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1、專業(yè)英語考試復習資料專業(yè)八級分類模擬388專業(yè)英語考試復習資料專業(yè)八級分類模擬388專業(yè)八級分類模擬388PART TRANSLATION問題:1. 那還是幾年前的一個早晨,在太陽剛剛升起來的時候,踏著熹微的晨光,到一個離旅館不遠的菜市場去。到了鄰近菜市場的地方,市場的氣氛就逐漸濃了起來。熙熙攘攘的人群,摩肩擦背,來來往往。許多老大娘的菜籃子里裝滿了蔬菜海味雞鴨魚肉。有的籃子里活魚在搖擺著尾巴,肥雞在咯咯地叫著。老大娘帶著一臉笑意,滿懷愉快,走回家去。答案:It was on an early morning of several years ago, when it was just daw

2、ning, that I went in the twilight to a food market near the hotel where I was staying. The closer I went, the more liveliness of the market hung over me. The bustling crowd elbowed their way back and forth at the market. Many senior housewives filled their baskets with vegetables, poultry, meat and

3、various aquatic food. Those satisfied housewives smiled all the way back, some with energetic fish wagging tails in their baskets, and some with plump chicken chuckling along with them.問題:2. 但是,有一件事,出乎意料之外,使魯迅對她發(fā)生了敬意,因為,她對孩子們能夠講述一些“長毛”(關于太平天國)的故事;又一件事,更使魯迅對她發(fā)生了很大的敬意,那就是,她不知從什么地方替魯迅找到了一部他日夜所渴望的繪圖山海經(jīng)。

4、 魯迅對于繪圖山海經(jīng)的渴望已不止一天了。這事是由和他家同住在這個臺門里的遠房叔祖玉田老人惹起來的。他是一個胖胖的和藹的老人,愛種一點珠蘭(chloranthus)、茉莉(jasmine)之類的花木。他在家里無人可以攀談,所以就很喜歡和孩子們來往,有時簡直稱呼他們?yōu)椤靶∮选?。他的藏書很豐富,其中有一本叫花鏡,上面印著許多好看的花草和樹木,是一部孩子們最心愛的書。但老人卻說還有一部更好看的哩,那是繪圖的山海經(jīng)。 答案:Lu Xun had been yearning for an illustrated edition of the Classic of Mountains and Seas fo

5、r more than one day. This started with a distant granduncle Yu Tian, who was neighbouring Lu Xuns family in this compound. He was a fat and kindly old man, who liked growing some flowers and trees, such as chloranthus and jasmine. Since he had no one to chat with in his family, he enjoyed the societ

6、y of kids, and sometimes just called them young friends. He had a large collection of books, one of which was called Flower Mirror. The book, with many beautiful illustrations of flowers and trees printed on it, became the kids favorite one.問題:3. 我對于海,就好像著了魔似的一天比一天迷戀起來,我愛它,甚至一天也不能離開它。有時清早起來便奔向海濱,迎接血

7、紅的太陽由海邊升起;有時特地在陽光將要落山的時候,去領略海灘的黃昏滋味。我更愛看矗立在海中央的燈塔,我佩服那守燈塔的人,他每天機械地守住自己的崗位,給予往來的航行者一種光明的指示;假若沒有他,這海面將被黑暗所包圍,來往的船只,隨時都有觸著暗礁的危險。答案:Ive become more and more crazy about the sea. I never let a day pass without seeing it with my own eyes. Sometimes as soon as I get up, Ill hasten to the seashore to greet

8、the blood-red sun rising from the distant edge of the sea. Sometimes, Ill go to the beach at sunset for the special purpose of enjoying the twilight scene. Im even more fascinated by the lighthouse standing in the middle of the sea. My hat off to the lighthouse keeper drudging at the tedious task of

9、 providing ships with a flashing light lest they should run up on rocks in the dark sea.問題:4. 學問要有根底,根底要打得平正堅實,以后永遠受用。初學階段的科目之最重要的莫過于語文與數(shù)學。語文是閱讀達意的工具,國文不通便很難表達自己,外國文不通便很難吸取外來的新知。數(shù)學是思想條理之最好的訓練。其他科目也各有各的用處,其重要性很難強分軒輊,例如體育,從一方面看也是重要得無以復加??傊?,我們在求學時代,應該暫且把趣味放在一旁,耐著性子接受教育的紀律,把自己鍛煉成為堅實的材料。學問的趣味,留在將來慢慢享受一點也

