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1、An alysis of Chi nas coal chemical in dustrydevelopme ntPapers from the current situation of China s coal chemical industry, a brief analysis of the coal chemical in dustry because of overheat ing and how future developme nt.Paper Keywords:coal chemical in dustry,traditional coal chemical industry,

2、modern coal chemical in dustry, excess capacity, susta in able developme ntAn overviewof coal chemicalindustry Coalchemical in dustry refers to coal as raw material, through chemical processing of coal into a gas, liquid and solid fuels and chemicals,process and producea variety ofchemical productsi

3、ndustry,referred to as the coalchemical in dustry, i nclud ing coal gasificati on, liquefacti on , coal tar distillati on and chemicalprocess ingandacetyle ne.Coal chemical in dustry bega n in the latter halfof the 18th cen tury, 19th cen tury, form a complete systemof coal chemical industry after W

4、orld War II, due to the rapid developmentof petrochemicalindustry,oil andnatural gas as raw material for many chemical, coal chemical in dustry in the chemical in dustry .20 positi on has bee n weake nedsince the late 1970s, the Middle East oilcrisis, the world s largest economy starting to focus on

5、 the restructuri ng of the en ergy con sumpti on into the 21st cen tury, theintern ati onalcom mun itytocon trolgreenhousegas emissions are growing,so that efficientand coal carb onutilizati on has bee n more and moreatte nti on, coal chemical in dustry, chemical in dustry once aga in become the foc

6、us of developme nt.Moder n coal chemical in dustry, also known asnew coal chemicalindustryis the coal gasificationtech no logy, lead ing to a carb on-based chemical syn thesis, preparation of various chemical products and fuel oil, in clud ing coal, oil, coal to olefi ns, coal-to-dimethyl ether , co

7、al methane gas, coal glycol, mostly belonging to the existi ng alter natives to petrochemical products, is still in its infan cy.2 status of China s coal chemicalindustryAfter decades of efforts, China s coal chemical industry has made considerableprogress, gradually from a coke,calcium carbide, amm

8、oni a-based traditi onal coal chemical alter nativesto petroleum-basedmoder ncoal chemicalshift, which will help promote the oil and alter native strategies impleme ntati on, to en sure our en ergy security, diversify en ergy sources, promote susta in able post-oil era chemical in dustry developme n

9、t.The developmentof coal chemical industry toease China s oil, natural gas and other high-quality en ergy supply and dema nd, to promote the developme nt of steel and other related in dustries play an importa nt role, but with coal as raw material, coal chemical in dustry in just a few years, rapid

10、warmi ng over the country and on the proposed new coal chemical project on in creas in g, largeand smallscaleprojects.overheatingof Chinascoalchemicalindustry s outstandingperformaneeisthe will of everycoal. in order to pursue theresourceadva ntagesintoecono micadva ntages,almostallcoalproduc ingorc

11、oal tran sferin tothe regi onshouldvigorously develop coal chemical, coal chemical in dustry gets going on, the mome ntum is con ti nu ally pla nning.Among them, Jia ng Jin Meng Ning Shaa nxi prov in ces andeven other resource-based coal chemical industry have introduced policies to support, in orde

12、r to become a major economic transformation and upgrading of local support.Nati onalDevelopme ntand ReformCommissi on was in July 2006, September, October 2008,three emerge ncystop coal chemicalprojects,butthedomesticcoalchemicalproducti oncapacityisstillgrow ingrapidly.Pla nningtofightthe pillarsof

13、coalchemicalin dustryin nearly20provinces,of whichare anu mberof largecoal resourcestran sferred totheStateCoun cil, prov in ces, and some have bee n established as the transformationof resource-exhausted cities of theregion In 2009 the State Council approved the end of September and forwarded a rep

14、ort of 10 ministries <<onthe inhibitionof excess capacity in somein dustriesand duplicati onlead ing healthy developme ntof in dustry, a nu mber of observati ons> > clearly thenext three years in principle,to schedule a new pilotproject of moder n coal chemical in dustry, however, a mere

15、 ten days, the domestic coal chemical in dustry in vestme nt was refreshed. October 19, MountainXian Ze totalin vestme ntof 10.25 billio nyua n Coun ty,the projectin cludes 300 tons of metha nol, 200 tons of dimethyl ether, the goal is to become the country s largest coal chemical project .11 MarchS

16、henhuaGroup and the U.S. DowChemicalCompanyjointly built by the coal Yulin inShaa nxi Chemical Project foun dati on, the project pla ns to in vest a $ 10 billio n, will be capable of 3.32 millio n tons of methanol, 122 tons of methanol to olefins production capacity, the goal is to become the world

