1、2013文學(xué)史考試題型及范圍一、題型Part One: Multiple Choice 30 % 【30 個(gè)】Part Two: Match the Writers with their Work 10 % 【 10 個(gè)】Part Three: Define the Literary Terms 16% 【 4 個(gè)】Part Four: General Questions 20%【 2 個(gè)】Part Five: Reading 24 %二、范圍I. Definition (復(fù)習(xí)要點(diǎn):定義;代表作家、作品 )1) Transcendentalism2) Puritanism3) Aestheti
2、cism4) Neo-Classicism5) The Theatre of Absurd6) The Lost Generation7) Satire8) Mock EpicII. General Questions 20% 【2 個(gè)】 (復(fù)習(xí)要點(diǎn): 創(chuàng)作主題;創(chuàng)作特點(diǎn);文學(xué)貢獻(xiàn)及地位 )1. 18 世紀(jì)英國(guó)小說(shuō)興起的原因2. Shakespeare的歷史劇3. Virginia Woolf 的創(chuàng)作特色4. 比較 Walt Whitman 和 Emily Dickinson5. 比較 Mark Twain 和 Henry JamesIII. Reading(復(fù)習(xí)要點(diǎn):代表作的主要內(nèi)容;The
3、matic Concern;寫作風(fēng)格,作品分類,體裁及定義等)Poetry: 課內(nèi)1. William Blake: PP. 197-2002. John Milton: PP.107-1103. William Wordsworth: PP. 214-2174. T. S. Eliot: PP. 177-180Fiction: 課外Poetry Appreciation 樣題IV. Critical AnalysisStudy the following poem and answer the questions given.In a Station of the MetroEzra Pou
4、ndThe apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.*Apparition: 幽靈 , 突然景象,Petal: 花瓣Questions:1. Who is the writer of this poem?(1%)2. What images in this poem suggest Haiku poetry and what images are“ modernAn swers:1. Ezra Pound2. Answer should comment on the parallel between
5、 the “ modernimagery (description of urban crowds and transportation. Ioneliness) of the first line and the traditional imagery (budd ing flowers on a tree, wet ness) of the sec ond line.選擇題:共110題 【匹配題目也從該部分出】1. , a typical example of Old En glish poetry, is regarded as the n ati onal epicof the An
6、glo-Sax onsA. The WifesComplaintB. BeowufC. The Dream of the Rood D. The Seafarer2. Ren aissa nee Period was an age of.A. prose and novel |B. poetry and drama C. essays and journals D. ballads and songs3. was the first to in troduce the sonnet into En glish literature.A. Thomas Wyatt B. William Shak
7、espeare C. Phillip Sid ney D. Thomas Campio n4. The epoch of Ren aissa nee wit nessed a particular developme nt of En glish Drama. It was who made bla nk verse the prin cipal vehicle of expressi on in drama.A. Christopher Marlowe | B. Thomas Loge C. Edmund Spenser D. Thomas More5. The most important
8、 prose writer of Elizabethan Age was, who was also thefoun der of the En glish materialistic philosophy.A. Thomas MoreB. Spe nserC. Joh n DonneD. Francis Bacon6. The father of the school of Metaphysical poets is.A. Thomas MoreB. Edm und Spe nserC. John Do nneD. Thomas Wyatt7. is in deed the on ly ge
9、n erally ack no wledged epic in En glish literature sinceBeowulf.A. Paradise Regai ned B. Paradise LostC. Sams on Agon istesD. The Faerie Quee ne8. ligious allegory in the En glish lan guage.A. Gen esis A B. Exodus C. The Pilgrim s Progress I D. The Holy War9. had perfected the heroic couplet andhad
10、 successfully used it inhis plays.A. Alexa nder Pope, Dryde nB. Dryde n, Alexa nder PopeC. Shakespeare, Alexa nder Pope D. Edm und Spen cer, Dryde n10. has been regarded as“ Father of the English novel” for his corthe establishme nt of the form of the moder n no vel.A. Joh n Bun yan B. He nry Fieldi
11、 ng C. Da niel Defoe D. Jon athan Swift11. At the beg inning the 16th cen tury the outsta nding humanistwrote his Utopia inwhich he gave a profound and truthful picture of the peopleandspsrt fforwgrd hisideal of a future happy society.A. Christopher MarloweB. Thomas MoreC. Phillip Sid neyD. Edmu nd
12、Spe ncer12. The School of Scan dal is a.A. tragedyB. comedy of mannersC. no velD. roma nee13. is gen erally regards as an importa nt link betwee n the masterpieces ofShakespeare and those of Bernard Shaw.A. T he School for Scandal B. The Duenna C. Widowers Houses The Doctor sDilemma14. Which play is
13、 not a comedy?a. The Jew of Maltab. Every One in His Humorc. A Midsummer Nights Dream d. Much Ado about Nothi ng15. is ofte n regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dicke ns in which theearly life of the hero is largely based on the author s early life.A. The Curiosity ShopB. David Copperf