10、不遲。答案:Laying a solid foundation for learning will be of great life-long benefit to you. Of all the school subjects during the preliminary stage of learning, languages and mathematics are the most important. Languages serve as a tool for reading and communication. Without a good knowledge of Chinese,

11、 you will find it difficult to express yourself. Without a good knowledge of a foreign language, you will find it difficult to absorb new knowledge from abroad. Mathematics makes for logical thinking. Other subjects also have their respective uses. It is hard to say which is more important. Physical

12、 education, for example, is also extremely important from another point of view. In short, while in school, we should temporarily put aside our personal liking and patiently observe school discipline so that we may temper ourselves and become solid stuff.問題:5. 如果“義”代表一種倫理的人生態(tài)度,“利”代表一種功利的人生態(tài)度,那么,我所說的

13、“情”便代表一種審美的人生態(tài)度。它主張率性而行,適情而止,每個人都保持自己的真性情。你不是你所信奉的教義,也不是你所占有的物品,你之為你僅在于你的真實“自我”。生命的意義不在于奉獻或占有,而在創(chuàng)造,創(chuàng)造就是人的真性情的積極展開,是人在實現(xiàn)其本質力量時所獲得的情感上的滿足。答案:If humanity is an ethnical attitude towards life and materiality a utilitarian one, then the disposition I mean here shall be an aesthetic one. It advocates peop

14、les natural qualities of mind and character in life so that everyones true disposition can be preserved. Instead of the doctrine you believe in and adhere to or the items you take possession of, the reason for you to be yourself only lies in your true self. Therefore, the meaning of life is not dete

15、rmined by how much you have dedicated or possessed, but by what you have created, for the process of creation is a favorable exhibition of your true disposition, in which you can get self-actualization as well as emotional gratification.問題:6. 書籍到了我的手里,我的習慣是先看序文,次看目錄。頁數(shù)不多的往往立刻通讀,篇幅大的,只把正文任擇一二章節(jié)略加翻閱,就

16、插在書架上。除小說外,我少有全體讀完的大部的書,只憑了購入當時的記憶,知道某冊書是何種性質,其中大概有些什么可取的材料而已。什么書在什么時候再去讀再去翻,連我自己也無把握,完全要看一個時期一個時期的興趣。答案:As soon as a new book-comes to my hand, I always read the preface first and then the table of contents. If it happens to be a thin one, I often finish reading it at one sitting. Otherwise, I ofte

17、n browse through one or two chapters or sections before putting it onto my bookshelf. I seldom read a thick book from cover to cover unless it is a novel. By dint of the first impression it made on me at the time of buying, I have a rough idea of what a book is about and what useful materials in it

18、are available to me. But I have little idea which book is to be read or looked over again at what time. It is completely subject to the whims of the moment.問題:7. 不知道我們這一生究竟要講多少句話。如果有一種工具可以統(tǒng)計,像步行鍛煉的人所帶的計步器那樣,我相信其結果必定是天文數(shù)字,其長可以繞地球幾周,其密可以下大雨幾場。具體情形當然因人而異。有人說話如參禪,能少說就少說,最好是不說,一切盡在不言中;有人說話如蟬鳴,并不一定要表達什么,只

19、是無意識地做口腔運動而已。答案:Nobody knows that how many words and sentences we will speak in our whole lives. I believe that if there is a tool which can calculate them, just like the pedometer taken by people walking for exercise, the counting result would be too large to be described by numbers. If adding all

20、words and sentences together, the length would be several times of the perimeter of the earth, and the thickness would be several times of heavy rainfalls. Of course, the counting result differs from man to man. Some people talk as if they are meditating with few words or even say nothing at all. So

21、me speak just like cicadas singing without expressing any information but unconsciously doing oral exercise.問題:8. 諸位畢業(yè)同學:你們現(xiàn)在要離開母校了,我沒有什么禮物送你們,只好送你們一句話罷。 這一句話是:“不要拋棄學問?!币郧暗墓φn也許有一大部分是為了這張畢業(yè)文憑,不得已而做的,從今以后,你們可以依自己的心愿去自由研究了。趁現(xiàn)在年富力強的時候,努力做一種專門學問。少年是一去不復返的,等到精力衰時,要做學問也來不及了。即為吃飯計,學問決不會辜負人的。吃飯而不求學問,三年五年之后,你

