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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡整理!祝您工作順利!托??谡Z題庫及解析 面對托??谡Z的考試,大家在復習的過程中,要積累各種口語話題素材,同時也要把握各類話題的答題要點以及解題思路,這樣可以幫助我們從整體上來把控自己的口語話題。為大家整理了托福獨立口語題庫的答題要點,供大家備考。 托??谡Z題庫及解析 friends 伴侶 1. in your opinion, what are some important characteristics of friends? use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics a

2、re important. 2021.1.26 one of the characteristics for a friend i would prefer most is honesty. i think honesty is the foundation of a friendship. if friends cheat mutually and then there would be no trust between them. how can they even make friends? secondly, a good friend should be reliable. ever

3、ybody certainly appreciate a friend who is a phone call away especially in his difficult time. just as the old saying, a friend in need is a friend indeed. true friendship is strengthened in difficulties. for example, when a student bomb his exam, a good friend should encourage and be eager to help

4、him.when i am making friends with someone, i often take these two as the vital standards. i think my friends should have several characters as follows. first, we should understand each other. we don?t need to hold the same opinion on every thing. but deep in our heart, we can understand the feeling

5、of each other. secondly, we care about each other in the true heart. i think my friend doesn?t need to show his care by just words and i don?t like artificial care. true friends will show up as soon as i have a real problem. at last, friend should be honest to me, i can allow for the white lie, but

6、i he can?t lie to me on purpose. my friend anne is a person who has a passion for the nature. she is willing to do anything to get close to nature. sometimes, she will even stay out in the woods for a few days camping. some people think she?s crazy but she will still do that. she believes in preserv

7、ing the natural state of things, and will even carry back litter that she finds on the ground that others have dropped or thrown carelessly. anne is also a vegetarian and will have nothing to do with meat. she doesn?t condemn others for eating meat, but she does hope that one day the world will be f

8、ull of vegetarians like her. her dream is that one day the environment can be restored to a state where all humans and animals can live in comfort and happiness. i think the main reason we are such good friends is because we have a lot in common and support each other whenever we need help. besides,

9、 we don?t feel we ever have to pretend around each other. 2. 117 some people choose friends who are different from themselves. others choose friends who are similar to themselves. compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are simila

10、r to you. which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? why? 參考分析: 與志同道合(cherish the same ideals and follow the same path; share the same views; have a common goal; have similar ideals and beliefs;)的伴侶交往的好處;但是人與人之間到底才在這不同。 與性格不同,愛好不同的人交往的好處。 選擇立場,可以自由一些。比方,可以選擇這樣的立場:我認為,選擇伴侶不肯定要選擇一樣的或者是不同的。因為人們之間

11、總是有一些一樣點的同時有一些不同點。關鍵在于,一個人是不是老實、睿智、幽默? 參見:15 117、選擇與自己向類似的伴侶 (1)有很大的歡樂。假如兩個人不喜愛一件事情,很難玩到一起去 (2)可以更好地關心自己。只有和自己狀況相像的伴侶才知道自己的苦痛和快樂。 (3)可以更好地進展溝通,學習到更多的學問。 3. 110 some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. others like to be with friends most of the time. do you prefer to spend your time alon

12、e or with friends? use specific reasons to support your answer. 參考分析: 110和111特別相像。 ? 休閑時間的活動包括:看書、聽音樂、看影碟、去電影院、去酒吧、聽音樂會、打牌、下棋、爬山、打球 ? 有些活動合適單獨進展,有些活動需要特定數(shù)目的人手,還有些活動人越多越好 ? 依據(jù)不同的狀況,就有不同的選擇。 相關題目:111、146 110 選擇和伴侶在一起 (1)可以獲得更多的信息 (2)可以享受更多的歡樂 (3)可以學習他們的思維方式 4. 111 some people prefer to spend time with