14、ieldC. Oliver TwistD. Great Expectati ons16. Thomas Gray s “ ElegyWritten in a Country Churchyard ”is regarded as the mostreprese ntative work of.A. the Metaphysical School B. The Graveyard SchodlC. the Gothic SchoolD. the Roma ntic School17. Pope was one of the first to introduceto England during t
15、he EnlightenmentMoveme nt.A. ratio nalism B. criticism C. roma nticism D. realism18. En glish Roma nticism is gen erally said to have begu n in 1798 with the publicati on of ajoi nt volume of poetry, Lyrical Ballads writte n by Wordsworth and.A. Keats B. Coleridge| C. Southey D. Byron19. defines the
16、 poet as“ a man speaking to men ” and poetry as“ toverflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquilityA. William Blake B. William Wordsworth C. Coleridge D. Joh n Keats20. compiled“ The Dictionary of the English Ianguage” which became theof all the subseque nt En gli
17、sh Dicti on aries.A. Ben JonsonB. Samuel Joh nsohC. Alexa nder PopeD. Joh n Dryde n21. Pamela is a.A. historical no velB. roma neeC. no vel of n aturalism|D. no vel of epistles and psychology22. The prin ciple eleme nts of no vel are viole nee, horror, and the super natural,which strongly appeal to
18、the reader s emotion.A. Gothic B. Roma ntic C. Sen time ntal D. Realistic23. is gen erally regarded as the n ati onal poet of Scotla nd who wrote about theordinary Scottish people in Scottish dialect.A. William Wordsworth B. William Blake C. Robert Burns D. Coleridge24. is central to Blake concern i
19、n Songs of Innocence and Songs ofExperie neeA. Poverty B. Life in Lon don C. Childhoodl D. Nature25. The Romantic Age began inand came to an end in.A. 1789 1821 B. 1778 1823 C 17981832 D. 1768 181926. William Wordsworth s The Prelude has also been calledA. The Last BrazilB. The First Impressi onC Gr
20、owth of a Poets Mind D. The Spirit of the Age27. is the leading figure of the English Romantic poetry, the focal poeticvoice of the period.A. William Blake B. William Wordsworth C. Yeats D. Milt on28. Byron sis a poem based on a traditi onal Spanish lege nd of a great loverand seducer of wome n.A. A
21、donais B. Don Juan C. Prometheus Unbound D. The Revolt of Islam29. Shelley s greatest achievement is hisfou rpoetic drama,.A. Antony and CleopatraB. Measure for Measure13C. Too True to Be GoodD. Prometheus Unbound30. Keats steode is.A. “ On a Grecian Urn ” B. “To Autumn ”C. “ To Psyche ”|D. “ Ta Nig
22、ht in galh| ”31. is the most delightful of Jane Austen s works.A. Sense and Sensibility B. Pride and Prejudice C. Emma D. Mansfield Park32. is considered the father of historical novelist in the English Romantic Age.A. Jane Austen B. Charles Lamb C. William Hazlitt D. Waler Scott33. Which of the fol
23、lowing is NOT written by Oscar Wilde?A. Mrs. Warrens ProfessionC. An Ideal Husba ndB. The Ballad of Reading GaolD. The Picture of Doria n Gray34. is one that introduces to the English novel the first governess heroine.A. Ja ne Eyre B. Wutheri ng Heights C. Middlemarch D. Ag nes Grey35. is an elabora
24、te and powerful expression of Alfred Tennyson s philosophical and religious thoughts.A. Idylls of the Ki ng B. “ Ulysses ” C. Poems, Chiefly Lyrical |d. In Memoriaml36. is based on the Celtic lege nds of King Arthur and his kni ghts of the RoundTableA. In Memoriam B. “ Ulysses C. Idylls of the Ki ng
25、D. The Prin cess37. _ is Robert Browning-kadbeetdramatic monologue.A. The Ring and the book B. “Meetingat Night ” C. “Partingat Morning ” D. “Pippa Passes38. is considered“ the bard of imperialism”.A. Joseph ConradB. Arnold BennettC. Rudyard Kipling|D. Sean O Casey39. initiates a new type of realism
26、 and sets into motion a variety of developments, leading in the direction of both the naturalistic and psychological novel.A. Charles Dicke ns B. George Eliot C. Charlotte Bron te D. Thomas Hardy40. Most of Hardy sovels are set in , the fictional primitive and crude region which is really the home p
27、lace he both loves and hates.A. LondonB. Yok naptawpha C. Wessex D. Paris41. works are known as“ novels of characters and environmentA. Charles Dicke nsIBThomas Hardy |s C. Jane Auste ns D. George Eliot s42. believes that man s fat-detmiinedly tragic, driven by a combinedforce of n ature, both in si