22、們都要被后來少年淘汰掉的。到那時再想做點學問來補救,恐怕已太晚了。 答案:My advice is, Never give up the pursuit of learning. You have perhaps finished your college courses mostly for obtaining the diploma, or, in other words, out of sheer necessity. However, from now on you are free to follow your own bent in the choice of studies. W

23、hile you are in the prime of your life, why not devote yourselves to a special field of study? Youth will soon be gone and never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years. Knowledge will do you a good turn even as a means of subsistence. If you gi

24、ve up studies while holding a job, you will in a couple of years have had yourselves replaced by younger people. It will then be too late to remedy the situation by picking up studies again.問題:9. 這就是白楊樹,西北極普通的一種樹,然而絕不是平凡的樹!它沒有婆娑的姿態(tài),沒有屈曲盤旋的虬枝,也許你要說它不美麗,如果美是專指“婆娑”或“橫斜逸出”之類而言,那么白楊樹算不得樹中的好女子;但是它卻是偉岸,正直,

25、樸質,嚴肅,也不缺乏溫和,更不用提它的堅強不屈與挺拔,它是樹中的偉丈夫!當你在積雪初融的高原上走過,看見平坦的大地上傲然挺立這么一株或一排白楊樹,難道你覺得樹只是樹?難道你就不想到它的樸質,嚴肅,堅強不屈,至少也象征了北方的農(nóng)民;難道你竟一點也不聯(lián)想到,在敵后的廣大土地上,到處有堅強不屈,就像這白楊樹一樣傲然挺立的守衛(wèi)他們家鄉(xiāng)的哨兵!難道你又不更遠一點想到這樣枝枝葉葉靠緊團結,力求上進的白楊樹,宛然象征了今天在華北平原縱橫激蕩,用血寫出新中國歷史的那種精神和意志。答案:They are white poplars, a most common kind of tree in the north

26、west of China, but they are by no means ordinary! They have neither a graceful posture nor spiral branches. You may think of them as not so beautiful. If beauty refers specifically to a slender figure or twigs slanting sideways, then they cannot be regarded as fine girls among trees. Nevertheless, t

27、hey are big and tall, honest and upright, simple and plain, earnest and unyieldingand not without gentleness and warmth though. They are giants of manliness among trees! When you trudge through the melting snow of the plateau and see one or a row of white poplars standing firmly and proudly on the v

28、ast plains, how could you look upon them as nothing but trees?問題:10. 任何語言,包括詩的語言在內(nèi),都應該力求用最經(jīng)濟的方式,表達最豐富的內(nèi)容。到了有話非說不可的時候,說出的話才能動人。否則內(nèi)容空虛,即便用了最偉大的字眼和詞匯,也將無濟于事,甚至越說得多,反而越糟糕。因此,我想奉勸愛說偉大的空話的朋友,還是多讀,多想,少說一些,遇到要說話的時候,就去休息,不要浪費你自己和別人的時間和精神吧!答案:Any language, including the one used for poem, should strive to con

29、vey as much information as possible in the most economical way. The utterance is the most touching when you have no choice but to say it, otherwise emptiness arises with the biggest words, and the more you say, the worse it becomes. Therefore, I would like to advise those who prefer grand empty talk

30、s to read and think more, and say less. They had better take a rest while having an urge to speak, so as not to waste time and energy, both for their own and others sake.問題:11. 我在故鄉(xiāng)走的地方不多,但古跡、僑鄉(xiāng),到處可見,福建華僑,遍于天下。我所到過的亞、非、歐、美各國都可見到辛苦創(chuàng)業(yè)的福建僑民,握手之余,情溢言表。在他們家里、店里,吃著福州菜,喝著茉莉花茶,使我覺得作為一個福州人是四海都有家的。 我的父母之鄉(xiāng)是可愛的

