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1、2006年高考英語寫作技巧一.考生存在的問題英語寫作主要考核學生運用書面語言的能力。要寫出一篇理想的120詞以上的短文,首先必須要審題,明確所給的提示、表格、圖表的內容要求,確定寫什么、怎么寫、怎樣在適當地方提出所給文章的中心論點。其次要考慮文章的體裁和布局。一篇文章的布局應圍繞著主題進行敘述、議論,要確定行文時采取時間順序、因果順序,還是采用敘述、對比等方式。行文時要做到內容切題,能完整表達題意。選詞造句應選用所學的知識和各種基本表達法。條例要清楚,句型有一定變化,使用恰當的連詞(如: therefore, furthermore, however等)使文章有較強的連貫性。完成作文后要通讀全

2、文,檢查單詞的拼寫以及標點符號和字母的大小寫。特別要注意句中的主謂一致、時態(tài)、語態(tài)的正確性及詞數是否符合要求。寫作時特別要注意的事項:1 認清題目的意思,抓住題目的中心。對題目不理解或理解錯誤,寫出來的作文必然“走題”。2 避免寫出以中文為思維方式的中式英文。有些同學在寫作時,先打中文腹稿,然后逐字逐句的硬譯,這樣往往會寫中式英文,所以一定要用英文思考。A 高考英語寫作要求 根據中學英語課程標準的要求,英語教學的目的之一是“培養(yǎng)學生具有初步寫作的能力?!备呷龑W生應該“能在所學語言范圍內口、筆頭造句;能在有提示詞語的條件下,寫出100個詞左右的段落,意思連貫,無嚴重語法錯誤?!备呖既雽W考試大綱對

3、書面表達也提出了明確要求:“考生能根據所給情境和要求,寫一篇書面材料?!睔v年高考英語寫作,要求學生根據圖片或中文提示,能運用恰當的英語,表達意義。此類作文基本上屬于“引導性寫作”。應該說,高考英語寫作并非像高考語文寫作那樣“高深莫測”,學生不必刻意追求“新意”;學生只要根據寫作規(guī)定的體裁、提示的主要內容和字數要求,根據英語習慣和語法要求,運用恰當的詞匯和句型,把意思表達清楚即可。B 寫作中存在的問題一 審題不清有時,學生沒有經過仔細閱讀作文提示、要求和注意項目等就急于著手寫作。其結果往往是所寫文章的文體不符合要求,主題不明確,甚至離題萬里。1 文體不當下面以NMET1996的寫作題為例 你是李

4、華,申請到一家外資企業(yè)工作。對方要求你用英語寫一篇短文,介紹自己的基本情況。短文應包括下表所列到的全部內容。姓名李華出生年月1977年2月出生地遼寧大連學歷1984-1990 光明小學1990-1996 大連市第六中學所學主要課程語文、數學、英語、物理、化學、電腦特長英語、電腦(去年在全校電腦競賽中獲第一名)業(yè)余愛好游泳、滑冰、集郵、流行音樂 注意: 1情況介紹必須采用短文形式;2 詞數100左右 3 短文第一句已為你寫好 生詞:競賽- competition作文要求以明確說明:情況介紹必須采用短文形式??墒牵€是有同學沒有看清楚作文要求,以羅列條文的形式進行寫作。 My name is Li

5、 HuaDear Sir,My name is Li Hua. Id like very much to work in your company. Now let me introduce myself to Li Huabirth dateFeb. 1977birth placethe city of Dalian, Liaoning Provinceeducational background1984=1990 Guangming Primary School1990-1996 Dalian No.6 Middle Schoolmain subjectsChinese,

6、 maths, English, physics, chemistry, computer sciencespecialtyEnglish, computer science (Last year, I won the first prize in the school computer science competition)hobbiesswimming, skating, collecting, stamps, pop music Yours sincerely, Li Hua分析 其實,只要該同學將表格內容以短文形式表達清楚即可Dear Sir,My name is Li Hua. I

7、 was born in Feb. 1977, in the city of Dalian, Liaoning Province. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990 and in Dalian No.6 Middle School from 1990 to 1996. My main subjects are Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer science. I am good at English and computer scien

8、ce. Last year, I won the first prize in the school computer science competition. In my spare time, Id like to go swimming and skating. I also like collecting stamps and pop music. I will appreciate it very much if I can have the honour to become a member of your company. Thank you very much. Yours s