28、de and outside.A. Charles Dicke ns B. Thomas Hardy C. Bernard Shaw D. T. S. Eliot.43. John Galsworthy won the Nobel Prize for Literature because ofB. The Forsyte SagaC. A Modern ComedyD. The Isla nd PhariseesA. The End of the Chapter44. James Joyce sis a collection of short stories which reflect thr
29、ee aspects of life inpolitics, culture and religi on.A. A Portrait of the Artrist as a You ng Man B. UlyssesC. Finn ega ns WakeD. Dubli ners45. The most celebrated dramatists in the last decade of 19 century wereand GeorgeBernard Shaw.A. T. S. Eliot B. Richard Brinsley Sheridan C. James Joyce D. Osc
30、ar Wilde46. , with its purely dramatic power, rema ins the most popular of T. S. El iot sverse plays.A. Murder in the CathedralB. The Ladys Not for Burni ngC. Juno and PaycockD. The Family Renuion47. The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett and his first play, , is reg
31、arded as the most famous and in flue ntial play of the Theater of Absurd.A. Wait ing for GodotB. Murder in the CathedralC. Too True to be Good D. Mr.s. Warren s Profession48. is a poem by Yeats about the cyclical development of humanhistory.A. The Sec ond ComindB. The Wan deri ng Oisi onC. The Wind
32、among the Weeds D. The Wild Swans at Coole49. is a volumes of Chinese translations by Pound.A. Ca ntosB. Cathay-C. Hugh Selw yn Mauberley D. Paters on50. is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a modern civilization inwhich human life has lost its meaning, significance and purpose.A. Ulyss
33、es B. The Waste Land| C. The Con fide ntial Clerk D. Dubli ners51. The Rain bow andare gen erally rearded as D. H. Lawre nce s masterpieceA. Wome n in LoveB. Sons and LoversC. Lady Chatterleys Lover D. The Plumed Serpe nt52. Structurally and thematically, George Bernard Shaw follows the great tradit
34、ion of.A. modernism B. roma nticism C. realism D. n aturalism53. D. H. Lawrence s autobiographical novel is entitled.A. Wome n in LoveB. Sons and LoversC. Lady Chatterleys Lover D. The Plumed Serpe nt54. The Romantic period of American literature started with the publication of WashingtonIrving sand
35、 ended with WhitmLeaves ofsGrass.A The Sketch Book B. Tales of a Traveler C. The Alhambra D. A History of New York55. Washington Irving s social conservation and literary preference for the past iserdveosome exte nt, i n his famous story,.A.“ The Lege nd of Sleepy Hallow ”B. “ RipVanWinkle ”C. “The
36、Custom House ”D. “ The Birthmark ”56. New England Transcendentalism was started by a group of people who were members ofan in formal club, i.e. the Tran sce nden tal Club in New En gla nd in the.A. 1850s B. 1840s C. 1830s D. 1860s57. The America nas a cultural heritage exerted great in flue nces ove
37、r America n moralvalues.A. Purita nismB. Un itaria nismC. DeismD. Protesta ntism58. Which of the following is NOT what Emerson put forward in his essays?A. the Over-SoulB. the formal religi on of the churches and the Deistic philosophyC. NatureD. the importa nee of in dividual59. The chief spokesman
38、 of New England Transcendentalism is.A. Nathaniel Hawthorne|B. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Henry David Thoreau D. Washi ngton Irvi ng60. In his essays,put forward his philosophy of the oversoul, theimporta nce of the In dividual and Nature.A. Nathaniel Hawthorne|B. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. He nry David Thore
39、auD. Mark Twain61. In his famous poem Song of Myself, Walt Whitman sets forth two principal beliefs: thebelief in the sin gularity and equality of all beings in value, and the theory of, which isillustrated by len gthy catalogues of people and thi ngs.A. n ati on alityB. uni versality C. n atureD. c
40、om munity62. is regarded as the first American prose epic.A. Nature B. The Scarlet Letter C. Walden |D. Moby-Dick63. The three dominant figures of the American Realistic Period are William Dean Howells, Mark Twai n, andA. Emily DickinsonB. Henry James C. Theodore Dreiser D. Ezra Pound64. is called b
41、y Hemingway the one from which all modern American literaturecomes.A. The Adve ntures of Huckleberry Fi nh B. The Adve ntures of Tom SawyerC. The Gilded AgeD. Life on the Mississippi65. was the first American writer to conceive his career in international themes.A. Washington IrvingB. Henry James C.
