1、An alysis of the new curriculum sta ndards inthe top problemAbstract In 2003, the Mi nistry of Educatio n promulgated the < ;<high ?school En glish curriculum sta ndards (test (here in afterreferred to as<<Curriculum>>)expressly states: shall bepublished stude nt test scores, nor a
2、ranking by test scores. This The introduction of a policy of ranking of thecon troversial topic up to thelaw in height. ran ked asan evaluati on mecha ni sm, it is no good or bad in itself, the main parties to see how to look,how to use thismecha nism of this paper has focused on whether it should p
3、ublish rankings and published rankings, thescope and modalities, as well as the in terpretatio n of the top ranking in this, the author proposes his own on the top of this issue for some suggestions.0 In troducti onThe proposed new curriculum sta ndards is a majorinno vati on in the educatio n secto
4、r, it is a leap forward in China s educationdevelopment.Reform with thepurpose ofexam in ati on-orie nted,promote thecomprehe nsive developme nt of every stude nt, every school to train to become human Holy Land, rather than production of objects of the plant in the traditi onalteach ingforms of org
5、a ni zati on,the onlystude ntevaluati onscores, good scores all is well,everythingbad score is not good, that only scores onthe is actually the wrong positioning of education (high score, low score low compulsive Through tests and rankings we see The con cept of teacher educati on is rigid and backw
6、ard is undeni able is that of school educatio n,the scoreis important,but moreimporta nttha nthescores oflear ningability,lear ningabilityis moreimporta ntthan is aman, becauseon ly witha strongcompetitivehigherpsychologicalen dura neeofthemoder n con scious nessand social developmentto adaptto the
7、needs of high-performaneeteach ingmustnotsacrifice the health of stude nts and the moral decli ne ofthe cost (For lumber, the first adult), educati on, educati onmust be the fulcrum of life At present the general situati on is that the way to simplify the publicati on of the results ranking process,
8、 an objective to in crease the pressure on stude nts and pare nts, i ncreas ing the burde non our stude nts.A theoretical basis 1.1 only scores on the In teach ing, exam in atio n and teach ing compleme nt each other, the exam in ati onof teach ing effective ness as animporta nt detecti on tool, sin
9、ce educati on is beg inning to come into being. There are differencesin students academic performa nee, ra nking there has, is an objective reality. Of course, focus on results, however, can no t just scores, because a number does not mean anything, but rather should focus on evaluation of the authe
10、nticity of the interpretationof results, that scores interpretabilityThe test should not only provide a fracti on, but should be a descriptio n of the scores, which requires the test must be used in real life and real work tasks or quasi-real task to measure the Ianguageability of students,evaluatio
11、nshould be a qualitativedescriptionor class description,rather tha n qua ntitative scores. but now many of the test and can not do the above requireme nts, the requireme nts of eve n the most basic tests, such as validity, reliability, etc.are difficult to guarantee, so that simply to score to deter
12、mine a person s ability to neither scientific norhuma ne, but also a departure from the Chin ese qualityeducation to this purpose and we have a sensible attitude to exam in ati on results, stude nt-ce ntered.1.2 Pygmalioneffect Pygmalion(PygmalionEffect), also known as the Rosenthal Effect(Robert Ro
13、senthal Effect) or expectationseffect , itleft us such a revelation:praise, trust, and expected tohave an energy that can change people s behavior, when a gain of another person s trust, praise, he will get a sense of social support, thus enhancing self-esteem, becomeself-c on fide nt,self-esteem, g
14、ain a positivemome ntum, and to try to meet the expectati ons of each other to avoid each other dow n, in order to maintain the con ti nuity of social support. Pygmali on effect performa nee in schooleducati onwas very obvious.ranked second exam ination will result in a certain extent, more like a t
15、eacher, concerned about the children with good results, while ignoringeven dislike poor academicperforma nee of childre n, coupled with the many schools the class scores, academic performanee as measured by the sta ndard of teach ing effective ness, more teachers will lead to poor performa nee of ch
16、ildre n do not pay atte nti on.Teachers do not pay attention, children do not have eon fide nee, will only make the results more and more childre n decreased, and eve n men tal weari ness.2 replace the open position, each coup Any educati onal reform should be to improve the quality of educati on fo
17、r the purpose of improv ing the quality of educatio n. Can cel ranking, the in troducti onof thepolicy has aroused heated debate, showinga happystude nts,pare ntsanddari ng,cautiouslyEducati on,teacher frustration, This an embarrassing situation in advocati ng the teachers ran ked stude nts shall be
18、 publishedscores upto locallaws andregulationsendorsed by the majority is worried about the current ranking system of the childre n caused psychological harm, as well as their outlook on life may cause distorti ons.Subject to the impact of state laws and regulatio ns, many schools have also take n c
19、orresp onding measures to deal with. On the author s visit results in some areas of the Departme nt of Educati on is strictly actin accorda nee with n ati on al laws and regulatio ns, nottorank the stude nts, i nstead of is a hierarchy, such as A, B, C, D of the can didates exam in ati on results pr
