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GRE Antonym by Comment 1 GRE Antonym Edited by Comment GRE Antonym by Comment 2 Version History Version 1 0 by Comment Version 1 0 by Comment January 8th 2008 January 8th 2008 snukorea zlllggem 2 2005 10 2007 12 31 1 2 3 GRE Antonym by Comment 3 ABANDON restrain ABATE intensify increase in intensity promote augment strengthen ABDICATE constitute usurp undertake ABERRANT typical conventional relevant ABET impede stymie hinder ABIDING evanescent ephemeral transient ABJECT exultant spirited ABOUND ABUNDANT scanty scarce ABRIDGEMENT complete sentence expansion protract sufficiency enlargement extension extend in length amplification ABSOLVE indict sentence inculpate ABSORB exude ABSTEMIOUS voracious indulging ABSTRUSE accessible explicit patent manifest ABSURD commonsensical ACCEDE demur oppose ACCELERATE retard ACCLIMATE make unaccustomed to ACCOLADE castigation reprobation reproof censure swearword excoriating remark denunciation derogate ACCRUE dwindle decrease diminish lessen dissipate ACERBIC saccharine ACUMEN obtuseness lack of discernment ACUTE 1 imperceptive stupid unintelligent 2 insignificant trivial ADAMANT easily swayed pliant tractable toward flexible vacillatory vacillant elastic moved ADEPT bungling clumsy inept ADHERENT dissenter ADHESIVE nonviscous ADROIT clumsy ungainly ADROITNESS clumsiness ADULATE vilify disparage excoriate scorn vituperate deride censure fulminate disdain oblique revile GRE Antonym by Comment 4 ADULATION obloquy vituperation ADVOCATE attack impugn oppose thwart impede AFFABILITY sullenness irascibility AFFABLE irascible testy grouchy AFFECTATION ingenuousness AFFECTED natural AFFINITIES unfriendliness AFFIX detach AFFRONT countenance triumph AGAPE closed AGGLUTINATED disaggregated AGGRAVATE allay palliate mitigate assuage AGGREGATED detached separated unfastened part split polarized bifurcated broken apart isolate units AGGRESSIVE conciliatory AGGRIEVE conciliate mollify appease energize inspire AGHAST undismayed AGITATION repose AGOG indifferent ALACRITOUS sluggish dilatory ALACRITY foot dragging dilatoriness ALLAY excite arouse exacerbate galvanize increase the intensity ALLEVIATE intensify AMBIVALENT committed definite settled unequivocal AMBLE march rapidly step quickly scurry AMELIORATE aggravate exacerbate AMNESIA remembering consciousness awareness AMPLITUDE meagerness ANACHRONISTIC timely ANCILLARY paramount ANNUL reaffirm ANOMALY commonplace GRE Antonym by Comment 5 ANSWERABLE not responsible exempt from liability ANTERIOR ensuing ANTIC sobriety ANTIPATHY predilection ANTITHETICAL congruent APOCRYPHAL authentic APPETITE aversion ARCANE widely known ARCHETYPE abnormal ARDUOUS facile ARIDNESS 1 humidity 2 fertile fecundity AROUSE allay ARREST stimulate advance forward promote ARTLESS cunning duplicitous guile urbane ARTLESSNESS 1 calculating 2 urbanity sophistication colorfulness ASCENDANCY having no influence ASCENDANT 1 descending 2 lack of influence ASKEW straight aligned ASPERSION tribute flattery ASSAILABLE invulnerable ASSIDUOUS remiss ASSUAGE heighten intensify inflame vex incite chaff gall exacerbate ASSUME doubt reject repudiate ASUNDER in one part in one piece conjoined yoking ATTENUATED dense ATTEST simulate AUDACITY trepidation AUGMENT wane retrench abate AUGMENTATION abatement reduction AUSPICIOUS unpropitious ominous boding ill unfavorable GRE Antonym by Comment 6 AVARICE generosity AVARICIOUS contented AVERSE inclined AVERSION affinity court penchant propensity proclivity inclination craving AWRY straight aligned orderly BALKY tractable accommodating