Event Management OHS Checklist (114 KB)_第1頁
Event Management OHS Checklist (114 KB)_第2頁
Event Management OHS Checklist (114 KB)_第3頁
Event Management OHS Checklist (114 KB)_第4頁




1、event management checklistcontract managementdocument 3c: event management ohs checklistcontracts involving event managementlast update: 8 october 2009owner: manager ohsbelow is a checklist that is designed to assist event organisers in their risk management. the checklist should be modified as nece

2、ssary.the list is by no means exhaustive. some items are repeated under more than one category.check pointokissues needing attentionresponsibilityvenue hire/leaseif leasing or hiring, check the lease/rental contract, especially for insurance requirements and for disclaimers by the lessor.insurance c

3、over of the venueservices provided by owner/managerhire of additional facilities (marquees, tents, temporary seating, etc.)risk inspections of the sitehiring equipmenton-site vehicles third party insurancevehicle lease/rental contract and its provisionsbest location for equipment in respect to refue

4、lling, fuel leaks/spills, service accesscontractors (for services/performances), sponsor displaysinsurance for people doing performances/displaysif event is a ticketed event, consider cash security requirementsis security firm experienced and licensed?briefing of security officers on functions, righ

5、ts, and responsibilitiesliability waivers/disclaimersrecords and documentationample supply of incident report forms and disclaimers waivers distributed to relevant staff for issue to performers etc.incidence management proceduresevacuation proceduresillness/ injury proceduresstaff have been made awa

6、re of procedural requirementsliability waiversthe venueadequate light if operating at night (for the show itself, walkways, to parking areas, etc.)stand-by lighting in event of power failurewarning and directional signageno smoking- signs posted; restrictions enforcedrubbish bins (recycling where po

7、ssible)disabled access and facilities (accessibility)slip, trip and fall inspection in pedestrian/spectator areasfooting and arena side/fence inspectiontoilets and other facilities clean and openportable toilets in place and readyinspection of spectator seating areasadequate sun/rain shelters for sp

8、ectators and other participantsemergency equipment, assembly areasbus parking, drop-off/pick-up zonesparking areasparking areas should be controlled. signage should clearly indicate any restrictions before vehicles enter and should also have no responsibility waiver.suitability of entry, parking are

9、as (levels, bumps, incline)fencing (if star posts are used, they should be capped.)if used at night: lighting. parking officers with torches and reflecting vestsparking lines and exits clearly markedstaff comfort in hot/wet weatherprotection of trees, flower beds, fixturesaccess and parking for cate

10、rers, entertainers, vip guests, pedestrian pathsseparation of specialised vehicles (delivery, food vendors etc.) from general parkingstaffingsafety and security briefing (awareness of risks in areas listed, disclaimers)breaks and relief staff for event personnelsecurity of cash and cash collectionsa

11、dequate first aid facilities/personnelstaff and contractor training in their areas of responsibilitystaff safe use and safe storage of tools safely.staff uniforms/clothingfood outlets (especially when staffed by volunteers)contractors carry their own insurance.liquor and food licenses displayed.staf

12、f uniforms/clothing cleanhair covered/hat or cap wornuse of gloves or tongs when handling foodseparate handling of food and money/coupons where ever possible.checks during events - management by walking aboutstaff are relieved on regular basis.staff overloads are addressed during peak times.food are

13、as are kept clean. spillages to be cleaned regularlycrowd control - marshals required - trained personnelsafety announcements over pavehicle parking controls in placelost children procedures and facility establishmenttranslation services (where appropriate)press/ media reception hosts/hostessesticke

14、ting and coupons sales staff and outletsinternal communicationsexternal communications (inc mobile phones)electricalfuses/ circuit breakers suited to cable load capacity in leads and boardsleads, cables and plugs are safe from damage and do not constitute a tripping hazardhousekeepingrubbish bins em

15、ptied regularlyaisles and access ways clear of obstructions and litterfree access by staff to electrical switches and controlsexit and entry ways clearmerchandise, stock and other goods stored neatlysmokingno smoking signs on proper locationsashtrays and receptacles of sufficient size in smoking are

16、asfire emergency checklistpersonnel trained in and understands his/her emergency dutiespersonnel trained in use of extinguisher typesavailability of fire blanket for cooking areasemergency plan current and reviewedall exits clearly markedare any fixed systems on site useable (eg fire hoses etc)acces

17、s to all areas by emergency services is maintainedsiting of facilities, outlets etcthe siting of food outlet shall take into account the requirements for power, water and sullage. (some mobile operations are complete with separate water and sullage tanks and can be located at will.)local government

18、health regulations need to be observed.try to site food outlets on level ground adjacent in the appropriate areas, providing easy access.check for slip or trip hazards and clear lighting at night.agree (where appropriate) with contractor in advance that:storage and preparation areas are kept clean.all food is behind glass or plastic screenshot food is held at greater than 60 degrees.utensils are clean and used proper


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