20、ese nted, thestude nts do not know their own specific test scores and rankin gs. It is un derstood that most of the stude nts in this way with favor, but it is worth no ti ng is that this approach is gen erally used in large-scale tests, such as final exams, exam, etc., and some small test for the u
21、sual uniform is difficult to fully impleme nt. for this shortco min g, it is up to in dividual schools to stre ngthe n the man ageme nt of the.As a long time much tests and rankings,thethi nki ng,many schools, teachers,pare ntsstillcan notmeet the Can cel ranking Thisin itiativein this case,private
22、schools tend to rank thestude ntstomasterstude ntslearning. Take the moreformalfinalexam,although each school end up with only one to A, B, C, Drepresentation of the results list, without knowing each student s specific accomplishments,but there are alsoin dividual teachers still find ways to figure
23、 out about student achievement for ranking. For example: English level A + represe nts 95 to 100 poin ts, grade Areprese nti ng 90 to 95, and so on, the last subjects to be calculated relative to stude ntachieveme ntprobablyresults, show ing that teachers whocare and thought, ah! In the final an aly
24、sis, or due to deep-rooted educati on teachers that there is no radical change in concept, so many new ideas of education is only a formality only. Manyschools alsorank studentsaccording tothelastexam in ati on, exam in ati on room seati ng for stude nts, this wouldbe reflected in virtuallyall the t
25、imewiththestudents their own place for students to create a hugepsychological pressure.3 recommendationsPublic school students seating approach, is to arouse the attention of parents, but eventuallythe pressure will still be passed on tochildrenby parents who, every studentis a specialin dividual, t
26、his will become a driv ing force or pressure in the end the burde n of can not be gen eralized, therefore, does not allowschools to be rankedon stude ntachievement and publication, is to allow comprehensive evaluati on of a school stude nt, from the exam in ati on of the tool to better inform the de
27、velopmentof humanity this en d, I propose the follow ing: 3.1 Reform ran kedin the current exam-orientededucation,social andcompetitiveen vir onment,simplyaga inst tests andrankings is unrealistic, but we can take a more sensible measures to be ran ked. Therefore, we focus on test scores of ranking
28、should publish and released the scope and approach.3.1.1 treat stages: eleme ntary, middle and high school School educatio n is divided into differe nt stages, and in various stages of the educati onal object and there are differe nces in educati onal goals, so I believe that the rankings n eed to d
29、isti nguish whether or not the object of stage characteristics of education because of primary, junior high school stude nts the characteristics of physical and mental development, school education should pay atte ntio n to the emoti onal educati on of stude nts, develop stude nts in terest in lear
30、ning and motivatio n, shap ing their sound character at this stage, should be encouragedtouse more ways to better motivate stude nts to learn in high school, ra nking more good tha n harm because this timethechildren s psychological already quite mature,rankingsecondonly to make himself truly unders
31、tandtheir own, to know ourselves, but also can in crease the pressure of lear ning and motivati on, but no n eed to ope n so that the vast majority of stude nts will compete in this and care in the growth and progress faster and better.Scores secti on 3.1.2 releasedSchools can only announ ced the nu
32、 mber of stude nts for each secti on of the score, rather tha n disclose the specific rank, as long as each child to know his ranking on the line, this also makes pare nts and stude nts had an idea to catch up with the model and the target. For example, after an exam in ati on, the highest score is
33、the number, the lowest score is the number, the number of studentseach segmentscore, or even a fractionof aqualify inggroup in the can didates and otherpublicinformationcan be released, and test the highest score,lowest Who poin ts, i nclud ing a nu mber of grad ing stude nt test private in formati
34、on should not be public.Test3.1.3 hierarchy or complianeesystemscores of stude nts can also take the hierarchy (excelle nt, good, medium, pass, fail, or A, B, C, D, or complianee system (good, sta ndard, non-sta ndard form of prese ntati on, the stude nts can not know the specific test scores and ra
35、nkin gs, so that the publicati on of the results list as an educationalresource for the developmentandutilization, to encourage the progress of students with outsta nding results, you will not be embarrassed by other stude nts.3.2 results published or not Results are published can not be gen eralize
36、d,I believe that iscon ducive to comply with two, n amely, con ducive to thedevelopmentof students,help teachers. This paperargues that thedo not rank the results are announ ced,writes <<Ordinance>>,you can mitigate thepsychological pressure on students, while by thelaw to protect the ra
37、nk is in fact to tell students rankyour privacy will be protected, I believe this will make the hearts of many students more than a protective wall stripped of the psychological burden.94 Con clusi onTest ranking itself is no problem,the problem is that we have treated results, ranking the understandingand attitude. In fact, the ranking resultsare announced if handledproperly,so the results areannoun ced will be able to rank as an educati onal resource for the development and utilization, and throughtheperforma nee ranking to motivatestude ntsto makeprogress and we sh
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