1、 河 北 工 業(yè) 大 學 城 市 學 院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文資料翻譯系: 管理 專 業(yè): 市場營銷 姓 名: 學 號: 074910 外文出處:separately ascending home buyers consultant practitioners quality analyse countermeasures 【journal of higher vocational jounals】 .2008-02-20 in liaoning附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。 附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文 提升置業(yè)顧問的從業(yè)者素質(zhì)的對策分析摘要: 闡述了隨著分工的細化,許多房地產(chǎn)行業(yè)
2、方面的管理咨詢顧問公司相繼誕生,這些公司為開發(fā)商提供專業(yè)的資訊管理、物業(yè)管理、銷售推廣等服務(wù),并主要從薪酬水平、從業(yè)者基本特征、從業(yè)者的培訓、職業(yè)發(fā)展、及激勵機制方面對置業(yè)顧問作以分析,提出提升置業(yè)顧問的從業(yè)者素質(zhì)的對策。關(guān)鍵詞: 房地產(chǎn);置業(yè)顧問;激勵機制;從業(yè)者一、人力資源與置業(yè)顧問的概念1、人力資源的含義人力資源是一種以人為載體的資源, 存在于人體中,并以體能、知識、技能、能力、個性行為特征傾向等表現(xiàn)的經(jīng)濟資源。它具有雙重性、能動性、持續(xù)性和時效性的特點。人力資源開發(fā)具有很強的正外部性, 作為一種投資, 又具有高收益、低風險的特征。2、置業(yè)顧問的職業(yè)界定置業(yè)顧問是從傳統(tǒng)售樓員衍生和發(fā)展而
3、來的。與傳統(tǒng)的售樓員相比, 置業(yè)顧問不再是單方面從房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)商角度出發(fā)的樓盤銷售人員, 而更加注重“人文關(guān)懷”, 強調(diào)以“實現(xiàn)客戶價值“為目標的服務(wù)理念。其主要工作職責包括兩方面: 一是負責為開發(fā)商進行樓盤的銷售, 二是為消費者提供符合客戶要求的樓盤和地產(chǎn)購置方面的專業(yè)知識, 并根據(jù)客戶的要求( 包括的地理位置、園區(qū)自然環(huán)境和人文環(huán)境、面積、材質(zhì)、采光、隔音等) 提供給客戶選擇的樓盤和自身從專業(yè)角度分析的置業(yè)意見。因此, 置業(yè)顧問已不是單純意義上的“售樓員”而是具有更深層次要求的新興職業(yè)。3、置業(yè)顧問的從業(yè)要求鑒于置業(yè)顧問工作的自身特點, 首先, 要求從業(yè)者除了要有豐富的房地產(chǎn)銷售經(jīng)驗外, 還
4、要具備房地產(chǎn)建筑方面的專業(yè)知識, 這樣才能為客戶提供咨詢指導服務(wù)。因此, 對置業(yè)顧問的從業(yè)要求比“售樓員”要高, 從業(yè)者要有相關(guān)的銷售經(jīng)驗和一定的銷售技巧。其次, 要求從業(yè)者有房屋建筑方面的專業(yè)知識, 能夠?qū)ㄖ牧?、建筑架?gòu)的優(yōu)缺點進行解析。最后, 要求從業(yè)者有獨立思考的能力, 善于表達自己的見解, 這樣才能在客戶置業(yè)過程中為客戶提供建設(shè)性的置業(yè)指導意見二、置業(yè)顧問的現(xiàn)狀分析1、從業(yè)者的基本特征及要求學歷特征: 從業(yè)者多為大專以上學歷, 專業(yè)以經(jīng)濟管理、市場營銷為主, 少數(shù)經(jīng)驗豐富者學歷偏低, 但接受過相關(guān)的營銷培訓。年齡特征: 從業(yè)者年齡結(jié)構(gòu)較低, 多為2032 歲,平均年齡26 歲, 性
5、別結(jié)構(gòu)大致均衡。形象特征: 從業(yè)者一般形象健康、儀表大方、口齒伶俐語言表達能力強, 普通話較好, 個別從業(yè)者甚至有流利的英語表達能力, 能夠自如的用外語與客戶溝通。2、從業(yè)者的工資水平置業(yè)顧問的薪酬機制與多數(shù)銷售行業(yè)相似, 由三部分構(gòu)成, 即基本工資+ 績效獎金+ 福利補助, 績效獎金即俗稱的提成?;竟べY一般為500600 元, 各項福利補助( 包括午餐補貼、交通補貼、通訊補助等) 累計約200 元。由于置業(yè)顧問市場人才流動性較大, 因此, 多數(shù)公司不給員工辦理保險。從業(yè)者工作之初一般工資可達到12001500 元, 隨著業(yè)績的不斷攀升工資可達20002500 元,業(yè)績突出者可達500080
6、00 元。此外, 置業(yè)顧問的工資水平還受季節(jié)和樓盤的影響, 在銷售旺季工資水平較高,銷售淡季工資水平較低, 差距可達1000 元。如果樓盤熱銷, 置業(yè)顧問的工資水平也會隨之提高。3、從業(yè)者的激勵機制分析目前, 房地產(chǎn)行業(yè)的人才流動性很大, 特別是置業(yè)顧問的流動性更大。由于激勵機制不完善, 置業(yè)顧問的個人努力與實際收入脫節(jié), 個人價值目標無法實現(xiàn), 導致置業(yè)顧問經(jīng)常跳槽, 這既不利于企業(yè)的發(fā)展, 也不利于置業(yè)顧問個人的職業(yè)生涯發(fā)展。置業(yè)顧問流動的主要原因是薪酬體系不合理, 基本工資偏低, 績效工資彈性過大。三、社會發(fā)展對置業(yè)顧問素質(zhì)的要求任何事物的發(fā)展規(guī)律都是適者生存, 在當今這個瞬息萬變的社會
7、更是如此。社會經(jīng)濟環(huán)境和行業(yè)整體環(huán)境的變化對從業(yè)者又提出了新的要求。首先, 信息技術(shù)的發(fā)展, 改變了人們傳統(tǒng)的學習和工作方式, 也加快了人們的生活節(jié)奏。置業(yè)顧問的從業(yè)者必須清楚的認識到這一點, 知識的更新, 社會觀念的改變,要求從業(yè)者具有持續(xù)學習的能力, 不斷的充實完善自己的知識體系, 這樣才能和客戶進行更好的溝通。其次, 市場競爭的加劇, 使得從業(yè)者面臨更大的工作壓力, 加之職業(yè)本身的彈性薪酬機制的特點, 要求從業(yè)者除了具有更優(yōu)秀的個人能力外, 還要具備良好的心態(tài)和較高的抗壓和自我調(diào)節(jié)能力, 能在職業(yè)生涯陷入低谷時調(diào)整好心態(tài), 重新投入競爭之中。再次, 社會環(huán)保意識的提高, 使得消費者越來越