17、s single largestcoal chemical project. Moreover, CLP Investment Group stwo coal-naturalgas projects have started construction,with a total in vestme nt of over $ 50 billi on. Coal Group Co.,Ltd. I n additi on to Erdos 3 millio n tons of dimethyl ether, but also pla ns to fully en ter the coal to ole

18、fi ns, n atural gas, coal and other coal chemical in dustrysegme nts.inadditi on to God rather three millio n tons of coal in direct liquefacti on, several large coal chemical projects followed.Domestic new coal chemical products, is pla nning producti on capacity has reachedastro no micalfigures. I

19、t is reported that coal-based DME is currently un der con structi on and pla nned producti on capacity of 40 millio n tons / year, aboutthe year 2008, appare ntcon sumptio n of dimethyl ether 20 times, although there is no domesticcoal to olefins experienee of large-scalecommercial operati on, but t

20、he domestic coal to olefi ns in the constructionand planningcapacity has reached 20millio n tons / year in the country after an emerge ncy stop coal oil, and many greater risk of developingenterprisein stead of coal and n aturalgas, curre ntly approved bynationalauthoritiesof the coal-gas project, b

21、ut four,capacity 11 billi on cubic meters / year, but to follow suit and build coal-gas project to 14, close to capacity 55 billion cubic meters / year. Thus, the June 18, 2010, the Nati onalDevelopme nt and ReformCommissi onissuedthe <<standardcoal and naturalgas industryonmatters related to

22、the developme nt of a no tice> > to place the previous coal gas and supporting the project approval right on the in come. It is un derstood that the proposedinvestmentin moderncoal chemical industryplus budget, more tha n 1 trillio n, and the in vestme nt also showed a gradual increasing trend

23、, while workingas acapital-inten sive coal chemical, tech no logy-i nten sive and resource-intensiveindustry,now the economy has notbee n fully dem on stratedand recog ni zedthe n ati on scurrent project is operating, a large part in the pilot phase. Although the countries have repeatedly warning, b

24、ut the cen tral camp, represe nted by the major corporate bus in esses in rece nt years has not slowed the pace of in vestme ntin coal chemical in dustry, and localgovernmentsto fully meet the centralenterprises stak ing dema nds as the cen tral en terprises to takeplace developme nt of coal chemica

25、l shield. Why is theresuch a mad impulse to in vest and en thusiasm? First, local governmentsonly GDP on the performaneeconceptdeeply rooted in the coal chemical industry investment intensity,driving GDP effects are more obvious, thecentral enterprises to enter to give local GDP growth ben efits;Sec

26、on dly, the con cept of risk man ageme ntrelated loss of bus in ess,resource-ki ng deeply entren ched aga in, the lack of effective guida nee directi onof in dustrial developme nt of these problems exist, on China s econo mic and social susta in able, healthy and steady developme nt of the have a n

27、egative impact.Threeof China scoal chemical industry,howto developChina is a short of petroleumandcoal-gas-rich coun tries,coal-do min ateden ergystructure in the intern atio nal crude oil prices con ti nued torise, the price ratio betwee n crude oil and coal gradually pulled a big case, the use of

28、relatively abundant domesticcoal resourcesthe appropriatedevelopment of moderncoal chemicalin dustry,apartialsubstituteforpetrochemicalproductshasits ownrati on aleandn ecessity.The developmentof coal1 chemicalin dustry,notonly the development path of China s chemical industry,but also related to na

29、tional energy security from the country s overall interests, the overall height, a strategic visi on to look at the world chemical in dustry developme nt trends and China s reality, we must to the scientific concept of development, according to the requirementsof susta in able developme nt strategie

30、s, and explore in linewithnationalconditions of China s coal chemicalin dustry developme nt.Of traditi onalcoal chemicalin dustry,andvigorouslypromotein dustrialrestructuri ng,theelim in ati onof backwardproducti ontech no logy,rawmaterials optimizationof routes to energy conservation,en ergy,emissi

31、 onreducti on targets, improve thetech no logy level, while vigorously promot ing organizationalrestructuring, through the large pressuresmall, capacity replaceme nt, etc., to optimize the in dustrial layout, the use of tech no logical adva nces step by step to solve the problem of excess capacity,

32、and upgradingoftraditi onalin dustrial model ofdevelopme nt,andimprovi ng its overall competitive ness of the in dustry.Moder ncoal chemical in dustry aretech no logy-i nten sive and in vestme nt-i nten sive in dustries,should takethemosthelpto improve the econo micefficie ncy ofthecon structi onand