9、incerely, Li Hua2 主題不清請看下面寫作要求及學生習作Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words, according to the topic given in Chinese.請你談談,為了應接2008年在北京舉辦的奧運會,中國人民該做些什么準備工作。根據以上要求,有位同學這樣寫道:With the development of China, Beijing is bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games. In the past eight years, China ha

10、s gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties. The Chinese people must have something to do.Firstly, if we would bid successfully, more and more foreigners would come to China, so we must learn foreign languages well. Then, we can show them around Beijing.Secondly, we must protect the envir

11、onment well. The motif of the Olympic Games is “Green Olympics”. China will be stronger and stronger. In a word, if we can prepare well, I believe that we will bid for the 2008 Olympic Games successfully.分析 該同學顯然審錯了題。該文章主題是圍繞“2008年在北京舉辦的奧運會”,重點寫“中國人民該做些什么準備工作”。根據中文提示“為了迎接2008年在北京舉辦的奧運會”,我們可以明確:2008年

12、在北京舉辦奧運會而不是該同學在文中所寫的那樣:在北京申辦奧運會,即“Beijing is bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games”;而且文中第一段的“In the past eight years, China has gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties.”所表達的意思與主題“中國人民該做些什么準備工作”也沒有明確的關系。因為審題錯誤,所以導致了以后的一系列錯誤,如第二段和最后一段中的內容與事實不相符合,即“if we would bid successfully, more and more

13、foreigners would come to China”; “I believe that we will bid for the 2008 Olympic Games successfully”;第三段的最后一句,即“China will be stronger and stronger.”與該段落的前面兩句,即“we must protect the environment well. The motif of the Olympic Games is Green Olympic”沒有內容不能緊扣要點,忠心不突出,整篇文章自始至終沒有也不能圍繞一個明確的主題展開。二 組織無序有時,同

14、學們雖然明確了體裁和主題,卻不知如何采用恰當的組織方法,將表達主題思想的內容和材料能有條不紊地表達清楚,以至文章結構松散,層次不清。1 結構松散請看下面例題:Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words, according to the topic given in Chinese.寫一份倡議書:同學們,我們快畢業(yè)了。我們打算送件禮物給學校,建議給學校種一些樹。種樹很有意義有位同學這樣寫道:Classmates, we are going to graduate from our school soon. We have

15、 studied here for 3 years. We all regard it as our second home. Wee have planned to send a gift to our school. What about planting trees?Planting trees is a meaningful thing. Trees can clean the air and make our school more beautiful. Trees can make our school more wonderful.If the students study ti

16、red, they can see these trees to relax. In summer, they can stay under the trees. Because trees can absorb carbon dioxide and can give out oxygen, trees can make our school clean.The trees we planted will be very big. It will remind us of the time when we studied in school.We think trees are the bes

17、t gifts not only for school but also for us. Lets start now.分析 僅從首尾兩段可以看出,學生按照要求,以倡議書的形式寫作;其中,第二、三、四段的主要內容反映了這樣一個主題思想:種樹很有意義。應該說,該體裁形式和主題思想基本上是符合要求的。但是,從文章的組織結構來看,第二、三、四段這一主體部分,結構顯得松散,甚至有些凌亂。如果各段落間,各句子間用一定的連詞或副詞等加以連接過渡,那么該文章在組織結構上可以改善很多。請看下文:Classmates, we are going to graduate from our school soon.

18、 We have studied here for 3 years and we all regard it as our second home. Wee have planned to send a gift to our school. What about planting trees? Planting trees is a meaningful thing.Firstly, trees can clean the air and make our school more beautiful. Trees can make our school more wonderful.Seco

19、ndly, if the students study tired, they can see these trees to relax. In summer, they can stay under the trees. Because trees can absorb carbon dioxide and can give out oxygen, trees can make our school clean.Thirdly, the trees we planted will be very big. It will remind us of the time when we studi

20、ed in school.So we think trees are the best gifts not only for school but also for us. Lets start now.2 層次不清請看下面例題Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words, according to the clue given in Chinese.對中國學生出國求學的利和弊, 各人有不同的觀點。請談談你的看法Nowadays, more and more students want to go abroad. They