8、重視自身所處的生存環(huán)境。從業(yè)者在給消費者做置業(yè)咨詢時應注意強調(diào)環(huán)保的重要性, 掌握一定的環(huán)保知識有助于從業(yè)者更好的分析不同樓盤的優(yōu)缺點, 給客戶提供更好的咨詢、指導和服務(wù)。此外, 在提倡個性化的當今社會, 為消費者提供個性化的服務(wù), 也是從業(yè)者在競爭中脫穎而出的關(guān)鍵。這就要求從業(yè)者除了具備營銷和房產(chǎn)建筑知識外,還要注重分析消費者心理, 為消費者提供獨樹一幟的置業(yè)建意。最后, 置業(yè)顧問應當承擔起開發(fā)商與消費者之間的溝通橋梁, 把消費者的要求反饋給開發(fā)商, 同時把開發(fā)商的理念傳送給消費者, 使兩者雙贏。目前, 許多房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)商開始從事商業(yè)地產(chǎn)的開發(fā),置業(yè)顧問的目標顧客也將有所拓寬, 要求置業(yè)顧問具
9、有一定的商業(yè)運作常識, 才能在商業(yè)地產(chǎn)的購置和推廣上給客戶提供專業(yè)的市場分析和預測。四、提升置業(yè)顧問從業(yè)者素質(zhì)的對策1、優(yōu)化企業(yè)內(nèi)部的激勵機制分析在市場經(jīng)濟條件下, 人才的流動是客觀法則。影響人才流動的因素很多, 相關(guān)統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)表明, 物質(zhì)待遇的比值為14.4%; 晉升機會公平的比值是21.2%; 領(lǐng)導重視的比值是20.5%; 人際關(guān)系和諧的比值為18.6%; 工作對身體健康的影響德比值是11.7%; 專業(yè)對口的比值是8.4%。由此可見, 激勵機制是影響人才流動的主要因素。激勵機制的彈性要在一個合理的范圍內(nèi),超過或低于這個范圍, 激勵效果可能不明顯, 甚至起到適得其反的效果。為了避免過度人才流動
10、給企業(yè)帶來的損失, 應該建立一種橫向和縱向相互交叉的網(wǎng)絡(luò)狀階梯式的薪酬激勵機制。除此之外,還要在精神層面上建立一種家的歸屬感, 適時的給優(yōu)秀員工進行職位提升, 建立起員工對企業(yè)的信任感, 使員工感受到在本企業(yè)工作更有利于自身職業(yè)目標的實現(xiàn)。所謂橫向激勵, 就是根據(jù)行業(yè)的平均水平和員工以往的工作業(yè)績來確定基本工資, 基礎(chǔ)工資的水平隨行業(yè)的興衰變化而變化, 隨員工的累計業(yè)績變化而變化。這樣就使得跳槽到新公司的員工面臨從頭做起的局面, 使得想要跳槽的員工放棄離職的打算, 繼續(xù)為企業(yè)服務(wù)。所謂縱向激勵, 就是績效獎金的比例隨著行業(yè)整體水平的變化而反響變化, 行業(yè)旺季, 績效獎金比例較小, 行業(yè)淡季績效
11、獎金比例較大。因為行業(yè)處于旺季時, 員工的努力程度對業(yè)績的影響較小, 績效獎金的比例基本不會影響公司總的銷售業(yè)績。反而在淡季時, 較高的績效獎金比例能夠?qū)T工的工作積極性起到很大的刺激作用, 員工的業(yè)績也能夠真實的表現(xiàn)員工的努力程度和個人能力, 這樣績效獎金才能夠真正達到激勵的預期效果, 也有利于企業(yè)人才的挖掘和駐留。此外, 良好的培訓深造機會和職位升遷機會, 也能夠建立員工的企業(yè)忠誠度, 調(diào)動員工的工作積極性。在激勵過程中, 要實施胡蘿卜加大棒的原則, 對消極怠工, 濫于充數(shù)的員工要及時地舉起大棒, 以免影響整個團隊的競爭力。而對于那些工作勤懇、業(yè)績優(yōu)良的員工更要適時的給予胡蘿卜, 使其感受
12、到企業(yè)對他們的關(guān)心, 體會到激勵機制的公平性。好的激勵機制, 是企業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的關(guān)鍵,是企業(yè)吸引優(yōu)秀員工的法寶。2、加大企業(yè)培訓的力度由于大多數(shù)從業(yè)者是經(jīng)濟管理方面的科班出身, 只有少數(shù)從業(yè)者接受過正規(guī)的建筑房產(chǎn)工程方面的教育, 而這一職業(yè)又要求從業(yè)者有相關(guān)的建筑常識, 因此對從業(yè)者進行崗前培訓是十分必要的。多數(shù)企業(yè)在對置業(yè)顧問的人力資源管理方面都包括崗前培訓的程序。崗前培訓的方式主要有基礎(chǔ)知識學習和實踐學習兩種?;A(chǔ)知識學習的內(nèi)容包括營銷管理、消費者心理學、營銷技巧、金融投資、建筑設(shè)計、園區(qū)規(guī)劃、室內(nèi)裝飾、美學、環(huán)保等?;A(chǔ)知識學習主要通過培訓師在課堂上的講授、及案例分析來強化從業(yè)者對這方面
13、知識的領(lǐng)悟和認識, 并逐漸建立起完整的知識體系和嚴密的邏輯思維。培訓師可以是企業(yè)內(nèi)的資深從業(yè)者, 也可以是外聘的相關(guān)學科的教師。實踐學習的方式主要是參觀和實習, 其目的使從業(yè)者深刻體會置業(yè)顧問這一職業(yè)所要面對的問題, 通過自己前期的知識積累設(shè)法解決問題。通過崗前培訓, 可使從業(yè)者在最短的時間里迅速掌握相關(guān)知識, 很快融入工作角色之中。3、加強企業(yè)文化建設(shè)企業(yè)文化作為企業(yè)競爭力的一部分, 是提高企業(yè)凝聚力的有力武器。加強企業(yè)文化建設(shè), 使企業(yè)逐步向?qū)W習型組織轉(zhuǎn)變, 在企業(yè)內(nèi)部建立一種學習的氛圍有助于企業(yè)和員工自身的長遠發(fā)展。在企業(yè)內(nèi)部建立定期的學習交流制度, 在交流中使從業(yè)者認清社會發(fā)展形勢和客
14、戶需求變化及自身的不足, 以明確進一步學習的目標。4、政府需要制定相關(guān)的政策首先, 從政府角度出臺相關(guān)的政策, 對置業(yè)顧問的從業(yè)者提出從業(yè)要求。例如, 明確規(guī)定從業(yè)者需要獲得相關(guān)的職業(yè)資格證書、學歷證書等; 。其次, 進一步完善行業(yè)規(guī)范, 制定置業(yè)顧問從業(yè)者守則, 建立健全誠信機制, 對從業(yè)者實行制度約束, 明確從業(yè)者的服務(wù)“雷區(qū)”。再者, 政府應加強對從業(yè)者的職業(yè)道德教育, 使置業(yè)顧問真正做到從客戶角度出發(fā), 為客戶提供最合理、最實惠的專業(yè)性建議。參考文獻:1查爾斯沃爾多.市場或政府m.北京:中國發(fā)展出版社,1997.2易開剛.基于生命周期的企業(yè)文化演化及其啟示j.科技進步與對策,2006,
15、(12).3張一馳.人力資源管理教程m.北京:北京大學出版社,1999.4邁爾斯.房地產(chǎn)營銷m.仝曉秋,等,譯.北京:中國對外翻譯出版社,2002. 附件2:外文原文(復印件或?qū)W校圖書館電子文件打印版)ascension home buyers consultants practitioners quality analyse countermeasures abstract: this paper describes as the division of labor, many real estate industry refinement of management consultants