compliant cooperative agreeable complaisant obedient BALM irritant noxious substance BANALITY ingenuity ingeniousness singularity originality freshness BARB complimentary remark BAREFACED surreptitious BARREL plod BARREN hirsute BASE virtuous noble BAUBLE valuable thing BEDECK strip BEDECKED unadorned BEDLAM stillness serenity BEFITTING inappropriate BELEAGUER delight mollify soothe BELIE 1 attest prove affirm aver confirm 2 be honest represent faithfully BELLICOSE appeasing incline to peace pacifist peaceful BELLIGERENT peaceful peaceable disposed of peace conciliatory tranquil benign amiable BELLWETHER follower BENEDICTION curse malady BENEFICENCE meanness BENIGNANT 1 harsh relentless malevolent 2 noxious toxic vicious BERATE laud BETRAY be faithful be loyal keep secret conceal BETRAYAL loyalty GRE Antonym by Comment 7 BETTER verb deteriorate worsen impair adjective inferior worse BEVY individual BILIOUS difficult to provoke amiable benign cheerful benign cheerful benign BILK 1 give away give contribute pay in full 2 be forthright help BITING gentle mild kind conciliatory flattering BLANKET denude uncover BLATANT subtle BLIGHT flourish BLIGHTED hale sound BLITHE grave BLUSTERING smooth suave clam BOGGLE embolden BOGUS genuine authentic BOMBASTIC understated unaffected unimpassioned BONDAGE unfetter BRASSY diffident BRAZEN self effacing BREVITY lengthiness BRIDLED without restraint BRUSQUE unctuous BUCOLIC urban sophisticated BUOYANT sinking leaden hangdog ponderous lethargic depressed BURGEON subdue waste away BURGEONING waning BURNISH dull CACOPHONY harmony CAGINESS incautiousness CALAMITOUS felicitous CALCIFY become malleable CALIBRATED unstandardized CALLOUS sympathetic GRE Antonym by Comment 8 CALLOW mature CALUMNIOUS flattering CALUMNY praise flattering CAMEO leading role CANONICAL heterodox CANONIZE debase vilify forbid condemn disrespect CAPITULATE stand firm resist fight defend withhold oppose CAPRICIOUS constant deliberate steadfast pertinacious CAPTOR liberator CAREWORN fresh healthy CARNAL spiritual intangible CAROUSE behave soberly CASCADE trickle drip CASTIGATE highly praise comment admire extol CATALYZE prevent CATEGORICAL qualified conditional CATHOLIC narrow CAUSTIC anticorrosive CAVALIER earnest humble obliging modest deferential CELERITY languor CENSURE verb extol exonerate noun adulation CHANNEL evade disperse CHARISMA lackluster awkward pliant complacency CHARISMATIC repugnant lackluster melancholic CHARY bold rash CHECK goad hasten propagate CHICANERY absence of guile absence of trick probity forthrightness artlessness lack of subterfuge CHIMERA real possibility GRE Antonym by Comment 9 CINCH 1 difficulty 2 free loosen unbind 3 be uncertain be unsure CIRCUITY directness CIRCUMLOCUTION pithy uttering succinctly expressed CIRCUMSPECT audacious indiscreet imprudent foolhardy impetuous simplicity CIRCUMVENT confront direct encounter CLAIRVOYANT insensitive unreceptive myopic nearsighted rash shortsighted unwise boring dull physical CLAMOROUS silent CLARION muted cloudy dull CLEMENCY ruthlessness CLEMENT pitiless merciless CLICHE original statement original idea CLUMSY comely COALESCE grow apart CODDLE treat harshly COGENCY unconvincing COHERENT irrational incongruous weak COLLUDE act independently COMBUSTIBLE equable COMMODIOUS snug close cramped inefficient convoluted enclosed COMPLAISANT intransigent obdurate COMPLIMENTARY vituperative barb COMPLY disobey COMPROMISE protect from discredit COMPUNCTION lack absence of misgiving CONCERTED individually devised CONCILIATE alienate misrepresent yield distinguish CONCORD contention