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1、學(xué)生檔案管理系統(tǒng)課程設(shè)計報告學(xué)院:信息科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院專業(yè)班級:智能科學(xué)與技術(shù)1001班姓名: 學(xué)號:指導(dǎo)老師:目錄一、 需求分析 2二、 概念結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 3系統(tǒng)功能模塊示意及e-r圖 3三、 數(shù)據(jù)庫實施 4四、 系統(tǒng)程序?qū)嵤?61.流程 62.代碼展示 73.系統(tǒng)運行效果展示 24五、 課程設(shè)計心得 27一、 需求分析系統(tǒng)功能描述:1. 院系信息管理功能(1) 院系信息的錄入,包括院系編號、院系名稱、院系職能描述和上級院系等信息;(2) 院系信息的修改;(3) 院系信息的刪除;(4) 院系信息的查詢;2. 學(xué)生基本信息管理功能(1) 學(xué)生基本信息的錄入,包括學(xué)生編號、姓名、性別、生日等信息(2)

2、 學(xué)生基本信息的修改;(3) 學(xué)生基本信息的刪除;(4) 學(xué)生基本信息的查詢。3. 學(xué)生獎懲管理功能(1) 學(xué)生獎懲信息的錄入,包括獎懲日期、獎懲內(nèi)容等信息;(2) 學(xué)生獎懲信息的修改;(3) 學(xué)生獎懲信息的刪除;(4) 學(xué)生獎懲信息的查詢。4. 學(xué)生成績管理功能(1) 學(xué)生成績信息的錄入,包括課程編號、學(xué)生編號、分數(shù)等信息;(2) 學(xué)生成績信息的修改;(3) 學(xué)生成績信息的刪除;(4) 學(xué)生成績信息的查詢。5. 系統(tǒng)用戶管理功能(1) 系統(tǒng)用戶信息的錄入,包括用戶名、密碼等信息;(2) 系統(tǒng)用戶信息的修改;(3) 系統(tǒng)用戶信息的刪除;(4) 系統(tǒng)用戶信息的查詢。二、 概念結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計學(xué)生檔案管理

3、系統(tǒng)院系信息管理學(xué)生信息管理學(xué)生獎懲管理學(xué)生學(xué)籍管理考試成績管理系統(tǒng)用戶管理學(xué)生基本信息管理學(xué)生照片信息管理學(xué)生受教育經(jīng)歷管理退學(xué)/休學(xué)管理轉(zhuǎn)學(xué)/調(diào)班管理課程設(shè)置管理考試成績管理針對各個模塊不同的表實現(xiàn)添加、修改、刪除,以及查詢顯示記錄 學(xué)生管理系統(tǒng)管理系統(tǒng)功能模塊示意圖學(xué)號姓名性別出生日期政治面貌電話號碼院系學(xué)生組成班級班級班級號專業(yè)組成學(xué)院學(xué)號課程名課程號成績課程三、 數(shù)據(jù)庫實施用戶表:學(xué)生表:課程表:成績表:獎懲表:院系表:四、 系統(tǒng)程序?qū)嵤┝鞒蹋旱卿涍M入主界面選擇模塊執(zhí)行相應(yīng)功能代碼展示:dim chkstr as string 通用區(qū)聲明,用于記錄隨機碼private sub com

4、mand1_click()dim sql as stringdim cnt as integerdim rs as new adodb.recordsetdim conn as new adodb.connectioncnt = 0set conn = new adodb.connectionconn.open provider=sqloledb.1;integrated security=sspi;persist security info=false;user id=sa;initial catalog=studentsystemif trim(text1.text) = thenmsgb

5、ox 用戶名不能為空,請重新輸入!text1.setfocuselse: sql = select * from users where username= & trim(text1.text) & rs.open sql, conn, adopenkeyset, adlockpessimisticif rs.eof = true thenmsgbox 沒有這個用戶,請重輸入!, vbokonly + vbexclamation, text1.text = text1.setfocuselse: username = text1.textif rs(pwd) = trim(text2.text

6、) and text3.text = chkstr thenunload meform2.showelse: msgbox 驗證碼或密碼錯誤,請重新輸入!, vbokonly + vbexclamation, text2.setfocustext2.text = text3.text = end ifend ifend ifcnt = cnt + 1if cnt = 3 thenunload meend ifend subprivate sub command2_click()unload meend subprivate sub command3_click()picture1.clspic

7、ture1.autoredraw = truepicture1.appearance = 0call rndbackcall initstrend subprivate sub rndback() 在圖片后面隨機生成小線條dim x1 as integer, y1 as integer, i as integer, r as integer, g as integer, b as integerdim pw as integer, ph as integerpw = picture1.widthph = picture1.heightfor i = 0 to 100 自己根據(jù)控件大小調(diào)整下線條

8、的數(shù)量randomizex1 = int(pw * rnd)y1 = int(ph * rnd)r = int(255 * rnd)g = int(255 * rnd)b = int(255 * rnd)picture1.forecolor = rgb(r, g, b)picture1.line (x1, y1)-(x1 + 81 * rnd, y1 + 81 * rnd)nextend subprivate function rndstr(tempstr as string) as string 生成一個隨機字符dim seas(2) as integer 隨機數(shù)種子dim sea as i

9、ntegerdim i as integer, ts as integerdim result as integer, tr as integerseas(0) = 48 0的ascii碼seas(1) = 65 aseas(2) = 97 arndstr = randomizesea = seas(int(3 * rnd)result = 1tr = 1do while result and trts = sea + int(27 * rnd)result = (ts = 48 and ts = 65 and ts = 97 and ts = 122)tr = instr(tempstr,