16、 company successively birth, these companies for developers to provide professional information management, property management, sales promotion, and service, and mainly from salary level, practitioners basic features, practitioners training, career development, and incentive mechanism with of real
17、adviser analysis, proposed the quality of ascension home buyers consultant countermeasures. practitioners keywords: real estate; real adviser; incentive mechanism; practitioners a, human resources and the concept of real adviser 1, human resources of meaning human resource is a kind of human resourc
18、es, exist in the carrier of human body, and with fitness, skills, knowledge, ability, personality behavior characteristics trend of economic resources performance. it has the dualism, dynamic, sustainable and timeliness characteristic. human resources development has a strong positive externality, a
19、s an investment, but also has high yield, low risk characteristics. 2, real adviser career define home buyers consultant from traditional sales member of derivative and development. compared with the traditional sales member, real adviser is no longer from real estate developers unilaterally angle b
20、uilding sales personnel, and pay more attention to humanistic care, emphasize realize customer value as the goal service concept. its main job responsibilities include two aspects: one is responsible for developers are building dish sales, 2 it is to provide consumers meets customer requirement buil
21、ding and real estate purchase of professional knowledge, and according to the requirements of customers (including geographical position, park natural environment and cultural environments, area, material qualitative, lighting, sound insulation, etc.) to provide customers choose choose from the buil
22、ding and its own professional angle analysis of opinion. buyers therefore, real adviser is not simple sense of sales member but a deeper for emerging professional. 3, home buyers consultant working requirements in view of the characteristics of working real adviser, first of all, request practitione
23、rs in addition to should have rich real estate sales experience, but also possess real estate construction outside expertise, such ability to provide consulting guidance services. therefore, the requirements for real adviser employees than sales member to high, practitioners should have relevant sal
24、es experience and sales skills. secondly, it requires practitioners who have housing construction of professional knowledge, can of building materials, building the merits and demerits of analytical framework. finally, it requires practitioners who have independent thinking ability, is good at expre
25、ssing their opinions, such ability in the process of customer for the customer homeownership provide constructive home buyers guidance second, analyzing the status quo of the real adviser 1, practitioners the basic characteristic and requirements degree features: practitioners more for college degre