21、 think they can receive better education and find a good job in the future. Some people think that it is not good for students to go abroad. Others dont think so. I think it is good for students to go abroad.Firstly, you will see more and more new things. You can get a lot of experience. However, yo

22、u may also meet with a lot of problems. For example, you may feel lonely because you are far from your parents and good friends. You must do everything by yourselves. You will probably be in trouble if you cant understand the foreign language. Secondly, you can improve your foreign language, because

23、 you can speak to the foreigners. You can also make a lot of friends with the foreigners. Of course, sometimes, you will have some problems in communicating with the foreigners.Last but not the least, when you come back again, it is easy for you t get a nice job. Many people will like to practice sp

24、eaking English with you.In a word, I think that it is good for students to go abroad.分析 在這篇作文中,這位同學能運用一些過渡詞,將各段落連接組織起來,使文章結構不至于顯得那么松散。但是,稍加分析,我們不難發(fā)現(xiàn)該文章的層次不清,前后敘述混亂,有些顛三倒四,讓人讀后不明不白。例如,在第一段中,學生就急于表達學生出國的理由,但由于是開頭,又無法說清楚。其實,在第一段落中,只要表達不同看法,即有利有弊就可以了,然后擺出自己的觀點:有利還有有弊,或即有利又有弊。至于理由可以在以后的段落中加以陳述;同時,要注意一個段落

25、說明一個理由。這樣,才能使各段落層次分明,條理清楚。練習一 對于以下那篇習作,你能通過適當調整和修改,使之層次更分明嗎?三 表達不當同學們在寫作時,往往較多用中文思維的習慣進行構思并組織語句,因而出現(xiàn)一些不倫不類、令人費解的英語語句。有時,同學們考慮了中文意義,卻忽視了英語語法的規(guī)則或表達習慣,經常是煞費苦心,苛求高立意,深寓意,追求華麗的詞藻和語句,但由于受英語水平的限制,結果往往生搬硬套或亂造詞句,這樣的表達有時著實令人啼笑皆非。下面一些例句在表達上是存在問題的。1 用詞不當(1) 名詞不當Tom didnt realize that he was going in the wrong r

26、oad. (wrong)Tom didnt realize that he was going in the wrong direction. (right)(2) 動詞不當The college entrance examinations have ended for several days. (wrong)The college entrance examinations have been over for several days. (right) (3) 介詞不當In all scientists, I like Madame Curie best. (wrong)Of all t

27、he scientists, I like Madame Curie best. (right) (4) 搭配不當We must take attention to avoid traffic accidents. (wrong)We must take care to avoid traffic accidents. (right)2. 語法錯誤 (1) 主謂不一致She is one of the greatest scientists who has won the Nobel Prize. (wrong)She is one of the greatest scientists who

28、 have won the Nobel Prize. (right) (2) 動詞與名詞的數不一樣Those are the reason why I like her very much. (wrong)Those are the reasons why I like her very much. (right) (3) 時態(tài)混亂I often tell my mother what happened in my school as soon as I came back home. (wrong)I often tell my mother what has happened in my

29、school as soon as I come back home. (right)I often told my mother what had happened in my school as soon as I came back home. (right) (4) 比較級不當Mike speaks English more faster than Mary. (wrong)Mike speaks English faster than Mary. (right)Mike speaks English much faster than Mary. (right)3. 代詞混亂 (1)

30、We can only use water from rivers and lakes. The water resources that we can make use of are limited. You can live about a week without food, but you can live less than three days without water. (wrong)We can only use water from rivers and lakes. The water resources that we can make use of are limit

31、ed. We can live about a week without food, but we can live less than three days without water. (right) (2) Mr. Wang has promised to take us to the Peoples Park next Sunday and you shall have a picnic lunch there. (wrong)Mr. Wang has promised to take us to the Peoples Park next Sunday and we shall ha

32、ve a picnic lunch there. (right) (3) If a person can write a diary, he can write all that he has heard or seen in a diary. When you grow up and read your diary, you will feel as if you were young again. (wrong)If a you can write a diary, you can write all that he has heard or seen in a diary. When y

33、ou grow up and read your diary, you will feel as if you were young again. (right)4. 漢式英語 (1) 我不忍心離開我的母校。I cannot bear to part my mother school. (wrong)Saying goodbye to my mother school, I feel very sad. (right) (2) 我將永遠不會忘記這里的一切,包括我的老師。I will never forget heres everything, including my teachers. (w