10、chr(ts) 確定本次的隨機數(shù)不會與已經(jīng)生成的一樣looprndstr = chr(ts)end functionprivate sub initstr() 生成驗證碼dim temp as stringchkstr = for i = 1 to 4 隨機生成4位的驗證碼randomizepicture1.currentx = picture1.width / 3.5 + 300 * (i - 1) 在picturebox上顯示的位置picture1.currenty = picture1.height / 10 + 50 * (i * rnd)picture1.forecolor = &h

11、ff00ffpicture1.font.size = 20 + int(11 * rnd) 字體的大小,初時大小請根據(jù)控件大小來設(shè)置temp = rndstr(chkstr)chkstr = chkstr + temppicture1.print tempnextend subprivate sub form_load()call rndbackcall initstrend subprivate sub command1_click()form5.showunload meend subprivate sub command2_click()form3.showunload meend su

12、bprivate sub command3_click()form4.showunload meend subprivate sub command4_click()form7.showunload meend subprivate sub command5_click()form6.showunload meend subprivate sub command6_click()endend subprivate sub command1_click()調(diào)用addnew方法增加記錄adodc1.recordset.addnew在調(diào)用addnew以后,文本框控件處于添加模式end subpriv

13、ate sub command2_click() dim ans as integer 調(diào)用delete方法刪除記錄 在記錄刪除之前最好對用戶有一個警告 ans = msgbox(確定刪除嗎?, vbyesno, 警告) if ans = vbyes then adodc1.recordset.delete end ifend subprivate sub command3_click()修改記錄adodc1.recordset.updateend subprivate sub command4_click()if text1.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinfor

14、mation, 提示end ifif text2.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text3.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text4.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text5.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text6.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示

15、end ifif text7.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text8.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text9.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text10.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text11.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif

16、 text12.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text13.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text14.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text15.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end if通過update方法保存數(shù)據(jù)adodc1.recordset.updateend subprivate sub command5_c

17、lick()通過cancelupdate方法取消數(shù)據(jù)操作adodc1.recordset.cancelupdateend subprivate sub command6_click()form2.showunload meend subprivate sub command7_click()dim sql as stringdim rs as new adodb.recordsetdim conn as new adodb.connectionset conn = new adodb.connectionconn.open provider=sqloledb.1;integrated secu

18、rity=sspi;persist security info=false;user id=sa;initial catalog=studentsystemsql = select * from students where student_id= & trim(text16.text) & rs.open sql, conn, 1, 1if rs.eof true thentext16.text = text1.text = rs(student_name)text2.text = rs(sex)text3.text = rs(nationality)text4.text = rs(birt

19、h)text5.text = rs(political_party)text6.text = rs(family_place)text7.text = rs(id_card)text8.text = rs(student_id)text9.text = rs(residence)text10.text = rs(home_photo)text11.text = rs(postcode)text12.text = rs(indate)text13.text = rs(title)text14.text = rs(memo)text15.text = rs(fillin_time)elsemsgb

20、ox 沒有找到該學(xué)號,請確認, vbcritical, 錯誤end ifend subprivate sub text16_mousemove(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)text16.text = end subprivate sub command1_click()dim sql as stringdim rs as new adodb.recordsetdim conn as new adodb.connectionset conn = new adodb.connectionconn.ope

21、n provider=sqloledb.1;integrated security=sspi;persist security info=false;user id=sa;initial catalog=studentsystemif trim(text1.text) = thenmsgbox 用戶名不能為空,請重新輸入!text1.setfocuselse: sql = select * from scores where lessonid= & trim(text1.text) & and student_id= & trim(text2.text) & rs.open sql, conn

22、, adopenkeyset, adlockpessimistictext3.text = rs(score)end ifend subprivate sub command2_click()form2.showunload meend subprivate sub form_load()text1.text = text2.text = text3.text = end subprivate sub command1_click()form2.showunload meend subprivate sub command1_click()調(diào)用addnew方法增加記錄adodc1.record

23、set.addnew在調(diào)用addnew以后,文本框控件處于添加模式end subprivate sub command2_click() dim ans as integer 調(diào)用delete方法刪除記錄 在記錄刪除之前最好對用戶有一個警告 ans = msgbox(確定刪除嗎?, vbyesno, 警告) if ans = vbyes then adodc1.recordset.delete end ifend subprivate sub command3_click()修改記錄adodc1.recordset.updateend subprivate sub command4_click

24、()通過update方法保存數(shù)據(jù)adodc1.recordset.updateend subprivate sub command5_click()通過cancelupdate方法取消數(shù)據(jù)操作adodc1.recordset.cancelupdateend subprivate sub command6_click()form2.showunload meend subprivate sub form_load()text1.text = text2.text = end subprivate sub command2_click()adodc1.recordset.addnewend sub

25、private sub command3_click()dim ans as integer 調(diào)用delete方法刪除記錄 在記錄刪除之前最好對用戶有一個警告 ans = msgbox(確定刪除嗎?, vbyesno, 警告) if ans = vbyes then adodc1.recordset.delete end ifend subprivate sub command4_click()if text1.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text2.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinform

26、ation, 提示end ifif text3.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text4.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifif text5.text = thenmsgbox 請完善資料!, vbinformation, 提示end ifadodc1.recordset.updateend subprivate sub command1_click()dim sql as stringdim rs as new adodb.recordsetdim conn as new adodb.connectionset conn = new adodb.connectionconn.open provider=sqloledb.1;integrated security=sspi;persist security info=false;user id=sa;initial


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