26、e or above, major in economic management, marketing is given priority to, a few veterans degree is low, but received related marketing training. age characteristics: practitioners age structure, low for 20 32, average age 26, gender structure roughly balanced. image features: practitioners general i
27、mage health, instrument and generous, the blarney stone language ability is strong, mandarin is better, individual practitioners are even fluent english expression ability, can freely use a foreign language to communicate with customers. 2, practitioners salary level real adviser with the compensati
28、on mechanism by most sales industry similar, which is composed of three parts, namely basic wage + performance bonus + welfare assistance, performance bonus namely, commonly known as the commission. basic wage generally for 500 600 yuan, the various welfare allowance (including lunch subsidies, traf
29、fic subsidy, communication allowance, etc) accumulative total about 200 yuan. because real adviser, so bigger fluidity market talents, most companies do not give employees insurance policy. practitioners at the beginning of the general wage work can reach 120 1500 yuan, with the performance of the r
30、ising wages can reach 2,000 to 2,500 yuan, it can reach 5000 performance of 8,000 yuan. in addition, real advisers wage levels but also by season and building dish influence in sales blitz wage level, higher, sales low level, off-season wage gap reach 1,000 yuan. if the building of sell like hot cak
31、es, real adviser wages also is met subsequently improved. 3, practitioners incentive mechanism analysis at present, the real estate industry professionals mobility, especially real adviser liquidity is bigger. due to imperfect incentive, home buyers consultants personal efforts and real income disjo
32、inted, personal value the target unable to realization, causing homes advisers often job-hopping, this already go against the development of the enterprise, also go against real adviser personal career development. real adviser is the main reason of the flow and compensation system is not reasonable
33、, basic low wages, performance-based pay excessive elasticity. third, social development of real adviser quality requirements anything law of development is the survival of the fittest, in todays rapidly changing social is even more so. the social economy environment and the industry overall environ
34、mental changes on the practitioners and puts forward new requirements. first, the development of information technology, changed peoples traditional learning and work methods and also accelerate people life rhythm. home buyers consultants practitioners must clearly realize this, knowledge update, so
35、cial changes in the concept of requires practitioners who have sustained, learning ability, constantly enrich perfect their knowledge system, so that we can better communicate with customers. second, market competition intensifies, makes practitioners face greater pressure, plus professional itself
36、characteristics of elastic compensation mechanism, demanding more excellent except for its practitioners of personal power outside, still have a good attitude and high compressive and self-regulation in his career, can adjust bottomed state, rejoin the competition among. again, social environmental