31、。有人從故鄉(xiāng)來,或是有朋友新近到福建去過,我都向他們問起福建的近況。他們說:福建比起二十多年前來,進步得不可辨認了。最近呢,農(nóng)業(yè)科學化了,又在植樹造林,山嶺田地更加郁郁蔥蔥了。他們都動員我回去看看,我何嘗不想呢?不但我想,在全世界的天涯海角,更不知有多少人在想!我愿和故鄉(xiāng)的人,以及普天下的福建僑民,一同在精神和物質文明方面,把故鄉(xiāng)建設得更美好! 答案:My ancestral home is so endearing. Whenever I meet somebody hailing from Fujian or a friend who has recently been there, I

32、always inquire of them about the present conditions in Fujian. They all tell me that compared with two decades ago, Fujian has made such a great progress that it is now almost beyond recognition. Recently I have learned that people there have gone in for scientific farming and afforestation, so that

33、 green and luxuriant vegetation has appeared on all mountains and fields. People have been advising me to pay another visit to my old home. Yes, I am more than eager to do so. And so are my numerous fellow townsmen in all corners of the world. I hope that together with all the people in my hometown

34、as well as all overseas Chinese from Fujian, I can do my bit to make a still better place of my ancestral home, both materially and culturally.PART WRITING問題:1. 題目要求:Affluent Chinese are traveling abroad frantically buying international brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci. Why do you thin

35、k Chinas rich spend big on luxury goods? The following are opinions from different consumers. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the different opinions; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, c

36、ontent sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in, a loss of marks. Mrok (Japan): I would like to say that it is also a trend of a group of people who become rich from being poor in a short time. So, most of them are eager to show their suc

37、cess in the economic aspect in order to earn respect from others, and luxury goods seem to be the best symbol of success. Another reason for this is the highly-valued competition in Chinese society, as well as in other East Asian neighbors. That is why those people buy Prada by day but sleep in a 2-

38、star hotel by night (they dont want to be the loser in the competition). It also happened in Japan 20 years ago. Gaoshuangera (China): As a student, I dont understand why we need a LV bag, especially if purchasing it with our parents money. Also, I dont like the idea that people look down on me if I

39、 dont have a LV bag. If you are really rich and you can afford a LV hag easily, why not? But if you want it just because of what others say, it is just xurongxin (vanity) as we say in Chinese. Himani (India): I think its true not only of China but also of many other Asian countries like India becaus

40、e these countries have very high import taxes. Also its a matter of status symbol when people brag about visiting abroad and going shopping in the US or in the UK. Felix (the US): China has imposed high import tariffs on luxuries, partly for the protectionism of their local productswhich is understa

41、ndable. When living in Hong Kong and Singapore, I used to wonder why the mainland Chinese would be so ready to spend big money on luxury goods when traveling. I now understand that their purchasing behavior is partly due to practical considerations (cheaper, more varieties, better service, etc.) and

42、 partly due to pent-up demand. Xilaren (Greece): I had the chance to visit luxury shops in Athens, which had at least 15 Chinese women and men buying Gucci handbags. What is surprising to me is that none of them bought luxury shoes or clothes. Wearing a Rolex and carrying a Gucci handbag require mat

43、ching shoes and clothes. Otherwise the luxury products are a failure. This kind of buying shows me something saddening. Do these people care only about showing off by holding a Gucci handbag and do not care about clothes and shoes simply because nobody can recognize the brand of the shoes? If this i

44、s the case, then it is really saddening. JGVk (the UK): I have met many Chinese visitors in London. One of the main reasons why they buy many luxury items, instead of one or two, is simple. Many of them are first-time overseas tourists. In China and in most of Asia, there is a social obligation to b

45、uy presents of equal quality for friends and relatives. Over time, this obligation may disappeartherefore, their shopping habits will change over the next few years. 答案:范文 Why Do Chinas Rich Spend Big on Luxury Goods? It is said that people from Asia, mostly Chinese, account for almost half of the l

46、uxury consumption in the world, which is more than the Americans and Europeans combined. People home and abroad look at this phenomenon from different perspectives. Some conclude that this behavior is vanity-driven. The newly rich Chinese are taking luxury goods as the symbol of success, which is enhanced by the highly-valued competition. Actually, this kind of shopping spree has aroused some uncomfortable feelings of the under-rich people. Others attribute the trend to Chinas customs, which imposes very high import tariffs for regional protectionism, and some


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