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/ / / /解讀丁香的種子繁殖與嫁接繁殖Interpretation of clove seed breeding and grafting propagation 丁香為丁香花的簡稱,又名紫丁香、百結花等,為木樨科香花屬落葉灌木或小喬木。植株高45m,樹皮暗灰色或灰褐色,有溝裂,枝條潤滑無毛。葉卵圓形或腎臟形,先端銳尖,葉基心臟形,全緣,革質。初春開花,花單瓣或重瓣,開于前年小枝上,頂生或腋生,花端四裂,筒狀,呈圓錐花序,瓣柔色紫,幽香襲人,為我國著名園林花卉。丁香花花期45月,910月蒴果成熟。紫丁香喜光,稍耐陰,蔭地能生長,但花量少或無花;耐寒性較強;耐干旱,忌低溫;喜潮濕、肥美、排水良好的土壤??刹シN、扦插、嫁接、壓條、分株繁衍。Clove is short for lilac, also known as lilacs, hundreds of flowers, etc., for clover robinia genus deciduous shrubs or small trees. Plant 4 5 m tall, bark dark gray or beige, grooved, lubrication branches glabrous. Lobes ovoid or kidney form, apex sharp tip, leaf base shape heart, entire, leathery. Early spring flowering, a single or double, flower sprigs on the same as the year before, or the altar, four flower end crack, tubular, a panicle, disc and soft colors purple, fragrant attacks, for our country the famous garden flowers. Lilacs bloom 4 5 month, 9 10 month capsule to mature. Resistance to lilac like light, a little dark, the shadow can grow, but spend less or no flowers; Strong cold tolerance; Resistance to drought, avoid is cold; Hi moist, fertile and well drained soil. Can be seeding, cutting, grafting, layering, points strains breeding. 9-10月份,蒴果由綠色變?yōu)辄S褐色,為種子成熟標志,應立刻連同果枝剪下,以防種子流失。從小枝上采集果穗后及時放入通風枯燥的室內(nèi)陰干,不宜曝曬,以免種子強度失水而喪失生命力。在室內(nèi)堆放厚度45cm,并經(jīng)常翻動使其漸漸陰干,待有2/3蒴果開裂時,即可用柳條或其他木棒抽打脫粒,除去毗籽即得凈籽。用清水浸泡種子,每5d換1次水,1個月后撈出用0.03%的高錳酸鉀消毒2h,然后停止催芽(可常溫也可加溫),但要經(jīng)常翻動。選擇土質疏松肥美的砂質土壤、排水良好、較枯燥的地塊,做生長10m、寬1.5m、高1520cm的高床,底肥施碳銨150225kg/hm2、腐熟有機肥3045t/hm2,并用硫酸亞鐵150kg/hm2或退菌特150225 kg/hm2停止土壤消毒。秋季播種,秋播種子不用處置,采種后即在10月下旬播種,播幅寬8cm,行距寬20cm,溝深23cm,覆土厚度2.02.5cm,播后秋灌,以利保墑。翌年春發(fā)芽早,出苗也劃一。春季播種,處置過的種子經(jīng)過催芽有30%種子裂嘴露白,4月下旬開端播種,技術同秋播。實驗標明,春播比秋播效果好,固然出苗遲,但出苗劃一,出苗率較高,而且生長略高。September - October, capsule from green into brown, as the seed mature symbol, should immediately along with the branch cut, to prevent loss of seeds. From small branches after gathering grain timely put in ventilated dry room in order, unfavorable and insolate, avoid seed intensity of water loss and loss of vitality. Stacking thickness of 4 5 cm indoors, and often turn to them gradually, for two-thirds capsule ruptures, you can use the wicker or other stick beat threshing, apart from which the seeds for a quick net seed. Soaking seed with pure water, every 5 d in one water, one month after the remove to disinfect with 0.03% potassium permanganate in 2 h, and then stop accelerating germination (also can be warmed to room temperature), but will often turn. Choose loose soil fertile sandy soil, good drainage and relatively dull plot, growth of 10 m high, 1.5 m wide, 15 20 cm high bed, fertilizers applied producyion of 150 225 kg/hm2, 30 45 t/hm2, rotten organic fertilizer using ferrous sulfate 150 kg/hm2 or refund bacteria, 150 225 kg/hm2 stop soil disinfection. Need not disposal of autumn sowing seeds, vegetable seeds, seed after sowing in late October, width of furrows for sowing 8 cm wide, leading 20 cm wide, groove deep 2 3 cm, thickness 2.0 2.5 cm, soil after seeding QiuGuan, keep moisture. The following spring sprout early emergence also draw. Spring sowing, disposal of 30% after sprouting seed crack mouth thief, in late April start sowing seeds, technology with autumn sowing. Experiments indicate that spring than autumn sowing effect is good, is late emergence, but the application of uniform, high germination rate, and slightly higher growth. 