42、 Ralph Waldo Emerson D. Mark Twain66. With in her little lyrics Dick inson addressesthose issues that concern the whole huma nbei ngs EXCEPT.A. religio n and death B. immortality|c. man and womah D. love and n ature67. Theodore Dreiser s forgiving tneatt of the career of his heroine inalso drawsheav
43、ily on the naturalistic understanding of sexuality.A. McTeague B. An America n Tragedy C. Sister Carrie D. The Gen ius68. is a great giant of American, whom H. L. Mencken considers thetrue father of our n atural literature.A. Henry James B. Washi ngton Irvi ngC. Mark Twai nD. Theodore Dreiser69. - i
44、s an account of American tourists in Europe which poke fun at theprete ntious, decade nt and un democratic Old World in a satirical tone.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. A Connecticut Yankee in KingArthur sCourtC. I nnocents AbroadD. Life on the Mississippi70. - was the first American writer to con
45、ceive his career in internationalterms.A. Wash ington Irvi ngB. T. S. Eliot C. Ezra Pound D. Henry James71. is considered as Theodore Dreiser s greatest work.A. An American Tragedy B. Sister Carrie C. The Financier D. The Titan72. , disregard ing grammara nd pun ctuati on, always used“ i” in steadto
46、 refer to himself as a protest aga inst self importa nee.A. Wallace Steve nsB. e. e. cummi ngs C. Robert Frost D. William Carlos Williams73. Sherwood Anderson explores the motivations and frustrations of his fictional characters interms of Freud s theory of psychology, particularly in one book.A. Wi
47、nesburg, Ohio B. Babbit C. The Grapes of Wrath D. The Catcher in the Rye74. The leading playwright of the modern period in American literature, if not the mostsuccessful in all his experime nts, is.A. Arthur Miller B. Tennessee William C. George Bernard Shaw D. EugeneO Neil75. As he is a leading spo
48、kesmanof the Imagist Movement,famous one-imagepoem “In a Station of the Metro” would serve as a typical example of the imagist ideas.A. T. S. Eliot B. Robert Frost C. Ezra Pou nd D. Wallace Steve ns s76. In his masterpiece,Poundtraces the rise and all of eastern and westernempires, the moral and soc
49、ial chaos of the modern world, especially the corruption of America n after the heroic time of Jeffers on.A. Make it New B. The Ca ntosC. Co nfucius D. Polite Essays77. Robert Frost is gen erally con sidered a regi onal poet in the sense that his subject mattersmainly focus on the landscape and peop
50、le in.A. New England B. New York C. Southern America D. the West78. -stems from the ambiguity of the speaker s choice between safety aunknown.A.“ Men di ng the Wall” B. “ Home Burial ”C. “The RodNbt Taken D. “ Stoppiny Woods on a SnowyEvening 79. marks the climax of Eugene O Neil s literary career a
51、nd the comirthe age of America n drama.A. The Hairy ApeB. Long Days Journey Into NightC. The Iceman Cometh D. The Emperor Jones80. is a play that concerns the problem of modern man s identity,A. The Hairy ApeB. Long Days Journey Into NightC. Desire Un der the ElmD. The Emperor Jones81. is often accl
52、aimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age.A. Ern est Hemi ngway B. F. Scott Fitzgerald C. William Faulk ner D. Ezra Pound82. is Hemingway s first true novel in which he depicts a vivid portrait ofthe “ the lost gen eration .A. The Sun Also Rises B. A Farewell to ArmsC. In Our TimesD. For Whom the Bel
53、l Tolls83. In a tragic sense,is a representation of life as a struggle against unconquerable forcesin which only a partial victory is possible.A. For Whom the Bell Tolls B. In Our TimesC. The Old Man and Sea | D. A Farewell to Arms84. Allen Ginsburgs Howl became the manifesto of.A. Postmodernism B.
54、Imagism C. the Beat GeneratQiD. the Lost Generation85. Faulkner once said thatis a story of“l(fā)ost innocence ” , which |be an intensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past.A. The Sound and the Fury B. Light in August C. Do Down, Moses D. Absalom, Absalom!86. wrote a tetralogy of “ Rabbit th
55、e third of which makes him win the PulitzerPrize.A. John Updike B. John Steinbeck C. John Bath D. John Donne87. Which of the following is depicted as the mythical county in William Faulkners novels?A. Cambridge. B. Oxford. |C. Yok napatawpha. D. Mississippi.88. Which of the followi ng is right about
56、 America n fictio n from 1945 on wards?A. Black ficti on bega n to attract critical atte nti on duri ng the 1950s.B. There appeared a significant group of Jewish-American writers whose works were set aga inst the Jewish experie nee and traditi on.C. A group of new writers who survived the war wrote about their ideals within the artistic field.D. American fiction in the 1950s and 1960s proves to be a harvest which derived from its predecessors.89. Which of the following can NOT be included in the thematic concerns of Robert Frost Poems?A. The con tradicti on and misun dersta nding bet
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