end, because he can keep samples at any time from the middle clipping, insert a lens, or directly cut off some of the pictures, will not affect the entire film. But ?Traditional TV editing is performed on editing equipment. Editing equipment generally consists of a projector and a video recorder, editor by projector choose a suitable material, and record it into the video tape, and then looking for the next shot. In addition, advanced editing equipment and effects of the strong function, can make all kinds of image fusion and special effects played, can adjust the color of the picture, also can make subtitles and so on. But due to tape record the order of images is, not in existing images inserted between a camera, cant delete a lens, unless all the after picture to record it again. So the editor called linear editing, it brought many restrictions to editors.Although we can see that the traditional editing methods have different characteristics, but also have very big limitation, greatly reducing the editing staffs creativity, and waste precious time in the operation process of cumbersome. Based on computer technology, digital non-linear editing technology makes them ways to get great progress in the development of space. This technique will material records to the computer disk, using the computer calculations and data is read and stored in editing process. It USES a film clip of the nonlinear model, but with a simple mouse and keyboard instead of a scissors and paste type of manual operation, the editing results can playback watch right away, so greatly improve the efficiency of production.With the rapid development of film and television production, post-production and shoulder an important responsibility:Production refers to the special effects shots - special effects shots taken cannot directly get the lens. Early in the film and television special effects are mostly through the model making, special traditional means such as photography, optical synthesis, mainly in the stage of the film and print completed. Digital computer used for special effects production provides more better method, also makes a lot of the past must be used to model and photography done special effects can be completed through the computer technology, so that more special effects became a post-production work. Special effects shots cant shooting, due to two reasons, one is the subject doesnt exist in real life or the environment, or even impossible to shoot, also such as dinosaurs or aliens; Second, the subject and ?For the second solution is difficult. Since the subject is there, they can be taken separately, and then in combining the different of these pictures, respectively. In the past, the synthesis relies on special effects of photography and print techniques to complete, but the computer the rapid development of digital synthesis technology to make these in way behind The Times. In recent years the rapid development of the special effects film, and led to the growth of the whole film industry. Computer digital synthesis technology and 3 d computer animation has very big difference, it itself is not out of a technology, USES the existing material images are combined, but at the same time, the picture can be a lot of decoration and beautification. A technology is a kind of icing on the cake, so to speak. For TV showsThrough the above introduction, we summarize the film and television post-production appearance: using the live action of material, through 3 d computer animation and synthetic technology to produce special effects shots, then the scene splicing together, form a complete film, and sound for film production. In the following figure, we can see the basic process of TV digital post-production. At present most of the TV show, from advertising, opening, MTV, TV series and so on all is according to this w
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