13、 one or two close friends. others choose to spend time with alarge number of friends. compare the advantages of each choice. which of these two ways of spending time do you prefer? use specific reasons to support your answer. 參見:110 111、選擇和許多伴侶在一起 (1)獲得更多的信息。一兩個伴侶的信息是有限的,而許多伴侶帶來許多信息 (2)有更大的樂趣。開生日par

14、ty,請許多伴侶,這樣家里更喧鬧 (3)可以學習更多人的思維方式,或者團隊精神。因為一兩個相近伴侶的思維比擬一樣,而 將來我們要和許多不同的人一起工作,很許多伴侶在一起對于培育思維和團隊精神很有關心。 5. some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. which view do you agree with? u

15、se examples to support your position. 6. 62 what do you want most in a friendsomeone who is intelligent, someone who has a sense of humor,or someone who is reliable? which one of these characteristics is most important to you? use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice. 參見:15 62、我最盼望我的

16、伴侶牢靠 (1)一個牢靠的伴侶可以在最困難的時候關心你 (2)一個牢靠的伴侶不會欺騙你,有時候欺騙你的人往往是你的伴侶,而牢靠的伴侶不會欺騙你 (3)一個牢靠的伴侶不會鋪張你的時間。等伴侶出去玩等等。 如何備考托??谡Z 首先需要先得評估一下自己的程度。假如真的屬于根本口語都說不好或者不知道怎么說的。那挺直做og或者是資料上的題確定不行。只會覺得迷茫。所以依據(jù)自己的時間??梢韵雀子柧?。 根底訓練,建議用法新概念英語1-4. 根本上從2開頭就行。都是初中生的程度。建議把上面的對話看懂看會知道在某種狀況下發(fā)生的時候正規(guī)的段子應當是怎么樣的。 環(huán)球托福名師建議這套書是因為,假如會上面全部的對話和句式

17、就根本和老外溝通無障礙。 假如根底還可以。那說不出來的緣由就是規(guī)律還完全在中文思維。15秒反響不過來。那的建議就是多說多練。英語就是這樣沒有別的竅門。 可以把題目可以先略微寫一下。也不用規(guī)定15秒。就是說??梢凿浵侣犅犠约赫鎸嵉穆曇艉驼Z調(diào)。然后爭取把全部的題都不計時說幾遍。有一個也許的印象。再循序漸進的開頭計時。 假如有條件可以找老外來練習?;蛘哒彝懈?谡Z很好的伴侶來練。能理講解不出的感覺,很多人初也是這樣。和老外說話特別緊急。 聽不懂馬上就大腦空白了。但后來就是硬著頭皮說。漸漸的就發(fā)覺也不可怕了。說的也流暢了。有一些難詞可能聽不懂。但也能依據(jù)其它的詞或者語調(diào)來推斷出對方的意思。 如何正確用法

18、托??谡Z機經(jīng) 1.通讀全部口語機經(jīng)的目的其實在于對將要考到的題目有一個全局觀,并且還知道那些題關聯(lián)度高。 2. 嘗試答復全部問題一方面是對前期復習預備工作的檢驗,比方前期復習比擬充分的同學,可能可以很輕松答復了全部的題目,但是假如是那些預備不是特殊充分的同學,他們會發(fā)覺許多自己不會答復的題目。另一方面是練習在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)進展作答。 3. 解決自己答復不了的問題我們肯定要讓全部的狀況都盡在把握之中,所以,假如你們有不會答復的題目時,大家可以自己提早進展演練,作出答案。自己作答案的方法一般有兩種,一:通過網(wǎng)絡關心,二:自己寫然后找那你的同學或伴侶幫助修改。 托福口語中語音語調(diào)應當如何練習 在托??荚嚳谡Z中,假如我們把口語考試理解成為一個美女,那么讀音的精確可以視作是她的外在,而口語內(nèi)容和規(guī)律構造那么可以被視為這位美女的內(nèi)涵和修養(yǎng)。當收到了兩份一樣的答案,有的同學會拿到24分而有的同學只能拿到2


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