



1、98個(gè)常見“普通詞“替換同義高級詞第3頁共9頁 98個(gè)常見普通詞”替換同義高級詞 001. i mp Orta nt= crucial (extremely important) sign ifica nt(am ount or effect large eno ugh to be imp orta nt) 002. com mon= uni versal (true or suitable in every situati on) ubiquitous (if somethi ng is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 003. abu ndan

2、t= ample (enough and usually extra) plen tiful (eno ugh for peop les n eeds and wants) 004. stick= adhere (same meaning) cling (hold on something tightly) 005. n eglect= ignore (differe nee: n eglect means some one has not p aid eno ugh atte nti on to somethi ng; ignore means no atte nti on) 006. ne

3、ar= adjacent (two thi ngs n ext to each other) adjoin (the same as adjace nt) 007. pu rsue= woo (man woos woman, old-fashioned) seek (if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) 008. accurate= precise (precise is exact and accurate in all details) exact (correct in every detail) 009.vague= obscur

4、e (unknown or known by only a few people) 010. top= peak (same meaning) summit (FORMAL) 011. comp etitor= rival (same meaning) opponent (es pecially in sports and p olitics) 012. blame= condemn (if you condemn somethi ng, you say it is very bad and un acce ptable) 013. opinion= persp ective(almost t

5、he same mea ning) standpoint(mea ns look ing at an eve nt or situati on in a p articular way) 014. fame= p restige (describe those who are admired) repu tati on(a high opinion gen erally held about a person or thing) 015. build= erect (you can erect someth ing as build in gs, FORMAL) establish (almo

6、st the same mea ning) 016. i nsult= humiliate (do somethi ng or say somethi ng which makes people feel ashamed or stupid) 017. complain= grumble (com plain somethi ng in a bad-te mp ered way) 018. p rimary= radical (very important and great in degree) fun dame ntal (same meaning) 019. relieve= allev

7、iate (alleviate mea ns you make pain or sufferi ngs less intense or severe) 020. force= coerces into (coerce mea ns you make some one do someth ing she/he does not want to) compel (almost the same meaning) 021. enl arge= magnify (mag nify means make someth ing larger tha n it really is) 022. comp le

8、x= in tricate (if someth ing is in tricate, it ofte n has many small p arts and details) 023. lo nely= solitary (if some one is solitary, there is no one n ear him/her) 024. small= minu scule (very small) mi nute 025. p raise= extol (str on ger tha n p raise) comp lime nt(po lite and p olitical) 026

9、. hard-work ing= assiduous (some one who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly) 027. difficult= arduous (if someth ing is arduous, it is difficult and tiri ng, and invo Ives a lot of efforts) 028. p oor(soil)= barre n in fertile (used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cann

10、ot be plan ted on it) 029. fragile= brittle vulnerable(some one who is vuln erable is easily hurt emoti on ally or p hysically) 030. show= dem on strate(to dem on strate a fact means to make it clear to people) 031. big= s large) massive (large in size, qua ntity, or exte nt) colossal (use this word

11、, you emp hasize someth ing tremen dous (INFORMAL) 032. avoid= shun (if some one shuns someth ing, she/he deliberately avoid that somethi ng or kee p away from it) 033. fair= imp artial(some one who is imp artial is able to give a fair opin io n or decisi on on someth ing) 034. attack= assault (p hy

12、sically attack some one) assail (attack violently) 035. dislike= abhor (abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reas ons) loathe (dislike very much) 036. ruin= devastate (it means damage somethi ng very badly, or utterly destroy it.) 037. always= inv ariably (the same as always,

13、 but better tha n always) 038. forever= perp etual(a perp etual state n ever cha nges) immutable (somethi ng immutable will n ever cha nge or be cha nged) 039. surp rise= startle (it means surp rise you slightly) astound (su rp rise you to a large degree) astonish (the same as asto und) 040. en thus

14、iasm= zeal (a great enthusiasm) fervency (sin cere and en thusiasm) 041. quiet= tranq uil (calm and p eaceful) serene (calm and quiet) 042. expen sive= exorbitant (it means too expen sive that it should be) 043. luxurious= lavish (impressive and very expensive) sump tuous (gra nd and very expen sive

15、 044. bori ng= tedious (if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrati ng) 045. resp ect= esteem (if you esteem some one, you res pect and admire him/her. FORMAL) 046. worry= fret (if you fret about something, you worry about it) 047. cold= chilly (unpleasantly cold) icy (ext

16、remely cold) 048. hot= boili ng (very hot) 049. hot= boiling_(very hot) 050. dan gerous= perilous (very dan gerous) hazardous (dangerous, especially to peopies safety and health) 051. no wadays= curre ntly 052. only= unique (the only one of its kind) disti nctive 053. sto p= cease (if something ceas

17、es, it stops happening or existing) 054. part= component (the components of somethi ng are the p arts that it is made of) 055. result= consequenee (the results or effects of something) 056. obvious= apparent man ifest 057. based on= derived from (ca n see or no tice them very easily) 058. quite= fai

18、rly (almost the same meaning) 059. pathetic= lamentable (very un comfortable and disa ppointing) 060. field= domain (a p articular field of thought, activities or in terest) 061. app ear= emerge (come into existenee) 062. whole= entire_(the whole of somethi ng) 063. wet= damp (slightly wet) humid (v

19、ery damp and hot) 064. wrong= erron eous(in correct or p artly correct) 065. difficult= formidable 066. change= convert (cha nge into ano ther form) 067. typ ical= quin tesse ntial(this word mea ns rep rese nt a typ ical exa mple of someth ing) 068. careful= cautious (very careful in order to avoid

20、dan ger) p rude nt (careful and sen sible) 069. ability= cap acity cap ability (the same as ability) 070. stra nge= eccen trie (if some one is ecce ntric, she/he behaves in a stra nge way, or his/her opinion is differe nt from most people) 071. rich= affluent (if you are afflue nt, you have a lot of

21、 money) 072. use= utilize (the same as use) 073. dubious= skep tical (if you are ske ptical about someth ing, you have doubts on it) 074. satisfy= gratify (if you are gratified by someth in g, it gives you p leasure and satisfact ion) 075. short= fleeting (lasti ng for a very short time) ep hemeral

22、(if someth ing is ep hemeral, it lasts a short time) 076. scholarshi p= fellowship (almost same as scholarshi p, form of academic finan cial aid) 077. an gry= en raged (extremely angry) 078. smelly= malodorous (used to describe an unp leasa nt smell) 079. ugly= hideous (if something is hideous, it i

23、s very ugly or unattractive) 080. attractive= app eali ng (p leas ing and attractive) absorb ing (someth ing absorb ing can attract you a great deal) 081. diverse= miscella neous(a miscella neous groups con sists of many differe nt kinds of thi ngs) 082. disorder= disarray (a state of disorga ni zat

24、i on or un tidi ness) chaos (a state lacking order or predictability) 083. crazily= fran tically (used to describe some one who behaves in a wild and uncon trolled way) 084. rap id=meteoric (ATTENTION: meteoric is on ly used to describe some one achieves success quickly) 085. ordin ary= mundane (very ordi nary and not at in teresti ng or unu sual) 086. des pite= no twithsta nding(FORMAL) 087. best= op timal (used to describe the best level someth ing can achieve) 088. sharp=acute (severe and intense)


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