37、awareness enhancement, make consumers pay more and more attention to own locates living environment. practitioners to consumer bricks-and-mortar consulting should be paid attention to when doing emphasized the importance of environmental protection, grasps certain environmental protection knowledge
38、helps practitioners better analyses the advantages and disadvantages of different buildings, to provide customers better consultation, guidance and service. in addition, in advocate personalized in todays society, provide personalized service for consumers in the competition, but also emerge practit
39、ioner key. this requires practitioners besides having marketing and housing construction knowledge outside, notice the analysis for consumers, consumer psychology can provide unique home buyers build meaning. finally, real adviser should undertake the communication between developer and consumer dem
40、and of consumers, the bridge for developers, but at the same time, the feedback of the developers send consumers concept both a win-win situation. at present, many real estate developers begin to engage in commercial real estate development, real adviser target customers will also have expanded and
41、requirement home buyers consultant has certain business operation, common sense, can in commercial real estate purchase and promotion to customers with professional market analysis and forecast. four, ascend home buyers consultant practitioners quality countermeasures 1, optimizing enterprise intern
42、al incentive mechanism analysis under the market economy condition, the flow of the talents is the objective laws. many factors influence the flow of talent, related statistical data show that the ratio of the material treatment for 14.4 percent; promotion opportunity fair ratio is 21.2%; leadership
43、 is the ratio of the 20.5% attention; the ratio of the interpersonal relation harmony for 18.6%; the influence of work to the bodys health; the ratio is 11.7% professing ratio is 8.4 percent. thus, incentive mechanism is the main factors affect the flow of talent. the incentive mechanism of elastic
44、to in a rational scope, exceed or under this range, incentive effect may not be obvious, and even play backfire effect. in order to avoid excessive mobility brings to the enterprises losses, should establish a cross-sectional and longitudinal overlapping step-wise salary incentive mechanism finely.
45、in addition, but also in the spirit level to establish a kind of home of belonging, timely give excellent employees job to establish staff promotion, enterprise of credit, staff feel in this enterprise work more beneficial to its own career goals. the so-called horizontal incentive, is according to
46、the industry average level and staff past performance to determine the basic wage based wage level, with industry changes, the rise of the cumulative performance with staff changes. this make defecting to new employees face completely from scratch situation, make want change their plans to give, con