可用嫩枝扦插和硬枝扦插。丁香的硬枝扦插是取一至二年生強健枝條作插穗,直接插入溫床,使其生根發(fā)芽而構成新的植物體。通常是春季花謝后1個月剪取頂枝停止扦插,插穗的長度為1015cm,帶有23對芽節(jié),其中1對芽節(jié)埋入土中,在25條件下,3040d生根,當幼根由白變?yōu)辄S褐色時開端移苗栽植五角楓。嫩枝扦插在78月停止,選當年生的粗壯枝條,剪成15cm左右長的插條,插入事前準備好的苗床內(nèi),并恰當遮蔭,堅持潮濕,50d左右生根。若插前用500 g/g的吲哚丁酸快速處置插穗,可使扦插生根率達80%以上。扦插成活后,第2年春季移植。Available twig cuttage and hard branch cuttage. Cloves hard branch cuttage is take a cuttings to biennial branches strong, directly inserted into the hotbed, the root of the new plant. Usually 1 months after spring flowers die shearing telome stop cutting, the cutting length of 10 15 cm, with 2 3 section of bud, bud section 1 in case of buried in the grave, under the condition of 25 , 30 40 d to take root, beginning when young white to tan main bed out plant. Twig cuttings in July August stop, choose the thick branches, cut 15 cm long cutting, insert the preparation good seedbed, and appropriate shade, adhere to the damp, about 50 d take root. If the plug before use mu g / 500 g of indole butyric acid fast disposal cuttings, can make the cuttings rooting rate above 80%. Spring transplant cuttings survival, after 2 years. 嫁接可用芽接或枝接。芽接法:芽接可于78月停止,枝接則在早春萌動行進行為好。嫁接所用砧木普通為女貞、水蠟、流蘇、丁香等。女貞砧木萌芽容易,應隨時剪除,否則數(shù)年后仍為女貞而非丁香。接穗要選用當年生強健枝條上的豐滿葉芽,砧木選用一至二年生丁香實生苗。嫁接時,接穗上的葉片要剪掉,只留葉柄,然后在芽的上方1cm處橫切1刀,再從芽的下方1.01.5cm處向上平削,將皮層內(nèi)的木質部剝掉。把砧木距空中5cm至10cm處橫切1刀,再從切口中間向下切長3cm左右的立刀,使之呈“T”字形土工格柵廠家,然后悄悄地把皮剝開,將接穗插入“T”字口內(nèi),接穗與砧木要嚴密對合,最后用塑料薄膜條捆綁即可。芽接后23周,假如接穗上的葉柄自然零落,闡明芽已成活,這時可解除塑料條。Grafting can use bud grafting or scion grafting. Bud grafting method, grafting can be in August 7 to stop, scion grafting has lost his good conduct marching in the early spring. Used in general for the root privet, water wax, tassels, clove and so on. Privet scion bud easily, should be cut off at any time, or after a few years is still the privet instead of cloves. Scion should choose was born a strong branches full leaf bud, root stock selection to biennial clove the west. Grafting, grafting on the blade to cut, petiole, only then 1 cm above the buds of cross-cutting knife, 1 from bud again below the 1.0 1.5 cm place planed upwards, the xylem peeled off within the cortex. Root stock from air 5 cm to 10 cm in cross-cutting knife, 1 from middle incision to the vertical knife incised about 3 cm long, make it a T glyph, then quietly put skin peeled off, insert a scion, T word mouths scion and rootstock should closely involution, finally BoMoTiao bound with plastic. If 2 3 weeks after grafting, grafting on petiole nature is shattered and clarify bud is survival, then can remove plastic article. 枝接法:普通在早春萌動行進行,接穗長度為810cm,帶2對芽節(jié),將接穗下部兩邊削成斜面。砧木選用一至二年生丁香實生苗,在離空中510cm處切掉頂部,再從砧木的斷面上垂直向下劈開1條縫,然后將接穗插入。接穗的斜面與砧木要嚴密吻合,用塑料條捆綁好。為避免嫁接刀口處失水過多,可用潮濕的土埋上,待接穗上的芽萌動后,去掉掩蓋的土。也可秋、冬季采條,經(jīng)露地埋藏于翌春枝接,接穗當年可長至5080cm,第2年萌動前需將枝干離空中3040cm處短截,促其萌生側枝。靠接法:將丁香接穗與砧木,各削1個相同大小的接口,將兩者嚴密地捆綁在一同。當?shù)犊诋a(chǎn)生愈傷組織后秸稈打包機,將砧木從接口上方1cm處將頂枝剪掉,將接穗從接口下方1cm處剪斷,使之成為一個新的植物體。Scion grafting method: ordinary stirring in the early spring line, scion length is 8 10 cm, with 2 to bud section, lower part of the scion cutting bevel on both sides. Root stock chooses one to biennial clove west, away from the air cut off the top 5 10 cm, and then on the cross section of vertical downward from the stock split 1 the seam, and then insert the scion. Cant to closely match w
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