34、rong)I will remember everything here, including my teachers. (right) (3) 我們能用的水只有一點點。The water that we can use only has a little. (wrong)There is only a little water that we can use. (right) (4) 我將對每一位游客非常友好,讓他有一種家的感覺。I will be kind to every tourist so that he can have the homes feeling. (wrong)I wi

35、ll be kind to every tourist so that he can feel at home. (right) (5) 如今人們的壽命長多了。The life of people of the day is much longer. (wrong)People now live a much longer life. (right) (6) 老年人的數目在迅速增長。The increase of the old people rises quickly. (wrong)The number of the old people has been increasing rapid

36、ly. (7) 我想和家長交流能使家長更好地了解他們的孩子。I think by talking with parents can make parents know about their children more. (wrong)I think talking with parents can help parents know better about their children. (right) (8) 我們必須考慮的問題是如何處理學習和玩耍之間的關系。The problem we must think is how to deal with the study and plays

37、 relation. (wrong)The problem we must think over is how to deal with the relationship between study and play. (right) (9) 這對他們的學習不利。It was not good for them to study. (wrong)It was not good for their study. (right)It was not helpful to their study. (right)It did no good t their study. (right) (10) 因

38、特網有很多好處,也有很多壞處。Internet have many things is good, but it have many things is harmful. (wrong)Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. (right)練習二 認真閱讀下面的文章,并作適當修改,使其文理通順,語言準確、得當。Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words, according to the topic given in Chinese.Success and Fail

39、ure1 每個人都會有成功和失敗2 失敗并不可怕,只要堅韌不拔,正視失敗。3 成功屬于不斷追求的人。Success and FailureAs man, he will face with many serious problems. Some will overcome the problems while others cant do so. Everyone will feel success and failure.Someone are afraid of failure, and they cant realize it. But I think failure is not ve

40、ry serious. If you can stick to work and face with the failure, you will be successful one day. Why did many inventors can succeed, because they had failed for hundreds times. They could learn from the failure, then they had more experiences to make themselves succeed. Have you known about a saying:

41、 Failure is the mother of success.However, if you can only face with failure, but stop working, you wont be successful as well. Success belongs to the man who can go on with working.In a word, lets face with failure and keep working, then we are sure to succeed in the future.四 內容不實中學生寫作主要是引導性作文,因此,學

42、生可以根據所給的提示要點、關鍵詞或圖表等確定寫作的主要內容。但是,由于有時所給的提示較多,留給同學們往往只顧自己寫而遺漏了提示信息;有時又由于所給提示較少,留給同學們自己發(fā)揮的空間較大,由于沒有認真構思,想到哪寫到哪,結果造成內容不切主題或貧乏瑣碎的現(xiàn)象。1 遺漏提示信息下面作文提示內容較多。同學們在一開始的一段情景中發(fā)揮較多,而忽視或遺漏了規(guī)定的要點。請看例題:根據提示的情景用英語寫出一段100-120詞的通順恰當的短文,不必根據中文逐字逐句翻譯。假定有一天你和你父親去河邊釣魚,發(fā)現(xiàn)河水污染嚴重,只釣到一條小魚,對此你寫一篇感想并將寄給一家英文報紙,希望喚起公眾對河水污染的重視,要點如下:

43、(1) 你是讀者王寧(2) 有些廠向河里排放污水,有些人向河里傾倒垃圾,致使河水渾濁,有死魚漂浮上來(3) 如果全國的河流都被污染,后果不堪設想(4) 希望不久的將來河水變得干凈有位同學的作文是這樣寫的:Dear Editor,I am Wang Ning. Last Saturday, it was fine. I had nothing to do and felt very bored. So I persuaded my father to go fishing with me by a river. To my disappointment, we only caught a ver

44、y small fish. Why? Because some factories poured polluted water into the river and some people poured rubbish into the river. How could they do that? The result would be hard to imagine if all the rivers in our country were polluted. So , I hope people will pay attention to that. We should take acti