disagreement discrepancy distention CONCUR take issue object oppose dissent differ disband GRE Antonym by Comment 10 CONDENSED unabridged CONFLUENCE divergence CONFOUND enlighten make clear straighten CONGEAL fail to solidify disintegrate liquefy melt CONGREGATE separate CONGENIAL dour CONGRUENCE disagreement CONGRUENT antithetical polemical CONSCIOUS unwitting CONSOLIDATE dissolve fragment CONSONANCE discrepancy CONSTERNATION composure CONSUMMATE amateurish CONTENTION accommodation concordance concurrence CONTENTIOUS conciliatory friendly agreeable CONTRAVENE uphold CONTRETEMPS luck opportune occurrence felicitous event CONTRITE unapologetic impenitent CONTRIVED natural genuine spontaneous CONVERGENT moving apart COPIOUS scanty CORPOREAL intangible spiritual immaterial insubstantial CORPULENCE leanness CORPULENT gaunt emaciated CORRESPOND disagree disaccord conflict CORRESPONDING incongruent COSSET be mean ignore denounce mistreat COUNTENANCE forbid condemn refuse to tolerate refuse to approve regard with disfavor COUPLE divide COURT snub COW hearten GRE Antonym by Comment 11 COWER advance brashly COY frank brash unabashed immodest CRAMPED commodious comfortable uncongested CRASS judicious refined CREDENCE skepticism CRESTFALLEN panache CROTCHETY genial sweet yield stable amiable CROUCH stand upright CULTIVATE neglect CURSORY exhaustive meticulous CURTAIL protract DAB coat thoroughly DABBLE specialize DABBLER devout professional devotee DAFT prudent judicious wise far seeing creative DAMPEN increase intensify DANDY careless dresser DANK arid parched desiccated DAPPER frowsy DAUNT embolden hearten cheer urge on DAUNTED undeterred DAUNTLESS pusillanimous timorous parsimonious DEBARK embark depart get on DEBASE ennoble DEBASEMENT deification ennoblement DEBAUCHERY asceticism DEBILITATE invigorate fortify give energy DEBILITATING recuperative DEBONAIR awkward DECREPIT sound robust vigorous sturdy hale firm DECREPITUDE sturdiness cheerfulness alacrity robust GRE Antonym by Comment 12 DECRY praise applaud extol adulate DEFEASIBLE effective infeasible DEFERENTIAL domineering insulting abusive insolent impertinent impudent imperious vigorous DEFERRABLE exigent imminent impending stringent DELETERIOUS salubrious salutary wholesome DEFICIENCY surplus repletion DEFIANCE obedience DEFIANT tractable DEFINE obscure DEFRAY entrust DEFT maladroit clumsy awkward callow callow awkward callow DEFTNESS maladroitness cumbersomeness clumsiness DEFUSE foment DEFY acquiesce yield comply pacify submit DEIFICATION debasement malfeasance DEJECT hearten gladden DEJECTED exultant jocund amicable jovial DEJECTION jocundity joviality amicability DELECTABLE unpleasant DELEGATE keep from retain hold DELETERIOUS salutary salubrious wholesome beneficial DELIBERATION impetuosity exhortation DELINEATE obfuscate muddle cloud confuse DELUDE disabuse DELUGE drizzle sprinkle DEMOTION conquest inspiration elevation success DEMUR assent accede accept DEMURE DEMURRABLE firm agreeable GRE Antonym by Comment 13 DEMURRAL assent agreement approval DENIABLE incontrovertible infallible DENOUNCE embrace eulogize extol DENSENESS diffusion dispersion DENUNCIATION eulogy praise DEPENDENCE autonomy DEPLORE extol commend applaud DEPRECATE acclaim DERELICT dutiful sartorial germane hopeful sophisticated DERIVATIVE innovative original seminal precursory DEROGATE aggrandize laud DEROGATORY laudatory accolade DESECRATE sanctify DESICCATE drench rehydrate DESICCATED sodden saturated DESIST continue persist persevere commence DESPICABLE venerable laudable commendable DESPISE respect DESULTORY methodical DETERRENCE inducement