47、tinue to leave for enterprise service. the so-called longitudinal incentive, is the proportion of performance bonuses as the industry overall level of change and echo change, industry busy season, performance-based bonus proportion is lesser, industry performance bonuses off-season larger proportion
48、. because the industry is in busy season, employees of performance effort less affected the proportion of performance-based bonus basic will not affect the company overall sales performance. during the off-season, instead of high performance bonuses to employees proportion of enthusiasm has played a
49、 significant stimulation, the employees performance can also true expression employee effort degree and individual ability, such performance bonuses only can achieve true motivation, but also beneficial to the expected effect of mining and resident enterprise talented people. in addition, good train
50、ing opportunity and the chance to study the corporate ladder, also can set up staff enterprise loyalty, arouses staffs work enthusiasm. in the process, must implement incentive carrotand-stick principle, to slacking, overcharging in sucks staff would promptly lifted, lest affect the whole team big s
51、tick the competitiveness. and for those who work hard, good achievement employees to timely give more carrot, make its feel enterprise to their care, and realize the incentive mechanism of fairness. good incentive mechanism, is the key to the sustainable development of enterprise, is the enterprise
52、attract excellent employee magic weapon. 2, increase the strength of enterprise training since most practitioners of is economical management background, only a few practitioners stream of any formal education building housing engineering, and this requires practitioners who have a career and relate
53、d building common sense, so for practitioners to pre-job training is very necessary. most firms to real adviser in the management of human resources include pre-job training program. the way the pre-job training mainly have basic knowledge and practice study two kinds. basic knowledge content includ
54、ing marketing management, consumer psychology, marketing skills, financial investment, architecture design, park planning, interior decoration, aesthetics, environmental protection, etc. basic knowledge learning mainly through the trainers in classroom teaching, and case analysis to strengthen to th
55、is respect knowledge workers comprehension and understanding, and gradually establish a complete knowledge system and the strict logical thinking. trainers can within the enterprise is a senior practitioners, also can be the relevant subject concerning teachers. practical way of learning is mainly v
56、isit and practice, its purpose makes practitioners deeply understand real adviser this profession to be faced with the problems, and by our own accumulation of knowledge manage to solve the problem. through the pre-job training, can make the practitioners in the shortest time quickly to master relevant knowledge, quickly integrate into work role in. thre
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