45、ons to prevent people from polluting the river. I hope the water will be clean in the future. Wang Ning分析 應該說,該生在語言表達方面是不錯的,但是他遺漏了要點“致使河水渾濁,有死魚漂浮上來”2 內容不切主題根據提示的情景用英語寫出一段100-120詞的通順恰當的短文,不必根據中文逐字逐句的翻譯。假如你叫張英,在上海中學讀書,很想交一位英國的中學生做筆友,通過書信往來提高英語水平。你的英語老師王先生剛從英國進修回來,介紹你用約翰交筆友。請你寫一封100字左右的信給約翰,把你的學習情況和個人愛

46、好向約翰做一個介紹。同時,希望約翰也能作一下自我介紹。有位同學的作文是這樣寫的:Dear John,I am Zhang Ying. I am studying in Shanghai Middle School in China and I want very much to have a pen friend in Britain to improve my English.Fortunately, my English teacher, Mr. Wang has just been back from Britain. I like him very much. He suggested

47、 that I should write to you and introduce myself. I hope you will be glad to make friends with me.There are four people in my family. They are my father, mother, grandmother and I. My father is a physics teacher and my mother is a doctor. My grandmother has retired. They work very hard. I feel very

48、happy at home.I am now a middle school student of senior three. I study many subjects, including English. My English is not good for but I am good at maths and physics. I work very hard and my classmates work even harder than me. They always stay up very late at night and get up early in the morning

49、. I am afraid I cant catch up with them. By the way, I have many hobbies, such as collecting stamps, singing, dancing and reading. How about you?I hope you will write to me soon and introduce yourself to me in your letter, ok? Yours, Zhang Ying分析 在上面的習作中,由于偏離了提示的情景主題,花了大量字數介紹家庭成員和同學們的學習生活(見劃線部分),故作文

50、字數(216字)大大超過了要求,結果給人一個印象:這是一篇專門介紹你的學習情況和個人愛好的文章。3 內容貧乏瑣碎下面這篇文章重點不突出,內容瑣碎。請仔細閱讀并作修改,尤其是文章的內容可以增加或刪減,注意所要寫的內容是否構成了My Senior High School Life 重要的,有意義的部分,是否比較突出地反映了My Senior High School Life。Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words, according to the topic given in Chinese.請以 “My Senior

51、 High School Life”為題,寫一篇英語作文,字數不少于120字。有位同學的作文是這樣寫的:My Senior High School LifeMy name is Robin, a senior three student. Do you know how old I am? Let me tell you, I am nineteen and Oct. 1 is my birthday. I think I will have a good time on my birthday. As I will leave my mother school, I want to tell

52、 you something about my senior high school life. Firstly, let me tell you my schools name. It is an old middle school in Shanghai. It is called Lian Yi Middle School. It is the south of Shanghai and not far away from my home. So every day, I walk t go to school. I am busy with my studies with the cl

53、assmates around. Sometimes, we quarrel and fight with each other. But we study and play together. Then we all feel happy. So, my senior high school life is full of happiness.However, I also have some trouble in my senior high school life. Because of my laziness, I often fail in the exam. Then I am a

54、lways criticized by my teachers or my parents.In a word, I will never forget my senior high school life. It is an important part of my life. It is wonderful.練習三 請對上文My Senior High School Life 進行修改精彩回放1990-2003全國高考卷全國卷年份體裁題型要求內容NMET 1990應用文簡介簡介介紹情況NMET 1991應用文報道報道介紹少年體育明星孫叔偉事跡NMET 1992應用文日記看圖說話回鄉(xiāng)探親日記

55、NMET 1993記敘文短文看圖說話狗救小孩的故事NMET 1994應用文通知提示作文為外賓舉辦晚會NMET 1995應用文書信看圖說話說明約會地點NMET 1996應用文短文自我介紹根據表格寫求職履歷NMET 1997記敘文記事看圖說話描述交通違章糾正事件NMET 1998應用文日記看圖說話參觀農場NMET 1999應用文書信看圖說話介紹學校變化情況NMET 2000記敘文報告看圖說話敘述一起交通事故NMET 2001應用文書信看表說話學生減負情況NMET 2002應用文書信看表說話公園是否收門票NMET 2003應用文書信看圖說話就英國筆友來我國學中文,為他找住房精彩回放-1990-2005上海卷年份體裁題型要求內容1990記敘文記事提示作文回鄉(xiāng)看變化1991描寫文記人提示作文記中學英語老師1992記敘文記事


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