33、 operation mode. Thedevelopme ntofmoder ncoalchemical in dustryshouldadhere to the in tegratio n of base and large-scale, moder n and inten sive, real cha nge in econo mic growth in the new situation of China s coal chemical industrydepends onwhether the en vir onmen tal and econo mic ben efits of s

34、usta in able developme nt are both able to cross the border.Moder ncoal chemicalin dustryshould be based onsusta in able developme nt strategy, in an orderly way moder ncoal chemicalin dustryadva need tech no logydem on strati onprojects,while the availability of coalresources, water resources,en vi

35、r onmentandtransportationconditionsof the region, the appropriatebasis for the rati onal distributi on of coal gasificati on Thesystemdem on strati oncoal chemicalpolyge nerati onprojects, such as coal-basedmetha nol- gas-fired comb ined cycle power gen erati on (coal plus carb on dioxide Quito gene

36、ration capture IGCC system system (CCS, etc., the pilot energy - Chemical - Environmental circular economy in dustrial cha in in tegrati on, and explore model of developme nt of moder n coal chemical in dustrythrough in tegratedoptimizati on,and en ergy flow,material flow, the use of exergy flow cas

37、cade, and coal-based thermal power gen erati on in this collecti on ofmore resources, en ergy, en vir onmen tai in tegrati on system is obviously superior to the producti on of a sin gle product of the coal chemicalindustrydevelopmentideas, byexperts as acomprehensivesolution to our energyproblems o

38、f the important program. If this un dersta nding to expa nd from the mining of coal wash ing, bycok ing,gasificati on,liquefacti onand othercomponentsof the chemical product chain , and powergen erati on, heati ng, sewage treatme nt, build ing materials and other in tegrated optimizati on, we can fo

39、rm a cycle of coal-based en ergyandchemical econo my,thefullrealizationof cleanandefficientuse of coal, ie,thescie ntific developme nt of coal chemical in dustry must be clea n and efficie nt coal used as a premise, rather tha n to go regardless of the cost for end products and petrochemical product

40、s on the profitability of simple parity in the water environmentand fragile ecologicalen vir onment of coal-rich wester n regi on developme nt of coal chemicalindustry,in particular, should contain theorig inal grab profits the impulse.Cen tral gover nmentdepartme ntspositi on onseveral occasions re

41、cently, second five coal chemicalin dustrialpolicy will be related to the gate tighter .2011April 12, the NDRC ann ou need <&l t;order on regulat ing coal chemical in dustry inform the developme nt of> ;& gt;for almost all areas of coal chemical in dustry segme nts are made to strict limits. pr

42、ovides that before the in troducti on of the new approved directory, the followingannualoutput of 500,000 tons and coal methanol to olefins by the project, annual 1 millio n tons and coal metha nol, the followi ng items, the followi ng annual output of 100 tons and coal-DME project, the followi ng a

43、nnual output of 100 tons and coal-oil project, the follow ing annual output of 2 billioncubic meters and coal-gas project, in produced200,000 tons of coal glycol and the followi ng items will be prohibited. This means that once so hot coal chemical in dustry in vestme nt boom will be curbed, Data ng

44、 a coal chemical experts, Developme nt and ReformCommissi onof this policy is morequantitative,but not quite as fuzzy. Developme nt and Reform Commissi on of So donot explicitly stop coal chemical projects meet the requireme nts, because the domestic coal chemical projectsover- in vestme nt,result i

45、ng in a severeovercapacity. The in dustry believes that this will further in crease the threshold of the coal chemical in dustry, coal chemical industryof small and medium enterprises andwill later set a higher threshold and more stri ngent market en vir onment, and have bee n with the scale, resour

46、ces and tech ni cal adva ntages of the coal chemical in dustry is goodaddition,coal supply to meet the priority needs of thepeopleliv ing and power gen erati on,non-life squeeze,ecological and agricultural water developmentof coalchemical industry, the quantity of water has reached or exceeded the c

47、ontrol target area, suspend approvalofnew coal chemical project water; do not in dustrial policy in line with the provisi ons of the coal chemical projects, all without approval of land use, not loa ns, not through the capital markets, finan cial capital flows, strictly preve nt the excess capacity

48、of the coal chemical projects. http:/www . .comIn dustry experts said the soluti on to overheat ing ofChina s coal chemical industry must be considered fromreform thecurre ntthree aspects: First, we mustperforma neeevaluati onsystem,cha ngingonly GDPoutlookon the success or failureof performanee,andbala nee the in terests of good relati ons betwee n loca


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