DEVIATE follow strictly DEXTROUS inept DIAPHANOUS 1 substantial substantive 2 opaque impermeable impervious murky DICEY lacking danger lacking risk certain DIFFUSE concentrate DIFFUSION condensation denseness DILAPIDATED restored DILATORINESS alacrity DILATORY alacritous DIMINUTION augmentation DIN hush quiet stillness DIRE pleasant fortunate propitious GRE Antonym by Comment 14 DISABUSAL misunderstanding misapprehension misconception delusion DISAFFECTED beloved DISARM 1 antagonize bait discourage dissuade turn off disenchant 2 arm fortify strengthen rehabilitate enable DISARMING obnoxious DISAVOW aver DISAVOWAL approval DISCERN not to distinguish DISCERNABLE imperceptive ambiguous DISCLOSURE concealment cover up secret DISCOMFIT mollify ingratiate mollify mollify DISCOMMODE assist ease help oblige pacify aid DISCOMMODITY convenience DISCORDANT harmonious euphonious corresponding DISCREET reckless tactless thoughtless artless naive uncalculating DISCREPANCY concord agreement regularity likeness DISCRETIONARY 1 not judicious 2 preordained DISDAIN adulate treat favorably DISGRUNTLED rapturous contented DISGUISE revelation uncover verify indicate undress DISINTEGRATE amalgamate DISINTEGRATION amalgamation DISJUNCTIVE continuous DISMAY assure ensure stimulate DISPARAGE extol revere adulate applaud champion aggrandize DISPARATE analogous DISPASSION DISPASSIONATE partial biased fervent intemperate partisan prejudiced responsive DISPUTABLE incontrovertible DISSEMBLING candid artless GRE Antonym by Comment 15 DISSENT accede acquiesce agree subscribe assent concur DISSIPATE accumulate gather amass DISSUADE exhort DISTEND contract DIVULGE keep secret conceal DODGE confront face seek DOLOROUS jubilant DORMANT active dynamic attentive conscious vigorous energetic DOUSE ignite DRACONIAN indulgent DRAIN imbue DREDGE fill in DROLL solemn somber serious DUBIOUS certain DUCTILE incompliant unyielding unbending DULY improperly inappropriately unjustifiably DYNAMO laggard EARTHSHAKING trivial inconsequential EBULLIENCE calm restraint torpor lifelessness lassitude EBULLIENT torpid impassive lethargic somber reticent ECCENTRIC regular commonplace orthodox ECLAT fiasco ECUMENICAL parochial EFFACE bring to prominence aggrandize EFFERVESCE be weary be flat EFFERVESCENCE lassitude EFFUSIVE reticent insensitive torpid listless ELABORATE common plain simple stark uncomplicated uninvolved ELATED wretched hangdog depressed despondent ELEMENTAL tangential incidental vague extrinsic ELLIPTICAL palpable GRE Antonym by Comment 16 ELONGATE curtail ELUCIDATE obfuscate obscure EMACIATE invigorate EMANATE absorb EMANCIPATE pinion shackle bondage lasso immure EMBOLDEN deaden discourage bring down dishearten dampen subdue frustrate fright abash faze cow appall daunt boggle thwart EMERGENT waning declining EMPATHETIC insensitive EMPIRICAL theoretical ENCOMIAST ENCOMIUM invective harsh criticism ENCYCLOPEDIC narrow specific exclusive selective restricted ENDEAVOR ENDOW divest deprive deny disown ENDURINGNESS transitoriness ENFRANCHISE subjugate enfetter disempower ENHEARTEN dampen weaken ENMITY friendliness amity affinity agreement camaraderie ENRAPTURED indifferent distracted impassive ENRICH impoverish ENSCONCE 1 reveal disclose 2 unsettle dislodge exhibit remove displace ENSUE precede ENTHRALL bore liberate bore ENTRAMMEL ENTRANCE disappoint disgust repel repulse bore repugnant ENTRENCHED changing flexible questionable ENUNCIATE mumble EPHEMERAL eternal lasting enduring EPICENTER periphery sheath GRE Antonym by Comment 17 EPITOMIZE elaborate enlarge EQUABLE intemperate unsteady uneven hostile EQUITABLE unfair biased disproportionate EQUIVOCAL certain EQUIVOCATE clarify elucidate certify EQUIVOCATION clarity explicitness lucidity unambiguity unequivocalness candidness integrity openness truth verity facing ERRATIC constant ERUDITE ignorant unlettered illiterate ERUDITION illiteracy ignorance ESCALATE ebb diminish ESOTERIC commonplace indisputable ESTEEM verb abhor noun ignominy EULOGY vilification criticism accusation EUPHORIA wretchedness EVANESCENT enduring EVASIVE candid direct forthright honest straight straightforward unambiguous EVEN HANDED partial unfair EVERYDAY extraordinary EVINCE obscure keep secret conceal hide EVOKE fail to elicit EXACERBATE ameliorate mollify EXACTNESS impreciseness EXALTATION condemnation EXCISE embed implant EXCORIATE extol flatter laud praise lavishly glorify exalt EXECRABLE commendable laudable EXECRATE extol praise eulogize commend flatter laud EXECRATION sanction eulogy EXEMPLAR atypical specimen atypical example distortion failure to attempt EXEMPLARY reprehensible culpable inferior mediocre GRE Antonym by Comment 18 EXHAUST invigorate EXHAUSTIVE incomplete partial limited cursory superficial narrow EXONERATE incriminate indict censure sentence condemn prosecute inculpate blame EXORBITANT moderate EXPEDITE foot dragging EXPEDITIOUS foot dragging sluggish laggard leisurely EXPONENT detractor EXTANT missing extinct EXTEMPORANEOUS planned EXTEMPORIZE prescribe EXTENSIVE circumscribed constricted little EXTINGUISH kindle EXTOL malign vilify calumniate defame asperse disparage slander EXTRANEOUS essential relevant EXTRICABLE entangled EXTRICATE enmesh entangle embroil EXTRINSIC inherent EXUBERANT depressed down unexcited EXUDE flow inward FABRICATE annihilate destroy tell the truth be authentic be genuine FACADE interior FACETIOUS grave FACTION cooperativeness disinterestedness unity irreducible FALLACY verity FALLOW in use FALTER proceed without hesitation FAME obscurity oblivion reclusiveness resistance humility FAMOUS obscure FANTASTIC realistic FARCICAL serious GRE Antonym by Comment 19 FASCINATED indifferent FASCINATION disinterest repulsion aversion FAST not to be fixed FASTIDIOUS easygoing cursory FASTIDIOUSNESS slovenliness carelessness FASTNESS 1 deliberate action 2 unsecured place FATHOM misunderstand confuse be unaware of find impenetrable FATUOUS judicious prudent FAULTED impeccable FAVOR thwart hurt impede prevent criticize FEALTY perfidy treacherousness FEASIBLE impossible FEATURELESS distinctive exceptional prominent singular FECUND barren unproductive short meager FECUNDITY aridity deprivation FERAL cultivated FERROUS containing no iron FERVOR apathy FETID fragrant FETTER release loose FICKLENESS steadfastness FISSURE unity FIT inappropriate FITFUL continuous constant stable appropriate FIXED adjustable flexible conditional equivocal broken damaged FLABBY firm FLACCID firm FLAGGING vivacious thriving vibrant FLAGRANT hidden concealed obscure subtle FLAWED impeccable FLEDGING mature GRE Antonym by Comment 20 FLEETING perennial FLICKER shine steadily FLIMSY substantial FLIPPANCY seriousness graveness solemnity sobriety FLIPPANT earnest FLIT move ponderously plod FLOCK segregate FLOPPY taut FLOUNDER nimbly move FLOURISH wither FLOUT flatter praise compliment FLUCTUATE stabilize FLUX stability solid FOCUS radiate change direction radiate FOIL abet alleviate FOLLY sagacity FOMENT defuse pacify allay alleviate inhibit placate suppress FORBEARANCE impatience FORLORN cheerful hopeful FORMULAIC innovative improvised FORTHCOMING FORTUITOUS planned
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